Mort's Reviews > The Slob

The Slob by Aron Beauregard
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it was amazing
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Update I heard a rumor this book is nominated for a Splatterpunk Award!
Come on, August!

Extreme horror authors - Listen Up!
The bar has been set. For any of you who feels the violence and depravity is the most important part of the story, you need to read this book to learn about character development - because when the reader cares for the protagonist, they can FEEL the bad things happening.

For anyone who doesn't understand why I can love one extreme story and hate the next, let me tell you something about myself:
I joined Goodreads a little more than 3 and a half years ago. In all honesty, I wasn't even aware of the extreme genre - with the exception of Richard Laymon and Bentley Little. Since then, some authors approach me every now and then to read and review a book. One of my personal rules is to not write a review for a book I don't finish, so others won't know which ones I abandon. I do, however, send the author a message to tell them why I won't finish it.

Since then, there were three extreme authors whose books I just couldn't get into - one who managed to make me physically nauseous - and the other two whose stories felt like it was 'violence for the sake of violence'. So, I may not have liked their stories, but I can understand they cater for a market I'm not into.
Last year, I read a book which I described at 'the sickest book I've ever read' and I still stand by it, but this book matched it in spades. However, this book was better for the reaction it invoked in me.

In 2010, Darren Aronofsky released his movie BLACK SWAN - to date, one of the top five movies I have ever seen - and made me an instant fan. When MOTHER! came out in 2017, I went into it blind. And, man, did that movie have an effect on me!

If you haven't seen this movie, skip this paragraph and watch the movie first! It starts out as this visually serene movie, which highlights the beauty and love for the couple, even though there is this teensy-weensy part of mystery you sense rather than see. The movie becomes a little strange when the people start coming and, even though you feel uneasy, it is more of a suggestion than anything actually shown. And then, all of a sudden, you find yourself in this fucking war zone...You see, the director hinted at something, but you do not expect this onslaught of violence out of nowhere. And it shakes you inside, makes your gut drop in that moment, makes your stomach turn as if you are part of those people's lives.

Well, this book did just about the same for me. Aron makes you care about Vera, gives you just enough time to understand and forgive her quirks. And then he fucks her up! This was the first time I had to put a book down and take a break, because my brain screamed NOOOOOOO!!!!

For anybody who thinks they can handle any kind of extreme, this one twisted me inside - good luck.

Bravo, Mr. Beauregard, bravo!!!

*Originally reviewed at IndieMuse
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Reading Progress

January 13, 2021 – Started Reading
January 13, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
January 13, 2021 – Shelved
January 13, 2021 – Finished Reading
April 11, 2023 – Shelved as: favorites
August 14, 2023 – Shelved as: all-time-best

Comments Showing 1-32 of 32 (32 new)

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message 1: by Steven (last edited Jan 14, 2021 10:10AM) (new)

Steven If anything, I'd say tone, context and writing style are the big factors of whether hardcore horror/splatterpunk succeeds or fails.

Someone like Ed Lee uses a greasy dose of black humour.
Richard Laymon's work reads like sloppy popcorn slashers from the 80's.
American Psycho is a very dry satire.
Chuck Palahniuk plays the horror either straight or with deadpan black humour.
And Carlton Mellick III balances out the most horrifying stuff with balls-to-the-wall insanity.
At least those are the ones I've read.

message 2: by Aron (new)

Aron Beauregard Thank you so much Mort, these are truly flattering comments

Farrah Ok I listened up and added it! 🙂 Excellent review!

Marc *Dark Reader with a Thousand Young! Iä!* For anyone who doesn't understand why I can love one extreme story and hate the next, let me tell you something about myself.
We need a name for these little vignettes from you. Mortellings? Mortuairy Tales? Someone can come up with something better, I'm sure.

Mort Marc *Dark Reader of the Woods* wrote: "For anyone who doesn't understand why I can love one extreme story and hate the next, let me tell you something about myself.
We need a name for these little vignettes from you. Mortellings? Mortua..."

Ha - my wife will probably call them Boredisms...

Mort Steven wrote: "If anything, I'd say tone, context and writing style are the big factors of whether hardcore horror/splatterpunk succeeds or fails.

Someone like Ed Lee uses a greasy dose of black humour.
Richard ..."

Couldn't agree more - have you tried Matt Shaw yet?

Mort Aron wrote: "Thank you so much Mort, these are truly flattering comments"

Well deserved, sir.

Mort Farrah wrote: "Ok I listened up and added it! 🙂 Excellent review!"

Thanks Farrah, hope you enjoy!

Marc *Dark Reader with a Thousand Young! Iä!* Aron wrote: "Thank you so much Mort, these are truly flattering comments"

I went ahead and bought a copy based solely off this review, you can thank Mort for that one. I will actually read and review it, not very soon but soon enough.

message 10: by Steven (new)

Steven Mort wrote: "Steven wrote: "If anything, I'd say tone, context and writing style are the big factors of whether hardcore horror/splatterpunk succeeds or fails.

Someone like Ed Lee uses a greasy dose of black h..."

Not yet. But what I've seen of Shaw's work from reviews, it seems like he plays the gore and brutality dead straight, which isn't my cup of tea.

message 11: by Netanella (new)

Netanella High praise, indeed! I must try this book!

message 12: by Mylene (new)

Mylene Excellent review! Intrigued me.

message 13: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Steven - granted, if you do want to check him out sometime, I will recommend THE 8TH - not as extreme, or MONSTER which he wrote with Bray.

message 14: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Marc- please let me know what you thought when you are done.

message 15: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Netanella- brave brave girl😉

message 16: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Thanks Mylene!

message 17: by Eddie (new) - added it

Eddie White Duly noted!! I have made a foray into this territory, but I honestly don't think my story was extreme enough, but there was some character development, to an extent. Anyway, I will definitely add this to the list of books to read and study.

message 18: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Eddie wrote: "Duly noted!! I have made a foray into this territory, but I honestly don't think my story was extreme enough, but there was some character development, to an extent. Anyway, I will definitely add t..."

Hope you get everything you need out of it, Eddie. Just remember one simple thing - if the reader doesn't care about the character, the extreme doesn't even matter.

message 19: by Eddie (new) - added it

Eddie White Understood. So far, only one person has really expressed an attachment to the character in the first part. I'm honestly in search of more people like her, as my friends find the story too disturbing. That lady has actually become a friend too though along with becoming a fan and we're now working on a book together. I'm hoping that can help strengthen my writing tbh. Collaborating is new territory for me. Lol

message 20: by Licha (new)

Licha Great review, Mort.

message 21: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Licha wrote: "Great review, Mort."

Thanks a million, Licha!

message 22: by Jerri (new) - added it

Jerri Great review (as always). I'll have to give it a try.

message 23: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Jeanne wrote: "Great review (as always). I'll have to give it a try."

Thanks Jeanne - I do think this author is the shit - I am working through his other stories as well. Hope you enjoy!

message 24: by Ash (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ash I loved it too. Great review by the way

message 25: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Ash wrote: "I loved it too. Great review by the way"

Thanks bud - you should check out this guy - I haven't read anything bad by him yet.

message 26: by Anushka Sierra (new)

Anushka Sierra After reading all the reviews, I'm super curious about this book but I can't handle extreme brutality/ gore/ horror so ig I'm doomed to keep wondering forever.

ReadAlongWithSue recovering from a stroke★⋆. ࿐࿔ Absolutely fab review here with some great personal insight from you. Thank you

message 28: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Anushka, no, if you can't handle the extreme stuff, this is the LAST book you want to read!

message 29: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Thanks Sue

message 30: by Booksasmeals (new) - added it

Booksasmeals I just ordered this one, super excited. I just started to get into Splatterpunk (via Kristopher Triana) and I've been looking for more authors like him and I hope this fills that void!

message 31: by Mort (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mort Booksasmeals wrote: "I just ordered this one, super excited. I just started to get into Splatterpunk (via Kristopher Triana) and I've been looking for more authors like him and I hope this fills that void!"

Let me know what you think, I might be able to recommend a few more.

message 32: by Mike (new)

Mike Wilshin I feel ya on the whole ⏸ & put yer brain in time out business. I’ve no idea why we do this to ourselves either. We’re kind of like those schmucks who try to eat the next hottest pepper I guess.
-sometimes it’s so random as to what/how we’re hit and when.
I am not going to bore you with who/what (I mean, if you ask… Sure) becauseChances are
It will be different for you.

But definitely thank you for the heads up on this one because I’ve been curious about it.
If I do decide to give this one a whirl, I’ll be properly girded for the mental battle to come.
Till the next hottest pepper…

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