Active Shooter Plan Template
Active Shooter Plan Template
Active Shooter Plan Template
I. Introduction
Effective response to an Active Shooter event requires effective planning and role
reinforcement through training for personnel caught in the event, as well as for
leaders and managers coordinating the response to the event. Personnel in the
vicinity of an Active Shooter may need to evacuate or shelter in place depending
upon circumstances unique to that event. Organization leadership and managers
coordinating the response to an active shooter event need to be able to provide
effective direction to personnel in the vicinity of the Active Shooter, provide clear
situation information to first responders, and inform the public.
II. Purpose
This Active Shooter Response Plan provides instructions and guidance to
effectively address the response of (Insert name of organization or facility) to an
Active Shooter incident. The Active Shooter Response Plan provides guidance for
developing and implementing procedures in response to an Active Shooter
This Active Shooter Response Plan was prepared by (Insert Name), (Insert name
of organization or facility) Security/Safety Director and (Insert Name), (Insert
name of County/City) Emergency Management Director on XX/XX/XX. This
document was prepared in coordination and cooperation with the following, and
they have signed-off with their concurrence:
A. Employees:
Report the incident:
o If possible, call 911 or facility/organizational security _________
Evacuate if possible
o Determine an escape route based on where an active shooter may
be located.
o Leave your belongings behind. Keep your hands empty and visible
at all times.
o Help others evacuate, if possible, but do not attempt to move the
wounded. Evacuate even if others do not agree to follow.
o Move quickly to a safe place far from the shooter and take cover.
Remain there until police arrive and give instructions.
o Remain calm. Avoid screaming or yelling as you evacuate.
o Follow all instructions of law enforcement.
Shelter if necessary
o Go to the nearest room or office and lock the door(s). If the door
does not lock, wedge the door shut or use heavy furniture to
barricade it.
o Identify an escape route in the event you are directed to evacuate.
o Close blinds, turn off lights, and cover windows.
C. Communication Information
This section outlines the communication equipment, systems, and terminology
used at the (Insert name of organization or facility) for communication among
all personnel (i.e., local law enforcement, fire department, Emergency
Management Agency, media, facility security, etc.).
Identify the systems used for communication among all personnel
(i.e., venue personnel, facility security), and emergency response
personnel (i.e., local police, fire department, etc.).
Identify the channel(s) that are used for communicating among
what particular groups.
Identify the equipment used.
Identify the terminology used to communicate between the different
personnel at the organization or facility.
Communication of Warnings
List information about how warnings are communicated to employees
and visitors.
Describe how messages reach employees and visitors.
Include: cell phone text messages, public address systems,
computer messaging, audible alarms, etc.
E. Physical Resources
This section outlines the process for determining the necessary supplies,
resources and equipment that should be available and readily accessible for
utilization during an active shooter event.
Prepare a needs assessment regarding the equipment and
resources that might be required to deal with an active shooter
Prepare necessary documentation (i.e., directives, orders, guides,
MOUs) to execute an incident response.
Communicate Internally
o Develop instructions for management to give to employees
o Develop a plan for communicating the information
Consider if employees should return to their homes, remain
onsite at a specified location, go to another site, etc.
o Determine how facility personnel will communicate with families
Communicate Externally
o Identify the designated official for responding to media inquiries
A. Program Maintenance
List the annual training, exercises, and drill plan.