Review: 76239 Batmobile Tumbler: Scarecrow Showdown

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Batman Begins introduced the Tumbler, which enjoys remarkable influence. 76239 Batmobile Tumbler: Scarecrow Showdown should achieve accordant success, integrating splendid details and substantially improving upon the previous minifigure-scale Tumbler.

Furthermore, the design appears exceptionally accurate when compared with Batman's onscreen vehicle. The proportions seem particularly impressive, while the layered armour employs some intriguing construction methods. In fact, this model arguably overshadows the bigger 76240 Batmobile Tumbler, offering great value.


LEGO has produced various Batman minifigures based upon The Dark Knight Trilogy and the newest example takes inspiration from Batman Begins, identified by his rounded emblem. This design appears simple alongside the minifigure from 76023 The Tumbler, released during 2014, but displays impressive detail across the torso, nevertheless.

The cowl and double-sided head deviate noticeably from the onscreen character, although the ears are approximately proportional which is most important. However, I would have welcomed an updated head. Additionally, printed legs would certainly have improved this design, matching the corresponding minifigure which accompanies 76240 Batmobile Tumbler.

Batman wields a batarang and grapnel launcher. While these accessories appear regularly, an alternative head is also included and portrays Batman's perceived monstrous appearance after Jonathan Crane inhales his own fear toxin. This design looks wonderful beneath Batman's cowl, especially with metallic silver teeth that dramatically distinguish this figure from other versions.

Scarecrow accordingly opposes the Dark Knight here, wearing his ragged mask which adorns the head. The stitches look superb and continue across the reverse, although the eyes appear somewhat awkward. Of course, a unique component would potentially have achieved superior accuracy, but I understand the decision to decorate a standard minifigure head instead.

Jonathan Crane's dark bluish grey suit corresponds with the source material too, although the noose around his neck is definitely more eye-catching! Unfortunately, no alternative head and hair piece are provided, so Scarecrow must always be displayed sporting his menacing mask. The minifigure does wield a stud shooter with trans-bright green ammunition though, ready to disseminate fear toxin.

The Completed Model

Among the numerous onscreen Batmobile designs, the Tumbler presents particular difficulties for LEGO recreation. The complex shape and layered armour are undoubtedly problematic, as previous minifigure-scale renditions have demonstrated during 2008 and 2013. Fortunately, the growing selection of angular slopes and wedge plates have enabled dramatic enhancement on this occasion.

This vehicle measures almost 19cm in length, arguably exceeding minifigure-scale. However, the model appears reasonable beside minifigures and features accurate proportions, which is important. The brake flaps are noticeably pronounced though, when viewing the Tumbler from either side, so they could potentially have been improved.

Choosing appropriate wheels and tyres presents another challenge, but these balloon tyres appear excellent. Their shape and tread texture approximates the source material, while the stickered weapons control station between the wheels looks splendid too. Furthermore, I like how stud shooters have been integrated since these golden accents seem authentic, but the weapons can easily be removed if you prefer.

Additional stickers portray suspension detail and the round fuel caps and electrical discharge ports on both sides. These stickers look superb and the designer, Woon Tze Chee, has made effective use of hinges to construct angled bodywork panels around the cockpit. These angled panels are perhaps the most important design feature of the entire vehicle, defining the shape and ensuring absolute accuracy.

Opening the cockpit roof reveals a spacious interior, providing ample room for two minifigures, The chassis component designed for Speed Champions is perfectly integrated here, including studs for those minifigures and accommodating perfect control systems. Moreover, the cockpit contains a single clip to secure an accessory.

Two stickers decorate consoles inside the cockpit, displaying navigational information. These look great, although more memorable displays from The Dark Knight Trilogy might have been even better. The trans-green pieces provide welcome splashes of colour too, while the control yoke is perfectly represented using a dark bluish grey bucket handle.

Impressive bodywork continues towards the rear, where Technic wing elements are brilliantly integrated. They slot perfectly between the surrounding parts, faithfully recreating the layered armour which distinguishes the Tumbler from other Batmobile designs. Unfortunately, the four brake flaps are elevated too high above the bodywork, which does spoil the profile somewhat.

Moreover, I think there was an opportunity to include greater detail between the back wheels. Nevertheless, the wheels themselves feature excellent proportions, while the jet engine looks splendid too. Light bluish grey propane tanks are present between the tyres and the bodywork, even though those structures are almost completely hidden when construction is complete!


While larger renditions can incorporate greater detail, 76239 Batmobile Tumbler: Scarecrow Showdown is my favourite LEGO model of the Tumbler! The vehicle feels remarkably strong, which certainly differs from the enlarged designs, while maintaining impressive accuracy and providing comfortable space for two minifigures inside the cockpit.

Including another minifigure, such as Rachel Dawes, would therefore have been appreciated. Nevertheless, I am delighted with Batman and Scarecrow, both of whom look fantastic. I think the price of £34.99 or $39.99 represents good value as well, hence I would highly recommend 76239 Batmobile Tumbler: Scarecrow Showdown to any Batman fan!

35 comments on this article

By in United States,

I was excited to see this version as the previous one in this scale is terribly expensive on the after market. Great review, and I’m glad to see it’s a good set.

By in United States,

This set and the Classic Batmobile make 2021 the best year ever for DC Comics sets, IMO. They're both great renditions of the best Batmobiles, and exactly the kind of thing I've wanted Lego to make ever since 2006 when they first got the Batman license. (The 2008 and 2013 Tumblers don't count, they're not very good.) I know a lot of people complain about DC not getting very many sets compared to Marvel, making 2021 a bad year for DC in Lego, but I'd rather have quality than quantity. The Tumbler and the Classic Batmobile, those are both real high quality sets.

According to the designer Bricklist, this set is basically the productionized version of the super accurate Tumbler model he submitted to Ideas in 2014 before he was employed by Lego. That's why it can combine Ideas-like attention to detail and accuracy with regular set standards of sturdy, robust builds.

By in United States,

I gotta admire Lego giving these licensed vehicles two seats. I love it, and it's disappointing in Lego Marvel how we didn't get that with Ghost Rider's car, or even any quinjets yet. I'm split over buying this set or the new "The Batman" Batmobile. Both are exceptionally amazing sets, and I love both of them. My only downside about this set is the Scarecrow figure, I just wish it was a Joker variant instead. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way.

By in United States,

I kinda wish they gave crane a horse to ride, that would at least give him a fighting chance!

By in United States,

I spontaneously pr-ordered this one when it was announced because it looked so good. It was my first LEGO Batman set since the line initially launched when I was a kid, and I couldn't be any happier with it! FInally getting a Crane Scarecrow, too, is a real treat

By in United States,

This might be my favorite <$50 Lego set yet

By in United States,

Great review, and agree completely. IMHO this is the best Lego Tumbler, period - better than the UCS versions and other prior ones. And a great value too.

By in United States,

I don't even really collect licensed sets and I'm impressed by this. None of the previous minifigure-scale Tumblers have felt exactly right... a lot of them have felt more blocky than angular, or just didn't have the same awe-inspiring presence as the on-screen vehicle. This one's angles, by contrast, are spectacular—it even manages to achieve the subtle bat wing motif of the armor panels, something that can be easy to overlook if you're focused too much on the component shapes to recognize how they fit together. Build-wise, I love the way the Speed Champions base is used and how the two side walls (including the large window elements) are angled.

I'm eager to see MOCists try to adapt some of the other vehicles associated with the Dark Knight trilogy to scale with this, including the Bat-Pod, the camouflage Tumbler with top-mounted cannon used by Bane and his mercenaries, and maybe even the generically-named "Bat" flying vehicle.

By in United Kingdom,

What does the monstrous Batman head look like without the cowl covering it?

By in United States,

What a tremendous set. Looks very accurate at this scale. I’m very interested in buying this, but I also want to get the Batmobile from the classic TV series.

By in United States,

Thanks for the review. I did pick up this set day 1, which is rare for me. I loved the Nolanverse and this is a great example of why. The designer did a great job with it. I actually liked the Bane tumbler, but this hits the shaping much more accurately.

I agree on needing another figure or even a horse for Scarecrow or something to justify that cost. But eh, I purchased it all the same, so I guess LEGO knows what they are doing.

By in United States,

That's a great looking set and a reasonable price IMO. Can't wait to grab one of these down the line. Thank you for the review!

By in United States,

Needs more Batman! Never underestimate a set’s power to need even more Batman.

I missed that this set comes with a Batman Begins Batman, but it does make sense as they only briefly scuffled at the start of The Dark Knight (and I think they used that fight to justify updating the costume design to what we’re all more familiar with). Scarecrow’s deco, unfortunately, doesn’t work with a normal head, due to having the lower bit of the mask painted in both sides.

By in United States,

@iwybs said:
"This set and the Classic Batmobile make 2021 the best year ever for DC Comics sets, IMO. They're both great renditions of the best Batmobiles, and exactly the kind of thing I've wanted Lego to make ever since 2006 when they first got the Batman license. (The 2008 and 2013 Tumblers don't count, they're not very good.) I know a lot of people complain about DC not getting very many sets compared to Marvel, making 2021 a bad year for DC in Lego, but I'd rather have quality than quantity. The Tumbler and the Classic Batmobile, those are both real high quality sets.

According to the designer Bricklist, this set is basically the productionized version of the super accurate Tumbler model he submitted to Ideas in 2014 before he was employed by Lego. That's why it can combine Ideas-like attention to detail and accuracy with regular set standards of sturdy, robust builds."

There's a few great Batman sets this year. As a DC fan, the problem is that Batman overshadows every other character in DC. Since 2019, we've only had one DC set without Batman (Wonder Woman vs. Cheetah). I love Batman, but if this is all that stems from the DC comics theme, fans like me will be disappointed.

I say Lego should make a separate theme for any Batman-focused sets so that other characters have an opportunity to shine.

By in United States,

Good set and good price. But I still prefer the one from 2008.

By in United States,

This has definitely been one of my favorite sets this year, and it’s my favorite type of set — a balance of reasonable price point but still high enough to include a suitably complex build and good detail; unique figs and parts with plenty of MOC value; and the resources overall are used thoughtfully and skillfully by the designers. Really good examples of this are sadly rare, and particularly so in DC/Batman/Superhero themes.

Hopefully we’ll see the BTAS Batmobile given the same treatment someday…and a standard-release version of 40433 1989 Batmobile.

By in United States,

@Wasthereonce said:
" @iwybs said:
"This set and the Classic Batmobile make 2021 the best year ever for DC Comics sets, IMO. They're both great renditions of the best Batmobiles, and exactly the kind of thing I've wanted Lego to make ever since 2006 when they first got the Batman license. (The 2008 and 2013 Tumblers don't count, they're not very good.) I know a lot of people complain about DC not getting very many sets compared to Marvel, making 2021 a bad year for DC in Lego, but I'd rather have quality than quantity. The Tumbler and the Classic Batmobile, those are both real high quality sets.

According to the designer Bricklist, this set is basically the productionized version of the super accurate Tumbler model he submitted to Ideas in 2014 before he was employed by Lego. That's why it can combine Ideas-like attention to detail and accuracy with regular set standards of sturdy, robust builds."

There's a few great Batman sets this year. As a DC fan, the problem is that Batman overshadows every other character in DC. Since 2019, we've only had one DC set without Batman (Wonder Woman vs. Cheetah). I love Batman, but if this is all that stems from the DC comics theme, fans like me will be disappointed.

I say Lego should make a separate theme for any Batman-focused sets so that other characters have an opportunity to shine."

Excluding DCEU* (i.e. movie), Batman Classic, Mighty Micros, and Constraction sets (none of which I collect), for me the best years for LEGO DC Super Heroes have been 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2019; the best being 2015 and 2018 with 2019 close behind.

I don’t mind Batman being in every single set just as long as they include some of the many other cool characters DC has to offer.

Now, if you count the LEGO Batman Movie (which I do) then 2017 comes out of nowhere to hit second place behind an even stronger 2018.

So for me there have been many very good years for LEGO DC; I only wish they would create more sets including a wider variety of characters to interest more people. Base the sets off Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, and Justice League Action - there are a ton of characters in those episodes for which I’d be more than happy to pay.

*Except 30623 because SHAZAM!

By in United Kingdom,

Been collecting Batman lego sets for years - and this is right up there in terms of awesomeness! I get happy just looking at it sit on my desk - truly iconic and beautifully executed set. Now all we need is a Liam Neeson, Ra's al Ghul figure to complete the Nolan verse main villains.

By in Croatia,

People, did you see teaser for Flash (2022)?! Michael Keaton as Batman and his Batmobile are back!!! For Lego that mean, we'll have Keaton Batman minifig (as in 76139 and 76161 ) and Batmobile in minifig scale (with space for driver and co-driver)! I hope!
And I hope it will not be 5th (!!!) Batmobile set with Batman in Batmobile and villain running aside (others are: 76119, 76188, 76181, 76239)

By in United Kingdom,

When do we get a Ra's Al Ghul Liam Neeson figure to go with this?

By in United States,

They did Joker with the long coat in the first big Tumbler, and without any coat in the second big Tumbler. The only other villain they’ve done from the entire Dark Knight Trilogy is Bane back in the early days of DCS. I’m thrilled that they finally made a third villain, and wish they’d make more. There are only five total characters from those three films with official minifigs, which is pretty sad.

The problem is the camo Tumbler is the only one that’s accurate for scale. My Bat-pod is a bit oversized, but I haven’t figured out a way to make it appropriately smaller.

And Two-Face, and Talia al Ghul, plus it wouldn’t suck to get Flass and some of the mob bosses.

By in Denmark,

So how does the bat bike exit this tumbler?

By in United States,

@gsom7 said:
"People, did you see teaser for Flash (2022)?! Michael Keaton as Batman and his Batmobile are back!!! For Lego that mean, we'll have Keaton Batman minifig (as in 76139 and 76161 ) and Batmobile in minifig scale (with space for driver and co-driver)! I hope!
And I hope it will not be 5th (!!!) Batmobile set with Batman in Batmobile and villain running aside (others are: 76119, 76188, 76181, 76239)"

If this is Flashpoint, then Michael Keaton should be Thomas Wayne Batman, not Bruce Wayne Batman. Meaning, Michael Keaton’s Thomas Wayne should look identical to the father of Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne.

If they really want to tie it together, at the end they need to have the Flash deliver a letter from Michael Keaton’s Thomas Wayne to Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne and have it read by Keaton.

By in United States,

Same way it did in the movie. Rip the parts out and rebuild it before anyone can notice it’s physically impossible for _that_ Bat-pod to fit inside _that_ Tumbler (nevermind how the other passenger is supposed to escape now that you drove off with both front wheels).

By in United States,

Can you do the sanctuary II

By in Canada,

Looks at shelf...sees monstrosity (7888 the Tumbler: Joker's Ice Cream Surprise)...ponders...Nah, I'm good (although, it's tempting)...

Still think TLG NEEDS to make more general DC stuff...but I get it: Batman has vehicles, bases, and so on. But...a 'Fortress of Solitude', or 'Daily Planet' (yeah I know 'Daily Bugle')...'Watchtower':)

By in United States,

Cute, but even one of the comments notes that there’s no way the Bat-pod from The Dark Knight can fit inside the Batman Begins Tumbler, short of simply unbolting the two front wheels and pulling the frame out of a hidden compartment behind the seats.

For as Bat-centric as the DCS theme has been, you'd think they would have produced a GCPD station by new. They could do a proper Invisible Jet for Wonder Woman, but beyond that and what you’ve mentioned, not much else comes to mind (Archibald seems highly unlikely outside of SDCC). Still, they’ve done mecha for how many Marvel characters now? If they really want to, they can figure out a way to fake it.

By in United States,

Honestly, I wasn't gonna comment until I was looking through YouTube and saw the thumbnail of a video comparing the figures in this to customs. I noticed a molded noose on the custom Minifigure and I was like "yeah that's certainly different than the official one..." only to find out that the noose was still present, just printed. What the heck? I mean, sure, the ends are hanging off at the side so it's not like you can use the torso for a hanging figure but still. Granted, it's not as huge of a shock as it would be if they didn't have stuff like the arm with bloody flesh on it in T-Rex Rampage or whatever that Jurassic Park set was called or the blood on Starkiller's torso but still. I was already interested in the set since it's a sub-$200 Tumbler and a set with Scarecrow but the noose has won me over. I'll let him hang with my custom Solomon Grundy who also has a noose around his neck, it's a gallow sight but if LEGO's making figs like this then what the heck.
Edit: This is only $39.99, as well? Okay, I'm buying this ASAP.

By in Japan,

Looks like a lot of fun with all those front stud guns, just a shame no tractor for the scarecrow to chase and fire after. The slanted build for the side windows is well done, and glad they kept the four large rear wheels, but the first thing I would do is swap the grey with black wheel hubcaps.

By in United States,

I don’t know how many times I’ve seen Batman Begins, but I honestly never read that as a noose. Looking up photos of both official action figures and stills from the film, it appears that’s exactly what it is, but I’d figured it was more of a typical drawstring, or part of the device he used to expel the fear toxin. I don’t have an issue with the morbidity, but putting a noose around Scarecrow’s neck reminds me too much of the third B:TAS costume, which is hands down the worst Scarecrow design I’ve ever see. He looked like the Undertaker from pro wrestling, but with a noose around his neck.

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
" @Trigger_:
I don’t know how many times I’ve seen Batman Begins, but I honestly never read that as a noose. Looking up photos of both official action figures and stills from the film, it appears that’s exactly what it is, but I’d figured it was more of a typical drawstring, or part of the device he used to expel the fear toxin. I don’t have an issue with the morbidity, but putting a noose around Scarecrow’s neck reminds me too much of the third B:TAS costume, which is hands down the worst Scarecrow design I’ve ever see. He looked like the Undertaker from pro wrestling, but with a noose around his neck."

I don’t have much of an issue with it, either, I was just really caught off-guard. While watching the movie I didn’t notice the noose but at the same time I’ve only seen it all the way through once. I think of the Arkham and Injustice designs when I picture Scarecrow with a noose, I haven’t gotten that far into TAS so I haven’t seen the redesigns. I wonder if they’d give a Solomon Grundy Big-Fig this treatment, although with how film-centric they are nowadays I doubt we’re getting one any time soon. Unless they introduce him in the DCEU or something?

By in United States,

During the run of B:TAS, they cranked out an insane 65 new episodes during the first season, which spanned 376 days of broadcast. This was enough to go immediately into syndication for reruns. S2 had 20 eps, nine of which were rebranded “The Adventures of Batman & Robin”, usually abbreviated to TABR, or rolled into B:TAS. Officially, this concluded the series, and they moved on to Superman, but following the first season of S:TAS, they revived the series as The New Batman Adventures.

As long as they were coming off a long break, they had an opportunity to tinker with the show. With 85 episodes in the can, they could examine what worked and what didn’t. One of the big issues was the character designs. The original series probably didn’t have a lot of animation experience in the production team when they started, so the characters, while amazing, were reportedly a chore to animate. They were too complex, with lots of curved lines, and it just took longer than they expected for each episode to be animated. In the commentary track for the award-winning “Heart of Ice” episode that turned Mr. Freeze from a W-list villain to an A-lister who could even survive what Schumacher did to him, they even discussed how they think animating that episode may have put the studio that did the work out of business (they didn’t animate in-house like Disney, but farmed various episodes out to a slew of animation studios).

So they redid everyone. Batman lost the iconic Silver Age black/yellow oval shield logo in favor of a solid black bat that heartens back to his original look. Harley Quinn’s neck ruffle became more angular, and Joker’s irises turned black. Firefly actually showed up for the first time, and Mr. Freeze lost his organic body and became a head-in-a-jar with robotic spider legs that could climb out of the torso of his new robotic humanoid body. Penguin lost the Batman Returns look in favor of something more suited to high society. And Scarecrow stole the Undertaker’s costume.

The thing is, Scarecrow was the only character who got redesigned during the original run. The first attempt had a head that looked like a balloon, which was really bad (still better than the TNBA costume...but not by much). The second design is what the LEGO Batman Movie Scarecrow appears to be based on, with straw-like hair and a witch’s hat with a collapsed peak. Riddled was the one other miss, but since he only had one non-speaking cameo in a quick scene at Arkham, it’s easy to be completely unaware that any changes were made to his look.

By in Germany,

I've built the small Tumbler just a couple of days ago. Love it! The only thing I dislike is the new semi-translucent 4+ cape piece. It feels cheap. And I would have appreciated the same small stand + plaque as with the Classic Batmobile and 1989 Mini-Batmobile, to fit in the collection.

By in Slovakia,

TOP KEK that price

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