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Member since:
Before November 2010
Last online:
28 Jul 2019 22:42
Santa Clara, CA, USA
LEGO interests:
Star Wars, Exo-Force (I think it ended too soon), Agents, City: Construction, Fire, Coast Guard, Power Miners, Space Police 3, Creator

I am an AFOL. I had sets growing up, some castle sets, a coast guard set, and some space sets. I got out of college, got married, started a career, and found some extra time after I rebuilt my house from the ground up. I was wonder around TRU one day and saw a few of the smaller Exo-Force sets. I thought they looked really fun, and they had new parts that I did not have back in the day. After three years and 160+ sets later, my house looks like it is being over run by minifigs. Everything from Star Wars to Coast Guards are roaming the shelves and book cases in my house.

I am so much a fan, I am getting ready to take an old shed in my back yard, and rebuilding it into a hobby room so I can have more space to display my sets as well as set up an area for building where I can keep work out without having to clear off the dining table for dinner.
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