Should be 361-1 (not 361-2), because the set 361-2 was later one, called GARAGE
Should be 361-1 (not 361-2), because the set 361-2 was later one, called GARAGE
I bought the set a few years ago. For years it was one of my dream sets. Big source for yellow bricks, and red fence with entrancies.
But: there's a mistake at brickset. The set should be called 361-1 instead of 361-2, because the set was produced in 1974! At the time lego even didn't think about minifigs in their sets... First minifigs came in 1975, and minifigs with hands and legs in 1977 (first sets in the USA) and 1978 (Europe).
There's no minifigs in the set! But in the set 361 from the year 1979, called now 361-1 instead of 361-2, there were 1 minifig looking exactly as at the picture above.
I'm still missing the climate of middle seventies, when all boildings had all walls, and looked very realistic. The set is one of them - for this I give maximum note!
And what is the city without houses, backeries, shops, hospital? When lego leaders will notice, that another fire stations and police departments are not enough to create a city? Police officers and fire chiefs cannot work 24 hours a day at their offcies - they all should have a place to live - their own houses.
How long time should we all wait till nice buildings from lego will be produced?
Of course it is a rethorical question...6 out of 6 people thought this review was helpful.