Snake Oil (2023)
Rip off of the Your Kickstarter Sucks podcast
16 December 2023
This whole show ripped off ideas from a podcast called Your Kickstarter Sucks, specifically their segment cknown as "Real or Fake." In fact, the premise of this show is the exact same premise as Real or Fake, no differences. Even worse, it is much less funny than the podcast they ripped off. YKS has been doing this segment since at least 2017. It's way better than this show. If they had somehow involved the hosts of Your Kickstarter Sucks, Jesse Farrar and Mike Hale, then I would have no issues with this show. It might even make it somewhat enjoyable instead of being terribly unfunny inaddition to unorignal. Unoriginal and unfunny. That's a double whammy.
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