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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Tucker Carlson
Co-host FOX & Friends Weekends
FOXNEWSW 08/25/2013
The agency violated privacy rules over 3,000 times in one year and now another abuse of power. Officials claim NSA officers used the agency's authority to spy on love interests. Spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, several times. I am joined by Congressman Trey Gowdy. Congressman thanks for joining us this morning
Trey Gowdy
U.S. Representative R-SC, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
FOXNEWSW 08/25/2013
Well, the cloak of trustworthiness was stripped away long ago tucker. Let’s look at the chronology. we were first told the programs don't exist. That proved to be false. Then we were told it was only foreign, not domestic. That proved to be false. We were told there was sufficient oversight. That proved to be false. We were told it was all metadata and not content. That proved to be false.
Trey Gowdy
U.S. Representative R-SC, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
FOXNEWSW 08/25/2013
One of my colleagues specifically asked in a briefing, not classified, but in a briefing, could this be used so that you could hypothetically spy on a lover and he received a very condescending no. Well it turned out my colleague was right and the folks in the so called intelligence committee have been 0 for 6.
Bob Corker
Senator, R-TN, ranking member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
FOXNEWSW 08/25/2013
Wallace: Senate Foreign Relations, as you sit here today, do you feel that you actually know what the government is and isn't doing in surveilling Americans? Corker: No.. I mean, i think -- i don't think there is many people -- there are many people that work harder than i do. I'm not on the Intelligence Committee and obviously, they are privy to information that I am not. But, absolutely not. And that's why I wrote a letter this week to the President, asked that the head of this organization
Bob Corker
Senator, R-TN, ranking member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
FOXNEWSW 08/25/2013
Corker continued: come in and brief folks from top to bottom to explain every program that's underway, understand so we can understand its intent and to understand how appropriate oversight is taking place.
Bob Corker
Senator, R-TN, ranking member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
FOXNEWSW 08/25/2013
You just mentioned that are leaked out, the American people want to know that those of us who are elected, Elliott and I, understand fully what's happening here. I don't think we do. I would imagine there are even members of the intelligence committee themselves that don't fully understand the gamut of things that are taking place. It's our responsibility to know those things. To ensure they’re in balance. I hope as soon as we get back, there will be a full briefing from top to bottom so that can happen.
Eliot Engel
U.S. Representative D-NY Ranking Member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee
FOXNEWSW 08/25/2013
I am very troubled by the things that are coming out day after day. Showing that we have not really been told the truth. Do i think that Congress needs to revisit this whole issue and come up with a plan. What I have seen so far is really unsatisfactory. We were told one thing, Congress was told one thing and as Senator corker said, we don't feel that we are being told everything. And that's not really the way things should work. So I'm troubled by it i think we need to look at it and i think we (need to revamp the program.)
John Bolton
former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations
FOXNEWSW 08/25/2013
Espionage against the United Nations took place in 2012, which I find deliciously ironic that the Obama administration is spying on the United Nations. Here is what I think. Any gathering of foreigners is a legitimate target for American espionage, unless we have agreement that precludes us from doing it. And any foreign government absent such an agreement that doesn't think we may be spying on them doesn't live in the real world. That's the way it is.
Kwame Holman
PBS Correspondent
KQED 08/26/2013
Holman: The united nations said today it expects all member states to respect the privacy of diplomatic communications. That came after the German magazine
Michael Hayden
Former Director of the NSA and Director of the CIA
CNNW 08/29/2013
Blitzer: (information from Edward Snowden, detailing the $52.6 billion, what’s called, black budget, of the U.S. Intelligence community.) This was always kept secret, how this money was spent. It's now been out there. What, if any damage, do you believe was caused by this report? Hayden: We'll have to see. I read the story that was posted, all right? And that talks in general figures, what the CIA budget was, what the NSA budget was, and so on. That causes some harm, but not a great deal of harm. But I’ve been told, you go to the website and start clicking on things and get down to specific operational activities. That could be very, very disruptive.
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