My friends and I competed together in the
Electric Run under the team name Glitter Bomb. After doing my first 5K
Color Run, I had this craving for another fun run! Have you noticed how many fun runs there are now days? The color runs, glo run, the mud runs, hot chocolate run, jungle bell run, and cupid undie run. The Electric Run is a 5k run/walk at night with amazing lighting effects that are synchronized to music! Very similar to the Glo Run and Cosmic Run. It's untimed, so it's just meant to be a fun social event so I had time to take some 60 pictures, well many were out of focus. lol I talked about
my training for the race
yesterday. I registered for the Electric Run the day registration opened and that was a good thing because it sold out in 2 days!
Your registration gives you a black t-shirt, LED bracelet, and Glow sunglasses. Out of all 5 of us none of our sunglasses glowed. Our packet was also supposed to include a glow necklace but we didn't receive that. The t-shirts were on the small size, a lot of people were at the check-in desk exchanging shirts so be sure to size up. The race cost $45 and a portion of the proceeds went to the charity Dreams for Kids which organizes free life-changing activities to empower children with physical and developmental disabilities to unite with their peers and realize their full potential. The biggest challenge for this event is deciding what to wear! I wanted to do another fun team t-shirt I like did for the
Warrior Dash but ended up just wearing the black t-shirt they gave us. It is basically a big party and I saw quite a few people dressed in fun tutus and colored wigs! I highly recommend getting yourself a bunch of glow sticks because the race doesn't really give you any. For fun get yourself some
glow in the dark nail polish! I painted my nails a neon orange for the race.

Race Night
When we arrived to the race location, there was the most beautiful sunset! Then it was pitch dark when we got to the check-in area, I lost my friends momentarily because I stepped away for a minute and panicked and it took multiple phone calls to find each other so stay close! lol Don't think about using the port-a-potties since it will be completely dark inside, I don't know why they didn't put glow sticks inside them. Since we got there late, we were at the end of the start line so we waited one hour in the crowd to start the race. They had the most awesome playlist blasting that really hyped us up! When I did the Color Run, when you registered you signed up for different start times at 10 minute intervals which I think is a better system then waiting in line for one hour for them to let small waves of people go at 10 minute intervals. I was in the first wave at the Color Run so there was no wait, but others waited by the party stage not trapped in a line. Once we were allowed to start running at the Electric Run, with so many people, it ended up being very slow moving space due to all the walkers, initially I thought will I even be able to run?

Once we finally found some space to actually run, I have to say a good portion of the route was in the dark with no music. There were parts that were paved and parts that were gravel. The
gravel parts made me really nervous. It was pitch black, in a crowd, and I was
running on an uneven surface, and at one point even rolled my ankle. We ran next to a river so between the night air and water breezes the weather was just perfect! I did like the decorations they had, the lighting elements and music to pump up and energize your run. For instance they had:
Glowing arches changing color in tempo
Glowing paper lanterns in neon trees
Glowing Tunnels
An art display with dancing patterns and figures on the walls
Lit up umbrellas hanging from trees
At the beginning, middle and end of the run they had mini cans or bottles of Rockstar Recovery drink (who sponsored the race). Rockstar Recovery was named the Worst Energy Drink by
Men's Health magazine for having 280 calories due to 67.5 grams of sugar. It has more caffeine than a cup of coffee and the has the controversial herb guarana so I passed on that. It's definitely not to be mixed with alcohol which they sold at the end of the race - $5 beers. To be fair there is a sugar free version of Rockstar recovery that is not carbonated made with
Sucralose. I had to google the ingredients since the company doesn't list it on their website. I overheard lots of people say how nasty it tasted, that explains why there were so many almost full bottles on the ground which were easy to trip over since you can't easily see them in the dark. At the end of the race were cups of water and Kirkland granola bars (if you happened to see that table).
There were a bunch of spectators yelling us on saying "Go! Go! You're almost at the end!" and kids putting their hands out for high fives. If you ever have the chance to do this run, do it! It is so much fun! The next day my whole body was sore. If you have done fun runs, what has been your favorite?