Thursday, October 30, 2014
Hornet, Super, Tanker and Tornado
What comes in 1:48, 1:72 and 1:200 Scale, are packed with details and extras, are easy to assemble using the enclosed instructions, feature killer decals, tight fitting pieces, minimum flashing and look cool when assembled? Why, Hasegawa Hobby Kits' aircraft of course!
Four new releases have just hit stores and one (if not all) are sure to satisfy the aerodynamic longing of any aircraft modeler's heart.
First up in the Limited Edition collection is the FA18A Hornet NASA blue and white jet powered bullet that screams along at high altitudes.
A favorite of NASA astronauts wannabes the Hornet is a high-altitude stinger with lots of attitude at any height. Sleek, fast and highly maneuverable, the Hornet is and has been used for high-altitude tests where it tests out the latest in aerodynamic alloys, metals and other state-of-the-art equipment and performs test flights that push the boundaries of what an aircraft can do.
Equipped with Aeroplastic wings the powerful jet holds a single pilot along with a reserve fuel tank and with its long fuselage, wind shearing wings and high maneuverability the Hornet is the Queen Bee of the air.
The Messerschmitt BF109F-4 Super Experten WWII fighter may not have the speed or the high-altitude capabilities of the Hornet but for its time is was still a formidable weapon of war.
Highly successful against the Russians the Luffwaffe used the Super Experten to full advantage and managed to strike up an impressive number of kills. And it's no wonder.
The Messerschmitt BF109F-4 Super Experten sports a powerful drive train and engine that takes up nearly half of the aircraft. A single pilot cockpit barely juts above the fuselage and the long slender wings. With its narrow rear fuselage and impressive weapons arsenal the Messerschmitt BF109F-4 Super Experten struck fear into the hearts of any Allied Forces pilot that faced it.
Incredibly maneuverable, deadly and preferred by some of Germany's top pilots the Messerschmitt BF109F-4 Super Experten is truly a WWII classic.
It's a sad farewell to the Tornado GR4 #12 Farewell Special first introduced to the skies in the 1970s. Known for its carrying capability, range and performance the Tornado GR4 #12 was designed to be the best in all areas.
It variable-geometry wings allowed the aircraft to fly long missions, deliver deadly payloads of bombs, devastating air assaults and do it quickly, efficiently and precisely.
It's huge tailfin aided its special swept wing design to dominate the airways for the British during the Gulf War and other skirmishes and once upgraded to the GR4 the delivery of guided munitions became even more efficient.
Anyway you name it the Tornado lives up to its namesake: fast, intimidating and deadly. Two decals versions are available.
The KC-767 World Tanker Combo two aircraft model kits from Hasegawa Hobby Kits features both the Colombian and Italian Air Force configurations.
Capable of carrying 160,000 lbs of aviation fuel the KC-767 boasts an impressive flight range capability. Still in-service (including a version for Japan) it comes with twin engines, a huge landing gear and wheel platform, fuel pods and a sleek tubular design that allows the swept wing aircraft to easily ply the skyways.
As with all Hasegawa Hobby Kits aircraft models the KC-767 Tanker has multiple part trees with easily detachable parts with little of no flashing, easy-to-follow instructions for assembly, paint and decal application and an intriguing and informative historical narrative included with its instructions.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Space Show, Patema Inverted and Nocturna
Get ready for some Anime fun with three new Blu-ray series from Cinedigm.
Let your imagination roam free as you travel to space, an underground
world and a dream landscape.
Each Blu-ray Anime includes a "Making of' featurette, interviews, trailers
and much, much more. Marvel at the
incredible animation filled with memorable scenes and characters and stunning
visual effects and incredible vistas.In Welcome To The Space Show five elementary kids get more than they bargained from when they rescue a 'dog' only to discover that he is an alien.
As a reward for rescuing him, the alien takes the children to his moon base and after several unfortunate and unusual events the children find themselves stranded on Luna.
Ever resourceful the children find their way to the alien's home world and eventually back home but only after embarking on one of the most exciting adventures imaginable.
Patema is an underground dweller that traverses a series of tunnels running through a vast forgotten industrial complex.
Although a princess she has limited freedom. But rules or no rules Patema still decides to explore a forbidden zone. Startled by a bat like creature she 'pops' up into the upper world only to discover that the law of physics-especially gravity- are in reverse.
A surface dweller, Age, discovers Patema clinging to a tree branch and despite his society's ban on helping underground dwellers he agrees to help her return home.
For a real Alice in Wonderland type adventure join Tim as he discovers who is responsible for bed heads, night sounds and unusual odd happenings at night come from.
When stars begin to disappear and nature seems to be turning in on itself its up to Tim to help the Cat Shepard and his cohorts to stop the dark forces that threaten the night.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Draw! #29, Fall
TwoMorrow's Publishing's "The Professional “How-To” Magazine on Comics,
Cartooning and Animation" takes a look at some and the art and careers of some professional comic book artists. Come along and learn all about:
The master illustrator wields his brush like a Jedi master as he demos his unique process comic art bootcamp.
This month’s installment: Concept & Design.
Jamar Nicholas interviews the renaissance man of animation
RIGHT WAY, WRONG WAY—ORDWAY! Challengers of the Collaboration
Get ready to witness some truly spectacular art, sketches and more!
Alter Ego #129, November
Get ready for the comic book worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs in this issue of
Alter Ego from TwoMorrows Publishing. Here's what to expect inside:
Writer/Editorial: From Missouri To MarsEdgar Rice Burroughs In The Funnies!
A history of adaptations of ERB’s work in newspaper comic strips, by Alberto Becattini.
Edgar Rice Burroughs In The Comic Books (1929-1972)
Alberto Becattini on ERB in comic books, from United Features through Dell & Gold Key.
ERB—Beyond The Silver Age
ERB comic books from 1972 to the present—examined by Scott Tracy Griffin.
“The Tarzan Art Studio”
The short, happy life of the ERB, Inc., comic book company, chronicled by
Henry Franke III.
The birth and development of the ERB, Inc., web comics line, revealed by
James Sullos.
Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt! Whatever Happened To The Boy Of Tomorrow? (Part 2)
Michael T. Gilbert presents the conclusion of Shaun Clancy’s interview with
William Aronis.
FCA [Fawcett Collectors Of America] #189
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Diamond Previews, November
Crossed + 100 #2 l AVATAR PRESS INC
Burning Fields #1 l BOOM! STUDIOS
Munchkin #1 l BOOM! STUDIOS
King: Flash Gordon #1 l D. E./DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT
King: Mandrake The Magician #1 l D. E./DYNAMITE
King: Prince Valiant #1 l D. E./DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT
A Valentine for Charlie Brown HC l FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS
Disney’s Frozen Adaptation #1 l JOE BOOKS
Part Time Princesses GV l ONI PRESS INC.
Jaco the Galactic Patrolman GN l VIZ MEDIA LLC
Grimm Fairy Tales: Realm War Volume 1 TP l ZENESCOPE
Sorayama Xl Masterworks HC l ART BOOKS
The Silver Age of Comic Book Art HC (Revised Edition) l
Marvel’s The Avengers Vault HC l COMICS
Pinocchio: The Creation of a Disney Epic HC l DISNEY/ PIXAR
How To Draw Batman Superman & Other DC Heroes and
Villains SC l HOW-TO
Neil Gaiman: The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains
Limited Edition l NEIL GAIMAN
Marvel Fact Files Special #6: The Incredible Hulk l
The Walking Dead Magazine #10 NYCC Exclusive Cover l
The Walking Dead Magazine #11 l MOVIE/TV
Star Trek Magazine #52 l STAR TREK
Star Wars Insider #155 l STAR WARS
Topps 2014 Fire Football Trading Cards l TOPPS COMPANY
Topps 2015 Heritage Baseball Trading Cards l TOPPS COMPANY
Harley Quinn: Bomb Red T-Shirt l PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE WEAR
The Phantom: With the Devil Silver T-Shirt l PREVIEWS
Deathstroke: Dripping Logo Black T-Shirt l PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE WEAR
Daredevil Red Heather T-Shirt l PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE WEAR
Bat-Manga I by Kuwata T-Shirt l GRAPHITTI DESIGNS
Harley Quinn: Holiday by Conner T-Shirt l GRAPHITTI DESIGNS
Batman: Gotham City PD Knit Beanie l GEEK CHIC BOUTIQUE
Batman: Gotham City PD 3930 Flex Fit Cap l GEEK CHIC
One:12 Collective: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Action
Figure l DC HEROES
GI Joe: Kenner-Inspired Rock-N-Roll Jumbo Action Figure l GI
The Living Dead Dolls: Annabelle Doll l HORROR
The Breaking Bad: Heisenberg 12-Inch Action Figure l
Star Wars: Black 6-Inch Action Figures l STAR WARS
Voltron 30th-Anniversary Super-Deformed Limited Edition
Figure l VOLTRON
Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket and Groot Statue l MARVEL
Maximum Carnage Fine Art Statue l KOTOBUKIYA
Star Wars: Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia Artfx+ Statue
Godzilla: Mecha King Ghidorah S.H.Monster Arts l GODZILLA
Godzilla Vinyl Wars: Godzilla 2000 Sofubi l GODZILLA
Toho 12-Inch Series: Godzilla 1989 Vinyl Fig l GODZILLA
Toho 12-Inch Series: Gorosaurus 1967 Vinyl Figure l GODZILLA
The Dark Knight Rises: Batman Nendoroid l DC HEROES
DC Comics Variant Play Arts Kai: Harley Quinn l DC HEROES
DC Comics Variant Play Arts Kai: The Joker l DC HEROES
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Sonic Screwdriver l DOCTOR
Kingdom Hearts II Play Arts Kai: Roxas l KINGDOM HEARTS
Kingdom Hearts II Play Arts Kai: Sora l KINGDOM HEARTS
Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain Play Arts Kai: Venom Snake
Soul of Chogokin: Mazinger Z Action Figure l TAMASHII
Game of Thrones: Eddard Stark 1/6-Scale Figure l
Robocop: EM-208 1/6-Scale Figure l THREEA/THREEZERO
Green Lantern: The New 52 Bust Bank l DC HEROES
DC Comics Heroes: Harley Quinn Wacky Wobbler l FUNKO
POP! Batman Arkham Asylum Vinyl Figures l FUNKO
Marvel Heroes: The Punisher Symbol Molded Mug l MARVEL
Star Trek Enterprise Messenger Bag l STAR TREK
Star Wars: Imperial Assault Board Game l FANTASY FLIGHT
D&D Attack Wing Wave 4 l WIZKIDS/NECA
Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Box Sets l WIZKIDS/NECA
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dice Masters Series One l WIZKIDS/NECA
Death Note: The Complete Series DVD l ANIME
Game of Thrones Season 4 l GAME OF THRONES
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 7 Blu-Ray l STAR TREK
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Steampunk and Zombie
Antarctic Press strikes again with two new series that put a
popular fairy tale and movie in unusual settings.
First up is Zachary Gray’s and Fred Perry’s unique take on
Alice in Wonderland in Zombie Fairy Tales Deadlands.
At first I didn’t recognize the characters from the Fairy Tale
but once I caught on I was intrigued as to just where the story was going. Alice, the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter and
all the rest of the much-beloved characters are present albeit in slightly
disturbing forms.
Even the Cheshire Cat
shows up-ya gotta love his no-nonsense and sarcastic manner.
Things have definitely gone bad in Wonderland-that’s what vengeance
will do. Additional pin-ups of the characters
reimagined from Antarctic’s stable of artists make this #1 issue a real
When Jack The Ripper returns and begins terrorizing and
traumatizing young women it’s up to the Steampunk girl investigators to track
down the malevolent spirit in their custom made ‘ghost’ mobile and trap him
with their Steampunk ectoplasm equipment.
It’s Steampunk versus spirit in this delightful tale of daring
do and adventure.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #1
Archie Comics continues to push the boundaries of its “Archie”
image. For years Archie Comics were
known for their squeaky clean stories and art.
But that has changed over the last several years.
Realistic portrayals of its characters, the marriage and
death of Archie, the introduction of a gay character, zombies and now witchcraft have
crept into the publisher’s selection of titles and the response has been overwhelmingly
Younger readers are usually unaware that at one time in the
past Archie Comics published a wide genre
of comic books. It seems only fitting that
the publisher return to its roots to compete successfully in today’s
It’s newest title: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina takes a
well-known ‘cutesy’ Archie character and darkens up her origin throwing in witchcraft,
devil worship, a deal with the devil and occultist, black magic, vengeance,
betrayal, insanity, forbidden love, family, innocence and the coming of age all wrapped up
in a creepy tale that redefines the Sabrina: The Teenage Age Witch
persona. Don’t you dare miss it or
Auntie might get upset!
Saturday, October 4, 2014
The Elder Scrolls, Journeyman, Cats and Pandas
Too cool! From Symbiote
Studios comes some outrageous and awesome vinyl figures that are sure to send
vinyl fans scampering to their local comic book, game and specialty stores.
All of the figures come in a variety of paint applications, are articulated,
boast excellent color and paint application, clever sculpting, eye-catching
package designs and here's the best part: most are sealed in envelopes so
you're not really sure what figure you'll get.
Think of it as a Symbiote surprise!
The Undersea Diver Panda is dressed in a period diving gear assembly with brown shoes and gloves, brown segmented suit with gray sleeve, cuff and criss-cross chest accent.
A two-tone gray diving helmet with faux rivets around the faceplate hide the Panda's face, except for its eyes and nose.
The Cat figures I possess include the red garbed Kitoon Ninja Cat with full red body suit, white sleeves with black and red wrist accents, white footgear, black trimmed eye opening and red and black wrist accents.
The Blank Cat figure is identical to the Ninja except its.....blank. Pure white, no color, completely without features-blank!
The Online Fighter Guild Journeyman in Akaviri Armor is the largest of the figure packages. It's special clear front box spotlights the fierce warrior dressed in aqua and burnt orange accented clothes, removable fitted helmet, lower face mask, fighter finger gloves, black shoes and black sleeves.
Included with the figure is a gray and brown accented bow and brown/gray sword and a ugly (yet cute) froglike critter with large rear legs, small front legs, long pointed tail and large mouth accenting two large yellow and green eyes topped by heavy black brows and black stripped torso. It is the Journeyman's trusty steed Guar.
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dragonborn Action figure also comes with a removable helmet only its decorated with turned down yellow and brown horns, looks like riveted metal with two large eye openings. The figure glares fiercely with its large blue eyes, brandishes its sword and battleaxe and stands defiantly dressed in its leather warrior outfit with leather finger gloves, metal accented leather shoes and metal and leather cross strap chest decoration.
All of the aforementioned figures are just plain fun to look at, pose and play with. Pick up yours today.
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