i think the show is great and its even more great that they're filming the last 3 episodes because its a great way for the cast that doesn't go to school together (everyone excluding Noah and Michael) to get back together and reunite, while at the same time, get to film something because one star in specific was just itching to get back on screen. The show is kinda wacky and some bits are lame but in the long run, i love watching the show because its entertaining and fun to see people you know on TV. Oh people are probably a bit confused, I went to school with Noah Reid and Michael Seater at Etobicoke School of the Arts and they are two of the nicest and most attractive guys that I've ever met. The entire cast are wonderful actors and it's a shame that the show doesn't continue for longer but I'm hoping to see a few of them on the Big-Screen soon and I also look forward to Michael's new TV show, "Life With Derek", premiering on Family Channel in January. Please Bring Strange Days at Blake Holsey High Out On DVD!!!!!!