4 Racers Tiny Turbos and a Tuner Shop Put this Set Near the Top!

  • 4 Racers Tiny Turbos and a Tuner Shop Put this Set Near the Top!

    Written by (Unspecified , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    The Racers Tuner Garage is a great concept. What do you do with your Tiny Turbos once they are built? Why, you put them on the roof of a Tuner Garage, that's what! The set comes with 4 Tiny Turbos, 1 of which is a new design, 2 are tweaks of earlier designs (a yellow Flame Glider and Lime Tuner-X). The other car is the Highway Enforcer. It would have been nice to get different cars completely but the new colors and slight tweaks are acceptable. The Garage itself is awesome. It is stocked with extra sets of wheels, off road wheels, rims, nitro, a checkerboard roof, a car on the roof, mechanic bays, and Technic Slammers that when used send your Racers flying. This set is a nice addition to the Racers line up and to my collection. It will serve as the inspiration for a much larger MOC Tuner Garage that I will build to house my Tiny Turbos collection.
    Check out my Tiny Turbos MOC's at: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=notenoughbricks

    Thank you. Can't wait to build the Racers Bridge Chase.

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