Beata's Reviews > The Graveyard Book

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
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Bod Owens lives in a graveyard. Now, this is the idea for a superb story, and Mr Gaiman knows how to execute it to the full.
I was sucked in from the very beginning, and loved Bod who is a sweet an intelligent child. For him, the interactions with the departed are as natural as they can be. He has guardians, ghostly friends and even a teacher so it seems there is no need for the world outside the gate. And there is a mystery that surrounds him which opens the novel that gave me shivers.

My second novel by Mr Gaiman that was more than satisfying. Bravo!
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Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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Daniel Myatt Love this book! It's a brilliant read.

Beata Agree, Dan! 😊

Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤ Glad you enjoyed this, Beata :)

message 4: by Tina (new)

Tina Sounds like quite the book! Super review Beata!!

Richard (on hiatus) Nice review Beata ........ sounds good. After reading American Gods ages ago, I’m quite a Gaiman fan :)

Beata Jenna wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this, Beata :)"
Thank you, Jenna! :))

Beata Tina wrote: "Sounds like quite the book! Super review Beata!!"
Thanks a bunch, Tina! :))

Beata Richard wrote: "Nice review Beata ........ sounds good. After reading American Gods ages ago, I’m quite a Gaiman fan :)"
Thank you, Richard :)) My second book by NG and not the last one :)

message 9: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Welsh Fun review, Beata! I’ve only ever read Good Omens, and that wasn’t even all him.

message 10: by Lyn (new) - added it

Lyn Loved your review, Beata. I’ll have to check this one out. Have read American Gods and Ocean at the End of the Lane, which was my favorite N Gaiman so far. 👍

message 11: by Ceecee (new)

Ceecee So glad you enjoyed it Beata 🌺

message 12: by Bookworm (new) - added it

Bookworm Super review! Can’t wait to read this one :)

message 13: by Ron (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ron Perfectly said, Beata. I know just why you love Bod. It's near impossible not to. :)

message 14: by Yun (new)

Yun Great review, Beata! Glad you enjoyed! Hope your winning streak with Neil Gaiman continues! :)

Beata Jennifer wrote: "Fun review, Beata! I’ve only ever read Good Omens, and that wasn’t even all him."
Thank you, Jennifer :)) I'm new to NG, and I'll definitely choose another of his works soon :) I wish I had his imagination! :)

Beata Lyn wrote: "Loved your review, Beata. I’ll have to check this one out. Have read American Gods and Ocean at the End of the Lane, which was my favorite N Gaiman so far. 👍"
Thank you, Lyn :)) Ocean ... is going to be my next read :) I begin to understand why NG's writing is so admired :)

Beata Ceecee wrote: "So glad you enjoyed it Beata 🌺"
Thank you, Ceecee :))

Beata Bookworm wrote: "Super review! Can’t wait to read this one :)"
Thank you, Bookworm! :)) Hope you love it too! :)

Beata Ron wrote: "Perfectly said, Beata. I know just why you love Bod. It's near impossible not to. :)"
Thanks, Ron :) You just want to give him a hug! :)

Beata Yun wrote: "Great review, Beata! Glad you enjoyed! Hope your winning streak with Neil Gaiman continues! :)"
Thank you, Yun! :)) Sometimes, when I doscover a new author, I read all their books lol but with Gainman the breaks will be a little longer :) Hugs! :)

message 21: by Peter (new) - added it

Peter Great review, Beata. I think Gaiman is a very unique author and I really enjoy most of his stories.

message 22: by Farrah (new)

Farrah Wonderful review Beata!

message 23: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Lovely review— may need to read this book soon. I’ve only read one Gaiman novel but I loved it!!

Beata Peter wrote: "Great review, Beata. I think Gaiman is a very unique author and I really enjoy most of his stories."
Thank you, Peter :))

Beata Farrah wrote: "Wonderful review Beata!"
Thank you, Farrah :))

Beata Heidi wrote: "Lovely review— may need to read this book soon. I’ve only read one Gaiman novel but I loved it!!"
Thank you, Heidi :)) I'll read more of his works too :)

message 27: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Fab review Beata. I’ve read a few books by Gaiman but not heard about this one. Sounds intriguing 😱

Kathleen Love your review! It captures the book beautifully.

Beata Sandra wrote: "Fab review Beata. I’ve read a few books by Gaiman but not heard about this one. Sounds intriguing 😱"
Thank you, Sandra :)) You might be surprised by its atmosphere :)

Beata Kathleen wrote: "Love your review! It captures the book beautifully."
Thank you, Kathleen :))

message 31: by Barbara (new)

Barbara I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, Beata.

Beata Barbara wrote: "I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, Beata."
Thank you, Barbara :))

Mary Beth Another fantastic review! 💜

message 34: by Paula (new)

Paula K So glad you enjoyed this book so much, Beata! Wonderful review!

Beata Mary Beth wrote: "Another fantastic review! 💜"
Thank you, Mary Beth! :))

Beata Paula wrote: "So glad you enjoyed this book so much, Beata! Wonderful review!"
Paula, thank you! :)) Yes, a grand read for me, and now I'm off to other NG works :)

Exitgirl05 One of my favorite books after which I got all other Gaiman's books.

message 38: by Nat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Nat K It's a clever book. Glad you enjoyed it so much. I loved all the lessons Bod learned. Fab review Beata!

Beata Exitgirl05 wrote: "One of my favorite books after which I got all other Gaiman's books."
Thank you, Exitgirl :)) This book is a promising beginning for me :)

Beata Nat wrote: "It's a clever book. Glad you enjoyed it so much. I loved all the lessons Bod learned. Fab review Beata!"
Thank you, Nat :)) I loved the way he learns about the world ... A special book! :)

message 41: by Lori (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lori Great review, Beata! Love that Bod. Enjoy your adventures with NG! ;)

Beata Lori wrote: "Great review, Beata! Love that Bod. Enjoy your adventures with NG! ;)"
Thank you, Lori :)) Same here, absolutely! :))

message 43: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark Porton Great review Beata - living in a graveyard, poor Bod - interesting idea though!!

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