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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Trey Gowdy
Representative (R-South Carolina)
CSPAN 09/12/2012
It happened, Mr. Speaker, because this bill has nothing to do with Americans on American soil.
Mike Rogers
Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 09/12/2012
It is important to remember that this authority is focused on allowing the government to conduct intelligence collection targeting foreigners located outside of the United States. I'm going to say that again, Mr. Speaker. Targeting foreigners located outside of the United States. And not on Americans located in the United States or anywhere else in the world. Third, the FAA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments Act) is subject to a robust oversight structure including Congress.
Lamar Smith
Representative (R-TX) Chair, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
The government cannot intentionally acquire communications when the sender and recipient are both in the United States without an individualized court order from a FISA judge. The government cannot reverse target individuals overseas in order to monitor those in the United States.
Lamar Smith
Representative (R-TX) Chair, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
This means that the government cannot target a U.S. person simply by monitoring a non-U.S.. person that the U.S. person is talking to…. the government must obtain an individualized court order from the FISA court to target Americans outside the U.S.
Lamar Smith
Representative (R-TX) Chair, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
This bipartisan bill ensures that our country will be able to identify and prevent threats to our national security without sacrificing the civil liberties of American citizens.
Zoe Lofgren
Representative (D-CA) member, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
I urge this body to reject this bill. You know, the surveillance bill raises several serious constitutional and civil liberties issues that congress needs to address and has not addressed in this bill.
Zoe Lofgren
Representative (D-CA) member, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
Congress should prohibit the federal government from intentionally searching for information on a U.S. person in a data pool amassed lawfully under section 702 of FISA, should such a data pool ever be amassed, unless the searching official has a warrant.
Zoe Lofgren
Representative (D-CA) member, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
Now, the FISA amendments act of 2008 does not make clear that the government must obtain a warrant prior to searching for information acquired incidentally on a U.S. person in a large pool of data that the government has already lawfully obtained under section 702 should such a data pool ever be amassed.
Zoe Lofgren
Representative (D-CA) member, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
The prohibition of reverse targeting, where the government deliberately targets a non-U.S.. person for the purpose of acquiring information about the U.S. person at the other end of the line is not a substitute for the warrant requirement to search a database for U.S. persons should such a database be ever amassed under section 702. Minimum minimization procedures are not a substitute for a warrant in such a case.
Zoe Lofgren
Representative (D-CA) member, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
Now, I think that the government needs to comply with the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution all the time. I think that the privacy for Americans should not be subject to the lower standard of minimization procedures. That's not in the Constitution.
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