Aika is a classic, and it still stands up today, at least the first four episodes. When it was originally released it was a 4-part OVA. It was such a hit that the studio released three more episodes and it's clear they only planned enough story for the first four.
That being said, despite its obvious age, when this was made it was quite a high budget affair. The drawings are attractive, the action scenes are very well animated, and even its over-the-top, goofy story is engaging enough for four episodes (it's like an internally serious Austin Powers plotline).
But let's be clear, you're here for the pretty ladies dressed in totally inappropriate combat attire, and the copious amounts of pantsu, pantsu, pantsu. If those aren't your things, you'll want to steer clear. If they are then this is worth a watch to see how the fighting pantsu genre really became popular.
Explanation by nwa on Wednesday, 10.03.2010 22:01