Vintage set of the week: Farm Set

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Farm Set

Farm Set

©1975 LEGO Group

This week's vintage set is 190 Farm Set, released during 1975. It's one of 6 Building Set with People sets produced that year. It contains 526 pieces.

It's owned by 199 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

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  • 26 comments on this article

    By in United States,

    I know it's a farm, but who gave that kid keys to the truck?!

    By in United Kingdom,

    Great Land of the Giants tribute set!

    By in United States,

    What’s going on with the sheep on the right? The one on the left is standing like normal, the one on the left looks like it’s sitting on the beach.

    By in Australia,

    @PurpleDave said: "What’s going on with the sheep on the right? The one on the left is standing like normal, the one on the left looks like it’s sitting on the beach."

    Maybe they ran out of bricks?

    By in United States,

    Either they’re giants on some human’s property or they are playing with their doll house because that house is very small, haha.

    By in United States,

    Not often you see sheep in LEGO sets. Always a delight!

    Saying that though I decided to check Brickset's tags, last year we got 'em in a Classic Set, a Micky Mouse set (compatible with City farm animals,) and a few Duplo sets. And as always Minecraft is full of 'em. More common than I thought!

    By in United Kingdom,

    I remember the wheels in particular. They were plastic, of course, with rubber tires but had metal axles.

    By in Canada,

    This is the stuff I made as a kid, and I didn’t have maxi or minifigs. I made houses with those doors, windows and shutters, animals exactly like that black dog, and furniture like a bed or sofa with the one blue 4x8 plate I had. I don’t think I even had enough of one colour to make a full roof and slopes were unseen by me. Now, I have over 2M pieces of almost every kind made. I also got this set in the last few months in a vintage bulk buy, but haven’t processed it yet, so I have the reverse problem I did as a child…

    By in United States,

    Those figures were always nightmarish to me. I was also really young, but I’m glad Lego created the minifig

    By in United States,

    One of the things I liked about this set was that the instructions only showed how to build the people and vehicles. You had to look closely at the box to figure out the buildings. Many modern kids would probably throw a fit over that, but I like the challenge.

    By in United States,

    @crazylegoman said:
    "One of the things I liked about this set was that the instructions only showed how to build the people and vehicles. You had to look closely at the box to figure out the buildings. Many modern kids would probably throw a fit over that, but I like the challenge."

    that is odd,I have this set and it has the instructions to build everything

    By in United States,

    Charming set, but that car looks very cramped.
    Edit: @crazylegoman & gromit6: None of the instructions linked to from the set's database entry seem to have the full set instructions, although two of the sites seem to be down at the moment.

    By in Netherlands,

    A completely trans building (a greenhouse) in 1975. Neat!
    Was this the first and last greenhouse we got in a non-licensed set (scooby doo, harry potter)?

    Btw i hated the tiny doors. They were even too small for minifigs and the earlier rendition of the minifig (the hands in your pants-minifig)

    By in United States,

    Huwbot is predicting a new Farm theme!

    By in United Kingdom,

    This reminds me of how glad I am that we’re finally getting City Farm sets again this year.

    By in United Kingdom,

    Having the animals be brick built makes the butchers job so much easier; those single mould animals are so hard to properly joint!

    By in Japan,

    I also have problems keeping red and yellow cows in a paddock with only three side fences.

    By in United States,

    This was the set that got me hooked on Lego!

    I was at my cousin's house, and he had this.

    The next weekend I got my first set, 659.

    By in United States,

    I remember convincing my parents to let me get this set, which was a pinnacle at that time. It’s true that you had to deduce how to build some of it. It’s also true that the buildings are quite out of scale with those large figs… but it did not matter too much back then. This set was a treasure, and much beloved by me.

    By in United Kingdom,

    The idea that these are giants in a minifig-scale universe certainly makes one look at 297-1 a little differently :)

    By in Netherlands,

    Brick Built animals capture the essence of LEGO to be honest.

    Nothing wrong with wanting more moulded animals , but it does turn LEGO more and more into a specialized toy like playmobil.

    By in United States,

    As @TheOtherMike said, complete instructions don’t appear to be available online. Peeron has eight pages, ending with a note of “second half of instructions”. Two other sites only show four pages. The first page of instructions shows how to build a roof that’s not even visible in the box art shown here. What instructions they do show include a lot of single-step situations where they just give you a clean isometric view of the sub-model and expect you to figure it out from there.

    By in Canada,

    I still have this set with instructions, having received it as a birthday present in the seventies. The Peeron scanned pamphlet was all that came with it. Back then, you were expected to use your imagination and figure it out on your own

    By in United States,

    @ryderfan said:
    "I still have this set with instructions, having received it as a birthday present in the seventies. The Peeron scanned pamphlet was all that came with it. Back then, you were expected to use your imagination and figure it out on your own"

    there must be somewhere online you can get the instructions that show everything,I received this set with some other items about 10 years ago,and it came with printed out instructions that showed how to build everything, it even had instructions to build a yellow school bus that you could build with the parts from that set, have no way to scan them but I'm sure I could take a picture of them

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