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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 06/10/2012
Q. Will the Utah data center hold the data on American citizens? A. No. While I can’t go into all the details of the Utah data center, we don’t hold data on US citizens. One of the things, from my perspective, I think is grossly misreported is everybody says your gonna grab all the emails and put them down somewhere in the United States. We don’t do that.
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Faulkner continued: clear if the spying is still ongoing, though. Catherine Herridge has the news live here in Washington, Catherine. Herridge: according to Greenwald the NSA program relied on a tool called DNI Presenter which allows for the reading of stored e-mails and the content of social media sites and chat rooms, by the NSA. Analysts say tracking communications, in this case, who the Brazilian president was talking to and in turn the third parties her contacts are communicating with in an effort to map out her network, which can be far me revealing than
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Herridge continued: the content of e-mails themselves. Brazil's Justice Minister also speaking to Vice President Joe Biden recently broadly about the NSA leaks and now issuing a scathing statement quote, “If the facts of the report are confirmed, they would be considered very serious and would constitute a clear violation of Brazil's sovereignty. This is completely outside the standard of confidence expected of a strategic partnership, as the U.S. and Brazil have.” Those who support the nsa mission of foreign
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Herridge continued: intelligence collection say the agency's job is to gather intelligence which informs U.S. policy and that these two programs may in fact been achieving that goal. Faulkner: we're learning about data collection by the drug enforcement administration. So not just the NSA but the DEA. Something that they called the Hemisphere Project. Herridge: This was first reported by "The New York Times" when it received a series of power point slides from a self described whistleblower. As many as
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Herridge continued: four billion records are affected everyday as these calls pass through the major carriers, including AT&T, then they’re made available to these DEA agents who are working on counter narcotics operations where drug dealers change their numbers very frequently. In some cases AT&T employees reportedly embed with federal agents allowing them to search records as far back as 1987. A justice department spokesman told FOX News says the records are held by AT&T and not by the NSA or the Justice Department but did not dispute the contents of the
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Harris, the new allegations of spying are based on interviewer American journalist Glenn Greenwald gave to a Brazilian tv show. Speaking in Portuguese. Greenwald who was first to report on the leaked NSA documents in June, explained the new evidence. Greenwald translator: These documents show very clearly that they had already done the spying, because they don't talk about something they intended to plan. They are actually celebrating the success of the spying.
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
According to Greenwald, the NSA program relied on a tool called DNI Presenter, which facilitates access to stored emails as well as content from social media chats and private messages. In this case, it's alleged the Mexican President's e-mails were read, so the U.S. government would know his cabinet picks in advance and the Brazilian President's communications were picked up to track her network of contacts. Those who support the NSA mission of foreign intelligence collection say the agency's job is to gather intelligence,
Catherine Herridge
Chief Intelligence Correspondent for FOX News Channel
FOXNEWSW 09/02/2013
Faulkner: In this story today, Catherine, agents for the Drug Enforcement Administration have had access to even more information than the NSA. Herridge: well, that's right. The sweeping data collection and analysis of information belonging to American citizens took a new turn when
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
FOXNEWSW 12/11/2013
Herridge: Before the Senate Judiciary Committee the NSA Director, Keith Alexander gave a spirited defense of his agency and the bulk collection of American’s phone records saying it’s like holding a hornet's nest. Alexander: We're getting stung. You've asked us to do this for the good of the nation, to defend the nation, to get the intelligence we need. Nobody has come up with a better way. If we let this down, I think we’ll have let the nation down.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
FOXNEWSW 12/11/2013
Leahy: We give up too much privacy in this country and frankly I worry about giving up too much. Herridge: Citing new leaks, including a Washington Post report alleging the NSA is tracking web traffic using cookies, your computers version of an id card. The Committee’s Democratic Chairman said his legislation to scale back data collection is needed now, not later. Leahy: I'm worried as technology gets greater and greater, the temptation whether it is this administration, the next administration or the administration after that, to people who misuse it.
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