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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Jeffrey Toobin
lawyer, author, and legal analyst for CNN and The New Yorker
CNNW 06/11/2013
Cooper: Jeff, you wrote a pretty scathing piece for
Jeffrey Toobin
lawyer, author, and legal analyst for CNN and The New Yorker
CNNW 06/11/2013
Cooper: Why do you say that? Toobin: Well, because our system does not allow a 29-year-old who is an expert on precisely nothing to decide on his own that a project -- it's not illegal, but he doesn't like it, and so, he is going to undermine the work of thousands of people and billions of dollars of taxpayer money and give away these secrets because he doesn't like this program. That is illegal because he took an oath and he signed a contract not to disclose it,
Jeffrey Toobin
lawyer, author, and legal analyst for CNN and The New Yorker
CNNW 06/11/2013
Toobin continuing: and it's also immoral because he shouldn't have the right to undermine the work of all these people. There are channels for whistleblowers. Inside agencies, through Congress, through the courts. Not through Glenn Greenwald of “The Guardian”.
David Miranda
Glenn Greenwald's partner
CNNW 08/20/2013
Cooper: Did British authorities say that they detained you under, it’s called schedule seven of the UK Terrorism Act, that allows them to question someone to determine if they are or have been and i quote “concerned of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. Did they actually ask you anything about terrorism? Miranda: no, they didn't ask me anything about terrorism, not one question about it, and i think it's really weird because i was in there for, like, eight hours
David Miranda
Glenn Greenwald's partner
CNNW 08/20/2013
Miranda continued 2: anything they want with this because they follow Glenn and his career for the past eight years and I've seen many stories people like pick up in different countries, getting to this and just staying in prison and they vanish. Nobody seen them. So in that moment i was like really afraid what would happened to me. Cooper: sure. Maranda: you understand i was for eight hours without talking to anybody outside of the world. I didn't know what is happening, and they keep threatening me (about going to jail with that law.)
Glenn Greenwald
Guardian Reporter
CNNW 08/20/2013
Cooper: glen, you got a call from some British official, he wouldn't give you his name just an identification number. What did that person say was happening with David? Greenwald: the very first thing he said to me is he was detained under the terrorism act of 2000 which is an obviously terrifying thing to hear about the person you love most in the world and
David Miranda
Glenn Greenwald's partner
CNNW 08/20/2013
Cooper: So David had visited this film maker you're reporting partner on the NSA stories, Laura Poitas, in Berlin. Miranda: yes. Cooper i read the guardian paid for David's flights. Glen, was he carrying classified material with him? Greenwald: well, I'm not going to talk about what he was carrying because that's our work product as journalist, remember both Laura and i are working with "the guardian" as journalists. What I would say is every single newsroom in the United
Anderson Cooper
Host of CNN Anderson Cooper 360
CNNW 12/16/2013
Judge Leon a George W. Bush appointee called the program almost Orwellian and says the founding father James Madison would be aghast at the scope of it. All the same, he hold off shutting the program down giving the government 6 months to make a case for continuing it. The Justice Department had little reaction beyond saying they are studying the opinion and believe the program is in fact constitutional.
Edward Snowden
CNNW 12/16/2013
Cooper: There is this from leaker Edward Snowden today. A statement, “I acted on my belief that the NSA’s mass surveillance programs would not withstand a constitutional challenge, and that the American public deserved a chance to see these issues determined by open courts. Today” he goes on, “a secret program authorized by a secret court was, when exposed to the light of day, found to violate Americans’ rights. It is the first of many.
Glenn Greenwald
Journalist, lawyer, bolumnist, Blogger, author
CNNW 12/16/2013
Cooper: Should this vindicate Ed Snowden in the eyes of those who still believe he’s a traitor? Greenwald: how could it not vindicate him? Let’s just use common sense for a minute. Here is an American citizen working inside of the government who discovers that the United States government is doing things without the knowledge of the American people that is so illegal, so against the core constitutional guarantees of the constitution that a George Bush appointed judge today said that it's not even a close call. He said James Madison would be aghast if he knew that the U.S. government would be collecting extremely invasive data on every single American without any remote suspicion, let alone probable cause. And I think it’s not only the right but the duty of an American citizen, and Edward Snowden’s situation to come forward at great risk to himself and inform his fellow citizens about what it is that their government is doing in the dark that is illegal.
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