Best in the Series!
Best in the Series!
So the Magician was number 9 in Series 1, and even though I don't have him, he is my favorite of the series! So let's get a more in-depth look at each part of him!
So the top hat tops him off, and I'm not sure, but I think it was new for the series, which is cool, and it has a flat top with a wide brim, and it could be used for many things, including a custom Abe Lincoln. And one of the reasons I love this figure so much, is because he not only comes with that hat, but also an alternate hair piece. And that is the "wig boy" hair in black, which isn't too special, but still is a really nice and generous inclusion.
Next we have the face, which looks nice. I like the eyebrows and mustache, which both look great. And he has no alternate face, which is fine with me, be cause if he did, it would look awkward with that top hat piece. Still, a nice face print.
Then we have the torso, which looks excellent. He has that red bow tie as well as the red waistband, and then the white undershirt looks great as well. He also has the black overcoat printing, which looks nice as well. And he has no back torso printing unfortunately, but that's alright since this series was only 2 bucks a pop.
And the legs are just plain black; no printing whatsoever, but again, that's alright because it was only 2 bucks. I would kind of like to see a newer updated magician with leg printing and all, so who knows.
And then his accessory (besides the extra hair) is that wand piece, which looks great. It has those white bands printed around the end of the staff, and it is just the perfect accessory for a perfect figure.
And that's it for him! He is totally my favorite of Series 1, and if I wasn't one years old, I would have totally snatched up this fig. Nonetheless, this is a great figure, So thanks for reading!
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