Eliminate your skepticism!
Eliminate your skepticism!
The figure uses the same hat and skirt block that the previous (Fantasty Era) witch uses. ((Note however, that this block is different to the Hubble Bubble witch from 1996-8, as it has a stud in the middle of it, allowing it to stick to the minifig stand.))
With regards to the hat, it is obviously a lower quality mould, as it is visibly less shiny when compared to other hats, and has a number that is absent on the previous versions.
The face is excellent. The fact that it is green distinguishes it from previous witches and makes it seem far scarier than the previous two. There are visible cracks to the skin.
The printing on the witch's top is basic and not interesting, it is clearly beaten by the fantasy era witch. However, the skirt sports a chemical vial, a book of spells with a very detailed frog on it and a visible sign of wear and tear. This makes the witch seem somewhat closer to the fairy tale image we have of her.
Ultimately, she will go well with your two other witches, and with a cauldron, I can easily see them acting out the first scene of Shakespeare's Macbeth.
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