Random set of the day: Jeep
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 3555 Jeep, released in 1999. It's one of 8 Znap sets produced that year. It contains 262 pieces.
It's owned by 29 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
25 comments on this article
Ah, Lego's inexplicably late-90s decision-making.
Ah, Lego K'nex. And a set with 4 suggested models in the image, all of which look terrible because the system only lets you make big, empty skeletons.
Checking the instructions, yep, none of them look good. Interesting idea for the instructions though, with the steps laid over a faint image of the completed models. So you always know which part of the truck you are presently building, I guess.
Technic for 3 year olds is all I think of.
Even Lepin would be like, Na, we’re good.
Hey. Remember when Clickits showed up for a week straight, and we all said we'd get Znap soon?
You know I’m still trying to figure out some of those alternate builds. What is that one on the right? A clown car??
It's so bad, Lego didn't even bother keeping the instructions by the look of it. Or at least the link to the Lego instructions - on the Lego server - on Brickset takes you to a scan of a badly photocopied, black and white printout. I like the way they haven't even bothered to unstaple it before scanning it.
@GarethMoore... I can't think of anything more fitting than page 4 of those instructions, where somebody had taken the pieces and built the phrase SOS. Yep. That about sums it up.
I've always admired Lego for trying new things. But sometimes you just have to stick with what you know best.
@Robot99: I was one of those people, and I am glad my evil plan is completed, HA-HA-HA!
The thing on the right looks like truckosaurus!
With all those new moulds, Znap must have been a very expensive failure...
There is one still in use though - the 5.5L technic axle with stop was new for Znap I think, and it's still widely found in sets today.
I always wondered what the thinking behind Znap was.
“What if we made technic again, but like simplified technic?”
“So it won’t be liked by regular technic fans or regular brick fans?”
“Yes! Exactly!”
Like Wavelength said, Znap was an attempt to compete with Knex. Bad idea.
These models are horrible.
Oddly, twice as many Brickset members WANT this set, as own it
Go home Lego - you're drunk!
29 of you must be so proud.
@Your future president
Nah, the one on the right is probably a forklift. Cheers to whoever figures out the middle-left one, though.
@Robot99 it is a speedboat. But seriously ew. just ew. Like never.
I hope Lego sued this obvious third rate knock off producer for stealing their name to sell their terrible products.
I... am not sure I even believed these existed at the time? I saw them advertised in a Lego catalogue, but never in real life, as far as I can recall. Pretty sure the local toy shop didn't even try and stock them.
...dangit I miss that old toy shop. It was tiny and cramped and its Lego shelves wouldn't even have had space to stock all of Lego's current product line anymore; but I got some cool older sets there, and it felt like a comfortably familiar old home. Now it's a painting & decorating shop.
Fess up! Who gave drunk uncle Asbjorn Eluf keys to the wine cellar AND the factory floor?!?
I used to have a Znap set.
Emphasis on "used to".