Saturday, March 15, 2025

Deal of the Day - Weird Heroes of Public Access (Excellent Zine RPG)

You REALLY need this. I'm not kidding. You'll regret missing out on Weird Heroes of Public Access (WHPA).

I picked up a copy of Weird Heroes of Public Access from Joey Royale at Total Con in 2024. Damn it! I should have had him sign it. I never think of that! In any case, it's a short and quirky rules system that is reminiscent of the public access TV (and obscure UHF channels) of my youth. Hard to imagine one could hit those vibes with a zine-style RPG, but it works. Perfect to play at a convention or even a few sessions distraction from your regularly scheduled campaign.

Normally, it is 5 bucks in PDF, but you can snag Weird Heroes of Public Access for only 3 bucks until tomorrow morning.

Something is amiss in Fairhaven. The mysterious station manager of WHPA-TV13, Fairhaven's public access television station, has curated a cast of show hosts who will use their niche powers to save the day!

Rules-light, d6 pool-based resolution system/homage to the personalities of 80s and 90s public access programming!

20 Page Gaming Zine of Weirdness by Joey Royale

 Support The Tavern: tenkarstavern.com/p/support


Thursday, March 13, 2025

Humble Bundle - MegaDungeon Bundle from Goodman Games

While it says, MegaDungeon Bundle for 5e & DCC RPG on the tin, some other gems (and refuse) are thrown into the mix.

There are some 3x-era gems (Castle WhiteRock!) and some 4e clunkers. Oh, and some Castles and Crusades releases. Oh, and Dark Tower!

The DCC RPG stuff is top-notch. I own much of it, so speaking from experience.

Support The Tavern: tenkarstavern.com/p/support

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Backerkit - Castle Zagyg Galleries of the Arch Mage (Castles & Crusades)

Here's a little history of Castle Zagyg. Although published for Castles & Crusades, Gary Gygax wrote it for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and it was "translated" into Castles & Crusades. Much of this material was previously published by Troll Lord Games before Gary's death and removed from sale at Gail Gygax's request after Gary's death.

Now, on to the details of the Castle Zagyg Backerkit!

This is the first of two crowdfunding campaigns. With your help, we hope to return to shelves worldwide Gary Gygax's Castle Zagyg. It is a monstrous project; one with with an incredible legacy! We hope to see all the material in Castle Zagyg released in 5 full color, hardcover volumes, each in its own box with relevant game maps.

The five Box Sets are as follows. The first three are covered in this campaign:

This campaign

Castle Zagyg Vol. 1 The Citadel (the town of Yggsburgh)

Castle Zagyg Vol. 2 The Ruins (the castle, East Mark, Mouths of Madness, and dungeon level 1)

Castle Zagyg Vol. 3 The Cellars (dungeon levels 2, 3, 3a, 4, 4a, 5 and 5a)

Tenkar's Tavern is supported by various affiliate programs, including Amazon, RPGNow,
and Humble Bundle as well as Patreon. Your patronage is appreciated and helps keep the
lights on and the taps flowing. Your Humble Bartender, Tenkar

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