Volume 30, Number 11—November 2024
Fatal Oropouche Virus Infections in Nonendemic Region, Brazil, 2024
Figure. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees of the 3 independent OROV segments from fatal Oropouche virus infections in nonendemic region, Brazil, 2024. A) Medium segment (n = 122); B) large segment (n = 138); C) small segment (n = 264). Tips of prototypical viruses and major clusters are color-coded according to locations of isolation. The trees included annotations indicating the bootstrap probability support for both major lineages and specific clades. Trees were constructed by using IQ-TREE 2 software under the Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano plus gamma 4 substitution model (11). MDDV was included as an outgroup in the large and small segment trees. Scale bars indicate nucleotide substitutions per site. MDDV, Madre de Dios virus; OROV, Oropouche virus.
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