Gamer’s Market: The Quintessential Ninjago Accessory Pack
Gamer’s Market: The Quintessential Ninjago Accessory Pack
This Gamer's Market set has pretty great value with 9 figures, some great accessories and some nice stickers. Let's look at the figures first.
Digital Jay: A pretty common figure, but a good one. I especially like the health bar piece they created that you can attach onto his back. I also like the recolour of the standard katanas in mint green.
Charlie (That pink dragon thing): This guy is absolutely great. I don't care if these pink and olive green dragon thingies are in almost every set this wave, I love them. A good army builder as well.
Red Visor: Even more of an army builder than the dragon things are these guys. It is nice to get an extra one in this set. I don't mind because there are still 8 other figure spots, so he is not really wasted space.
Avatar Harumi: Good figure, one of my favourites in the set. Wait, I think I recognise that outfit...Scott: A nice mysterious figure who appears in many other sets. He is not my favorite, but I appreciate his inclusion.
Okino: Nice recolour of that hairpiece. I really like his face and satchel.
Avatar Cole: This figure is amazing. Why does he have a moustache? Why does he have a plaid shirt? Why does he have two pickaxes? I don't know, but it's incredible. Nice inclusion of that uncommon hair though.
Avatar Nya: The swimsuit outfit is pretty bland, but like Cole, I am glad it includes this uncommon hairpiece.
Pink Zane: You know, I never thought we would see that classic ninjago 2011 outfit ever again, but here we are. This is a great recolour and will probably go up in price a lot once this set retires.
The Builds: There are three builds in this set. Two pretty good ones and one bad one. These three builds together are about $15-$20 value, but I understand the price increase because to $30 because of the inclusion of 9 figures.
Weapon shop: My favourite of the three builds. I really like the white and green design, and the inclusion of many colourful weapons.Item/Hat shop: I really like this build as well. While nothing too substantial, it does provide many rare and uncommon hats as well as some nice stickers.
Temple of Madness Gate: This build is not very good. The keytana thing is really cool, but the gate is pretty lame. I wish they included a third shop instead. This gate is really only useful if you have the Temple of Madness set.
Final Thoughts: Overall, this set is wonderful. It has 9 great figures and two exciting shops with plenty of rare and colourful accessories. The only bad part is a disappointing gate build. If you are a Ninjago fan or a fan of the video game aesthetic, then this set is a must buy.
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