Krak'en Beast
Krak'en Beast
I confess I primarily bought this set at a good discount as a parts pack. Although I did like the look of it, it wasn't a first choice buy for me.
It is a very nicely constructed vehicle, with some neat constructions to give a very good overall shape, and a clever suspension mechanism - the vehicle seems a little spartan given it has the highest part count for the knights personal vehicle sets for this year.
A fair few of those parts go into the excellent Krakenbeast, ridden by Lord Krakenskull. The beast is for me the best looking model within the set. Excellent shape, great colours (fitting the rock theme) and good articulation for posing - although I'm not sure those tiny wings are going to get him off the ground.
A stone minifig and little brick built stone monster (with those interesting minifig arms on a technic pin) round out the bad guys.
This sets Knight is Aaron, the green knight, and his vehicle uses the standard NK colours with the addition of lime green (Bright Yellowish Green) as Aaron's personal colour.
The Rock Climber looks like a pretty good off road vehicle, and the suspension mechanism is simple using the rubbery technic 2 axle hole piece as a simple spring. I might worry about the piece splitting through long repeat use, but it seems fairly robust.
The lower front section of the cockpit detaches as a mini flyer, although as another review noted, the flyer takes Aaron's control panel with it - so I'm not sure how he drives the vehicle once the flyer is gone.
The back section as well as providing a popup shooter and aerofoil, detaches to provide a static artillery piece for use by a Battlesuited knight.
Like the Falcon Blaster, the Rock Climber seems to have more potential connection points than are used - pointing to the potential for more combining. In particular the 2 front diamond panels on the mini flyer lift up to reveal technic axle pins - although at an odd angle.
As with other NK vehicles, there are clips to hold the shield and weapons for Aaron and his Bot (take note Ninjago!)
As a wheeled vehicle with good suspension it can wiz around the floor easily, and with detachable flyer and shooter it provides great play value.
Overall I like the set, especially at a discount. It seems a little small/light for the piece count, although that does translate as excellent detail and shape.
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