Inventory for 7706-1: Mobile Defense Tank
This set inventory has been obtained from LEGO Customer Services replacement parts page. It was retrieved on 27 October 2024 and contains 362 pieces.
Important note: We do not control this inventory and cannot currently make changes to it. Use it as a guide to the contents of the set, or to find out part numbers when requesting replacements.
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Element | Image | Qty | Colour | Category | Design | Element name | Element in sets |
Element introduced in |
Design in sets |
Design introduced in |
403226 |
4 | Black | Plates | 4032 | PLATE 2X2 ROUND | 819 | 1993 | 5206 | 1992 |
409526 |
2 | Black | Buildings & Furniture | 4095 | STANDARD Ø3.18 X 53 | 60 | 1996 | 137 | 1995 |
4155558 |
10 | Black | Cables, Hoses & Strings | 40244 | COLUMN Ø7,84 | 50 | 2001 | 82 | 2001 |
4289535 |
1 | Black | Bricks | 53981 | MINI FIG. WIG, MANGA 1 | 5 | 2006 | 11 | 2006 |
4299389 |
12 | Black | Vehicles & Transportation | 56145 | RIM WIDE W.CROSS 30/20 | 100 | 2006 | 317 | 2005 |
4502834 |
4 | Black | Vehicles & Transportation | 53992 | CATERPILLAR TRACK | 11 | 2006 | 12 | 2006 |
370526 |
5 | Black | Connectors | 3705 | CROSS AXLE 4M | 1345 | 1981 | 1692 | 1981 |
370626 |
1 | Black | Connectors | 3706 | CROSS AXLE 6M | 992 | 1981 | 1194 | 1981 |
655826 |
18 | Black | Connectors | 6558 | CONNECTOR PEG W. FRICTION 3M | 383 | 1994 | 1202 | 1994 |
4107085 |
2 | Black | Connectors | 32013 | ANGLE ELEMENT, 0 DEGREES [1] | 339 | 1997 | 928 | 1997 |
4107767 |
4 | Black | Connectors | 32014 | ANGLE ELEMENT, 90 DEGREES [6] | 135 | 1997 | 267 | 1997 |
4121667 |
4 | Black | Technic Beams | 32184 | DOUBLE CROSS BLOCK | 190 | 1999 | 423 | 1999 |
4121715 |
35 | Black | Connectors | 2780 | CONNECTOR PEG W. FRICTION | 2207 | 1993 | 2207 | 1993 |
4140801 |
4 | Black | Connectors | 32054 | 2M FRIC. SNAP W/CROSS HOLE | 421 | 1997 | 979 | 1997 |
4142822 |
1 | Black | Technic Beams | 32523 | TECHNIC 3M BEAM | 330 | 2001 | 1325 | 2001 |
4512363 |
1 | Black | Connectors | 59443 | CROSS AXLE, EXTENSION, 2M | 454 | 2005 | 1759 | 2005 |
4529235 |
10 | Bright Blue | Bricks | 59900 | NOSE CONE SMALL 1X1 | 48 | 2006 | 3053 | 2002 |
4206482 |
19 | Bright Blue | Connectors | 43093 | CONN.BUSH W.FRIC./CROSSALE | 2081 | 2002 | 2112 | 2002 |
4121737 |
2 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 3747 | ROOF TILE 2X3/25° INV. | 30 | 1999 | 1341 | 1991 |
4121742 |
2 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 3298 | ROOF TILE 2X3/25° | 34 | 1999 | 1390 | 1991 |
4121967 |
4 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 3040 | ROOF TILE 1X2/45° | 123 | 1999 | 4376 | 1986 |
4125278 |
2 | Bright Orange | Plates | 3021 | PLATE 2X3 | 191 | 1999 | 8340 | 1980 |
4141089 |
1 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 6143 | BRICK Ø16 W. CROSS | 72 | 2000 | 2863 | 1993 |
4180489 |
8 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 43712 | BRICK 4X6 W/BOW/ANGLE | 2 | 2006 | 183 | 2003 |
4190164 |
1 | Bright Orange | Plates | 2540 | PLATE 1X2 W. STICK | 66 | 2003 | 2432 | 1992 |
4214921 |
2 | Bright Orange | Minifigure Parts | 73200 | MINI LOWER PART KOKS/ORANGE | 35 | 2004 | 5791 | 1991 |
4251103 |
2 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 41749 | RIGHT SHELL 3X8X2 W/BOW/ANGLE | 2 | 2006 | 90 | 2002 |
4251106 |
2 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 41750 | LEFT SHELL 3X8X2 W/BOW/ANGLE | 2 | 2006 | 91 | 2002 |
4292851 |
2 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 54095 | BOW TOP 8X8X2 Ø4.85 | 1 | 2006 | 31 | 2006 |
4294620 |
2 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 3894 | TECHNIC BRICK 1X6, Ø4,9 | 2 | 2006 | 911 | 1981 |
4294622 |
1 | Bright Orange | Bricks | 6111 | BRICK 1X10 | 1 | 2006 | 846 | 1994 |
4494218 |
2 | Bright Orange | Vehicles & Transportation | 4185 | WEDGE-BELT WHEEL Ø24 | 3 | 2006 | 275 | 1981 |
4142865 |
6 | Bright Red | Connectors | 32062 | 2M CROSS AXLE W. GROOVE | 1865 | 2000 | 2677 | 1993 |
4290453 |
1 | Bright Yellow | Minifigure Parts | 55534 | MINI HEAD NO 453 | 2 | 2006 | 2 | 2006 |
4292012 |
1 | Bright Yellow | Minifigure Parts | 55711 | MINI HEAD NO 463 | 8 | 2006 | 8 | 2006 |
4210763 |
2 | Dark Stone Grey | Plates | 32530 | T-BEAM W. PLATE 1X2 W. TUBE | 252 | 2004 | 553 | 2001 |
4210998 |
2 | Dark Stone Grey | Plates | 3460 | PLATE 1X8 | 486 | 2003 | 3987 | 1981 |
4211002 |
1 | Dark Stone Grey | Plates | 3795 | PLATE 2X6 | 896 | 2002 | 7423 | 1980 |
4211053 |
2 | Dark Stone Grey | Plates | 2431 | FLAT TILE 1X4 | 517 | 2003 | 6430 | 1991 |
4211115 |
1 | Dark Stone Grey | Plates | 3032 | PLATE 4X6 | 462 | 2002 | 2998 | 1991 |
4227398 |
4 | Dark Stone Grey | Plates | 3709 | PLATE 2X4, 3XØ4.9 | 177 | 2004 | 889 | 1981 |
4299022 |
2 | Dark Stone Grey | Plates | 4151 | GRID PLATE 8X8 | 78 | 2004 | 176 | 1996 |
4182751 |
4 | Dark Stone Grey | Miscellaneous | 44224 | FLEX JOINT 6M, Ø24, MALE | 65 | 2006 | 69 | 2003 |
4210655 |
12 | Dark Stone Grey | Technic Beams | 32291 | TECHNIC CROSS BLOCK 2X1 | 55 | 2004 | 282 | 2000 |
4210667 |
8 | Dark Stone Grey | Technic Beams | 32140 | TECHNIC ANG. BEAM 4X2 90 DEG | 82 | 2004 | 618 | 1999 |
4210751 |
1 | Dark Stone Grey | Technic Beams | 32523 | TECHNIC 3M BEAM | 202 | 2004 | 1325 | 2001 |
4211086 |
12 | Dark Stone Grey | Connectors | 6587 | CROSSAXLE 3M WITH KNOB | 266 | 1993 | 492 | 1993 |
4223767 |
2 | Dark Stone Grey | Technic Beams | 6632 | TECHNIC LEVER 3M | 72 | 2004 | 666 | 1995 |
4281516 |
4 | Dark Stone Grey | Technic Beams | 32271 | TECHNIC ANGULAR BEAM 3X7 | 45 | 2005 | 251 | 2000 |
4289258 |
3 | Dark Stone Grey | Technic Beams | 50923 | Beam 2M w. ball ø 10.2 | 144 | 2004 | 148 | 2004 |
4508553 |
8 | Dark Stone Grey | Connectors | 59426 | CROSS AXLE 5,5 WITH STOP 1M. | 562 | 2005 | 562 | 2005 |
4289562 |
1 | Medium Lilac | Minifigure Accessories | 53982 | MINI FIG. WIG MANGA 2 | 8 | 2006 | 25 | 2006 |
4211398 |
9 | Medium Stone Grey | Plates | 3023 | PLATE 1X2 | 1403 | 1993 | 16362 | 1981 |
4211436 |
2 | Medium Stone Grey | Bricks | 3660 | ROOF TILE 2X2/45 INV. | 308 | 2002 | 2969 | 1987 |
4211472 |
2 | Medium Stone Grey | Plates | 3956 | PLATE 2X2 ANGLE | 25 | 1993 | 162 | 1991 |
4211529 |
1 | Medium Stone Grey | Bricks | 6232 | BRICK 2X2 W. SNAP AND CROSS | 72 | 2002 | 439 | 1995 |
4211542 |
2 | Medium Stone Grey | Plates | 32001 | PLATE 2X6 W. HOLES | 158 | 1998 | 441 | 1996 |
4211570 |
4 | Medium Stone Grey | Bricks | 3747 | ROOF TILE 2X3/25° INV. | 175 | 2001 | 1341 | 1991 |
4211848 |
1 | Medium Stone Grey | Bricks | 32532 | 6X8 BRICK, Ø 4,85 | 61 | 2004 | 161 | 2002 |
4233493 |
8 | Medium Stone Grey | Bricks | 32064 | BRICK 1X2 WITH CROSS HOLE | 110 | 2003 | 737 | 1997 |
4277927 |
1 | Medium Stone Grey | Plates | 44728 | ANGLE PLATE 1X2 / 2X2 | 55 | 2003 | 359 | 2002 |
4211483 |
4 | Medium Stone Grey | Connectors | 4274 | CONNECTOR PEG W. KNOB | 1114 | 1997 | 2339 | 1981 |
4211573 |
12 | Medium Stone Grey | Connectors | 32123 | 1/2 BUSH | 592 | 1995 | 944 | 1993 |
4211622 |
4 | Medium Stone Grey | Connectors | 6590 | BUSH FOR CROSS AXLE | 524 | 1993 | 1131 | 1990 |
4211770 |
2 | Medium Stone Grey | Bricks | 32278 | TECHNIC 15M BEAM | 8 | 2004 | 62 | 2002 |
4211800 |
4 | Medium Stone Grey | Miscellaneous | 44225 | FLEX JOINT 6M, Ø24, FEMALE | 30 | 2006 | 39 | 2003 |
4211815 |
4 | Medium Stone Grey | Connectors | 4519 | CROSS AXLE 3M | 1275 | 1993 | 1985 | 1990 |
4211866 |
4 | Medium Stone Grey | Technic Beams | 40490 | TECHNIC 9M BEAM | 33 | 2004 | 213 | 2001 |
4240563 |
3 | Medium Stone Grey | Minifigure Parts | 32174 | LINK FOR BALL | 5 | 2004 | 157 | 2001 |
4494395 |
10 | Multicombination | Miscellaneous | 53993 | DISC Ø12,9 | 4 | 2006 | 8 | 2006 |
4283931 |
1 | Transparent | Power Functions | 54605 | LIGHT BR. 2X4 Ø3.2 HOLE W/BAT | 10 | 2006 | 10 | 2006 |
4215614 |
1 | Transparent Brown | Vehicles & Transportation | 30536 | SCREEN BOWED 4X8X2 | 6 | 2004 | 10 | 2001 |
4292137 |
1 | Transparent Brown | Miscellaneous | 53990 | SHOOTER for disc ø12,9 | 5 | 2006 | 7 | 2006 |
612647 |
2 | Transparent Fluorescent Reddish Orange | Minifigure Accessories | 6126 | DRAGON'S FIRE | 225 | 1994 | 398 | 1994 |
4124108 |
1 | Transparent Red | Buildings & Furniture | 30374 | LIGHT SWORD - BLADE | 85 | 1999 | 875 | 1999 |
241201 |
3 | White | Plates | 2412 | RADIATOR GRILLE 1X2 | 424 | 1994 | 5067 | 1991 |
243101 |
1 | White | Plates | 2431 | FLAT TILE 1X4 | 766 | 1992 | 6430 | 1991 |
300901 |
1 | White | Bricks | 3009 | BRICK 1X6 | 692 | 1991 | 4078 | 1991 |
302101 |
1 | White | Plates | 3021 | PLATE 2X3 | 911 | 1992 | 8340 | 1980 |
302201 |
1 | White | Plates | 3022 | PLATE 2X2 | 1187 | 1986 | 11117 | 1986 |
383901 |
1 | White | Plates | 3839 | MINI HANDLE | 76 | 1998 | 707 | 1994 |
415001 |
4 | White | Plates | 4150 | FLAT TILE 2X2, ROUND | 47 | 1993 | 338 | 1993 |
614301 |
2 | White | Bricks | 6143 | BRICK Ø16 W. CROSS | 394 | 1994 | 2863 | 1993 |
663601 |
1 | White | Plates | 6636 | FLAT TILE 1X6 | 519 | 1996 | 3961 | 1996 |
3200001 |
7 | White | Bricks | 32000 | BRICK 1X2 W. 2 HOLES Ø 4,87 | 151 | 1996 | 1407 | 1996 |
4121932 |
2 | White | Bricks | 3040 | ROOF TILE 1X2/45° | 494 | 1994 | 4376 | 1986 |
4215142 |
1 | White | Bricks | 30360 | ENGINE 3X3X6 | 6 | 2004 | 14 | 2002 |
4216652 |
2 | White | Bricks | 30367 | FINAL BRICK 2X2 TR. | 147 | 2001 | 900 | 2000 |
4262011 |
2 | White | Plates | 30383 | PLATE 1X2 W/STUB/ALONG/UPPER P | 33 | 2005 | 331 | 2001 |
4293876 |
1 | White | Plates | 2476 | PLATE 2X2 INVERTED W. SNAP | 28 | 2006 | 230 | 1995 |
4494474 |
2 | White | Miscellaneous | 47457 | PLATES W. BOWS 2X2 | 139 | 2005 | 1072 | 2003 |
Colour summary
Colour | Unique | Total |
Black | 16 | 108 |
Bright Blue | 2 | 29 |
Bright Orange | 14 | 33 |
Bright Red | 1 | 6 |
Bright Yellow | 2 | 2 |
Dark Stone Grey | 16 | 68 |
Medium Lilac | 1 | 1 |
Medium Stone Grey | 17 | 67 |
Multicombination | 1 | 10 |
Transparent | 1 | 1 |
Transparent Brown | 2 | 2 |
Transparent Fluorescent Reddish Orange | 1 | 2 |
Transparent Red | 1 | 1 |
White | 16 | 32 |
Total | 91 | 362 |
Category summary
Category | Unique | Total |
Bricks | 24 | 70 |
Buildings & Furniture | 2 | 3 |
Cables, Hoses & Strings | 1 | 10 |
Connectors | 16 | 139 |
Minifigure Accessories | 2 | 3 |
Minifigure Parts | 4 | 7 |
Miscellaneous | 5 | 21 |
Plates | 23 | 50 |
Power Functions | 1 | 1 |
Technic Beams | 9 | 39 |
Vehicles & Transportation | 4 | 19 |
Total | 91 | 362 |