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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Jan Crawford
CBS Political Correspondent and CBS News Chief Legal Correspondent
KPIX 12/17/2013
Crawford: ruling yesterday for the first time a judge said this surveillance program, which collects telephone data from hundreds of millions of people is probably unconstitutional. In a 68-page ruling Federal Judge Richard Leon described the government surveillance program as “…almost Orwellian…,” “…a dragnet.” and what once would have been considered “…the stuff of science fiction.” He even invoked the founding fathers.
Barack Obama
President of the United States
KPIX 12/17/2013
Obama: by sifting through this so-called meta data they may identify potential leads with respect to folks who might engage in terrorism. Crawford: But in his decision, Judge Leon questioned whether the program even works, saying the government does not cite a single instance where the program actually stopped an imminent attack.
Jan Crawford
CBS Political Correspondent and CBS News Chief Legal Correspondent
KPIX 12/17/2013
Crawford: Edward Snowden leaked details of the program's existence and the legal battles come as the administration now is reviewing whether all of its surveillance programs should continue. Monday's ruling by Judge Leon who was appointed by George W. Bush, is the first to call the telephone program unconstitutional. 15 other judges on a special court to review classified programs have upheld it on 35 different occasions.
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