18 reviews
Clearly these filmmakers had zero budget to work with.
Worse than Lloyd Kaufman because Kaufman and Troma know they're bad and they don't try too terribly hard. That makes their films watchable and fun.
This was just bad and they don't know how bad it is...or maybe they do.
The camera work, the editing and the script was waaay bad.
Only positive is they lit a guy on fire. That was cool.
But other than that...bummer of a WWII film. Amateur hour from the looks of it.
Worse than Lloyd Kaufman because Kaufman and Troma know they're bad and they don't try too terribly hard. That makes their films watchable and fun.
This was just bad and they don't know how bad it is...or maybe they do.
The camera work, the editing and the script was waaay bad.
Only positive is they lit a guy on fire. That was cool.
But other than that...bummer of a WWII film. Amateur hour from the looks of it.
- buffinedward
- Dec 30, 2021
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And boy does it feel like they tried. If anybody tried to tell me that the people making this were trying to actually make a good movie I would have to laugh at them and call them a liar. Theres no way somebody could make something this bad on accident.
I gave it a 3 simply due to the acting.
The acting was good. And other parts were good too, like the costumes and some fx.
Directing WAS AWFUL. Writing WAS AWFUL.
I gave it a 3 simply due to the acting.
The acting was good. And other parts were good too, like the costumes and some fx.
Directing WAS AWFUL. Writing WAS AWFUL.
There is so much wrong with this move that I'm not sure where to begin. Bad script, awful acting, lousy directing and bad sound editing, I could go on all day. Quite possibly the words low budget tv production I've seen this decade and I'm not picky. Even the Germans that speak German in this move can't really speak the language. The number of clichés, the number of times Nazies and the killing of Jews are mentioned together, would alone drag the movie down to the lowest of scores. I'll give it two stars since I like the fact that there is virtually no music soundtrack, which is sort of like. It's probably the only thing I approve of.
- joakim_joensson
- Jan 12, 2022
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You ever hear that expression they don't make them like they used to? Its an expression usually reserved for some of the most cherished classics that were allowed to be dangerous or fresh or unique and to thrive. But among all those classics were bundles upon bundles of some of the worst kinds of movie that were as bad as they could be either due to a lack of technical means at the time or just severe lack of talent. Whatever the reason is behind operation overlord and its dumpster fire that never goes quite out may remain a mystery lost to time as it should as the movie itself will be. I am mystified by the very audacity of the film makers to create this and put it out into the world and think to themselves that anybody should be subjected to that. Shame on them for doing so. Oh well. They just don't make them like they used to and this movie proves that to not necessarily be a bad thing.
- nigworthelton
- Dec 12, 2021
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The attention to detail in this movie is incredible. Not a single detail is correct. Whoever made it must have lived under a rock his whole life. Only reason to watch it is for the breathtaking stupidity. None of it makes any sense. I am genuinly shocked.
- martin-67822
- Jan 14, 2022
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Clearly made cheap and the acting is level porn movie. There could have been something in the story, but it immediately comes to mind for Saving Private Ryan.
Very slow going. Signs with wrong german spelling. German SS uniforms that are completely wrong. SS soldiers wearing Luftwaffe badges. Landmines that explode when you throw a small rock on them. Buildings with airconditioning ducts in it, whilst it is during WW2...
There are just so many things wrong with this movie. Why would a director of a movie not put some time in being sure that the basics are correct?! And that is even before the sloppy video shooting and editing.
I hope that this is the last movie this director will ever make. What a total waste of money...
There are just so many things wrong with this movie. Why would a director of a movie not put some time in being sure that the basics are correct?! And that is even before the sloppy video shooting and editing.
I hope that this is the last movie this director will ever make. What a total waste of money...
- Erik_Surewaard
- Mar 6, 2022
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Operation Overlord is great and exciting and manages to pull off capturing the time period that it takes place in. Good performances as usual by these guys and a steady captain guiding the ship. This is another knock out from B22.
It could have been good in fact it could have been very good but the acting wasn't, especially the actors who were playing the Germans. It lacked atmosphere in my opinion. I liked the story but the script wasn't as good as it could have been.
Action scenes were a little above average,uniforms didn't look entirely convincing. Robert Keith looked the part very much so but his German voice wasn't convincing enough for me. All together it kept me watching until the end. I gave it six stars which is slightly more than it deserved. Watch it and I'm sure you will watch it until the end. Would be interesting to see what others think of,Operation Overlord.
Action scenes were a little above average,uniforms didn't look entirely convincing. Robert Keith looked the part very much so but his German voice wasn't convincing enough for me. All together it kept me watching until the end. I gave it six stars which is slightly more than it deserved. Watch it and I'm sure you will watch it until the end. Would be interesting to see what others think of,Operation Overlord.
Where to start? Historical facts all wrong.
Acting atrocious. Uniforms wrong.
But the best line in comedy ! After taking a gag out of the German prisoners mouth and telling him not to scream , to attract attention of the guards only a few rooms away. They shoot him !!!! One of the American soldiers asks the other " do you think they heard us?" 😂😂😂😂
Acting atrocious. Uniforms wrong.
But the best line in comedy ! After taking a gag out of the German prisoners mouth and telling him not to scream , to attract attention of the guards only a few rooms away. They shoot him !!!! One of the American soldiers asks the other " do you think they heard us?" 😂😂😂😂
- adriandoyle-77482
- Apr 27, 2022
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Awful beyond words. Maybe its intentional and some kind of joke i couldnt work out but you couldnt get the uniforms to be more historically wrong than these guys did. My 10 year old kid knows more about how german uniforms should look than the wardrobe department for this movie.
- stickgrenade
- Mar 12, 2022
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Terrible acting, terrible directing, terrible historical context, terrible costumes. Would a private in the US Army have that much information on the D-Day landing? Would the Nazis spend that much time and effort interrogating such a soldier? He's in pretty good shape after all the 'torture.' His rescuers make so much noise they would have been killed five times over before they reached their objective. It is laughable at how many levels this movie fails. Please don't waste your time - you can never get it back. For whoever said this is based on a true story, I think they need to check your facts again.
- hermansonc
- Dec 15, 2022
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- nogodnomasters
- May 22, 2022
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Very low budget, so it's a lot like a play, mostly one location with a couple actors. Not a terrible job but not sure it's worth the time - nothing creative or interesting, just the usual nazis and less than competent fighting.
- supermellowcali
- Mar 7, 2022
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Even films like these have a bunch of easily entertained individuals who really like them. I knew this one wasn't going to be good when its average was 3.2 when I started watching. One 9-star review, obviously from the production company, and one 7-star review. That's as far down as I went.
Bad set design. Bad costuming. Bad script. There were no SS personnel in Normandy until after the invasion. There were no African American soldiers in Normandy before the invasion. There were no concentration camps (given away by the electrified fence posts and the officer wearing the SS Death's Head Brigade skull and crossbones on his cap) in Normandy. No German officer would have asked a low-ranking enlisted POW how many soldiers were involved in the operation that the Germans didn't know about. Operation Neptune (the invasion of Normandy) and its successor, Operation Overlord were incredibly well-kept secrets, according to EVERY historian. Even if the Germans knew about the invasion, an officer would know that a low-ranking enlisted man wouldn't know how many soldiers are involved in it, and why would that minute detail matter?
Here's the last example of how stupid this film is: About a third of the way in, two American soldiers, wearing weird hybrid uniforms with the armored division patches on their right sleeves instead of their left sleeves (for some reason) capture a German wearing a light blue Luftwaffe dress uniform, but with the SS lightning bolts logo on it. The American with the 1970s mustache and greased-back hairstyle hits the Luftwaffe airman/SS soldier with his rifle butt to knock him out at first, and then hits a couple of times during interrogation, which doesn't knock him out. While questioning him for info, the other American asks him how many Germans are inside the bunker/building. The prisoner says "Three SS soldiers and one lieutenant colonel". The American then asks, "Armed?"
No, you dipstick, they sent these four SS soldiers to Normandy and decided that they didn't need weapons. Really!?
The rest of the film, until I stopped watching it, is just as stupid as that scene.
Bad set design. Bad costuming. Bad script. There were no SS personnel in Normandy until after the invasion. There were no African American soldiers in Normandy before the invasion. There were no concentration camps (given away by the electrified fence posts and the officer wearing the SS Death's Head Brigade skull and crossbones on his cap) in Normandy. No German officer would have asked a low-ranking enlisted POW how many soldiers were involved in the operation that the Germans didn't know about. Operation Neptune (the invasion of Normandy) and its successor, Operation Overlord were incredibly well-kept secrets, according to EVERY historian. Even if the Germans knew about the invasion, an officer would know that a low-ranking enlisted man wouldn't know how many soldiers are involved in it, and why would that minute detail matter?
Here's the last example of how stupid this film is: About a third of the way in, two American soldiers, wearing weird hybrid uniforms with the armored division patches on their right sleeves instead of their left sleeves (for some reason) capture a German wearing a light blue Luftwaffe dress uniform, but with the SS lightning bolts logo on it. The American with the 1970s mustache and greased-back hairstyle hits the Luftwaffe airman/SS soldier with his rifle butt to knock him out at first, and then hits a couple of times during interrogation, which doesn't knock him out. While questioning him for info, the other American asks him how many Germans are inside the bunker/building. The prisoner says "Three SS soldiers and one lieutenant colonel". The American then asks, "Armed?"
No, you dipstick, they sent these four SS soldiers to Normandy and decided that they didn't need weapons. Really!?
The rest of the film, until I stopped watching it, is just as stupid as that scene.
Believe it or not this is actually based on a true story originally done by JJ Abrams and the people giving it hte so unbelievable reviews need to research before posting stuff about it being so unbelievable etc, its based on a very unbelievable true story. Wow. I never write anything on here, but had to write that or when i see reviews done by many who never actually watched a movie. Here people made assumptions on the unbelievability when its actually based on crazy out there unbelievable facts might have something to do wwith that.
- accenturetrev
- Mar 5, 2022
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So here they took a storyline that we all know so well, added some unique characters and a urgency to give them a storyline. It was heartfelt at times, sadistic and cruel at others. Made you stop and think! Isn't that why we watch movies? So we enjoyed, acting was good, overall a nice film!
We all know the story line here, what we don't know is the story behind the story! This is a clever story of stories about war, patronage, friendship and the ugliness of war. At times a little violent, but it adds spice to the story.
- samwayne-75971
- Dec 17, 2021
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