28 days Estrogen

suffering from cramps, i decide to fight back with a balance life, this album is dedicate to women seeking for a healthy diet, includes the food I made and the things i do, after study 28 days of woman's menstrual cycle: combine several recipes of Chinese herbal and nature nutrition in weight loss and breast enhancement. Meanwhile, having fun styling with Jade Chiu rings :) * note: a month later, my bad cramp is gone, and im getting fit!! hope u enjoy it <3
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Day28: 嚴禁酒精和尼古丁alcohol and nicotine prohibited. Food Suggested: Ginseng/ lamb/ yam. 人參/ 羊肉/ 山藥
Day27: 水潤的護膚品 Skincare. Food Suggested: soybean 黃豆
Day25: 工作效率不高,敏感-回歸自我 low-efficiency, sensitive- return to innocence.
Day24 胸部腫脹- breast swelling. Food Suggested: salmon salad with carrot, kale, ginger, Vitamin B6 補充維生素B6
Day22: 代謝強- 增添能量 Strong metabolism - food to increase energy
Day21-28 放慢鍛煉,休息 slow down workout. rest. Food Suggested: Jiuniang/ yam/ soybean/ green papaya/ oyster (contains with protein and zinc) / chickpea/ tofu/ high protein food. 酒釀/ 山藥/ 黃豆/ 青木瓜/ 牡蠣( 蛋白質和鋅) /鷹嘴豆,豆腐/ 高蛋白質食品. *jiuniang egg with goji 枸杞酒釀蛋
Day20: 神經敏感- 懶散,激動 Sensitive - lazy, agitated Food Suggested: 金絲桃茶 St. John's Wort tea
Day19: 十分敏感- 不宜看牙病 Very sensitive - should not see dentist today. Food Suggested: ginger minced pork oatmeal with goji berry 生薑/ 碎豬肉/ 燕麥/ 枸杞
Day18: 促進腸蠕動-高纖維食物 Promote bowel movements - High -fiber foods Food Suggested: 土豆/ 豆類/ 核桃/ 綠葉蔬 Potatoes/ beans/ walnuts/ green leafy vegetables *sweet potato, black bean, millet, natto, yam 甘藷,黑豆,小米,納豆,山藥
Day17 預防水腫-少用鹽 Prevention of edema - less salt, Food Suggested: Barley kernels water 薏米仁水
Day15: 受孕- 抑制食慾, 堅持鍛煉Pregnancy - suppress appetite, keep exercising. Food Suggested: fruits/ tea 水果/ 茶 *banana blueberry smoothie (frozen banana +blueberry +milk +yogurt +chia seeds)
Day 14-21 堅持,更強的鍛煉 keep exercising everyday with stronger workout. Food Suggested: fruits/ avocado/ kale/ chicken/ fish/ Oats/ yams/ high fiber food. 水果/ 酪梨/ 甘藍/ 雞/ 魚/ 燕麥/ 山藥/ 高纖維食品