Hero Cats: Midnight Over Steller City
Stargate Universe: Back To Destiny #1 ‑
Casper the Friendly Ghost #1 ‑ AMERICAN
Providence Act 2 Limited HC ‑ AVATAR
Victor LaValle’s Destroyer #1 ‑ BOOM!
Misfi t City #1 ‑ BOOM! STUDIOS
Swordquest #0 ‑ D. E./DYNAMITE
James Bond: Service Special ‑ D.
Spill Zone Volume 1 HC ‑ :01 FIRST SECOND
Catalyst Prime: Noble #1 ‑ LION FORGE
The Damned #1 ‑ ONI PRESS INC.
Keyser Soze: Scorched Earth #1 ‑ RED 5
Tekken #1 ‑ TITAN COMICS
Little Nightmares #1 ‑ TITAN COMICS
Disney Descendants Manga Volume 1 GN ‑
Dragon Ball Super Volume 1 GN ‑ VIZ MEDIA
Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini HC ‑
Planet of the Apes: The Original Topps
The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen
Comics Revue Presents Apr 2017 ‑ COMICS
Marvel Superheroes Magazine #28 ‑
Topps 2017 Baseball Series 2 Trading
The Flash Season 2 Trading Cards ‑
James Bond Archives Final Edition Trading
Topps 2017 Walking Dead Season 6 Trading
Colossus: Shine Black T-Shirt ‑ PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE WEAR
Gladiator Hulk Black T-Shirt ‑ PREVIEWS
X-23: Claws Out Black T-Shirt ‑ PREVIEWS
Star Wars: Wise Words Black T-Shirt ‑
Star Wars: Rebel Crafts Black T-Shirt ‑
Star Wars: Fire Away Luke Black T-Shirt ‑
Wonder Woman: Shield T-Shirt ‑ GRAPHITTI
Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-Lord Jacket
Batman: The Animated Series: 25th-Ann.
Dc Bombshells Series 2 Vinyl Figures ‑
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Legends
6-Inch Action Figures ‑ GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY
POP! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Vinyl
K-Force Build & Blast: Barracuda/Sabertooth
One-12 Collective: DC Suicide Squad:
Harley Quinn Action Figure ‑ DC HEROES
Fantasy Figure Gallery: DC Comics
Collection: Harley Quinn 1/6-Scale PVC Figure ‑ DC HEROES
The Flash TV Bust ‑ ICON HEROES
Metals Marvel: Guardians of the Galaxy:
Rocket Raccoon 4-Inch Die-Cast Figure ‑ MARVEL HEROES
Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask:
Life-Sized Majora’s Mask Statue ‑ NINTENDO
Star Trek Master Series: Leonard Bones
McCoy 1/6-Scale Action Figure ‑ STAR TREK
Aliens: Armored Personnel Carrier
1/18-Scale Vehicle ‑ ALIEN
Aliens: Xenomorph Crusher 1/18-Scale
Figure ‑ ALIEN
Aliens: Xenomorph Raven 1/18-Scale Figure
Final Fantasy XV Play Arts Kai: Cindy
Aurum Figure ‑ FINAL FANTASY
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets:
Dobby 1/6-Scale Figure ‑ HARRY POTTER
Marvel: Doctor Strange S.H.Figuarts ‑
Marvel Universe Variant Play Arts Kai:
Wolverine Figure ‑ MARVEL HEROES
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Bebop PVC
Darksiders 2: Death 10-Inch PVC Statue ‑
DC Comics Foundmi Bluetooth Trackers ‑ DC
DC Comics: Justice League Dark:
Constantine Vinyl Decal ‑ DC HEROES
DC Comics: Midnighter Vinyl Decal ‑ DC
New 52: Justice League 8-Inch Bendable
Figure Box Set ‑ DC HEROES
New 52 8-Inch Bendable Figures ‑ DC
Harry Potter: Huffl epuff Furry Pom Pom
Keychain Charm ‑ HARRY POTTER
Marvel: Deadpool Furry Pom Pom Keychain
Marvel: Spider-Gwen Furry Pom Pom
Keychain Charm ‑ MARVEL HEROES
Mondo x Marvel Comics Enamel Pins ‑
Star Wars: Rogue One: Rebel Debossed
Clutch ‑ STAR WARS
Star Wars: Rogue One: Empire Furry Pom
Pom Keychain Charm ‑ STAR WARS
Star Wars: Rogue One: Rebel Jyn Erso
Furry Pom Pom Keychain Charm ‑ STAR WARS
Star Wars: Rogue One: Rebel Jyn Erso Dome
Satchel Purse ‑ STAR WARS
Star Wars: Rogue One: Rebel Jyn Erso Zip
Around Wallet ‑ STAR WARS
Suicide Squad: Harley Quinn Replica
Baseball Bat ‑ SUICIDE SQUAD
Suicide Squad: Harley Furry Pom Pom
Keychain Charm ‑ SUICIDE SQUAD
Suicide Squad: The Joker Replica Cane ‑
Suicide Squad: The Joker Razor Letter
Pathfi nder Roleplaying Game:
Adventurer’s Guide HC ‑ PAIZO, INC
Super Munchkin Guest Artist Edition ‑
DC Heroclix
15th-Anniversary Elseworlds Booster Brick ‑ WIZKIDS/NECA
Marvel Heroclix
15th-Anniversary What If? Booster Brick ‑ WIZKIDS/NECA
Wow! My head hurts—in
a good way. After watching Disney’s/Marvel Comics’ Doctor Strange
movie I felt as if I stepped into an issue drawn by Doctor Strange co-creator
Steve Ditko.
The visuals, character designs and overall look of the film
reminded me of Ditko’s incredible work on the series back in the early 1960’s.
Throw in a little Gene Colan, Frank Brunner, Marshall
Rodgers and Paul Smith art touches and you have the perfect cinematic realization
of Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme in all of his psychedelic glory.
The movie follows the genesis of the character fairly
faithfully with a few surprises sprinkled in for good measure.
Doctor Stephen Strange, a brilliant surgeon and egomaniac, suffers
a debilitating car accident that renders his hands unable to perform surgery.
Distraught, distressed, depressed and desperate the Doctor
seeks to find a cure for his hands.
Out of desperation he travels to the mystical realm of Kamar-Taj
in hopes of a cure.
What he finds instead is his destiny. After a shocking and eye-opening introduction
to the realm of magic, Doctor Strange soon becomes the disciple of the Ancient
One (now a woman) who tutors him in the ways of the supernatural arts.
Soon Strange finds himself in a time/dimensional altering
conflict with dark forces that threaten to merge the world of magic and reality
into one ruled by the dreaded (Aw, that would be telling!).
Doctor Strange the movie is tour de force of powerful acting
(especially Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange), mind-altering visual
effects, impressive sets, and spot-on costumes that combine to make a compelling
Doctor Strange fires on all cylinders. Diehard Doctor Strange fans are sure to love
this movie as well as those who are fans of the Marvel cinematic universe.
The Bu-ray/DVD/Digital HD Combo Pack extras include a plethora
of featurettes about the making of the film, Marvel Studios Sneak Peeks and much,
much more!
“By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!’ You’re sure to love this film.
The decades of the 1950 and 1960s hold a special place in my heart. It was during these decades that I grew from a young boy to a young man.
While a number of people and events shaped my life TV provided a huge contribution to my maturing views on morality, honor and purpose.
While most early 1950’s TV shows tended to offer a somewhat sugarcoated, morally coherent and simple view of life along the vein of Leave It To Beaver and Father’s Knows Best, the late 1950s TV shows started to stir the pot.
Mature Westerns, Crime, Family, Medical and other shows sbegan to introduce societal problems and more ’real life’ situations.
Of course violence was relegated to innuendo, clever camera tricks and never, ever showed blood, as it would have actually appeared. Cuts and bruises, the occasional slight bloodstain or dead body would appear, but nothing even remotely horrific.
Still the caliber of writing (for the most part) was superior and the acting (while a little over the top) was first-rate.
One TV Western that premiered at the tail end of the 1950s was Sugarfoot starring Will Hutchins as Tom Brewster (Sugarfoot) as a wandering frontier lawyer who sought after adventure and somehow always managed to find himself in the thick of things.
Possessing a real talent for being at the wrong place at the wrong time Sugarfoot managed to help the poor and defenseless, right wrongs and avoid gunplay as much as possible-all with a sense of humor.
Sugarfoot alternated every two weeks with another Warner Bros. TV Western: Cheyenne.
The entire First Season, along with the pilot episode, is included in a Warner Bros. Archive Collection. Take a moment to see if you can spot future Western TV stars.
My friends and I were big fans of the G.I. Joe action figures and all their accessories. We lived and breathed war and imagined ourselves as stoic WWII veterans battling the nasty Nazi and dirty Japs.
Barely 20 years after WWII various TV war series reminded everyone of the horrors of war-albeit in cleaned up versions. There was plenty of gunplay and explosions but the true horrors of war were only alluded to and not really shown in gory detail.
The 1960s began to see a pivotal turn in American TV. Censorship was relaxing and grittiness and realism were slowly being injected into TV series.
While nothing like today’s plethora of violent, overly sexual and morally questionable TV fare, the 1960s TV drama series began to view life as it was, with doses of censorship.
I loved watching War TV series. Among my favorites were Combat, Twelve O’clock High, The Rat Patrol and ABC’s The Gallant Men.
Set during WWII The Gallant Men offered a unique perspective of the war. Narrated by a war correspondent, the TV shown the war as seen through the eyes of combat, ground troops and the many dangers, trials and decisions they experienced everyday.
Often depicting soldiers as weary, dirty, afraid, perplexed and homesick the series spotlighted ordinary Joes who only wanted to finish their mission and go home.
Centered on the war in Italy, The Gallant Men entire series only lasted one season at 26 episodes, but its groundbreaking story-telling technique would influence other TV series for decades to come.
Like Combat TV series I loved Spy series. My favorites included The Blue Light, Mission: Impossible, I Spy, The Wild, Wild West and The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
When the The Man From U.N.C.L.E. became popular it was only natural that a spin-off TV series would be created.
Lasting only one season The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. starred Stephanie Powers as April Dancer, the super-slick, sophisticated and sexy spy from U.N.C.L.E. Along with her male partner Mark Slate (played by actor Rex Harrison’s son Noel Harrison) traveled the globe thwarting dastardly deeds mostly initiated by U.N.C.L.E.’s nemesis THRUSH.
Played as tongue-in-cheek, the series failed to garner the fan base of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. but as the years progressed it became a cult classic.
All 29 episodes are included in Part One and Two of The Complete Series.
The TV series is pure camp with heavy doses of sixties sensibilities including fashion, transport, hairstyles and the like.
When legendary comic book artist Jack Kirby became fed up with both Marvel and DC Comics he opted to return to animation, where he originally got his start at the Fleisher Studios.
At the time leather and fur clad barbarians with big swords were popular at the movies and in literature.
Capitalizing on that trend Kirby helped create the characters and concept behind the animated Saturday morning TV series: Thundarr The Barbarian.
Warner Bros. presents The Complete Series on 4 discs as part of its Hanna-Barbera Classic Collection.
Taking place almost a thousand years after the Earth and the Moon are nearly destroyed by a passing planet, the story finds Thundarr and his compatriots traveling the globe serving up justice via muscle, sword and sorcery.
Cutting edge at the time, Thundarr The Barbarian was a step above most Saturday morning cartoon fodder and is considered a classic by cartoon fans.
The Entire Series of 21 episodes is included on the DVD set that redefined what TV animation could aspire to.

“Avengers Assemble!” Marvel Comic Book fans recognize that battle cry from Marvel’s Avengers Comic Book. The shout was more often than not bellowed out by the Stars and Stripes Avenger and Ol’ Shield-Slinger himself: Captain America!
"When Captain America throws his mighty shield,
All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield.
If he’s lead to a fight and a duel is due,
Then the red and the white and the blue’ll come through. When Captain America throws his mighty shield."
Imagine owning Cap’s famous Shield. Well, now you can—sorta.
3DLIGHT FX presents the famous red, white and blue, star emblazoned Shield in all its patriotic glory with their new Caps’ Shield LED 3D Deco Light.
All you need is a couple of batteries and a hammer.
First, place the 3D Crack Sticker on the wall you choose. The sticky 3D Crack Sticker makes a wall, or other flat surface, appear as if the Shield has shattered it through.
Place the Shield over the 3D Crack Sticker, securing with a small nail and viola! You have Cap’s Shield appearing to crash through the wall!
Flip on the light switch and the Shield’s large centered white star lights up! A simple click and it goes off.
Since the light is an LED there is no heat, which makes it safe for small children.
“Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies
Look Out!
Here comes the Spiderman.”
Marvel Comics premiere hero: Spider-Man, is the web-slinging wonder that protects new York City from terrestrial and extraterrestrial bad guys.
Ol’ Web Head is a big hit with fans and his facemask is easily identifiable with its bright red hue, large black a white-eye holes and its characteristic webbing.
Invite Spidey over to your house with the new Spidey Mask that recreates Spidey’s famous mug-full size!
Like Cap’s Shield the Spidey Mask comes with a 3D Crack Sticker to make it appear as if Spidey’s head has smashed through a wall.
Place Spidey’s Mask in place; flip a switch and his eyes light up! Another flip of the switch and his eyes go dark.
Both Cap’s Shield and Spidey’s Mask come in full-color, clear front panel boxes so you can easily see the contents of each box. Shoot, they look good even left in their boxes! But why do that when you can some serious Marvel action all of your own? Light ‘em up!
It’s not uncommon to see the fame and fortunes of actresses and actors, build
and then vanish.
Good or bad, it is difficult for those who make their living appearing on TV
and in the movies to keep and maintain a consistent and popular presence.
One wrong move, a bad movie or TV show or intentionally or unintentional
causing a rift with the reigning Hollywood establishment can dive-bomb a career
faster than death.
Actor/director Mel Gibson experienced a sudden plunge from popularity just because
he was being himself and voicing his own opinion. Throw in a little bad behavior and suddenly no one wanted anything
to do with him.
After several years of struggling Mel has made a huge comeback and
deservedly so.
Known for his stellar directional talent Mel has reestablished himself as a
force to be reckoned with his direction of ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ based on the best-selling
The movie centers on the only soldier who refused to carry a weapon during
WWII based on his non-violent beliefs.
Desmond Doss, a medic, heroically rescued soldiers from battle despite the
danger and being wounded several times.
He was the first conscientious objector ever to receive a Congressional
Medal Of Honor.
Dubbed ‘the greatest war movie since ‘Saving Private Ryan’ Hacksaw Ridge does
not shy away from the horror and mayhem of war. Brutally honest and bloody the film captures the trials and
tribulation of Desmond as he struggles to live up to his ideals.
The Blu-ray/ DVD/Digital HD Combo Pack from Lionsgate includes several featurettes,
deleted scenes and much more.
Discover what true courage is despite the odds and the
danger involved. It’s the story of a hero
that needs to be seen by today’s generation so they can discover what true sacrifice
for one’s country is all about.
If you’ve been a reader and follower of DC Comics as long as I have you’ve
seen the DC Universe go through a number of changes. Form the original universe, alternate universes, Crisis, Convergence,
Flashpoint, The New 52 to Rebirth it takes a scorecard to figure out the back-stories
of the various DC heroes and villains.
Scholastic along with writer Matthew
K. Manning and artist extraordinaire Patrick Spaziante are addressing that
problem. At least as far as Batgirl goes.
The DC Universe has a number of female super heroines, Batgirl being one of
the most popular.
Over the years her origin, background and even identity has changed, morphed
and been re-imagined.
In ‘Batgirl New Hero Of The Night’ all of the various diverse segments of
her life and crime-fighting career are brought into a cohesive and consistent
Readers learn about her early life, her family, hero heroics, her friends
and foes and her association with Batman and the other bat relegated heroes.
It’s a concise, fact-filled expose of Batgirl that congeals all of her myriad
legends and tales into one cohesive whole.
Don’t miss it!

Hold onto your cowls and capes because this is not your mama’s Justice League. No superheroes here, only the supernatural.
Warner Bros. presents ‘Justice League Dark’ an animated adaptation of DC Comics’ Justice League Dark comic book series first introduced in DC Comics’ New 52 Universe.
In the animated story John Constantine becomes the reluctant leader of a band of supernatural heroes: Swampthing, Deadman, Zatanna and Etrigan/The Demon.
Batman tags along as he is the one who notified Zatanna and John about strange supernatural events taking place.
Seems someone is causing ordinary citizens from all over the world to experience visions of demons resulting n them killing those close to them or innocent bystanders.
Together the members of the Justice League Dark track down a long thought dead foe of Jason Blood/The Demon.
Using his magic to deceive and orchestrate the Justice league Dark to retrieve a lost supernatural artifact to bring him back to life he proves almost too much for the League.
Rated ‘R’ for its violence and disturbing images, with very little bad language, the Justice League Dark Blu-ray/DVD/Digital HD Combo Pack also includes a John Constantine figurine and some cool Blu-ray extras.
Look for featurettes about John Constantine, Deadman, Black Orchid and other members of the team and various subjects.
Two classic WB Batman animated cartoons are also included as well as some awesome sneak peeks, trailers and much more.
The latest Turn “A” Gundam II Blu-ray collection from RightStuf! contains episodes 26-50
from the popular Anime series.
Hot on the heels of the first collection the newest collection continues the
tale of Guin Rhineford in his attempt to turn the tide of the war between the
Earth and Moon forces.
Things don’t go exactly according to plan because of Queen Dianna’s absence
and soon tensions rise.
Assisted by young Loran Cehack, who pilots Turn A Gundam, Guin hopes to avoid
an armed conflict even while tensions mount.
As Lorn polishes his mastery of the Gundam A he is haunted by the foreboding
images of the long ago Dark History when the use of Gundams almost obliterated
the human race.
This is Gundam the way it was meant to be seen. Powerful battle scenes, careful character development and engrossing
story glue viewers to their seats as they imagine the final fate of humanity.
Blu-ray extras include a Clean Opening and Closing, a
3-part interview with Syd Mead and more.
I’ve never claimed to be the best model maker. In fact, up until recently I made very few models-mainly because
of lack of time.
Now that I’ve retired I thought I’d try my hand at putting together some
models. I admit I’m a little rusty
Recently Italeri sent me two model
kits to review.
I decided to take the plunge and start out slow by assembling the M18
Hellcat at 1/56 Scale and part of the Warlord Games series.
Upon opening the box the first thing I looked at were the instructions. They were concise, to the point and
Using a small set of snippet scissors, X-actor knife and tweezers I detached
the pieces that I needed and was careful to select the correct numbers as indicative
on the part trees.
Wheels and treads went together without a hitch and with a little finagling
(small parts, big hands) I began assembling the turret and gun.
The rest of the model assembled fairly easily since it consisted mainly of
add-ons and surface details.
As you can see by the photographs the partially assembled tank matched the
instruction sheet illustrations. Easy
One thing I failed to do was select the proper paints for the model as the
standard off the shelf acrylic model paints do not match precisely the Italeri
model colors.
Still I proceeded without paints and I slowly gained confidence as I detached
the parts, trimmed the excess flashing and carefully assembled the parts with
I’ve not completed the model as of yet, I have a few more pieces to put together
and the decals to apply but so far-so good.
Overall the model-making process has been pleasant and surprisingly a lot of
Over the last couple of months I’ve met some fellow model makers. I am so jealous of their talent-especially
when it comes to detailing and making dioramas.
I hope to persuade a few of them to assemble a few of the models I will
provide them to get their perspectives.
As the saying goes, “You’re never too young to learn.” I hope to learn from the expertise.
I mentioned that I started out small with the Hellcat.
Italeri was kind enough to send another ‘larger’ model and it’s a doozy!
The 1/72 Scale BattleSet Battle Of Arras Rommel’s Offensive 1940 is a
massive model kit that is sure to challenge and delight the veteran model-maker.
This beauty of a model kit includes a French House/Shop, 50 German Infantry figures,
a Sd. Kfz. 250/3 Tank with crew, a 8.8 cm FLAK 37 AA Gun with crew, a Matilda
Mk II Tank with crew and 42 British Infantry figures. WOW! It boggles the mind!
Sounds complicated. But, if you
decide to purchase the model kit be not despaired.
The concise assembly, paint and decal instructions guide you through the
process and before you know it you will have an incredible WWII diorama that is
sure to impress the most die-hard model maker.
Check out the photo of the diorama on the box’s cover and you can imagine
the possibilities! One day I’ll tackle
such a model. One day…..
War-there is nothing glamorous about it.
People die, property is destroyed.
War is a great equalizer-anyone can die and whether you live in a ramshackle
shack or a magnificent mansion-each can be destroyed.
Perhaps the saddest conflict the United States ever experienced was The
Civil War. Brother fought against
brother, families against families and in the end, millions were dead and much
of the nation was destroyed.
While the North and South were eventually reunited and slavery was abolished
the effects of the war are still felt even today.
‘The New Civil War Handbook: Facts and Photos for Readers of All Ages’ by
author Mark Hughes and published by Casemate
Publishers/Savas Beatie, examines the great American conflict.
If you’re anything like me reading and understanding history can be frustrating,
time-consuming and confusing. When it
comes to major wars I often find myself struggling to understand all the
ramifications and pivotal events.
Most history books about war can be daunting to plow through. The Civil War is an especially convoluted
conflict especially considering the sheer scale of it.
‘The New Civil War Handbook: Facts and Photos for Readers of All Ages’ condenses
the war into easy to understand sections detailing battles, weapons, key figures
and more complemented with lots of photos, charts, maps and statistics and easy
to understand concise text.
One of my all-time favorite TV shows is M.A.S.H. that takes place during The
Korean War-or as it was originally labeled-The Korean Conflict.
It hardly seemed a simple conflict by those who took part in it.
The Korean War was the first war that the United States took part in that there
was no clear-cut victor.
In ‘Images Of War Korea The Ground War From Both Sides’ by Philip Chinnery
and publisher Pen & Sword, the Korean ‘Conflict’ is examined thoroughly.
The war between North and South Vietnam was one of the most brutal wars ever
Appalling weather, unbearable conditions and the constant ‘give and take’ of
the war wasted lives over taken and retaken land.
Guerrilla warfare pitted against conventional warfare ultimately resulted in
no one winning.
Filed with up candid photographs the book delves into the war on a personal level
and the toll it took on both sides.
This book brings the horror of war up close and personal with its in your
face and shockingly candid examination of The Korean War.
In 1972 I was 19 years old and during that year I was sweating the possibility
that I would be drafted and sent to fight in The Vietnam War.
Fortunately my draft number was high and I did not have to go.
Unfortunately many of my generation were not so fortunate-many of my
classmates-went and did not return.
The Vietnam War was doomed from the beginning. Politicians and bureaucrats on both sides of the conflict doomed
an entire generation to give their lives up for nothing.
In the end nothing changed-all those wasted lives.
The Vietnam War, much like The Korean War, pitted American soldiers against
an enemy they could not differentiate from civilians. Friends would soon become foes and killing and dying abandoned
conventional war tactics.
‘The Illustrated History Of The Vietnam War’ by Andrew West and Chris McNab
from Amber Books, successfully portrays
the war in an outstanding hardbound book filled with black and white and color
photos, maps and charts chronicles the war from its early days to its final
tragic conclusion.
For someone from my generation it is sobering reminder of the war that no
one wanted. For today’s generation it
is an eye-opener that encourages readers to never forget and to learn from
It’s a fascinating tour of the one of the most controversial
wars the United states ever took part in.