Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Obsidian
Obsidian (Lux, #1)
Kat Kennedy's review
bookshelves: kat-s-book-reviews, sci-fi-alicious, the-great-shelf-of-meh, to-ya-or-not-to-ya, ya-pnr-maddness
Aug 23, 2012
bookshelves: kat-s-book-reviews, sci-fi-alicious, the-great-shelf-of-meh, to-ya-or-not-to-ya, ya-pnr-maddness
Whilst I was aware of this novel before Stephanie read and reviewed it, it didn’t strike me as something that I needed to read until that point. There are many unfavourable comparisons to Twilight floating around. This is not an invalid point.
-6 inhuman teenagers who pretend to be siblings – 1) the love interest (Edward/Daemon) 2) the delicate best friend of the protagonist (Alice/Dee) 3) The bitch sister who doesn’t approve (Rosalie/Ash) 4+5) Background dudes who we don’t see a lot of – one of which is partnered with Alice/Dee.
-New girl MC goes to school and meets asshole who is only behaving that way to protect his family.
-New girl is with sole parent who provides highly dubious supervision and new girl acts like the parent – cooking, cleaning, shopping etc.
-Love interest is devastatingly, unbelievably, inhumanly hot.
Blah, blah, blah – we all know the deal. And I knew this going in – but was willing to go with it anyway because, as Steph repeatedly told me, “It’s like she wrote what Twilight SHOULD have been.”
To that I say: maybe, yes, kind of, no, a little – but mostly… I guess?
So let’s get this out of the way quickly:
If you enjoyed Twilight but found the relationship dynamics, i.e. Bella Swan’s permissiveness and stalkish tendencies to be aggravating, then this is your perfect novel. Go forth and multiply, my friend. You will be in heaven.
And I can certainly see how this novel could be as addictive as many of my friends say it is. Katy and Daemon scenes, when he’s not being a complete and utter dick, were exceptionally hot. But, to be clear, by scenes I mean “scene” (because there was only one of them – and he went right back to being a dick afterwards) and that wasn’t enough for me.
But I could have put that aside, technically, and given this book a higher rating if I hadn’t found myself, for a not insignificant amount of time, bored with the story. Don’t be fooled by the fact that I breezed through it in a few hours. I was trapped in bed all day with sickness. There were a couple of times where the slightest distraction, had one existed, would have fairly swept me off my feet and away from the narrative.
Then I started imagining a drinking game for every time I could have come up with a better comeback than Katy. Not an alcoholic one, because I’m sick, but with actual water in the hopes that I wouldn’t dehydrate – which I didn’t. Some of my favourites included: “Glow-stick-for-a-dick”, “Over-grown Fairylight”, “Skinny, limp Twat-bedazzler” and “You have all the charm of a facehugger and only the half the technique, you extraterritorial welfare-mooch!” (this one, clearly, happened after a certain scene that readers will all know and understand my reaction to.)
But, and it must be said, having such a strong reaction to the love lives of the characters was a huge indication that I was at least invested, and after reading hundreds and hundreds of books, the ability to still get invested can sometimes be something of a gift. Ultimately I did like Katy even if, as far as I was concerned, she was far too permissive of Daemon’s behaviour. Sticking around and giving him a break when my personal sense of vengeance would have seen a different, more violent and less polite response. And I did, in true guilty-pleasure style, enjoy enough of the book to at least read the free chapters of its sequel, posted at the back.
I decided that I will very likely read the next book, because it seemed much more my thing – and I think that interest in reading the subsequent novel is the highest praise I can give.
Extra points* to whoever comes up with the best curses to throw at Daemon in the comments!
*Points are completely meaningless, have no value, and result in nothing other than my esteem.
This review can be found on my blog, Cuddlebuggery Book Blog.
-6 inhuman teenagers who pretend to be siblings – 1) the love interest (Edward/Daemon) 2) the delicate best friend of the protagonist (Alice/Dee) 3) The bitch sister who doesn’t approve (Rosalie/Ash) 4+5) Background dudes who we don’t see a lot of – one of which is partnered with Alice/Dee.
-New girl MC goes to school and meets asshole who is only behaving that way to protect his family.
-New girl is with sole parent who provides highly dubious supervision and new girl acts like the parent – cooking, cleaning, shopping etc.
-Love interest is devastatingly, unbelievably, inhumanly hot.
Blah, blah, blah – we all know the deal. And I knew this going in – but was willing to go with it anyway because, as Steph repeatedly told me, “It’s like she wrote what Twilight SHOULD have been.”
To that I say: maybe, yes, kind of, no, a little – but mostly… I guess?
So let’s get this out of the way quickly:
If you enjoyed Twilight but found the relationship dynamics, i.e. Bella Swan’s permissiveness and stalkish tendencies to be aggravating, then this is your perfect novel. Go forth and multiply, my friend. You will be in heaven.
And I can certainly see how this novel could be as addictive as many of my friends say it is. Katy and Daemon scenes, when he’s not being a complete and utter dick, were exceptionally hot. But, to be clear, by scenes I mean “scene” (because there was only one of them – and he went right back to being a dick afterwards) and that wasn’t enough for me.
But I could have put that aside, technically, and given this book a higher rating if I hadn’t found myself, for a not insignificant amount of time, bored with the story. Don’t be fooled by the fact that I breezed through it in a few hours. I was trapped in bed all day with sickness. There were a couple of times where the slightest distraction, had one existed, would have fairly swept me off my feet and away from the narrative.
Then I started imagining a drinking game for every time I could have come up with a better comeback than Katy. Not an alcoholic one, because I’m sick, but with actual water in the hopes that I wouldn’t dehydrate – which I didn’t. Some of my favourites included: “Glow-stick-for-a-dick”, “Over-grown Fairylight”, “Skinny, limp Twat-bedazzler” and “You have all the charm of a facehugger and only the half the technique, you extraterritorial welfare-mooch!” (this one, clearly, happened after a certain scene that readers will all know and understand my reaction to.)
But, and it must be said, having such a strong reaction to the love lives of the characters was a huge indication that I was at least invested, and after reading hundreds and hundreds of books, the ability to still get invested can sometimes be something of a gift. Ultimately I did like Katy even if, as far as I was concerned, she was far too permissive of Daemon’s behaviour. Sticking around and giving him a break when my personal sense of vengeance would have seen a different, more violent and less polite response. And I did, in true guilty-pleasure style, enjoy enough of the book to at least read the free chapters of its sequel, posted at the back.
I decided that I will very likely read the next book, because it seemed much more my thing – and I think that interest in reading the subsequent novel is the highest praise I can give.
Extra points* to whoever comes up with the best curses to throw at Daemon in the comments!
*Points are completely meaningless, have no value, and result in nothing other than my esteem.
This review can be found on my blog, Cuddlebuggery Book Blog.
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Reading Progress
August 23, 2012
– Shelved
October 4, 2012
Started Reading
October 4, 2012
"Right. Yes. The perfect way to get back at a boy was to play right into his hands. Great job, Katy. You win the dumbass award!"
October 4, 2012
"What the hell is with the kitten thing? Is this common in America? My name is Kat and not a single person has ever called me kitten. Or even tried to."
October 4, 2012
"I think most of Katy's problems would be solved with a taser, pair of pliers and the promise, to Daemon, of a good ol'fashioned castrating."
October 4, 2012
Finished Reading
October 7, 2012
– Shelved as:
October 7, 2012
– Shelved as:
October 7, 2012
– Shelved as:
October 7, 2012
– Shelved as:
October 7, 2012
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 52 (52 new)
message 1:
rated it 4 stars
Aug 23, 2012 05:44AM
Ooh. Keep the pressure up, Steph! Would love to see CB take on this series.
When I saw that yesterday I couldn't help but laugh. Stephanie, I'm calling you that now.
It's like a magician's name: The Famous Stephanie Sinclair!
@THT, it is my new title and I fully embrace it. ;)
@Kate, Hahaha, you know us all too well.
Are you doubting me, Kat? LOL. What's Left of Me has The Famous Stephanie Sinclair's approval!
Done. I just put a hold on it at the library and I am next on the list. I'll let you know when finish.
I SO agree with this... and yet... I couldn't put it down (I stayed up until 5am reading >__<) I really wondered if it'd be Kat's kind of book.
It's funny. All those things didn't bother me at all in Obsidian, but Onyx was a dif. story.
I SO agree with this... and yet... I couldn't put i..."
It's funny how certain things can bother us in one book but not in another. I'm having a really hard time getting through Obsidian. I just don't feel connected to the characters at all. I think my main problem was the speed in which things happened. Katy met Dee and the next thing you know they are best friends.
And unlike everyone else I didn't dig Katy's blogging references. Thought they were cheesy ;P
Wait, what? Did she blog? It seemed to me the author only put the blogging thing out there so that Katy wouldn't seem like a total loser with zero interests besides the hot boy next door. However, as soon as she met the Wonder Twins it seemed her entire live revolved around them. But then again, they were as bright as the sun, so...
I liked Dee as well but like I said, there should have been more plot development before Katy and Dee became best pals. Every situation so far just felt really forced.
And, re: the blogging. I get the impression she does a bit of blogging off page, because she keeps coming back to how someone commented on a review she posted last night, etc etc :/
But... it seems like she only blogs memes.
BAD blogger, Katy!
See, the best part happens at the end!
Such a feisty Kitten!
am so looking forward to hearing what you think of the sequel...
Well, if it helps you to want to read the sequel, there are more hot scenes, in plural xDD although you might find yourself rolling your eyes too often for your own good. I know I did and I kind-of liked the two books...
You're saying that I should give the sequel a try? I love you're reviews, I think I'm gonna trust in you again xD
*Points are completely meaningless, have no value, and result in nothing other than my esteem.
What I was thinking: