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The Seven Sisters #1

The Seven Sisters

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Maia D’Apliese and her five sisters gather together at their childhood home, “Atlantis”—a fabulous, secluded castle situated on the shores of Lake Geneva—having been told that their beloved father, who adopted them all as babies, has died. Each of them is handed a tantalizing clue to her true heritage—a clue which takes Maia across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Once there, she begins to put together the pieces of her story and its beginnings.

Eighty years earlier in Rio’s Belle Epoque of the 1920s, Izabela Bonifacio’s father has aspirations for his daughter to marry into the aristocracy. Meanwhile, architect Heitor da Silva Costa is devising plans for an enormous statue, to be called Christ the Redeemer, and will soon travel to Paris to find the right sculptor to complete his vision. Izabela—passionate and longing to see the world—convinces her father to allow her to accompany him and his family to Europe before she is married. There, at Paul Landowski’s studio and in the heady, vibrant cafes of Montparnasse, she meets ambitious young sculptor Laurent Brouilly, and knows at once that her life will never be the same again.

In this sweeping, epic tale of love and loss—the first in a unique, spellbinding series of seven novels—Lucinda Riley showcases her storytelling talent like never before.

460 pages, Hardcover

First published November 1, 2014

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About the author

Lucinda Riley

86 books10.9k followers
AKA: Lucinda Edmonds
Lucinda Riley was born in Northern Ireland, and after an early career as an actress in film, theatre and television, wrote her first book aged twenty-four. Her books have been translated into thirty-seven languages and sold thirty million copies worldwide. She is a No.1 Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller.

Lucinda’s The Seven Sisters series, which tells the story of adopted sisters and is inspired by the mythology of the famous star cluster, has become a global phenomenon. The series is a No.1 bestseller across the world with total sales of over fifteen million copies.

Lucinda and her family divided their time between the U.K. and a farmhouse in West Cork, Ireland, where she wrote her books.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 11,030 reviews
Profile Image for Sandra Lenahan.
429 reviews38 followers
December 19, 2015
I guess I'm in the minority on this one because I hated it. I'd pick it up to read then put it down again over and over till finally I tossed it on the bedside table with a disgusted "fugeddaboudit" that would've made my mother-in-law proud (she's from New Yawk). The characters are about as believable as the tooth fairy. The mysterious father who adopted the 6 shallow and very annoying girls right down to the trusted live-in housekeeper with a heart of gold were right out of a bad soap opera. I guess since Brangelina made adopting from 3rd world countries chic that's what single white billionaires who live on an island in Switzerland do these days. Not that any of his adult daughters know anything about the man, which they say many times as they try to process his sudden and mysterious death & burial at sea - come on, this has Days of Our Lives written all over it.

Bottom line-there's just so many good books out there to read that you don't want to waste your time on this one, it's a stinker.
Profile Image for Melissa.
104 reviews19 followers
November 11, 2019
I tried so hard to find something to like about this book as it came highly recommended by a friend (I'm sorry Laura, I really tried!), but in the end I found it way too problematic:

Too much suspension of disbelief - I cannot imagine a situation in which a single man could adopt six babies (all girls, no less) and bring them to live at his very private and secluded home without raising a field of red flags with any and all agencies involved. And then all of these six girls grow to adulthood without ever once questioning what their father does to make all his money? How do they all know nothing about him? Its a ridiculous premise from the start.

Awful dialogue - Pleases and thank yous are used like punctuation. Names are overused to an absurd degree as if the author thinks her readers will forget who is talking from one sentence to the next. Everything is stiff and unnatural and, depending on the content, sometimes painfully awkward. I dare anyone to read this book aloud...it's like the author has never held a conversation with another human being.

Horribly condescending love interests - And not just the ones populating the historical segment of this story where it makes at least some sense. I found Floriano (a character set in 2007) extremely problematic. He constantly tells Maia how she should or should not feel and criticizes her life choices and emotional responses despite barely knowing her. At one point the author finds it necessary to have Floriano remind Maia that she has just lost her father and that this will have an effect on her emotions. Tell me Lucinda Riley...if your father just died, would you need someone to remind you?

Superficiality - In this book, beauty or lack of it is enough to damn or redeem any character. Izabela's fiance, Gustavo, is nothing but kind to her, but because he "looks like a ferret" he clearly is the worst possible thing in the universe. Instead, Izabela gravitates toward Laurent, who is very very very handsome, but beyond that has no further depth as a character.

I could keep going, but I won't. Suffice it to say that I disliked this book strongly and do not recommend to anyone.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,370 reviews2,303 followers
May 21, 2015
When I began reading The Seven Sisters I had no idea it was to be part of a series.....which is good....and bad.

This first book is not the story of seven sisters, but just one of six adopted female babies who grow up as privileged children (named for constellations) at an amazing island home in Switzerland called Atlantis......and when Pa Salt dies, each of the six grown women are given a private letter with a secret clue to their past.

Maia, an astoundingly beautiful interpreter, who translates books for authors is the oldest sister and the first to return to her roots to investigate her beginnings.....and what an excellent story she has.....I truly did not want to put it down.....and the ending......What?!?!?!?.....surprise! surprise!

Anyway, all I can say is that this wonderful work of fictional romance has so much substance and interesting bits of past history that you won't want to stop reading, and although parts of the romantic interlude(s) were somewhat predictable, I was never bored.....but the worst part of it all.....seriously.....is waiting for Book 2! I want to read it now!!!

Profile Image for Deborah Pickstone.
852 reviews94 followers
June 21, 2016
Poor, trite writing. The characters spoke to one another as if they barely knew one another (despite being a family); I know this is not impossible but who wants to read it? The plot was improbable and set out several false trails that were never developed or explained. Our heroine was wet and self-pitying. I don't mind chick-lit if the writing is punchy but I won't be reading this writer again. Frankly, my dears, I was bored! But I completed it so as to be sure of my opinion for future reference.
December 17, 2022
Now, this book is one of those unfortunate souls that has taken residence on one of those high buildings, you know, the ones I periodically throw books off, except this one, is balancing precariously on the edge, just hoping I will take it back. There is no chance of that, of course, but obviously me being me, I need to say something about it.

First off, I must ask, how did this series win any awards? I am completely and utterly baffled why something so unbelievable could go ahead and snatch a couple of awards. Mind boggling.

For me to enjoy a story, I just have to have some sort of faith and connection with the characters in the story being told. This was ridiculous from the very outset. A man cannot simply adopt six baby girls, dash them to his rather secret and lavish mansion without any questions or various agencies getting involved. It just wouldn't happen. Why would a man do that anyway? Also, it gets better, we then learn that none of these adopted sisters know nothing about what their Father does to make money. If they loved him as they say, why did they know next to nothing about this man? Also, if the sisters relationships were so solid, why did they all hop back on boats returning to their own lives a day after their Pa Salt died?

It was all about beauty, or a distinct lack of it, it would seem in this story. If you're all heart, doting, and respectful of the other person, but you're ugly, you have absolutely no chance with anyone. The flawless individual with the personality of a brick will win every time.

The love interests made me shiver. There was nothing to really enjoy or uncover about characters falling in love as it was blatantly obvious to the reader that a romance was going to happen. Floriano seemed to contradict Maia every chance he got, telling her what she should be wearing, what she should be feeling, and despite only just meeting him, she appeared to be completely fine with this, and yes, wait for it.....she happily hopped into bed with him. Tell me, oh fellow reader, is being patronised while being called a frump in one's choice of clothing a turn-on these days? I might go and ask Maia. Or, should I get Floriano on the phone and ask him instead?

As for the writing, it was rudimentary and slightly uncomfortable to read. It didn't have any particular flow, and I found it immensely repetitive, especially when involving peoples names.

I'm relieved to be done with this, but I'm also disappointed that I bought this new at the time, so it makes me less inclined to push it off that high building.

I think I'll sleep on it.
Profile Image for Julie .
4,190 reviews38.1k followers
August 19, 2021
The Seven Sisters by Lucina Riley is a 2015 Atria Books publication.

With the sudden passing of their beloved Pa Salt, his six adoptive daughters gather at their childhood home to mourn and learn about their inheritance.

Each sister is given a clue to their true heritage-

The first adopted daughter, Maia D’Apliese, decides to pursue the clues, taking her all the way to Rio. Upon arrival, she is rebuffed by a woman who is obviously related to her- but she is not without help. As she learns of her past, a story emerges that is fascinating, heartbreaking, and haunting.

I have been trying to get around to reading this series for ages. Sadly, just as I finally checked out the first installment in this beloved series, I found out that Lucida Riley had passed away. I was shocked and saddened for her family and her many fans.

But as I started reading the book it occurred to me that there would have to be at least seven books in the series for all the questions to be answered- and I didn’t see a seventh book listed. Not to sound callous, but I wondered if maybe I should wait to see if the series would ever be completed before I got too deeply involved- but thankfully, it was announced that Riley had already started work on the last book, had copious notes written, and that her son would see the book through to the end, so readers aren’t left hanging.

So, despite the sad circumstances, I really enjoyed this first segment in the series. I love family sagas, emotional dilemmas, tragic love affairs, and romance, especially in an exotic location and set in a historical time period- so naturally, this book was a perfect fit for me.

Now I know why this series is so popular! Such a shame the saga had to end on such a devastating note. Still, I’m looking forward to the remaining stories of each sister- and will be sure to savor each one!!
Profile Image for SoRoLi (Sonja) ♡  .
4,245 reviews565 followers
April 3, 2023
Maia ist Anfang 30, als ihr Adoptivvater stirbt. Als kleines Baby kam Maia zu ihm; von ihrer Vergangenheit weiß sie so gut wie gar nichts. Sie hat noch fünf Adoptivschwestern. Allen sechs Mädchen hat der Vater einen Brief hinterlassen. Maias Brief führt sie von Genf nach Rio de Janeiro, wo sie geboren wurde. Hier macht Maia sich auf die Suche nach ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit.
Mein Leseeindruck:
Der Leser lernt zunächst Maia und ihre Lebensumstände kennen und reist dann gemeinsam mit ihr zurück ins Jahr 1927. Hier lernen wir Izabela kennen, Maias Urgroßmutter.
Beide Handlungsstränge - einmal die Geschichte um Maia, die im Jahr 2007 spielt, und dann die Geschichte um Izabela aus dem Jahr 1927 - haben mir sehr gut gefallen. Beide Handlungsstränge sind gut und flüssig zu lesen dank des leichten und unkomplizierten Schreibstils. Allerdings kamen bei mir leider oft die Emotionen nicht an. Ich fühle gerne mit den Figuren mit; das war mir hier nicht möglich. Ich blieb quasi nur ein Beobachter, war nicht mittendrin in der Geschichte.
Auch war die Geschichte von Izabela relativ vorhersehbar; es gab kaum Überraschungen. Bei Maias Geschichte gab es ein paar Punkte, die mir unglaubwürdig erschienen. Darauf kann ich nicht näher eingehen, ohne zu spoilern.
Dennoch gebe ich dem Buch gerne vier Sterne, denn es hat mich trotzdem sehr gut unterhalten, und ich habe das Buch auch durchaus sehr gerne gelesen. Die Fortsetzung werde ich ebenfalls lesen; ich freue mich schon drauf und hoffe allerdings, dass mich die nächste Geschichte etwas mehr berühren kann.
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
636 reviews473 followers
June 9, 2018
Vielleicht sollte ich mich öfter einfach mal ganz unbedarft an neue Autoren und Genres wagen. Was mit Philippa Gregory und dem historischen Romanen schon zu so positiven Überraschungen bei mir führte, hat sich auch bei meinem ersten Buch von Lucinda Riley wiederholt. Ich wurde wieder mal total aus den Socken gehauen! 😱
Ohne große Erwartungen und sogar mit etwas Angst vor einem Plot, der mir vielleicht zu langweilig ist ging ich dieses Buch an. Maia war mir direkt sympathisch (und das nicht nur weil sie meine Liebe für Weißwein teilt 🙈🍷) und auch den Schreibstil empfand ich als sehr flüssig, einfach und angenehm. Besonders toll fand ich wie die Autorin uns die Orte beschreibt in denen dieses Buch spielt, allen voran Brasilien 🇧🇷 ich hatte direkt alles bildlich vor Augen obwohl ich selbst noch nie in Brasilien war. Jetzt nach diesem Buch verspüre ich total die Lust selber auch einmal dieses interessante Land zu bereisen und zu erkunden ✈️
Aber zurück zum Buch: noch besser als die Story rund um Maia, welche in der Gegenwart spielt gefiel mir die Zeitebene rund um Izabela, eine Vorfahrin von Maia. Auch hier hat die Autorin es geschafft mir als Leser alles super zu beschreiben ohne sich in unnötigen Ausschweifungen zu verfangen.
Und der Plot war auch gar nicht wie befürchtet langweilig, sondern ich fand ihn ganz im Gegenteil sogar echt spannend mit einigen unerwarteten Wendungen und auch einem Ende, was mich echt mit offen stehendem Mund zurückgelassen hat. Da muss ich wohl direkt Band zwei aus dem Regal ziehen...
Profile Image for Kerrin .
355 reviews219 followers
July 6, 2022
For the most part I really enjoyed this story about Maia and her journey to find where she came from. The historical fiction regarding Christ the Redeemer was especially interesting. However, the part about Pa Star and the 5 girls who never questioned who he was drove me a little crazy. My rating is more like 3.5 stars.

Please follow my reviews at www.booksandrecipes.com where I not only review books, but recommend recipes that follow the theme of the book.
Profile Image for Maria Olga Lectoraapasionada.
332 reviews123 followers
October 24, 2020
He disfrutado muchísimo con esta sorprendente lectura, excelente forma de narrar, fíjate que me ha sabido a poco la historia de Maia, una novela que tiene de todo. Es de estas lecturas con la que disfrutas según vas leyendo y no quieres que se acabe y por otra parte quieres saber cómo acaba todo.

Me quedo con esta bonita frase que encontré en esta preciosa lectura.

La amabilidad de los extraños..
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,150 reviews654 followers
April 22, 2017
Lo interesante de descubrir a un nuevo autor es que no sabes por dónde te va a sorprender. En este caso no puedo negar que me esperaba otro tipo de historia -ni yo misma sé cual-, y que no he logrado 'fundirme' con ella; no sé, es como si sólo fueran palabras sin alma... Pero no descarto la posibilidad de volver a leer algo más de esta escritora :)
Profile Image for Lori Elliott.
817 reviews2,190 followers
April 27, 2015
Absolutely, loved this novel. Riley did a wonderful job of integrating past and present stories, making every character authentic and believable. I am really excited this is the first in a series and that this story is just beginning. LR is fast becoming one of my favorite authors. 5 stars.
Profile Image for Emma.
188 reviews35 followers
March 20, 2019
For me, this book has a very clear division between enjoyable parts and less enjoyable parts. I loved the historic story of Izabela, but really disliked Maia’s part of the book, especially in the beginning. All the sisters seemed so spoiled and unlikeable. However, I am happy that I managed to get through the first part to get to the historic part, because it was definitely better.
Profile Image for jennyliest.
213 reviews297 followers
May 2, 2020
Mein erstes Buch von Lucinda Riley & ich wurde positiv überrascht. Ein Genre in dem ich normalerweise eher selten bis gar nicht unterwegs bin. Was hat mich dennoch zu dem Buch bewegt? Kurz gesagt: die Reiselust, der ja momentan im echten Leben nicht nachgegangen werden darf (#stayhome). Als Leser hat man jedoch die wunderbare Möglichkeit literarisch in der Weltgeschichte herumzureisen & so kam ich zu Lucinda Riley und dem ersten Band ihrer Reihe, wo man sich u.a in Rio de Janeiro befindet. Mir hat der Schreibstil sehr gut gefallen & ich habe die Reise mit den Protagonisten in der Vergangenheit, sowie auch der Gegenwart sehr genossen. Es war interessant & spannend auf seine eigene, ruhige Art. Vorallem aber war es sehr tragisch & berührend. Gegen Ende hat es sich für mich gefühlt etwas gezogen, nichtsdestotrotz mochte ich den Flair der Geschichte & die Idee, die hinter allem steckt.
Profile Image for Sasha.
15 reviews
June 30, 2015
I'm sorry... I read 100 pages of this book and am still waiting for the STORY to begin. Can't continue to force myself through the over-dramatic, slow-paced book.
Profile Image for Readgina .
469 reviews
March 2, 2021
Lame, lame, lame.
I listened to the audiobook and this may have made it even worse than actually reading it.
I'd like to do a word count and see how many times the words thanks and thank you come up.
And the dialog - wonderful lines like "I'll immortalize you forever" and "I WAS your sister".
And there are going to be 6 more of these?

It gets two stars instead of one because the historical aspect was interesting. I didn't know that about the Christ the Redeemer statue.

On the whole it is pretty predictable and I'm pretty sure I know who Pa Salt will turn out to be.
Will not put myself through the hell of listening to another 6x16 CDs worth of this.
The idea was good but LR could've used a lot of editing.

How did she win any prizes?
Profile Image for Jess☺️.
557 reviews90 followers
April 15, 2020
The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley is book 1 in the seven sisters series.
It's a different kind of read for me but I really enjoyed it (no I loved it ♥️)
It's a simple story of seven adopted sister's finding out who and where they come from as their rich adoptive father has passed and left them each an envelope with a letter and some coordinates.
Each book is for a different sister, this one is about Maia D'Aplièse the oldest.
It's takes her/you from Switzerland to Rio to Paris and back and of course there's a HEA 😏
It also flips between now and many many years before whilst taking her/you on a wonderful sometimes heartbreaking ride to find the truth.
I must admit there are a few questions I'd like an answer to but there are 5 other books yet.
I'm definitely recommending this 📖
Profile Image for DeB.
1,041 reviews266 followers
June 13, 2016
The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley is the first book in a new series. The rich "Pa Salt" who has six adopted adult daughters, mysteriously added to his single parent family under circumstances unique and never explained to each one, has died. Just as mysteriously, his body has been whisked away and dropped into the ocean in a lead-lined coffin, leaving the grief stricken women who gather at their opulent Swiss lakeside home with no real closure. They are left, however, with trust funds, the locations of their births, a letter to each from their father and a clue to their identity if they wish to follow up (which of course they will, because that's the centre most theme of this series.).

The sisters are named for the stars of the Pleides Constellation, used by sailors to find their way. Maia, the eldest begins her search by travelling to Rio di Janero, Brazil.

This novel, and I will assume those to come, will fit into the genre of "women's romantic fiction", and will be enjoyed by these aficionados. Riley does a terrific job of switching eras between the related subplots, and fictionalizing the history of the creation of "Cristos", the huge statue outside Rio, to make it part of the texture of her worldly and very romantic tale. Present day Maia, as with many of this type of genre's protagonists, and her sisters are irritatingly reticent in their decision making (starting with looking for their ancestry). Maia is unbecomingly hesitant, and less than resourceful until a handsome historian does the work for her in actively researching leads. Her 1920’s counterpart Bel actually has more spunk than she does.

Ah, well. Pieces of the mystery remain unsolved as the novel moves to Ally, the next sister. Riley has great technique and a formula that works for her and obviously, with its 4.16 rating, her faithful following. I think that I'm becoming a bit underwhelmed with this genre, a fault of sheer familiarity through exposure to earlier authors' equally good efforts and which I in my younger years I read in great quantity. My young self would enthusiastically rate this 4.00 at least but my more jaded less impressed self says, I liked it, but I'm not going to follow the series... It was okay. Which means a rating of 3.00 stars.
September 20, 2017
Overally,this was a good read and definately a page turner,only i felt the book could be 200 pages shorter.There were pages that nothing happened as the story dwelled on the same things over and over again.I think that Belle's story could have covered less pages,all this uneccessary chatter did not add something essential to the main story.However,i enjoyed it despite all the cliches like the pretty rich girl who suffocates in her wealthy environment,the ugly husband and the gorgeous french lover,the strict and sour mother-in-law etc.We've read about this a hundred of times and we've also seen such plots in mexican and brazilian soap operas.You'll probably wonder why i'm giving it four stars,well,for starters it was beautifully written and all these descriptions of Rio were so vivid that made me see,feel and fall in love with Brazil plus the background story of the creation of Christo's monument fascinated me.Definately,that book made me want to visit Brazil.Up to the 2nd book now!!!!!
Profile Image for Pauline.
910 reviews
September 28, 2018
The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley was an excellent historical novel, the first in a series of books about six young women who had all been adopted as babies and brought up as sisters.
The girls are devastated when their father dies and they all come home for the funeral. They are all given letters written by their father with clues to their natural parents.
This first book is about Maia the eldest daughter and the story of her search to find her family.
I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read the rest of the books in the series.
I would like to thank NetGalley and Pan Macmillan for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for El Librero de Valentina.
315 reviews25k followers
October 30, 2017
Lo que he disfrutado está lectura, inicio de saga interesantísimo y prometedor!
Reseña próximamente en mi canal :)
Profile Image for Aditi.
920 reviews1,439 followers
February 18, 2015
“Remember, even if we can’t see them, those we love are always with us”
----Lucinda Riley

Lucinda Riley, an Irish international best-selling author, have spun a terrific and absolutely stunning saga of six sisters in an all new series of The Seven Sisters. The Seven Sisters is the first book and the story of first/eldest sister, Maia. This is her journey to search for her roots after her adoptive father's death.

Maia D'Apliése and her five sisters gather together at their childhood home, 'Atlantis' - a fabulous, secluded castle situated on the shores of Lake Geneva - having been told that their beloved father, the elusive billionaire they call Pa Salt, has died. Maia and her sisters were all adopted by him as babies and, discovering he has already been buried at sea, each of them is handed a tantalising clue to their true heritage - a clue which takes Maia across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Once there, she begins to put together the pieces of where her story began . . .

Eighty years earlier, in the Belle Epoque of Rio, 1927, Izabela Bonifacio's father has aspirations for his daughter to marry into aristocracy. Meanwhile, architect Heitor da Silva Costa is working on a statue, to be called Christ the Redeemer, and will soon travel to Paris to find the right sculptor to complete his vision. Izabela - passionate and longing to see the world - convinces her father to allow her to accompany him and his family to Europe before she is married. There, at Paul Landowski's studio and in the heady, vibrant cafés of Montparnasse, she meets ambitious young sculptor Laurent Brouilly, and knows at once that her life will never be the same again.

Although the story is a fictional account of a woman who's roots leads her to the high road of Rio de Janeiro where the story again takes us eighty years back in time when the French sculptor Paul Landowski and the Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa were working on Christ the Redeemer's statue. Some characters in the book are drawn straight from the pages of our world history, but the stories going in and around their lives were all fictional!

Maia D'Apliése is the eldest of the six sisters and they all have been adopted by a wealthy billionaire, whom they used to call as 'Pa Salt'. They grew up in their adoptive father's palatial home by the shores of Lake Geneva. But Pa Salt is dead now and acting upon his dying wish to trade back to their own roots, Maia embarks on a Brazilian journey, where she not only discovers love, but also learns about one of the greatest legend of Brazil. Read this book to find out the rest of the story!

In one words, I'd describe this book as a truly enchanting masterpiece that to only takes us back in time but also takes us those exotic lands - the experience of which we can almost feel on our skin. Sadly, at the end of the book, I forgot this was a fictional story, and I'm still in belief with the story of Izabel and Christ the Redeemer's statue, since the author made her story so very convincing enough to fall for the trap.

The writing is completely fabulous that will spell-bind you with it's fairytale essence. Yes, this story is nothing short of a fairytale- a castle, a damsel in distress, flies away to find her roots, falls in love, finds a beautiful back-story that is connected with the history of Brazil. The author have unfolded the stories of Maia and Izabel strikingly and consecutively, with Izabel's story breaking at such vital points that will burn you out with anticipation. The prose is eloquent and evocative enough to keep you turning the pages of the book till it's very end. Moreover, the articulate conversation between the characters keeps you glued to it. The emotional pull in this book is quite strong, and since the story unfolds from Maia's POV, who happens to be an deeply emotional human being. And reading about which will simply make you feel as if the author have poured all her emotions into her words.

This story has many layers and each intricately layered is written with enough compassion and depth. Moreover, there is also enough space that the author have left with her story for us to judge us from our perspective. The characters are well-crafted and exceptionally brilliant. From the first chapter of the book, the author gives us a character sketch of all the six sisters along with their nurse and their father to understand about their behavior briefly. And in Izabel's story, we can feel each and every character, like from the moment Izabel described her would-be husband, Gustavo in her words, I could almost imagine how he would behave in front of Izabel.

While reading the book, I could feel the tropical heat of Brazil and that faint smell of the sea on my tongue. Not only Brazil, there's also Paris- and Paris happens to be the place where Izabel first fell in love and so you can imagine, the author turned the narrow lanes and elegant cafes of Paris into a romantic one and the Paris part completely transfixed my mind and soul with it's flawless beauty.

Verdict: So what are you waiting for? Take a trip down to the tropical paradise- Brazil and the romantic city- Paris with Lucinda Riley's new book that unfolds the journey of a woman searching for her roots.

Courtesy: Thanks to the author's publicist, for giving me an opportunity to read and review her book.
Profile Image for bookhaus.
155 reviews2,886 followers
November 28, 2022
Warto było przeczytać jeszcze raz. Wszystko było, jak za pierwszym razem; przeniosłam się w totalnie inny, świetny świat. Polecam każdemu i na dniach zacznę 2 tom:)
Profile Image for Майя Ставитская.
1,950 reviews190 followers
May 10, 2022
Hands of the Savior
When I was little, I perceived the surrounding life as something quite normal and natural. But there was really nothing natural in our life. On the contrary! It was extremely strange, this life. A bachelor, a middle-aged man, adopts six young girls, brings them here to Switzerland to raise and educate them under one roof.
If the phrase rendered in the epigraph made you tense up in vague expectation of something nasty related to the agenda, then relax. There is no subtext, the person who adopted the girls acted in accordance with the downright Dickensian principles of charity, and created truly heavenly conditions for them. A rich life in a house on the shores of Lake Geneva, unlimited opportunities for the development of talents. Careful attitude with love and support.

Unlike each other, the girls live together under the supervision of a caring governess Marina, whose name is Ma, study first with invited teachers, then in private schools - an educational institution is selected for each, most of all contributing to the disclosure of her talent. The father, whom all of them, after the eldest, Maya, is called Pa Salt (Papa-Sol) does not appear in the house very often, mostly busy with the mysterious affairs of his business in different parts of the world. But when it appears, the girls find the best father in the world.

Having matured, the sisters fly out of the nest, each has its own interesting busy life. Only Maya returns home and lives there permanently. She is a literary translator from Russian and Portuguese, although she speaks many languages. There is a reason why the most beautiful of the sisters is in voluntary seclusion, but we will learn about it later. The action of the first novel of the epic "Seven Sisters" begins at that rare moment when a stay-at-home Maya visits a school friend in London. Ma calls her with the news that Dad died suddenly and was immediately buried, according to his last will, at the bottom of the sea. And why, rich eccentrics can afford quirks.

After his death, each of the sisters gets an allowance that allows them to lead a decent life without frills, as well as information about places related to their origin. Maya, who is flying to Brazil, is the first to decide to meet with the past. Its history turns out to be closely intertwined with the history of the country at the beginning of the last century, with the coffee economic boom and the monstrous crisis of overproduction that coincided with the beginning of the Great Depression. And even more closely - with the creation of the statue of Christ the Redeemer, the very thing that is the symbol of Rio and one of the modern wonders of the world. Without revealing all the secrets, I will say that the hands of Jesus were sculpted from the hands of the great-grandmother of the heroine Isabella, most of the novel is dedicated to her.

I have not read Lucinda Riley before, and to a sophisticated reader, she may seem to be the author of chiklit, besides gravitating towards monumentality - there are seven hundred pages in the first book, and about the same in each of the following. But this is only on the surface. Yes, plausibility tends to zero, and the whole story may seem like a pile of stamps. However, you can look at it differently, because we are listening to a fairy tale or watching an adventure movie, not assuming that events could happen in reality, but on the principle of "make me interested".

Riley is a storyteller from God and she knows how to do interesting things, collecting from constructs: the mystery of adoption, a love triangle, hope after loss - a great story. I can assume that something similar will be associated with each of the sisters (one of the wonders of the world?) And this makes it possible to return to the "Seven Sisters", albeit not soon.

Руки Спасителя
Когда я была маленькой, то воспринимала окружающую жизнь как нечто вполне нормальное и естественное. Но ничего естественного на самом деле в нашей жизни не было. Напротив! Она была крайне странной, эта жизнь. Холостяк, мужчина средних лет, удочеряет шесть девочек грудного возраста, привозит сюда, в Швейцарию, чтобы растить и воспитывать их под одной крышей.
Если фраза, вынесенная в эпиграф, заставила вас напрячься в смутном ожидании чего-то скверного, связанного с повесточкой - то расслабьтесь. Подтекста нет, удочеривший девочек человек действовал в соответствии с прямо-таки диккенсовскими принципами благотворительности, и создал им поистине райские условия. Богатая жизнь в доме на берегу Женевского озера, неограниченные возможности для развития талантов. Бережное отношение с любовью и поддержкой.

Непохожие друг на друга, девчонки дружно живут под присмотром заботливой гувернантки Марины, которую зовут Ма, учатся сначала у приглашенных педагогов, затем в частных школах - для каждой подбирается учебное заведение, более всего способствующее раскрытию ее дарования. Отец, которого все они, вслед за старшей, Майей, зовут Па Солт (Папа-Соль) появляется в доме не очень часто, в основном занят загадочными делами своего бизнеса в разных концах света. Но когда появляется, девочки обретают лучшего на свете отца.

Повзрослев, сестры вылетают из гнезда, у каждой своя интересная насыщенная жизнь. Одна только Майя возвращается домой и живет там постоянно. Она литературный переводчик с русского и португальского, хотя владеет множеством языков. Есть причина, по которой самая красивая из сестер в добровольном затворничестве, но о ней мы узнаем позже. Действие первого романа эпопеи "Семь сестер" начинается в тот редкий момент, когда домоседка Майя навещает школьную подругу в Лондоне. Ей звонит Ма с известием, что папа скоропостижно скончался и тотчас похоронен, согласно своей последней воле, на дне морском. А чего, богатые эксцентрики могут позволить себе причуды.

После его смерти каждой из сестер достается содержание, позволяющее вести достойную жизнь без излишеств, а также сведения о местах, имеющих отношение к их происхождению. Первой решается на встречу с прошлым Майя, которая летит в Бразилию. Ее история оказывается тесно сплетенной с историей страны начала прошлого века, с кофейным экономическим бумом и чудовищным кризисом перепроизводства, совпавшим по времени с началом Великой Депрессии. И еще более тесно - с созданием статуи Христа Искупителя, то самой, что символ Рио и одно из современных чудес света. Не раскрывая всех тайн, скажу, что руки Иисуса лепили с рук прабабушки героини Изабеллы, ей же посвящена большая часть романа.

Я не читала Люсинды Райли прежде и на взгляд искушенного читателя она может показаться автором чиклита, к тому же тяготеющим к монументальности - в первой книге семь сотен страниц, в каждой из следующих примерно по столько же. Но это только на поверхностный. Да, правдоподобие стремится к нулю, а вся история может показаться нагромождением штампов. Однако можно взглянуть на нее иначе, мы ведь слушаем сказку или смотрим приключенческое кино, не предполагая что события могли происходить в реальности, а по принципу "сделай мне интересно".

Райли сторителлер от бога и она умеет делать интересно, собирая из конструктов: тайна усыновления, любовный треугольник, надежда после утраты - отличную историю. Могу предположить, что с каждой из сестер будет связано нечто подобное (одно из чудес света?) И это делает возможным возвращение к "Семи сестрам", пусть нескорое.
Profile Image for Holly in Bookland.
1,283 reviews594 followers
October 7, 2015
Well...well...well....what an enjoyable ride this was. Lucinda Riley managed to keep me fully engrossed in this tale of the oldest sister, Maia. I loved how the clues were managed and, most importantly, that this series will only rely on telling each sister's story separately. Therefore, you really get to know where each one came from, their past and present story. This one focused on Maia and great-grandmother, Bel. How I loved Bel and her destiny. Her story was a pleasure and, also, painful to hear but I loved it nonetheless. Awe...Laurent:) I also loved Lake Geneva, Atlantis, Rio, and Paris. Reading is the only way I can travel these days, & I'm so happy that I got to go to some exotic places! Very well written, great story, loved the characters, the places....well, just about everything! I definitely can't wait to hear the rest of the sisters stories! And, of course, getting to read/reveal all the secrets surrounding them and Pa Salt.

**Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
August 28, 2020
İnanılmazdı. Gerçekten kalbim acıyor. İç içe geçmiş birden fazla duygu yaşattı. Resmen bir dizi/film tadındaydı. Hiç böyle bir kitap beklemiyordum. Özellikle kitabın ortalarına doğru uzatıldığını bile düşündüm. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Nasıl böyle düşündüm?! Kendime hakaret etmek istiyorum! Seneler sonra bile böyle güzel bir kitabı unutacağımı zannetmiyorum. Öyle noktalar vardı ki gözlerim dolu dolu okudum. İçime dokundu. Şuralarda bir yere ... Bu nasıl bir yazar? Ağlatmıyor da! Ağlasam belki geçer diyeceğim ama ağlayacağım derecede bir kitap olmamasına rağmen nasıl bu kadar etkilendim?! 😞 Her ne kadar kitapta bize anlatılan iki kişinin hayatı gibi gözükse de inanın bana hiç öyle değildi. Özellikle babaları.. eğer doğru düşünüyorsam... söyleyecek sözüm yok sana. Nasıl güzel bir insansın sen. Peki ya ülkeler? Öyle güzel anlatmış ki! Ah resmen oradasınız! 🌠
Bana gece 3 gibi absürt bir saatte bu yorumu yazdıran kitap için daha ne diyebilirim ki.

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