Sky Island

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Sky Islands,(SSSkyward Sword | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[1][2] also known as Floating Islands,(TotKTears of the Kingdom)[3] are recurring locations in The Legend of Zelda series. Sky Islands go unnamed in Skyward Sword HD and Hyrule Warriors.

Features and Overview

Skyward Sword

List of Sky Islands

Tri Force Heroes

Sky Islands appear in the Floating Garden, Deception Castle, Dragon Citadel, and the Sky Temple Stages.

Tears of the Kingdom

Sky Islands appear throughout the Sky in Tears of the Kingdom. Zonai-style architecture can be found atop them, and they are covered with unique yellow-leafed Trees. The bottoms of these Sky Islands typically taper down to thin points supported by cores of ribbed stone. The earth surrounding some of these cores has eroded, leaving them exposed. Additionally, terrain and portions of structures from Sky Islands appear to have fallen to the ground below them as Fallen Debris and Fallen Ruins. Ruins Rubble will occasionally drop from Sky Islands, which Link is able to Recall to travel upwards into the Sky.

List of Sky Islands

Other Appearances

Hyrule Warriors

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.


Names in Other Regions
空島 (Sora-jima)[4]
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.


See Also


  1. Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 35 (SSSkyward Sword)
  2. The sundelion is a new species of plant. The first one was found on ruins that fell from the sky. I believe that means they grow on the sky islands. — Cori (Tears of the Kingdom)
  3. Lately, I'm especially taken with the floating islands that have just appeared in the sky. — Pikango (Tears of the Kingdom)
  4. プロデューサーの青沼英二がプレイする『ゼルダの伝説 ティアーズ オブ ザ キングダム』, NintendoJP on YouTube, Uploaded March 28, 2018