Judge Me by My Size, Do You?
Judge Me by My Size, Do You?
A few days ago I found a giftcard to Barnes and Noble from about three years ago :). I went to the store to find there was just enough left on it to get this set and 70753. While the latter's review is pending, I proudly bring you the Jungle Trap, which is the smallest of the Season 4 Ninjago wave.
The box is pretty standard, and is almost but not quite a square.The front shows the characters in action while the back shows off the main feature. The instructions are relatively straightforward and are printed on plain beige paper. As far as I could see there weren't any color discrepancies. In the back there is an ad for the whole wave which oddly excludes the Dojo Showdown.
For a small set, there are some pretty nice parts! Along with two of the new Jade Blade pieces, We get to foliage pieces, one of those great Anacondrai helmets, and a golden katana. The extra pieces are on skeleton leg, one frictionless peg, one of Kai's masks, a 1x1 cheese slope, a gold lightsaber hilt, and a 1x1 round stud.
With this set we get one protagonist (Kai) and one antagonist (Krait).
Krait- Krait is one of the Anacondrai cultists. Though I don't think he makes an appearance in the show, he is still a pretty nice figure. He has nice printing and tattoos running from his chest and down his legs. His face is covered in tattoos and paint and his helmet is amazing!
Kai- Kai is awesome (like usual). His hair is very well molded, and his half-mask is a nice look. Though he a similar mask, hair, and face from the last season, his new gi is really nice. It's sleeveless with black gloves and has nice printing on the front and back.
The build
The set only has 58 pieces, so the build is short (it took me 4-5 minutes). However, for little kids it'll be fun to see the build come together. The main play feature is incorporated quite well.
The completed model
The model as a whole is pretty small, but you can see what is supposed to happen. Kai and Krait start fighting, and whoever wins goes fr the Jade Blade. They're walking up the steps when BAM! One of the steps is a trap and two swords come swinging at them. The play feature works well, the harder you hit it the higher the swords will go. The one thing I would've liked would've been if the tower part in the back was a little more substantial instead of 1x2 bricks on top of each other.
Overall opinion
For a set costing $6.99, I think this more than delivers. As impulse buys go, this one is a lot better than many polybags that are only one or two dollars less. It has two minifigures, a play feature, and some nice pieces. Overall, this set is great for its size.
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