Review: 71708 Gamer's Market

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LEGO has produced some wonderful minifigure packs recently and 71708 Gamer's Market looks magnificent, containing an impressive collection of characters! Furthermore, several of those are uniquely available here, hence comparisons can be drawn with City People Packs.

While these brand new minifigures are certainly the primary feature of this set, the accompanying market looks interesting too. I appreciate its diverse colour scheme and the blend of digital styling with classical architecture appears successful. I have therefore been anticipating this unusual addition to the NINJAGO theme.


Each ninja is represented by their avatar counterpart within the digital world. Avatar Cole remains instantly recognisable though, due primarily to his bushy eyebrows and textured hair element. This component has only appeared on three previous occasions and the accompanying moustache looks superb, despite its limited success in disguising Cole!

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Cole's torso was originally created for the City theme and Avatar Nya features diving attire from the same range. This design appears unusual in this context but the printing is delightfully intricate and I appreciate the light bluish grey breathing mask. Presumably that is intended to disguise Nya too, like Cole's moustache, but her hair component is similarly recognisable and looks perfect.

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Digi Jay appears beside the avatar ninja and is evidently prepared for battle, wearing heavy shoulder armour with slots for two spring yellowish green katana. This white element corresponds with the visor design and printing across the torso, along with the other Digi incarnations of each character. However, the arrangement of straps is unique and this figure includes motifs inspired by 71709 Jay and Lloyd's Velocity Racers on the reverse.

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Despite the generous selection of minifigures with brand new components in this set, Avatar Pink Zane has attracted more attention than any other character. This unusual ninja originates from an early episode of NINJAGO: Masters of Spinjitzu in which Zane's white gi was washed with Kai's red clothing, hence turning pink. Its return here seems surprising but the design is distinctive and notable attention has been paid to ensuring absolute accuracy when compared with the television series.

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Removing the head wraps from both Jay and Zane reveals appropriate double-sided heads beneath. Zane does not carry any weapons but Jay wields an intimidating trans-neon green flail. The handle is shaped like a video game controller which is clever and this dual-moulded piece includes lovely detail. The printed health display is equally impressive.

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Two new sets contain Scott and this enigmatic character looks outstanding. His dual-moulded hood and hat component returns from Hidden Side, albeit featuring an exclusive black, reddish brown and tan colour scheme. The double-sided head and torso are similarly detailed, featuring subtle triangular designs that also adorn Digi Jay. Furthermore, I love the decorative dragons which might reveal a link with the ninja.

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Scott is displayed beside the ninja and Okino on the packaging, indicating that these characters are allied with the heroes. His torso design seems relatively simple but could prove quite useful for other minifigures and I like this double-sided head which exhibits different degrees of anger. The hair piece looks even better, only appearing here in black. The villainous Unagami features the same element in white.

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Unagami is not included here but two of his minions are provided. Richie loosely resembles a rat and therefore looks completely bizarre! I like the narrow visor covering his eyes, although this cannot move, while the pink colour certainly scheme stands out. The black armour looks similarly appealing but I think the pixelated details seem out of place, introducing too many different designs on one minifigure.

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The generic Red Visor, on the other hand, appears more cohesive in design. These menacing soldiers are typically deployed in groups but only one is provided here. Nevertheless, I love the combination of black and red, especially across the chest where tiny pixels contrast with medium azure bands. That decoration continues onto the reverse of the torso and the number '404' is printed on both sides, presumably in reference to the dreaded HTTP 404 errors which are sometimes encountered online.

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Both minifigures include trans-neon orange health boards, clearly displaying their evil affiliation. Their weapons look great as the Red Visor carries a rifle while Richie wields an unusual twin-bladed dagger. The black handle at its centre resembles a game controller so matches Jay's armament. These figures also include katana which are strapped to their backs.

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Despite her apparent death during season nine of NINJAGO: Masters of Spinjitzu, Avatar Harumi accompanies the villains here. The white hair piece and double-sided head both remain unchanged from previous minifigures but they look marvellous, creating a lovely contrast between the white hair and red streak across Harumi's eyes.

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However, the character now sports an interesting flame yellowish orange combat suit. This clothing closely resembles that worn by The Bride from Kill Bill which is slightly surprising, although I love its intricate detail and black highlights. In addition, this minifigure is appropriately equipped with a pearl silver katana which appears similarly reminiscent of The Bride's signature weapon.

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The Completed Model

Minifigures are certainly the focus of 71708 Gamer's Market but three simple structures are provided too. The focal gateway combines traditional architecture with the digital aesthetic of this environment and looks rather nice, sharing its red and black colour scheme with the aforementioned Red Visor. In fact, their triangular emblem appears on a large sticker which is applied above the entrance.

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Three colourful Key-Tanas are distributed throughout the latest collection of NINJAGO sets and this trans-pink weapon looks brilliant. I appreciate its angular shape that reflects the digital world and the dual-moulded grip is beautifully textured. Moreover, this weapon slots neatly into a trans-pink 2x2 round brick, forming an impressive display beneath the entrance.

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Okino sells weaponry to the digital residents of Prime Empire from his stall in the Gamer's Market. Black and white elements distinguish this structure from others and the addition of trans-neon green accessories generates some resemblance to Blacktron II. That design is appealing but I think the stall looks relatively bland from the front, particularly since the enormous rotating sign overshadows the standard blades.

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Several more swords are stored behind the counter and there is space for Okino to stand here. The angled displays make fantastic use of white shield pieces but I think subtler details would have been more effective here, perhaps taking inspiration from 70607 NINJAGO City Chase. However, I like the bold colours that ensure differentiation between stalls.

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My favourite of these three structures is undoubtedly the modest 'Item Market' where hats and other clothing is sold. I like the vibrant coral design above the sign and this pixelated sticker looks great as well. Avatar Pink Zane is displayed here on the packaging, suggesting that his appearance can be purchased within the digital world along with various hats and helmets for minifigures.

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These items include a sand blue sailor hat which returns from 75951 Grindelwald's Escape and an exclusive blue space helmet to replace Benny's cracked headgear! This piece seems likely to prove extremely popular. The golden coolie and dark tan fedora are also fairly unusual and I like how these are displayed on a black frame, along with a sign advertising the availability of hats.

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Several stickers are applied across these models and sixteen additional stickers are also provided to customise the environment. These include various traditional designs from video games and symbols for the ninja beside an enigmatic message that reads 'Cole, the cake is a lie'. This phrase was initially popularised by the Portal video game and refers to a promised reward being undeliverable.

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71708 Gamer's Market seems likely to become the most popular of the new NINJAGO sets and that accolade is undoubtedly deserved. The minifigure selection is outstanding and many exclusive pieces are provided, notably including Avatar Pink Zane and Harumi's distinctive attire which takes inspiration from Kill Bill. The latter elements may attract people who are not established NINJAGO collectors.

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The market stalls are less appealing, although they form pleasing scenery and I love the Item Market which offers some excellent wares. Nevertheless, I would highly recommend this set to any NINJAGO fan and think the cost of £29.99 or $29.99 seems reasonable in relation to the comparable City People Packs, especially within the US.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your opinion of the set in the comments below.

71708 Gamer's Market is now available at

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review is an expression of my own opinions.

38 comments on this article

By in United States,

It's a better ninjago equivalent to the city people pack. And finally, a normal classic space helmet in blue!

By in United States,

Pink Zane is without a doubt the highlight of this set. I've been waiting for that puppy for eight years and after so many teases with stuff like Master Chen's hall of treasures, the Fuschia Ninja, and the Legacy range we finally have it!

Cole's (new) Hairpiece has only been in three sets before? NO WAY!

A "the cake is a lie" reference in a LEGO set? Count me in!

The spare stickers for pixel art Ninja are adorable! I'd love to see them used somewhere else.

I can't wait for people to take other neon/futuristic figures like the CMF cyborg and combine them with these sets and elements to create a truly wild videogame display.

Not super related to article, but I do have a suggestion for people to checkout/Brickset to cover. Recently a YouTuber called "LordFindogask734" has started producing upscaled versions of old BIONICLE commercials at 4K and 60 FPS. It's unclear weather they're planning on covering LEGO animations other than BIONICLE, but nonetheless it's an impressive feat and I think it's a technique we should keep an eye on for preserving older LEGO media. Personally I'm hoping they cover some retro Space stuff when they're done, but they've still got things like the Bohrok Kal commercial or individual character animations to go through before that'd really be an option.

By in United States,

This all looks great. But weird. Very very odd in the best possible way.

By in Portugal,

@GSR_MataNui Thanks to let us know about the BIONICLE commercials at 4K and 60 FPS!

By in United States,

I'm generally don't have much interest in Ninjago but this video game inspired theme is really unique, I might pick some of these up

By in Canada,

Been some time since I liked a sticker sheet. Wouldn’t have associated this set with People Packs but now I’m not too likely to unsee.

By in United Kingdom,

Thanks for the review, @CapnRex101 .

The yellow suit worn by Uma Thurman in ‘Kill Bill’ is itself a homage to Bruce Lee’s outfit in ‘Tower of Death’.

Looking forwards to getting the pink ninja somehow. Could be a candidate for best minifigure of 2020!

By in United Kingdom,

There's a lot to like here for £30, and when an inevitable sale hits, it will be an easy purchase for me. Thanks for the great review!

By in Norway,

This is awesome! Can't wait to add this to my Ninjago District in town!

By in United States,

Pink Zane is, in fact, quite inaccurate. I really dislike LEGO retconning all the old designs.

By in United States,

@Norikins said:
"Pink Zane is, in fact, quite inaccurate. I really dislike LEGO retconning all the old designs."

Seems like a dead ringer to me, what issue do you have with it?

By in Australia,

Gosh, Lego are getting clever with their in-jokes and references.

By in United States,

I loved this set before the review. Now I just want it more.

By in Brazil,

I was never (and never gonna be) a fan of Ninjago, but the theme has some pretty great sets which I wish to get, like this one. Monstly for the minifigs, especially the Harumi one. Amazing set.

By in United States,

Awesome set! Great review!

By in United Kingdom,

Thankyou, looking forward to this and It does seem much more of a bargain than the City people packs. Slightly off subject but it always reminds me when I see pics of figures with heads with 2 prints. Has anyone else had "head lock" I did it myself yesterday, simply added a head to a body and now it wont budge. My daughter has done it 2-3 times too. Its almost as if the bottom of the head has to stretch over the neck and then seals. Obviously don't want to get pliers etc out. Is it just us, any ideas? Typically its not on quite straight either.

By in Netherlands,

Ok, so we have three key-tananas? That's a 'Ready Player One' (three keys) and a 'Kingdom Hearts' (keyblades) reference in one. Lego is on a roll!

By in United States,

Hmm, never looked too closely at the Harumi fig, always assumed she was just in an orange prison jumpsuit. But yes, this set is a must have!

By in United States,

@fakespacesquid said:
" @Norikins said:
"Pink Zane is, in fact, quite inaccurate. I really dislike LEGO retconning all the old designs."

Seems like a dead ringer to me, what issue do you have with it?"

I’m guessing it’s his head, which has The LEGO Ninjago Movie design day opposed to the classic show design.

By in Greece,

As always, ninjago delivers! After the Harumi throne set last year, this is the spiritual successor.

By in Netherlands,

Blue helmet in this is such a Tease.

Of course could be put on Benny and swap heads, but to make an 80s figure, that'd still need a "classic" torso, which was last seen in a TRU exclusive 2012 minifig pack, not exactly common.

By in Netherlands,

@Lego34s said:
"Thankyou, looking forward to this and It does seem much more of a bargain than the City people packs. Slightly off subject but it always reminds me when I see pics of figures with heads with 2 prints. Has anyone else had "head lock" I did it myself yesterday, simply added a head to a body and now it wont budge. My daughter has done it 2-3 times too. Its almost as if the bottom of the head has to stretch over the neck and then seals. Obviously don't want to get pliers etc out. Is it just us, any ideas? Typically its not on quite straight either."

I never had this problem before. Heads can be stiff, but for me it is always sufficient to use the neck as groove to put my nails under. And if that doesn't work turning it loose always did the trick.

What specific minifigures did you have this problem with? If you had this multiple times you could call the Lego Customer Service perhaps.

By in United States,

By innaccurate, I mean the emblem on the torso is way too big! The design should be the same as the original 2011 Zane. Also the ropes are too thick. Its pretty similar but I own the original Zane and am so used to it that I immediately knew the new one is different when we first got pictures of the set.

By in Netherlands,

Just astounding. The figs and colorful builds. Just WOW..

This is a true winner and a no-brainer to add to your collection. Best value set so far out of ALL the sets that has been released for the New Year!

By in Chad,

Great set
Hope it becomes a bestseller and encourages TLG to do more of these in other themes (other than City).

By in United States,

This is between a people pack and a battle pack in concept, and I love it. I use LEGO mostly for props in pen and paper RPGs, and this gives me a great balance between figs and build. And the price is right. I hope they bring more of this in between pack style out in the future for all their lines.

By in United States,

This is between a people pack and a battle pack in concept, and I love it. I use LEGO mostly for props in pen and paper RPGs, and this gives me a great balance between figs and build. And the price is right. I hope they bring more of this in between pack style out in the future for all their lines.

By in United States,

This is between a people pack and a battle pack in concept, and I love it. I use LEGO mostly for props in pen and paper RPGs, and this gives me a great balance between figs and build. And the price is right. I hope they bring more of this in between pack style out in the future for all their lines.

By in United States,

This is between a people pack and a battle pack in concept, and I love it. I use LEGO mostly for props in pen and paper RPGs, and this gives me a great balance between figs and build. And the price is right. I hope they bring more of this in between pack style out in the future for all their lines.

By in United States,

This is between a people pack and a battle pack in concept, and I love it. I use LEGO mostly for props in pen and paper RPGs, and this gives me a great balance between figs and build. And the price is right. I hope they bring more of this in between pack style out in the future for all their lines.

By in United States,

This is between a people pack and a battle pack in concept, and I love it. I use LEGO mostly for props in pen and paper RPGs, and this gives me a great balance between figs and build. And the price is right. I hope they bring more of this in between pack style out in the future for all their lines.

By in United States,

This is between a people pack and a battle pack in concept, and I love it. I use LEGO mostly for props in pen and paper RPGs, and this gives me a great balance between figs and build. And the price is right. I hope they bring more of this in between pack style out in the future for all their lines.

By in United States,

I’ve never bought a Ninjago set before... until the 3 arcade pods from this Winter 2020 wave. I couldn’t resist! These look cool also...

By in Hungary,

I definitely need this

By in United States,

I’m pretty sure Scott is supposed to be Lloyd’s avatar, the “smiling with open mouth” face print looks almost identical to the Ninjago Movie one. And anyone else think that Okino looks a bit like Hanzo from Overwatch?

...oh yeah. And the “Cake is a Lie” reference. If it doesn’t mean anything in the show, it seems a bit like “How do you do, fellow kids?” material to me. (Sorry if I’m being too harsh.)

By in Hungary,

Lookin' good!

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