Scotty, Geordi and Barclay take part in one of the most exciting explorations ever afforded the human race. But, their adventure is the result of a Federation ship suddenly disappearing nearly two centuries before they were born.
While exploring an uncharted region of space, the starship the U.S.S. Intrepid disappears while in communication with the newly formed Federation. Over two hundred years later the Enterprise, captained by Jean Luc Picard, discovers the Intrepid fossilized as if 2,000 years old and its crew little more than biological matter smeared across its inside hull.
The starship U.S.S. Challenger, captained by Montgomery Scott, is assigned to further investigate the ancient ship and discover the cause for its inexplicable aging and the fate of its crew. Geordi is temporarily assigned to the Challenger. Others are signed on including Quinan, Barclay and two other passengers: a former flame of Geordi: Leah and a supposed visitor from the future who was in fact from the past who visited the Enterprise.
As the crew of the Challenger set about examining the Intrepid and attempting to make it space worthy they are drawn further and further into the mystery. When the Intrepid is commandeered and stolen by a rogue Ferengi, a dangerous plot to change time is uncovered. It’s up to Scotty and his crew to find the Intrepid and stop the plot but not before the Romulans show up with their own agenda, under the direction of a certain blond hair half-breed.
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Indistinguishable From Magic, from Pocket Books and written by David R. McIntee, is classic Star Trek with clever twists and turns, a galaxy-wide threat and a mind-blowing storyline. It’s like old home week with beloved characters from the Classic series and Next Generation reuniting to fight a common foe.