Appendix:Moby Thesaurus II/05
Artful Dodger
[edit]- Artful Dodger, Casanova, Don Juan, Machiavel, Machiavelli, Machiavellian, Philadelphia lawyer, Yankee horse trader, actor, bamboozler, befuddler, beguiler, charmer, counterfeiter, crafty rascal, deceiver, deluder, dissembler, dissimulator, dodger, double-dealer, duper, enchanter, entrancer, faker, fooler, forger, fox, gay deceiver, glib tongue, hoaxer, horse trader, hypnotizer, jilt, jilter, joker, jokester, kidder, leg-puller, mesmerizer, misleader, plagiarist, plagiarizer, playactor, practical joker, ragger, reynard, role-player, seducer, shyster, slick citizen, sly dog, slyboots, spoofer, sweet talker, swindler, tease, teaser, trickster
[edit]- artful, Byzantine, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, acute, adroit, ambidextrous, arch, astute, cagey, calculating, canny, chiseling, clever, collusive, covinous, crafty, crooked, cunning, cute, deceitful, deep, deep-laid, designing, devious, dexterous, diplomatic, dishonest, disingenuous, double, double-dealing, double-faced, double-minded, double-tongued, doublehearted, duplicitous, facile, faithless, false, false-principled, falsehearted, feline, finagling, forsworn, foxy, fraudulent, furtive, guileful, indirect, ingenious, insidious, insincere, inventive, knowing, oily, pawky, perfidious, perjured, politic, ready, resourceful, scheming, serpentine, sharp, shifty, shrewd, slick, slippery, sly, smooth, snaky, sneaky, sophistical, specious, stealthy, strategic, suave, subtile, subtle, superficial, supple, surreptitious, tactical, treacherous, trickish, tricksy, tricky, two-faced, uncandid, underhand, underhanded, unfrank, unsincere, untruthful, vulpine, wary, wily
[edit]- artfulness, Gongorism, Italian hand, ability, acuteness, address, adeptness, adroitness, affectation, affectedness, airmanship, animal cunning, art, artifice, artificiality, artisanship, artistry, astuteness, bravura, brilliance, cageyness, callidity, canniness, capability, capacity, cleverness, command, competence, control, coordination, craft, craftiness, craftsmanship, credibility gap, cunning, cunningness, deceit, deceitfulness, deftness, deviousness, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, diplomacy, disingenuousness, duplicity, efficiency, euphemism, euphuism, expertise, facility, falseheartedness, falseness, fine Italian hand, finesse, forswearing, foxiness, fraud, furtiveness, gamesmanship, grace, grip, guile, guilefulness, handiness, horsemanship, hyperelegance, hypocrisy, indirection, ingeniousness, ingenuity, insidiousness, insincerity, intrigue, inventiveness, know-how, low cunning, manneredness, mannerism, marksmanship, mastership, mastery, one-upmanship, overelaboration, overelegance, overniceness, overrefinement, pawkiness, perjury, practical ability, preciosity, preciousness, pretentiousness, proficiency, prowess, purism, quickness, readiness, resource, resourcefulness, satanic cunning, savoir-faire, savvy, seamanship, sharp practice, sharpness, shiftiness, shrewdness, skill, skillfulness, slickness, slipperiness, slyness, sneak attack, sneakiness, sophistry, stealth, stealthiness, style, subtility, subtilty, subtleness, subtlety, suppleness, surreptitiousness, tact, tactfulness, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technique, timing, treacherousness, trickiness, uncandidness, uncandor, underhandedness, unfrankness, unnaturalness, unsincereness, untruthfulness, virtuosity, wariness, wiles, wiliness, wit, wizardry, workmanship
[edit]- arthritic, allergic, anemic, apoplectic, bilious, cancerous, case, chlorotic, colicky, consumptive, dropsical, dyspeptic, edematous, encephalitic, epileptic, incurable, inpatient, invalid, laryngitic, leprous, luetic, malarial, malignant, measly, nephritic, neuralgic, neuritic, outpatient, palsied, paralytic, patient, phthisic, pleuritic, pneumonic, pocky, podagric, rachitic, rheumatic, rickety, scorbutic, scrofulous, shut-in, sick person, spastic, sufferer, tabetic, tabid, terminal case, the sick, tubercular, tuberculous, tumorigenic, tumorous, valetudinarian
[edit]- arthritis, adenoiditis, adrenitis, appendicitis, arteritis, arthritis deformans, arthritis fungosa, arthritis pauperum, atrophic arthritis, atrophic inflammation, blennorrhagic arthritis, brain fever, bronchitis, bunion, bursitis, capillaritis, carditis, catarrh, catarrhal inflammation, cerebellitis, cerebral meningitis, cerebritis, cerebrospinal meningitis, chronic infectious arthritis, chronic inflammation, cirrhotic inflammation, climactic arthritis, clitoritis, colitis, collagen disease, conjunctivitis, cystitis, degenerative arthritis, diffuse inflammation, encephalitis, endocarditis, enteritis, equine encephalomyelitis, exudative inflammation, fibroid inflammation, focal inflammation, gastritis, gingivitis, glossitis, gonococcal arthritis, gonorrheal arthritis, gonorrheal rheumatism, gout, gouty arthritis, hemophilic arthritis, hepatitis, hyperplastic inflammation, hypertrophic arthritis, hypertrophic inflammation, infectional arthritis, infectious hepatitis, inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome, laryngitis, lumbago, lumbar rheumatism, mastoiditis, meningitis, menopausal arthritis, metastatic inflammation, metritis, milk leg, mucous colitis, mumps meningitis, myelitis, necrotic inflammation, nephritis, neuritis, obliterative inflammation, ophthalitis, ophthalmia, orchitis, osseous rheumatism, osteitis, osteoarthritis, osteomyelitis, otitis, ovaritis, paradental pyorrhea, penitis, pericarditis, periodontitis, peritonitis, pharyngitis, phlebitis, podagra, proliferative arthritis, prostatitis, pyonephritis, pyorrhea, pyorrhea alveolaris, reactive inflammation, rheumatism, rheumatiz, rheumatoid arthritis, rhinitis, sclerosing inflammation, seroplastic inflammation, serous inflammation, serum hepatitis, simple inflammation, sinusitis, spastic colon, specific inflammation, subacute rheumatism, suppurative arthritis, suppurative inflammation, syphilitic arthritis, tennis elbow, testitis, thrombophlebitis, tonsilitis, torticollis, toxic inflammation, traumatic inflammation, tuberculous arthritis, tuberculous rheumatism, ulcerative colitis, uratic arthritis, ureteritis, urethral arthritis, urethritis, uteritis, vaginitis, vertebral arthritis, visceral rheumatism, vulvitis, wryneck
[edit]- article, accuse, affair, allege, apprentice, arraign, article of commerce, article of merchandise, artifact, aspect, autograph, back matter, beat, bind, bind over, book, brainchild, bring accusation, bring charges, bring to book, budget of news, case, causerie, chapter, charge, cite, clause, column, commodity, complain, composition, computer printout, copy, count, critique, datum, definite article, denounce, denunciate, descant, detail, determinative, determiner, dingus, discourse, discussion, disquisition, dissertation, division, document, dofunny, dohickey, dojigger, dojiggy, domajig, domajigger, doodad, dowhacky, draft, drug, edited version, element, engrossment, entity, eppes, essay, etude, etwas, examination, exclusive, excursus, exposition, facet, fact, factor, fair copy, fascicle, fasten on, fasten upon, feature, fiction, final draft, finger, finished version, first approach, first draft, flimsy, flumadiddle, folio, front matter, gadget, gathering, gigamaree, gimmick, gizmo, hang something on, hickey, holograph, homily, hootenanny, hootmalalie, impeach, imply, impute, incidental, indefinite article, indenture, indict, individual, inform against, inform on, insinuate, installment, instance, integer, introductory study, item, jigger, lay charges, lead item, leader, letter, literae scriptae, literary artefact, literary production, literature, livraison, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, loss leader, lucubration, manifesto, manuscript, material thing, matter, memoir, minor detail, minutia, minutiae, module, monograph, morceau, news item, nonfiction, note, noun determiner, number, object, opus, original, outline, page, pandect, paper, paragraph, parchment, part, particular, passage, penscript, person, persona, phrase, piece, piece of writing, pin on, play, poem, point, prefer charges, preliminary study, press charges, printed matter, printout, product, production, prolegomenon, put on report, quelque chose, reading matter, recension, regard, report, reproach, research paper, respect, scoop, screed, scrip, script, scrive, scroll, second draft, seconds, section, segment, sentence, serial, sheet, signature, single, singleton, sketch, something, soul, special, special article, spot news, standard article, staple, staple item, statement, story, study, survey, take to task, task, taunt with, tax, term paper, text, the written word, theme, thesis, thing, thingum, thingumadoodle, thingumajig, thingumajigger, thingumaree, thingummy, tract, tractate, transcript, transcription, treatise, treatment, twit, typescript, unit, vendible, verse, version, volume, ware, whatchy, widget, work, writing
[edit]- articulate, Ciceronian, Demosthenian, Demosthenic, Tullian, accouple, accumulate, adjust, agglutinate, amass, apprehensible, assemble, associate, audible, band, batten, batten down, bolt, bond, bracket, breathe, bridge, bridge over, buckle, butt, button, cement, chain, chime, chorus, clap together, clasp, clear, cleat, clip, cognizable, collect, combine, come out with, communicate, comprehensible, comprise, concatenate, conglobulate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, contrastive, convey, coordinate, copulate, couple, cover, definite, deliver, disclose, distinct, distinctive, dovetail, easily understood, easy to understand, eloquent, embrace, emit, encompass, enunciate, exoteric, express, facund, fathomable, felicitous, fling off, fluent, formulate, free-speaking, free-spoken, garrulous, gather, give, give expression, give out with, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, glib, glue, harmonize, hasp, hearable, hi-fi, high-fidelity, hinge, hitch, hook, impart, include, intelligible, jam, join, joint, jointed, knot, knowable, latch, lay together, league, let out, link, lip, lock, loud-speaking, loud-spoken, lump together, marry, marshal, mass, meaningful, merge, methodize, miter, mobilize, mortise, nail, oral, order, organize, out with, outspoken, pair, peg, penetrable, phonate, phrase, piece together, pin, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, plumbable, pour forth, prehensible, present, prolix, pronounce, put forth, put in words, put together, rabbet, raise, readable, regulate, relate, rivet, roll into one, say, scarf, screw, scrutable, set forth, sew, significant, silver, silver-tongued, skewer, slick, smooth, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued, snap, soft-speaking, soft-spoken, solder, sonant, sound, span, speaking, spellbinding, splice, spoken, staple, stick, stick together, stitch, systematize, tack, take in, talkative, talking, tape, tell, throw off, tie, toggle, true-speaking, understandable, unify, unite, utter, venting, verbalize, viva voce, vocalize, voice, voiced, wedge, weld, well-spoken, whisper, word, yoke, zipper
[edit]- articulation, Indian file, agglomeration, agglutination, aggregation, allophone, alveolar, ankle, antonym, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, array, aspiration, assimilation, attack, bank, bilabial, bond, boundary, bracketing, butt, buzz, cacuminal, catena, catenation, cerebral, cervix, chain, chain reaction, chaining, check, clinch, closure, clustering, combination, communication, concatenation, concourse, concurrence, confluence, congeries, conglomeration, conjugation, conjunction, connecting link, connecting rod, connection, consecution, consonant, continuant, continuum, convergence, copulation, coupling, course, cycle, delivery, dental, descent, diphthong, dissimilation, dovetail, drone, elbow, embrace, endless belt, endless round, enunciation, epenthetic vowel, explosive, expression, file, filiation, free form, gamut, gathering, glide, gliding joint, glottal, glottalization, gradation, guttural, hinge, hinged joint, hip, homograph, homonym, homophone, hookup, hum, intercommunication, intercourse, interface, interlinking, join, joinder, joining, joint, jointure, junction, juncture, knee, knotting, knuckle, labial, labialization, labiodental, labiovelar, laryngeal, lateral, lexeme, liaison, line, lineage, lingual, linguistic form, link, linkage, linking, liquid, locution, logos, manner of articulation, marriage, meeting, merger, merging, metonym, minimum free form, miter, modification, monophthong, monosyllable, monotone, morphophoneme, mortise, mute, nasal, neck, nexus, occlusive, pairing, palatal, parasitic vowel, peak, pendulum, periodicity, pharyngeal, pharyngealization, phonation, phone, phoneme, pivot, pivot joint, plenum, plosive, polysyllable, powder train, progression, pronunciation, prothetic vowel, queue, rabbet, range, rank, recurrence, reticulation, retroflex, rotation, round, routine, row, run, scale, scarf, seam, segmental phoneme, semivowel, sequence, series, shoulder, single file, sonant, sonority, spectrum, speech sound, splice, stitch, stop, string, succession, surd, suture, swath, syllabic nucleus, syllabic peak, syllable, symbiosis, symphysis, synonym, term, thread, tie, tie rod, tie-in, tie-up, tier, toggle, toggle joint, train, transition sound, triphthong, unification, union, usage, utterance, velar, verbalism, verbum, vocable, vocalic, vocalization, vocoid, voice, voiced sound, voiceless sound, voicing, vowel, weld, windrow, word, wrist, yoking
[edit]- artifact, affair, ancient manuscript, antique, antiquity, archaism, article, brainchild, cave painting, child, coinage, composition, concoction, creation, creature, crowning achievement, dingus, distillation, dofunny, dohickey, dojigger, dojiggy, domajig, domajigger, doodad, dowhacky, effect, end product, eolith, eppes, essence, etwas, extract, flumadiddle, fossil, fruit, gadget, gigamaree, gimmick, gizmo, handiwork, hickey, hootenanny, hootmalalie, invention, issue, jigger, manufacture, masterpiece, masterwork, material thing, mezzolith, microlith, mintage, neolith, new mintage, object, offspring, opera, opus, opuscule, origination, outcome, outgrowth, paleolith, petrification, petrified forest, petrified wood, petroglyph, plateaulith, product, production, quelque chose, relic, reliquiae, remains, result, ruin, ruins, something, survival, thing, thingum, thingumabob, thingumadad, thingumadoodle, thingumajig, thingumajigger, thingumaree, thingummy, vestige, whatchy, widget, work
[edit]- artifice, Gongorism, Italian hand, Machiavellianism, action, acuteness, ad hoc measure, adeptness, adroitness, affectation, affectedness, ambidexterity, answer, art, artful dodge, artfulness, artificiality, astuteness, bad faith, bag of tricks, blind, bluff, bosey, cabal, cageyness, callidity, canniness, catch, chicane, chicanery, chouse, cleverness, collusion, complicity, complot, confederacy, connivance, connivery, conspiracy, contrivance, contriving, countermove, counterplot, coup, course of action, covin, craft, craftiness, cunning, cunningness, curve, curve-ball, cute trick, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, deep-laid plot, demarche, design, device, dirty deal, dirty trick, dishonesty, dissimulation, dodge, dodgery, double-dealing, doubleness, doubleness of heart, duplicity, effort, engineering, euphemism, euphuism, expedient, faithlessness, fakement, falseheartedness, falseness, fast deal, feint, fetch, ficelle, finagling, fine Italian hand, finesse, foul play, foxiness, frame-up, gambit, game, gamesmanship, gimmick, googly, grift, guile, hocus-pocus, hyperelegance, improbity, improvisation, ingeniousness, ingenuity, insidiousness, intrigue, inventiveness, joker, juggle, jugglery, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, keenness, knavery, last expedient, last resort, last shift, little game, low cunning, machination, makeshift, maneuver, maneuvering, manipulation, manneredness, mannerism, means, measure, move, one-upmanship, originality, overelaboration, overelegance, overniceness, overrefinement, pass, pettifoggery, pettifogging, pis aller, plot, plotting, ploy, preciosity, preciousness, pretentiousness, proficiency, purism, quickness, racket, rascality, readiness, red herring, resort, resource, resourcefulness, rigging, ruse, satanic cunning, scheme, schemery, scheming, scurvy trick, shake-up, sharp practice, sharpness, shift, shiftiness, shrewdness, skill, skulduggery, sleight, sleight of hand, sleight-of-hand trick, slipperiness, slyness, sneakiness, solution, sophistry, stealth, stealthiness, step, stopgap, stratagem, strategy, stroke, stroke of policy, subterfuge, subtilty, subtleness, subtlety, supercherie, suppleness, tactic, temporary expedient, treachery, trick, trickery, trickiness, trump, two-facedness, underhand dealing, underhandedness, underplot, unnaturalness, wariness, web of intrigue, wile, wiles, wiliness, wily device, wire-pulling, wit, working hypothesis, working proposition
[edit]- artificial, Gongoresque, Gongoristic, Marinistic, affected, apocryphal, assumed, bastard, bogus, brummagem, colorable, colored, concocted, contrived, counterfeit, counterfeited, cute, distorted, dressed up, dummy, elaborate, elaborated, embellished, embroidered, ersatz, euphuistic, fabricated, factitious, fake, faked, false, falsified, fashioned, feigned, fictitious, fictive, forced, garbled, goody-goody, high-sounding, histrionic, hollow, hyperelegant, illegitimate, imitation, insincere, junky, la-di-da, labored, made, made-up, make-believe, man-made, maniere, mannered, manufactured, meretricious, mincing, mock, overacted, overdone, overelaborate, overelegant, overnice, overrefined, painted, papier-mache, perverted, phony, pinchbeck, plastic, precieuse, precieux, precious, pretend, pretended, pretentious, pseudo, put-on, quaint, quasi, queer, self-styled, sham, shoddy, simpering, simulated, so-called, soi-disant, spurious, stagy, studied, substitute, supposititious, synthetic, theatrical, tin, tinsel, titivated, twisted, unauthentic, ungenuine, unnatural, unreal, warped
[edit]- artilleryman, Nimrod, archer, artillerist, bomb thrower, bombardier, bomber, bowman, cannoneer, carabineer, crack shot, dead shot, deadeye, good shot, gun, gunman, gunner, hunter, machine gunner, marksman, markswoman, musketeer, rifleman, sharpshooter, shooter, shot, sniper, targetshooter, toxophilite, trapshooter
[edit]- artisan, Admirable Crichton, adept, aeromechanic, apprentice, artificer, artist, artiste, attache, authority, connaisseur, connoisseur, consultant, copyist, cordon bleu, crack shot, craftsman, craftswoman, creator, dauber, daubster, dead shot, diplomat, diplomatist, elder statesman, experienced hand, expert, expert consultant, graduate, handicraftsman, handy man, journeyman, machinist, maker, marksman, master, master carpenter, master craftsman, mechanic, mechanician, no slouch, old master, politician, prentice, pro, professional, professor, proficient, savant, shark, sharp, statesman, technical adviser, technician, wright
[edit]- artist, Admirable Crichton, ace, adept, ancestors, apprentice, architect, artificer, artisan, artiste, attache, author, authority, begetter, beginner, belly dancer, builder, burlesque queen, chorine, chorus boy, chorus girl, conceiver, concert artist, conjurer, connaisseur, connoisseur, constructor, consultant, copyist, cordon bleu, coryphee, crack shot, crackerjack, craftsman, craftswoman, creator, dancer, dancing girl, dauber, daubster, dead shot, designer, deviser, diplomat, diplomatist, discoverer, ecdysiast, effector, elder statesman, engenderer, engineer, entertainer, executant, executor, executrix, exotic dancer, experienced hand, expert, expert consultant, father, female impersonator, first-rater, founder, geisha, geisha girl, generator, genius, graduate, grower, guisard, guiser, handicraftsman, handy man, hoofer, impersonator, inaugurator, industrialist, initiator, instigator, institutor, interpreter, introducer, inventor, journeyman, maestro, magician, maker, manufacturer, marksman, master, master carpenter, master craftsman, mechanic, minstrel, minstrelsy, mother, mountebank, mummer, music maker, musician, nautch girl, no slouch, old master, organizer, originator, past master, peeler, performer, planner, player, politician, precursor, prentice, prestidigitator, prime mover, pro, prodigy, producer, professional, professor, proficient, public entertainer, raiser, realizer, savant, shaper, shark, sharp, show girl, singer, sire, smith, soloist, statesman, stripper, stripteaser, stripteuse, technical adviser, technician, topnotcher, tunester, vaudevillian, vaudevillist, virtuosa, virtuoso, whiz, wizard, wonder, wright
[edit]- artistic, Attic, Daedalian, adept, adroit, aesthetic, apt, art-conscious, arty, authoritative, beautiful, bravura, brilliant, chaste, choice, classic, clean, clever, coordinated, crack, crackerjack, cunning, cute, daedal, deft, dexterous, dextrous, diplomatic, excellent, expert, fancy, good, goodish, graceful, handy, in good taste, ingenious, magisterial, masterful, masterly, neat, no mean, of choice, of consummate art, of quality, ornamental, painterly, pleasing, politic, professional, proficient, pure, quick, quiet, quite some, ready, resourceful, restrained, simple, skillful, slick, some, statesmanlike, stylish, subdued, tactful, tasteful, the compleat, the complete, unaffected, understated, unobtrusive, virtuoso, well-chosen, well-done, workmanlike
[edit]- artistry, ability, address, adeptness, adroitness, airmanship, art, artfulness, artisanship, artistic skill, arty-craftiness, authorcraft, authorship, automatic writing, bravura, brilliance, cacoethes scribendi, capability, capacity, cleverness, command, competence, composition, control, coordination, craft, craftsmanship, creative writing, cunning, deftness, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, diplomacy, drama-writing, editorial-writing, efficiency, essay-writing, expertise, expository writing, facility, facility in writing, feature-writing, finesse, flair, grace, graphomania, graphorrhea, graphospasm, grip, handiness, horsemanship, inditement, ingeniousness, ingenuity, journalism, know-how, libretto-writing, literary artistry, literary composition, literary power, literary production, literary talent, marksmanship, mastership, mastery, novel-writing, pen, pencraft, playwriting, practical ability, proficiency, prowess, quickness, readiness, ready pen, resource, resourcefulness, rewriting, savoir-faire, savvy, seamanship, short-story writing, skill, skill with words, skillfulness, style, tact, tactfulness, talent, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technical writing, technique, timing, verse-writing, virtu, virtuosity, wit, wizardry, workmanship, writing
[edit]- artless, aboveboard, arty, awkward, befoolable, big, bluff, blunt, born yesterday, broad, brusque, bungling, candid, childlike, clumsy, confiding, crude, direct, downright, explicit, foolable, forthright, frank, frankhearted, free, free-speaking, free-spoken, free-tongued, genuine, green, guileless, gullible, half-assed, heart-to-heart, high-sounding, honest, humble, imposing, in the raw, inadept, inapt, inartificial, inattentive, incompetent, inefficient, inept, inexperienced, inexpert, ingenu, ingenuous, innocent, mediocre, naive, native, natural, on the level, open, openhearted, ordinary, outspoken, overblown, pedestrian, plain, plain-spoken, poor, primitive, pristine, relaxed, round, simple, simplehearted, simpleminded, sincere, single-hearted, single-minded, skill-less, straight, straight-out, straightforward, thoughtless, transparent, true, trustful, trusting, unaffected, unapt, unartificial, unassuming, unchecked, uncomplicated, unconstrained, undeceptive, undeft, undexterous, undextrous, unequivocal, unfacile, unguarded, unintelligent, unpretentious, unproficient, unreserved, unrestrained, unschooled, unskilled, unskillful, unsophisticated, unstudied, unsullied, unsuspicious, untalented, untouched, unwary, virgin, virginal
[edit]- artlessness, absolute realism, authenticity, bluffness, bluntness, bona fideness, broadness, brusqueness, candidness, candor, directness, forthrightness, frankness, freedom, freeness, genuineness, honesty, inartificiality, ingenuousness, intactness, legitimacy, lifelikeness, literalism, literality, literalness, natural man, natural state, naturalism, naturalness, nature, openheartedness, openness, outspokenness, photographic realism, plain dealing, plain speaking, plainness, plainspokenness, pristineness, realism, realness, roundness, sincerity, state of nature, straightforwardness, true-to-lifeness, truth to nature, unadulteration, unaffectedness, unconstraint, unfictitiousness, unreserve, unrestraint, unspeciousness, unspuriousness, unsyntheticness, verisimilitude, virginity
as a rule
[edit]- as a rule, all in all, all things considered, altogether, as a whole, as an approximation, as per usual, as things go, as usual, at large, broadly, broadly speaking, by and large, chiefly, commonly, customarily, frequently, generally, generally speaking, habitually, in general, mainly, most often, mostly, naturally, normally, normatively, on balance, on the whole, ordinarily, overall, predominantly, prescriptively, prevailingly, regularly, roughly, roughly speaking, routinely, speaking generally, to be expected, usually
as is
[edit]- as is, actual, alike, as per usual, as things are, as usual, at a stand, at a standstill, being, coequally, coextensively, coincidentally, congruently, contemporaneous, contemporary, correspondently, correspondingly, coterminously, current, ditto, equally, existent, existing, extant, fresh, ibid, ibidem, identically, immanent, immediate, instant, just the same, latest, likewise, modern, new, present, present-age, present-day, present-time, running, same here, synonymously, that be, that is, the same way, topical, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute
as it were
[edit]- as it were, assumably, assumedly, assumptively, figuratively, figuratively speaking, in a manner, in a way, in seeming, kind of, metaphorically, presumably, presumedly, presumptively, quasi, reputedly, seemingly, so to say, so to speak, sort of, supposably, supposedly, suppositionally, supposititiously, symbolically
as long as
[edit]- as long as, as, as far as, at which time, being, cause, considering, during which time, for, inasmuch as, just so, seeing, since, so, so as, so long as, so that, the while, when, whereas, while, whilst
as one
[edit]- as one, all agreeing, all together, as one man, at a clip, at once, at one time, back to back, by acclamation, cheek by jowl, coactively, coefficiently, coinstantaneously, collectively, combinedly, communally, concertedly, concordantly, concurrently, conjointly, consentaneously, cooperatingly, cooperatively, corporately, hand in glove, hand in hand, harmoniously, in a chorus, in agreement, in chorus, in common, in concert with, in concord, in harmony with, in partnership, in phase, in sync, in unison, inharmony, isochronously, jointly, mutually, nem con, nemine contradicente, nemine dissentiente, on all hands, on the beat, one and all, shoulder to shoulder, simultaneously, synchronously, to a man, together, unanimously, with one accord, with one consent, with one voice, without contradiction
as the crow flies
[edit]- as the crow flies, dead, dead ahead, direct, directly, due, due north, forthright, in a beeline, in line with, right, straight, straight across, straight ahead, straightforward, straightforwards, straightly, undeviatingly, unswervingly, unveeringly
as usual
[edit]- as usual, as a rule, as is, as per usual, as things are, as things go, at a stand, at a standstill, chiefly, commonly, consistently, customarily, generally, habitually, mainly, most often, mostly, naturally, normally, normatively, ordinarily, prescriptively, regularly, to be expected, usually, wontedly
as well
[edit]- as well, above, ad eundem, additionally, again, all included, also, altogether, among other things, and all, and also, and so, as, au reste, beside, besides, beyond, ceteris paribus, correspondingly, else, en plus, equally, equivalently, evenly, exactly, extra, farther, for lagniappe, further, furthermore, identically, in addition, indifferently, inter alia, into the bargain, item, just, likewise, more, moreover, on the side, on top of, over, over and above, plus, precisely, proportionately, similarly, so, then, therewith, to boot, too, without distinction, yea, yet
[edit]- as, ad eundem, after this fashion, along these lines, as an example, as an instance, as long as, as things go, as well, at what price, because, being, being as how, by what mode, by what name, cause, ceteris paribus, considering, correspondingly, equally, equivalently, evenly, exempli gratia, for, for example, for instance, forasmuch as, how, identically, in such wise, in that, in this way, in what way, inasmuch as, indifferently, insofar as, insomuch as, like, now, parce que, proportionately, seeing as how, seeing that, since, so, thus, thus and so, to illustrate, whereas, without distinction
[edit]- asbestos, act drop, amianthus, asbestos board, asbestos curtain, backdrop, batten, border, cloth, coulisse, counterweight, curtain, curtain board, cyclorama, decor, drop, drop curtain, earth flax, fire break, fire curtain, fire line, fire resistance, fire retardant, fire wall, fireproofing, flat, flipper, hanging, mountain flax, rag, scene, scenery, screen, side scene, stage screw, tab, tableau, teaser, tormentor, transformation, transformation scene, wing, wingcut, woodcut
[edit]- ascend, advance, arise, aspire, back, back up, bank, budge, buss the clouds, cant, careen, chandelle, change, change place, circle, clamber, climb, come up, crest, curl upwards, decline, descend, dip, drop, ebb, escalade, escalate, fall, fall away, fall off, float, flow, gain altitude, get over, get up, go, go around, go downhill, go round, go sideways, go up, go uphill, grade, grow up, gyrate, hoick, incline, keel, lean, levitate, lift, list, loom, mount, move, move over, pitch, plunge, progress, rake, rear, rear up, regress, retreat, retrogress, rise, rise up, rotate, run, scale, scale the heights, scramble, shelve, shift, shin, sidle, sink, slant, slope, soar, spin, spiral, spire, stand on tiptoe, stand up, stir, stream, subside, surge, surmount, swag, swarm up, sway, sweep up, tilt, tip, top, tower, travel, up, upclimb, upgo, upgrow, upheave, uprear, uprise, upspin, upstream, upsurge, upswarm, upwind, wane, whirl, zoom
[edit]- ascendancy, Cadmean victory, KO, Pyrrhic victory, accomplishment, ascendance, authority, balance of power, championship, charisma, charm, clout, conquest, consequence, control, credit, deanship, dominance, dominancy, domination, dominion, easy victory, effect, eminence, eminent domain, enchantment, esteem, excellence, favor, force, good feeling, grand slam, greatness, hold, importance, incidental power, incomparability, influence, influentiality, inimitability, insinuation, knockout, landslide, landslide victory, lead, leadership, leverage, magnetism, majority, masterdom, mastery, moment, moral victory, one-upmanship, overlordship, personality, persuasion, picnic, potency, power, precedence, predominance, predominancy, predomination, preeminence, preponderance, prepotence, prepotency, prerogative, pressure, prestige, primacy, principality, priority, privilege, purchase, pushover, reign, repute, right-of-way, rule, runaway victory, say, seniority, skill, sovereignty, suasion, subdual, subduing, subtle influence, success, suggestion, superiority, supremacy, suzerainship, suzerainty, sway, total victory, transcendence, transcendency, triumph, upper hand, victory, virtuosity, walkaway, walkover, weight, whip hand, win, winning, winning streak
[edit]- ascendant, a cut above, above, absolute, ahead, anabatic, antecedent, ascendancy, ascending, ascensional, ascensive, at the head, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, better, boss, capping, chief, chosen, climbing, clothed with authority, commanding, competent, conquering, consequential, considerable, controlling, defeating, distinguished, dominance, dominant, domination, dominion, duly constituted, eclipsing, eminent, empowered, ex officio, exceeding, excellent, excelling, finer, flushed with success, forebear, forefather, forerunner, general, governing, great, greater, head, hegemonic, hegemonistic, higher, imperative, important, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in the ascendant, influential, leading, leaping, major, marked, master, masterdom, mighty, momentous, monocratic, mounting, of choice, official, on the throne, one up on, outstanding, over, overbearing, overcoming, paramount, potent, powerful, precursor, predecessor, predominant, predominate, preeminence, preeminent, prepollent, preponderance, preponderant, preponderate, prepotence, prepotent, prestigious, prevailing, prevalent, primogenitor, progenitor, prominent, puissant, rampant, ranking, rare, rearing, regnant, regulating, regulative, regulatory, reigning, rising, rivaling, ruling, saltatory, scandent, scansorial, senior, skyrocketing, sovereign, sovereignty, spiraling, springing, substantial, successful, super, superior, supreme, surpassing, swaying, topping, totalitarian, transcendent, transcendental, transcending, triumphal, triumphant, uparching, upcoming, upgoing, upgrade, uphill, uphillward, upper, uprising, upsloping, upward, upwith, vanquishing, victorious, weighty, winning
[edit]- ascending, Olympian, acclinate, acclivitous, aerial, airy, altitudinous, anabatic, ascendant, ascensional, ascensive, aspiring, axial, back, back-flowing, backward, climbing, colossal, descending, dominating, down-trending, downward, drifting, elevated, eminent, ethereal, exalted, flowing, fluent, flying, going, gyrational, gyratory, haughty, high, high-pitched, high-reaching, high-set, high-up, in the ascendant, leaping, lofty, monumental, mounting, outtopping, overlooking, overtopping, passing, plunging, progressive, prominent, rampant, rearing, reflowing, refluent, regressive, retrogressive, rising, rotary, rotational, rotatory, running, rushing, saltatory, scandent, scansorial, sideward, sinking, skyrocketing, soaring, spiraling, spiring, springing, steep, streaming, sublime, superlative, supernal, topless, toplofty, topping, towering, towery, up-trending, uparching, upcoming, upgoing, upgrade, uphill, uphillward, uplifted, upreared, uprising, upsloping, upward, upwith
[edit]- ascension, anabasis, apotheosis, ascent, assumption, clamber, climb, climbing, elevation, escalade, fountain, gathering, gush, gyring up, increase, jet, jump, leap, levitation, mount, mounting, resurrection, rise, rising, rocketing up, saltation, shooting up, soaring, spout, spring, spurt, surge, takeoff, taking off, the Ascension, the Assumption, translation, upclimb, upcoming, updraft, upgang, upgo, upgoing, upgrade, upgrowth, uphill, upleap, uplift, upping, uprisal, uprise, uprising, uprush, upshoot, upslope, upsurge, upsurgence, upsweep, upswing, vault, zooming
[edit]- ascent, Brownian movement, Great Leap Forward, abruptness, access, accession, acclivity, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, advancement, aggrandizement, airiness, amelioration, amendment, amplification, angular motion, apotheosis, appreciation, ascending, ascension, assumption, augmentation, axial motion, backflowing, backing, backward motion, ballooning, beatification, bettering, betterment, bloating, boom, boost, broadening, bubbliness, buildup, buoyancy, canonization, career, climb, climbing, course, crescendo, current, daintiness, deification, delicacy, descending, descent, development, downiness, downward motion, drift, driftage, ebbing, edema, elevation, enhancement, enlargement, enrichment, enshrinement, erection, escalation, ethereality, eugenics, euthenics, exaltation, expansion, extension, flight, floatability, flood, flow, fluffiness, flux, foaminess, forward motion, frothiness, furtherance, gain, gentleness, gossameriness, greatening, growth, gush, headway, height, hike, improvement, increase, increment, inflation, jump, lack of weight, leap, levitation, levity, lift, lifting, lightness, melioration, mend, mending, mounting, multiplication, oblique motion, ongoing, onrush, passage, pickup, plunging, precipitousness, preferment, productiveness, progress, progression, proliferation, promotion, radial motion, raise, raising, random motion, rearing, recovery, reflowing, refluence, reflux, regression, restoration, retrogression, revival, rise, rising, rising ground, run, rush, set, sideward motion, sinking, snowballing, soaring, softness, spread, steepness, sternway, stream, subsiding, surge, sursum corda, swelling, tenderness, traject, trajet, trend, tumescence, unheaviness, up, upbeat, upbuoying, upcast, upclimb, upgo, upgrade, upheaval, uphill, uplift, uplifting, upping, uprearing, uprise, uprising, upsurge, upswing, upthrow, upthrust, uptrend, upturn, upward mobility, upward motion, verticalness, vise, volatility, waxing, weightlessness, widening, yeastiness
[edit]- ascertain, afford proof of, appraise, ask, assure, be informed, become acquainted with, bring home to, broaden the mind, catch on, certify, cinch, clear up, clinch, consider, contemplate, cram the mind, decide, demonstrate, determine, discover, dismiss all doubt, ensure, establish, find, find out, find out about, fix, follow, follow from, gain knowledge, get, get at, get hold of, have a case, hear, hold good, hold water, inquire, inspect, insure, interrogate, learn, learn about, load the mind, make a decision, make certain, make good, make no doubt, make no mistake, make out, make sure, make sure of, nail down, observe, pick up information, prove, prove to be, prove true, query, question, reassure, remove all doubt, resolve, see, see that, see to it, set at rest, settle, settle the matter, show, sort out, study, survey, tumble, unearth, view, weigh
[edit]- ascertained, actual, appreciated, apprehended, assured, attested, authenticated, borne out, categorically true, certain, certified, circumstantiated, comprehended, conceived, confirmed, corroborated, decided, demonstrated, determinate, determined, discerned, documentary, down pat, effectual, established, factual, fixed, grasped, guaranteed, historical, in the bag, known, made sure, nailed down, not in error, objectively true, on ice, open-and-shut, pat, perceived, prehended, proved, proven, real, realized, recognized, secure, seized, set, settled, shown, stated, substantiated, sure-enough, tested, tried, true, true as gospel, truthful, unconfuted, undenied, understood, undoubted, unerroneous, unfallacious, unfalse, unmistaken, unquestionable, unrefuted, validated, veracious, verified, veritable, warranted
[edit]- ascetic, Albigensian, Apostolic, Apostolici, Catharist, Diogenes, Encratic, Encratite, Franciscan, Hieronymian, Hieronymite, Lenten, Pythagorean, Pythagorist, Rechabite, Sabbatarian, Shaker, Spartan, Stoic, Timon of Athens, Trappist, Waldensian, abbacomes, abbot, abstainer, abstemious, abstinent, anchoress, anchorite, anchoritic, apologetic, astringent, atoning, austere, bald, banian, bare, beadsman, bedridden invalid, bhikshu, brother, caloyer, candid, celibate, cenobite, chaste, cleansing, cloistered monk, closet cynic, common, commonplace, compensational, compensatory, continent, conventual, conventual prior, dervish, desert fathers, desert saints, direct, disciplined, dry, dull, dwarfed, dwarfish, eremite, eremitic, exiguous, expiatory, fakir, flagellant, forbearing, frank, friar, frugal, fruitarian, grand prior, gymnosophist, hermit, hermitess, hieromonach, homebody, homely, homespun, hydropot, impoverished, invalid, isolationist, jejune, lay abbot, lay brother, lean, limited, loner, lustral, lustrational, lustrative, marabout, matter-of-fact, meager, mean, mendicant, miserly, monastic, monk, mortified, narrow, natural, neat, nephalist, nephalistic, niggardly, on the wagon, open, outcast, palmer, paltry, pariah, parsimonious, penitential, piacular, pilgrim, pillar saint, pillarist, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, poor, prior, propitiatory, prosaic, prosing, prosy, puny, pure, purgative, purgatorial, purifying, puritan, puritanical, reclamatory, recluse, recompensing, redeeming, redemptive, redressing, religieux, religious, reparative, reparatory, repentant, repenting, restitutional, restitutive, restitutory, restrained, righting, rigoristic, rustic, sannyasi, satisfactional, scant, scanty, schooled, scrawny, scrimp, scrimpy, seclusionist, self-abasing, self-abnegating, self-denying, self-forgetful, selfless, severe, sexually abstinent, shut-in, simple, simple-speaking, skimp, skimpy, slender, slight, slim, small, sober, solitaire, solitary, solitudinarian, spare, sparing, squaring, stark, starvation, stay-at-home, stern, stingy, stinted, straightforward, straitened, stunted, stylite, subsistence, sworn off, teetotal, teetotaler, teetotalist, thin, trained, unadorned, unaffected, unimaginative, unnourishing, unnutritious, unpoetical, unvarnished, vegetarian, water-drinker, watered, watery, wedded to poverty, yogi, yogin
[edit]- asceticism, Day of Atonement, Encratism, Friday, Lenten fare, Pythagoreanism, Pythagorism, Rechabitism, Shakerism, Spartan fare, Stoicism, Yom Kippur, abstainment, abstemiousness, abstention, abstinence, avoidance, banyan day, celibacy, chastity, cold purgatorial fires, continence, eschewal, fast, fasting, fish day, flagellation, fruitarianism, gymnosophy, hair shirt, lustration, maceration, mortification, nephalism, penance, penitence, penitential act, penitential exercise, plain living, purgation, purgatory, refraining, refrainment, repentance, sackcloth and ashes, sexual abstinence, simple diet, spare diet, teetotalism, the pledge, total abstinence, vegetarianism
ascorbic acid
[edit]- ascorbic acid, adermin, aneurin, antiberi-beri factor, axerophthol, biotin, carotene, cholecalciferol, choline, cobalamin, cryptoxanthin, cyanocobalamin, ergocalciferol, folic acid, hepatoflavin, inositol, lactoflavin, menadione, naphthoquinone, niacin, nicotinic acid, ovoflavin, pyridoxine, tocopherol, vitamin, vitamin B, vitamin Bc, vitamin D, vitamin G, vitamin H, vitamin K, vitamin M
[edit]- ascribable, accountable, alleged, assignable, attributable, attributed, charged, credited, derivable from, derivational, derivative, deserving, due, entitled to, explicable, imputable, imputed, meriting, meritorious, owing, putative, referable, referred to, traceable, worthy of
[edit]- ascribe, accredit, adduce, advance, affix, allege, apply, assign, attach, attach to, attribute, charge, cite, conjecture, connect with, credit, fasten, fix, give, guess, impute, lay, pin on, place, put, refer, saddle, surmise
Ash Wednesday
[edit]- Ash Wednesday, Advent, Allhallowmas, Allhallows, Allhallowtide, Annunciation, Annunciation Day, Ascension Day, Candlemas, Candlemas Day, Carnival, Christmas, Corpus Christi, Easter, Easter Monday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Eastertide, Ember days, Epiphany, Good Friday, Halloween, Hallowmas, Holy Thursday, Holy Week, Lady Day, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lammastide, Lent, Lententide, Mardi Gras, Martinmas, Maundy Thursday, Michaelmas, Michaelmas Day, Michaelmastide, Palm Sunday, Pancake Day, Passion Week, Pentecost, Quadragesima, Quadragesima Sunday, Septuagesima, Shrove Tuesday, Trinity Sunday, Twelfth-day, Twelfth-tide, Whit-Tuesday, White Sunday, Whitmonday, Whitsun, Whitsunday, Whitsuntide, Whitweek
[edit]- ash, alluvion, alluvium, ashes, brand, calx, carbon, charcoal, cinder, cinders, clinker, clinkers, coal, coals, coke, coom, deposition, deposits, diluvium, draff, dregs, dross, ember, embers, feces, froth, fume, fumes, grounds, lava, lees, loess, moraine, offscum, precipitate, precipitation, reek, scoria, scum, sediment, settlings, silt, sinter, slag, smoke, smudge, smut, soot, sublimate, sullage
[edit]- ashamed, abashed, abject, blushing, chagrined, chapfallen, conscience-smitten, conscience-stricken, contrite, crestfallen, crushed, discomfited, embarrassed, full of remorse, hangdog, humbled, humiliated, mean, mortified, out of countenance, penitent, red-faced, regretful, remorseful, repentant, repining, rueful, self-accusing, self-condemning, self-convicting, self-debasing, self-flagellating, self-humiliating, self-punishing, self-reproaching, shamed, shamefaced, shamefast, shameful, sheepish, sorry, unhappy about, wistful
[edit]- ashen, Quaker-colored, achromatic, achromic, acier, adust, aghast, anemic, appalled, ashy, astounded, awed, awestricken, awestruck, blanched, bleached, bled white, blistered, bloodless, burned, burnt, burnt-up, cadaverous, canescent, chloranemic, cinereous, cinerous, colorless, consumed, consumed by fire, corpselike, cowed, dapple, dapple-gray, dappled, dappled-gray, dead, deadly pale, deathly pale, decolorized, dim, dimmed, dingy, discolored, dismal, doughy, dove-colored, dove-gray, dreary, dull, dusty, etiolated, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, faded, faint, fallow, flat, frozen, ghastly, ghostly, glaucescent, glaucous, gray, gray with fear, gray-black, gray-brown, gray-colored, gray-drab, gray-green, gray-spotted, gray-toned, gray-white, grayed, grayish, griseous, grizzle, grizzled, grizzly, gutted, haggard, horrified, horror-struck, hueless, hypochromic, incinerated, intimidated, iron-gray, lackluster, lead-gray, leaden, livid, lurid, lusterless, macabre, mat, mealy, mouse-colored, mouse-gray, mousy, muddy, neutral, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, pallid, paralyzed, parched, pasty, pearl, pearl-gray, pearly, petrified, pyrographic, pyrolyzed, sad, sallow, scared stiff, scared to death, scorched, seared, sickly, silver, silver-gray, silvered, silvery, singed, slate-colored, slaty, smoke-gray, smoky, sober, somber, steel-gray, steely, stone-colored, stunned, stupefied, sunburned, tallow-faced, taupe, terrified, terror-crazed, terror-haunted, terror-ridden, terror-riven, terror-shaken, terror-smitten, terror-struck, terror-troubled, toneless, uncolored, undone, unmanned, unnerved, unstrung, wan, washed-out, waxen, weak, whey-faced, white
[edit]- ashes, ash, body, bones, brand, cadaver, calx, carbon, carcass, carrion, charcoal, cinder, cinders, clay, clinker, clinkers, coal, coke, coom, corpse, corpus delicti, crowbait, dead body, dead man, dead person, decedent, dross, dry bones, dust, earth, embalmed corpse, food for worms, fume, late lamented, lava, mortal remains, mummification, mummy, organic remains, reek, relics, reliquiae, remains, scoria, skeleton, slag, smoke, smudge, smut, soot, stiff, sullage, tenement of clay, the dead, the deceased, the defunct, the departed, the loved one
[edit]- ashram, adytum, body, caste, cell, clan, class, cloister, colony, commonwealth, commune, community, den, economic class, endogamous group, extended family, family, gens, hermitage, hideaway, hideout, hiding place, holy of holies, ivory tower, kinship group, lair, mew, moiety, nuclear family, order, phratria, phratry, phyle, privacy, recess, retreat, sanctum, sanctum sanctorum, secret place, settlement, social class, society, subcaste, totem
aside from
[edit]- aside from, adrift, apart, apart from, asunder, away from, bar, barring, beside, besides, ex, except, except for, excepting, excluding, exclusive of, in the abstract, in twain, in two, leaving out, let alone, omitting, one by one, outside of, piecemeal, precluding, save, save and except, saving, separately, severally, than, unless, without
[edit]- aside, a huis clos, all, apart, askance, askant, askew, aslant, aslope, asquint, away, awry, back, behind closed doors, beside, between the teeth, broadside, broadside on, by, crabwise, discursion, divagation, downgrade, downhill, each, edgeway, edgeways, edgewise, episode, excursion, excursus, glancingly, in a whisper, in an aside, in camera, in chambers, in executive session, in juxtaposition, in privacy, in private, in private conference, in privy, in reserve, infix, injection, insert, insertion, insinuation, intercalation, interjection, interlineation, interlocution, interpolation, introduction, januis clausis, laterad, laterally, monodrama, monologue, monology, nearby, nigh, obiter dictum, obliquely, on its side, on one side, on the beam, on the side, out of earshot, parenthesis, per, per capita, privately, privily, remark, right and left, round, side remark, sideling, sidelong, sideward, sidewards, sideway, sideways, sidewise, sidling, slant, slantingly, slantways, slantwise, slaunchways, slopeways, soliloquy, solo, sotto voce, to one side, to the side, tossing-in, wide apart, wide away, with bated breath
[edit]- asinine, Boeotian, absurd, airy, apish, batty, beef-brained, beef-witted, befooled, beguiled, besotted, blockish, bovid, bovine, brainless, buffoonish, caprid, caprine, catchpenny, chumpish, cloddish, cockeyed, cowish, cowlike, crass, crazy, credulous, daffy, daft, dazed, deerlike, dense, dizzy, doltish, doting, dullard, dumb, duncical, duncish, empty, equestrian, equine, fat, fatuitous, fatuous, flaky, flimsy, fond, fool, foolheaded, foolish, fribble, fribbling, frivolous, frothy, fuddled, futile, gaga, goatish, goatlike, goofy, gross, gulled, hircine, hoggish, hoofed, horsy, idiotic, idle, imbecile, inane, ineducable, inept, infatuated, insane, irrational, klutzy, kooky, light, loony, lumpish, mad, maudlin, mindless, moronic, mulish, nugacious, nugatory, nutty, oafish, opaque, otiose, ovine, piggish, puerile, ruminant, sappy, screwy, senseless, sentimental, shallow, sheepish, sheeplike, silly, slender, slight, sottish, stupid, superficial, swinish, thick, thoughtless, trifling, trite, trivial, ungulate, unreasonable, unteachable, unwitty, vacuous, vain, vapid, wacky, weak-minded, wet, windy, witless, wrongheaded
ask for
[edit]- ask for, abet, aid and abet, angle for, apply for, ask, beat about for, beg leave, bespeak, blackmail, call for, challenge, claim, clamor for, countenance, crave, cry for, delve for, demand, desire, dig for, encourage, exact, extort, feed, file for, fish for, follow, foster, give encouragement, go gunning for, gun for, hunt, hunt for, hunt up, impose, indent, invite, issue an ultimatum, keep in countenance, levy, look, look for, look up, make a demand, make a request, make a requisition, make application, nourish, nurture, order, order up, place an order, prowl after, pursue, put in for, put in requisition, quest, request, require, requisition, screw, search for, see to, seek, seek for, still-hunt, try to find, warn, whistle for, wish
[edit]- ask, apply for, argue, ask a question, ask about, ask for, ask questions, assess, be hurting for, be indicated, beg, beg leave, beseech, bespeak, bid, bid come, blackmail, bring into question, call, call for, call in, canvass, catechize, challenge, charge, charge for, claim, clamor for, crave, cry for, cry out for, debate, deliberate, demand, desire, discuss, entreat, exact, examine, extort, file for, have occasion for, implore, importune, impose, indent, inquire, inquire of, interpellate, interrogate, invite, issue an invitation, issue an ultimatum, levy, make a demand, make a request, make a requisition, make application, make dutiable, make inquiry, necessitate, need, order, order up, place an order, prerequire, pro rata, propose a question, propound a question, prorate, put in for, put in requisition, put queries, query, question, quiz, request, require, require an answer, requisition, review, screw, seek, solicit, stick for, summon, take, take doing, talk over, tax, tithe, want, want doing, want to know, warn, whistle for, wish
[edit]- askance, aside, askant, askew, asquint, awry, broadside, broadside on, cam, captiously, censoriously, cock-a-hoop, cockeyed, crabwise, critically, crookedly, cynically, disapprovingly, distrustfully, doubtfully, doubtingly, edgeway, edgeways, edgewise, glancingly, laterad, laterally, on its side, on the beam, reproachfully, right and left, sideling, sidelong, sideward, sidewards, sideway, sideways, sidewise, sidling, skeptically, suspiciously, unfavorably
[edit]- askew, aberrant, abroad, adrift, agee, agee-jawed, all abroad, all off, all wrong, amiss, anamorphous, askance, askant, askewgee, asquint, astray, asymmetric, at fault, awry, bent, beside the mark, bowed, cam, catawampous, catawamptious, contorted, convulsed, corrupt, crazy, crooked, crookedly, crumpled, crunched, deceptive, defective, delusive, deranged, deviant, deviational, deviative, disarranged, discomfited, discomposed, disconcerted, dislocated, disordered, disorderly, disorganized, distorted, disturbed, errant, erring, erroneous, fallacious, false, faultful, faulty, flawed, haywire, heretical, heterodox, illogical, illusory, in disorder, irregular, labyrinthine, lopsided, misplaced, nonsymmetric, not right, not true, off, off the track, on the fritz, one-sided, out, out of gear, out of joint, out of kelter, out of kilter, out of order, out of place, out of tune, out of whack, peccant, perturbed, perverse, perverted, roily, self-contradictory, shuffled, skew, skew-jawed, skewed, slaunchways, sprung, squinting, straying, tortuous, turbid, turbulent, twisted, unfactual, unorthodox, unproved, unsettled, unsymmetric, untrue, upset, wamper-jawed, warped, wide, wrong, wry, yaw-ways
asking price
[edit]- asking price, advance, approach, bargain price, bearish prices, bid, bid price, book value, bullish prices, call price, cash price, closing price, controlled price, current price, current quotation, cut price, decline, face value, feeler, fixed price, flash price, flat rate, flurry, flutter, going price, high, invitation, issue par, issue price, list price, low, market price, market value, neat price, net, nominal value, offer, offering, offering price, opening price, overture, package price, par, par value, parity, piece price, preliminary approach, presentation, price, price list, prices current, proffer, put price, quotation, quoted price, rally, recommended price, selling price, settling price, stated value, stock market quotations, submission, swings, tentative approach, trade price, unit price, wholesale price
[edit]- asleep, a stranger to, anesthetized, asleep in Jesus, at rest, benumbed, bereft of life, blind to, breathless, called home, callous, carrion, cataleptic, catatonic, caught napping, cold, comatose, croaked, dead, dead and gone, dead asleep, dead to, deadened, deaf to, death-struck, deceased, deep asleep, defunct, demised, departed, departed this life, destitute of life, done for, doped, dormant, drugged, dull, exanimate, fallen, fast asleep, finished, flaked-out, food for worms, gone, gone to glory, gone west, goofing off, half-conscious, idle, impassible, imperceptive, impercipient, in ignorance of, inanimate, incautious, incognizant, inert, insensate, insensible, insensible to, insensitive, insentient, late, late lamented, launched into eternity, lifeless, martyred, mindless, napping, narcotized, nirvanic, no more, nodding, nonconceiving, not with it, numb, numbed, obdurate, oblivious, obtuse, off-guard, out, out cold, out of it, passed on, passive, pushing up daisies, quiet, released, reposing, resting easy, sainted, semiconscious, senseless, sleeping, sleepy, slumbering, smitten with death, sound asleep, spaced out, still, stillborn, stoned, strung out, taken away, taken off, thick-skinned, thick-witted, unalert, unanimated, unaware, unaware of, uncautious, unconscious, unconscious of, unfeeling, unfelt, unguarded, unhearing, uninsightful, unknowing, unmindful, unmindful of, unperceiving, unperceptive, unprehensive, unprepared, unready, unrealizing, unseeing, unsuspecting, unvigilant, unwary, unwatchful, unwitting, with the Lord, with the saints, without life, without vital functions, witless, zonked, zonked out
[edit]- aspect, adjunct, air, angle, appurtenance, article, astrodiagnosis, astrology, astromancy, attitude, attribute, azimuth, bearing, bearings, case, celestial navigation, characteristic, circumstance, complexion, component, configuration, constituent, contents, count, countenance, datum, dead reckoning, desiderative, detail, effect, eidolon, element, exposure, face, facet, fact, factor, fashion, feature, figure, fix, fixings, form, frequentative, frontage, genethliac astrology, genethliacism, genethliacs, genethlialogy, gestalt, guise, hand, horoscope, horoscopy, house, image, imago, imperfective, impression, inchoative, incidental, ingredient, instance, integrant, interpretation, item, iterative, lay, lie, light, likeness, line of position, lineaments, look, makings, manifestation, manner, mansion, matter, mien, minor detail, minutia, minutiae, mundane astrology, mundane house, nativity, natural astrology, orientation, outlook, part, part and parcel, particular, perfective, phase, phasis, pilotage, planetary house, point, point of view, port, position, position line, presence, prospect, quality, radio bearing, reference, regard, respect, seeming, semblance, set, shape, side, simulacrum, slant, specialty, standpoint, stargazing, style, thing, total effect, twist, view, viewpoint, visage, wise, zodiac
[edit]- aspen, chattering, palsied, quaking, quavering, quavery, quivering, quivery, shaking, shaky, shivering, shivery, shuddering, succussatory, succussive, trembling, trembly, tremulous, vibrating, wobbly
[edit]- asperity, acerbity, acid, acidity, acidness, acidulousness, acridity, acrimony, anger, animosity, astringency, austerity, bad humor, bad temper, bile, biliousness, bitingness, bitter resentment, bitterness, bitterness of spirit, bumpiness, causticity, causticness, choler, choppiness, corrosiveness, cragginess, cuttingness, discontent, edge, gall, gnashing of teeth, granulation, grimness, hard feelings, hardness, hardship, harshness, heartburning, hispidity, ill humor, ill nature, ill temper, incisiveness, inclemency, inequality, irregularity, irritability, jaggedness, joltiness, keenness, mordacity, mordancy, nonuniformity, piercingness, piquancy, poignancy, pungency, raggedness, rancor, rankling, rigor, rough air, roughness, ruggedness, rugosity, scraggliness, severity, sharpness, slow burn, snappishness, soreness, sourness, spleen, stabbingness, stringency, tartness, tooth, trenchancy, turbulence, unevenness, unsmoothness, ununiformity, vicissitude, virulence, waspishness
[edit]- asperse, affront, calumniate, christen, defame, denigrate, deride, immerse, insult, libel, mock, offend, scandal, scandalize, slander, slur, sprinkle, taunt, traduce
[edit]- aspersion, abuse, adverse criticism, affront, affusion, agape, allegation, animadversion, aspergation, asperges, atrocity, auricular confession, backbiting, bad notices, bad press, baptism, baptismal gown, baptismal regeneration, baptistery, baptizement, bar mitzvah, bas mitzvah, brickbat, calumny, captiousness, carping, cavil, caviling, celebration, censoriousness, chrismal, christening, circumcision, confession, confirmation, contempt, contumely, criticism, cut, defamation, despite, detraction, disparagement, dump, enormity, exception, faultfinding, flak, flout, flouting, font, gibe, hairsplitting, high celebration, hit, home thrust, hostile criticism, humiliation, hypercriticalness, hypercriticism, immersion, imputation, incense, indignity, infusion, injury, innuendo, insinuation, insult, invective, invocation, invocation of saints, jeer, jeering, kiss of peace, knock, lampoon, lesser litany, libel, litany, love feast, lustration, mock, mockery, muck, nagging, niggle, niggling, nit, nit-picking, obloquy, offense, outrage, overcriticalness, pasquinade, pax, personal remark, personality, pestering, pettifogging, priggishness, processional, put-down, quibble, quibbling, rap, reciting the rosary, reflection, reproachfulness, scandal, scoff, scurrility, skit, slam, slander, slur, sly suggestion, sprinkling, squib, stricture, suggestion, swipe, taking exception, taunt, telling of beads, the confessional, the confessionary, total immersion, trichoschistism, uncomplimentary remark, vituperation, whispering campaign
[edit]- asphalt, Formica, Masonite, Tarmac, Tarvia, alabaster, amphibole, antimony, apatite, aplite, arsenic, asbestos, azurite, bauxite, bitumen, bituminous macadam, blacktop, boron, brick, brimstone, bromine, brucite, calcite, canvas, carbon, carpeting, celestite, cement, chalcedony, chlorite, chromite, clapboard, clay, coal, cobble, cobblestone, coke, concrete, cork tile, corundum, cryolite, curb, curbing, curbstone, diatomite, edgestone, emery, epidote, epsomite, feldspar, fiber glass, flag, flagging, flagstone, flooring, garnet, glauconite, graphite, gravel, gypsum, hatchettine, holosiderite, iron pyrites, jet, kerb, kerbstone, kyanite, lignite, lime, linoleum, macadam, magnesite, malachite, maltha, marcasite, marl, meerschaum, mica, mineral coal, mineral oil, mineral salt, mineral tallow, mineral tar, mineral wax, molybdenite, monazite, obsidian, olivine, ozokerite, pantile, paper, parquet, pavement, pavestone, paving, paving stone, peat, perlite, phosphate rock, phosphorus, plasterboard, plywood, pumice, pyrite, pyrites, pyroxene, quartz, realgar, red clay, rhodonite, road metal, rock crystal, rocks, roofage, roofing, roofing paper, salt, selenite, selenium, shake, sheathing board, sheeting, shingle, siderite, siding, silica, silicate, silicon, slate, spar, spinel, spodumene, spun glass, stone, sulfur, talc, talcum, tar paper, tarmacadam, tellurium, thatch, tile, tilestone, tiling, veneer, wainscoting, wallboard, walling, wallpaper, washboard, weatherboard, wollastonite, wood, wulfenite, zeolite
[edit]- asphyxiate, OD, be killed, bottle up, burke, censor, choke, choke off, clamp down on, cork, cork up, crack down on, crush, damp down, drown, extinguish, famish, gag, garrote, hold down, jump on, keep down, keep under, kill, muzzle, pour water on, put down, quash, quell, quench, repress, shut down on, silence, sit down on, sit on, smash, smother, squash, squelch, stanch, starve, stifle, stop the breath, strangle, stultify, subdue, suffocate, suppress, throttle
[edit]- asphyxiation, abscess, ague, anemia, ankylosis, anoxia, apnea, asphyxia, asthma, ataxia, atrophy, backache, bleeding, blennorhea, burking, cachexia, cachexy, chill, chills, choke, choking, colic, constipation, convulsion, coughing, cyanosis, diarrhea, dizziness, dropsy, drowning, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspnea, edema, emaciation, fainting, fatigue, fever, fibrillation, flux, garrote, growth, hemorrhage, high blood pressure, hydrops, hypertension, hypotension, icterus, indigestion, inflammation, insomnia, itching, jaundice, killing, labored breathing, liver death, low blood pressure, lumbago, marasmus, megadeath, nasal discharge, nausea, necrosis, pain, paralysis, pruritus, rash, rheum, sclerosis, seizure, serum death, shock, skin eruption, smotheration, smothering, sneezing, sore, spasm, starvation, stifling, strangling, strangulation, suffocation, tabes, tachycardia, throttling, tumor, upset stomach, vertigo, violent death, vomiting, wasting, watery grave
[edit]- aspic, Caesar salad, Jell-O salad, Waldorf salad, ambrosia, barbecue, boiled meat, bouilli, chef salad, civet, cole slaw, combination salad, crab Louis, flesh, forcemeat, fruit salad, game, green salad, hachis, hash, herring salad, jerky, joint, jugged hare, macaroni salad, meat, menue viande, mince, pemmican, pot roast, potato salad, roast, salad, salade, salmagundi, sausage meat, scrapple, slaw, tossed salad, venison, viande
[edit]- aspirant, Leibnizian optimist, Pollyanna, addict, also-ran, applicant, aspirer, baby kisser, bidder, candidate, chiliast, claimant, collector, coveter, dark horse, defeated candidate, desirer, devotee, dud, fancier, favorite son, freak, hankerer, hopeful, hoper, irrepressible optimist, lame duck, lover, millenarian, millennialist, millennian, office seeker, optimist, perfectibilist, perfectibilitarian, perfectionist, petitioner, philosophical optimist, political hopeful, postulant, presidential timber, ray of sunshine, running mate, seeker, solicitant, solicitor, stalking-horse, suitor, suppliant, supplicant, utopian, votary, wanter, wisher, yearner
[edit]- aspirate, breathe, breathe in, coo, draw in, inhale, inspire, maffle, mumble, murmur, mussitate, mutter, sigh, slurp, sniff, sniffle, snuff, snuff in, snuffle, suck, suck in, suckle, susurrate, whisper
[edit]- aspiration, Aqua-Lung, aim, allophone, alveolar, ambition, ambitiousness, animus, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulation, artificial respiration, assimilation, assumption, assurance, assured faith, asthmatic wheeze, basis, bated breath, bilabial, bleeding, bloodletting, breath, breath of air, breathing, breathy voice, broaching, broken wind, cacuminal, calling, cause, cerebral, check, cheerful expectation, confidence, consideration, consonant, continuant, conviction, cough, counsel, craving, cupping, dental, dependence, desideration, desideratum, design, desire, determination, diphthong, direction, dissimilation, doomed hope, drafting, drainage, draining, drawing, dream, effect, emptying, epenthetic vowel, exhalation, expectation, expiration, explosive, exsufflation, fair prospect, faith, fervent hope, fixed purpose, function, gasp, glide, glottal, glottalization, goal, good cheer, good hope, great expectations, ground, guiding light, guiding star, gulp, guttural, hack, hankering, hiccup, high goal, high hopes, hope, hopeful prognosis, hopefulness, hopes, hoping, hoping against hope, idea, ideal, idealism, ideals, inhalation, inhalator, inhalement, inspiration, insufflation, intendment, intent, intention, iron lung, labial, labialization, labiodental, labiovelar, laryngeal, lateral, lingual, liquid, little voice, lodestar, longing, low voice, lust, mainspring, manner of articulation, matter, meaning, milking, mind, modification, monophthong, morphophoneme, motive, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mumble, mumbling, murmur, murmuration, murmuring, mute, mutter, muttering, nasal, nisus, objective, occlusive, oxygen mask, oxygen tent, palatal, pant, parasitic vowel, passion, peak, pharyngeal, pharyngealization, phlebotomy, phone, phoneme, pipetting, plan, plosive, plot, point, prayerful hope, presumption, pretension, principle, project, promise, proposal, prospect, prospects, prospectus, prothetic vowel, puff, pumping, purpose, reaching high, reason, reliance, resolution, resolve, respiration, retroflex, sake, sanguine expectation, scheme, score, scuba, security, segmental phoneme, semivowel, sigh, siphoning, sneeze, sniff, sniffle, snore, snoring, snuff, snuffle, soft voice, sonant, sonority, source, speech sound, spring, stage whisper, sternutation, stertor, still small voice, stop, striving, study, suck, sucking, suction, surd, suspiration, susurration, susurrus, syllabic nucleus, syllabic peak, syllable, tapping, transition sound, triphthong, trust, ulterior motive, underbreath, undertone, upward looking, urge, velar, venesection, view, vocable, vocalic, vocation, vocoid, voice, voiced sound, voiceless sound, voicing, vowel, well-grounded hope, wheeze, whisper, whispering, will, wind, wish, yearning
[edit]- aspire, aim, aim at, aim high, aspire after, aspire to, bank on, be after, be ambitious, become airborne, claw skyward, confide, count on, covet, crave, crave after, crawl after, design, desire, destine, determine, dream of, drive at, expect, feel confident, float, fly, fly aloft, gain altitude, go for, hang, hanker after, harbor a design, harbor the hope, have every intention, hope, hope against hope, hope and pray, hope for, hope in, hope to God, hover, hunger after, intend, kite, lean upon, leave the ground, live in hopes, long, lust after, mean, nurture the hope, pant, pant after, plan, plane, poise, presume, project, propose, purport, purpose, rely on, resolve, rest assured, run mad after, seek, soar, spire, take off, think, thirst after, trust, try to reach, wish, yearn, zoom
[edit]- aspiring, Olympian, aerial, airy, altitudinous, ambitious, ascending, assured, careerist, careeristic, colossal, confident, dominating, elevated, eminent, ethereal, exalted, expectant, fond, full of hope, haughty, high, high-flying, high-pitched, high-reaching, high-set, high-up, hopeful, hoping, in good heart, in hopes, lofty, monumental, mounting, of good cheer, of good hope, on the make, outtopping, overlooking, overtopping, power-hungry, prominent, sanguine, sky-aspiring, soaring, social-climbing, spiring, steep, sublime, superlative, supernal, topless, toplofty, topping, towering, towery, undespairing, uplifted, upreared
ass backwards
[edit]- ass backwards, a rebours, a reculons, against the grain, anarchic, anticlockwise, arear, arsy-varsy, astern, away, awkwardly, back, backward, backwards, balled up, bitched, bitched up, blunderingly, bollixed up, buggered, buggered up, bunglingly, chaotic, clumsily, confused, counterclockwise, cumbersomely, fouled up, fro, galley-west, gracelessly, gummed up, hashed up, helter-skelter, higgledy-piggledy, hindward, hindwards, hugger-mugger, hulkily, in a mess, in reverse, inelegantly, jumbled, loused up, maladroitly, messed up, mixed up, mucked up, muddled, ponderously, rearward, rearwards, retrad, scattered, screwed up, skimble-skamble, snafu, topsy-turvy, uncouthly, ungracefully, unhandily, upside-down, widdershins
[edit]- ass, Rocky Mountain canary, Siberian husky, act of love, adultery, aphrodisia, arse, balling, beast of burden, bigot, bitter-ender, born fool, buffoon, bullethead, bum, burro, camel, can, carnal knowledge, cheeks, climax, clown, cohabitation, coition, coitus, coitus interruptus, commerce, congress, connection, coupling, cuddy, dickey, diddling, diehard, dogmatist, donkey, doodle, draft animal, dromedary, egregious ass, elephant, fanatic, fanny, figure of fun, fool, fornication, hardnose, horse, hot number, husky, ignoramus, intercourse, intimacy, intransigeant, intransigent, jack, jackass, jennet, jenny, jenny ass, keister, last-ditcher, llama, lovemaking, lunatic, making it with, malamute, marital relations, marriage act, mating, maverick, meat, milksop, mooncalf, mule, neddy, onanism, orgasm, ovum, ox, pack horse, pareunia, perfect fool, perverse fool, piece, piece of ass, piece of meat, pighead, positivist, prat, procreation, purist, reindeer, relations, rusty-dusty, schmuck, screwing, sex, sex act, sex goddess, sex object, sex queen, sexual climax, sexual commerce, sexual congress, sexual intercourse, sexual relations, sexual union, sledge dog, sleeping with, softhead, sop, sperm, standpat, standpatter, stern, stickler, stud, stupid ass, sumpter, sumpter horse, sumpter mule, tail, tomfool, tuchis, tush, tushy, venery, zany
[edit]- assail, ambush, assault, attack, blister, blitz, bushwhack, castigate, censure, come at, come down on, crack down on, criminate, cry out against, cry out on, cry shame upon, descend on, descend upon, excoriate, fall on, fall upon, flay, fustigate, gang up on, go at, go for, harry, have at, hit, hit like lightning, implicate, impugn, incriminate, inculpate, involve, jump, land on, lash, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, light into, mug, pitch into, pounce upon, pound, roast, sail into, scarify, scathe, scorch, set on, set upon, skin alive, slash, strike, surprise, swoop down on, take the offensive, trounce, wade into
[edit]- assailant, adversary, aggressor, antagonist, assailer, assaulter, attacker, combatant, enemy, foe, foeman, invader, mugger, opponent, opposing party, opposite camp, raider, the loyal opposition, the opposition
[edit]- assassin, Cain, alarmist, apache, assassinator, bloodletter, bloodshedder, bomber, bravo, burker, butcher, button man, cannibal, cutthroat, desperado, eradicator, executioner, exterminator, garroter, gorilla, gun, gunman, gunsel, hatchet man, head-hunter, hit man, homicidal maniac, homicide, killer, man-eater, man-killer, manslayer, massacrer, matador, murderer, pesticide, poison, poisoner, scaremonger, slaughterer, slayer, strangler, terrorist, thug, torpedo, trigger man
[edit]- assault, abuse, aggravated assault, aggression, ambush, amphibious attack, armed assault, assail, assailing, assailment, attack, banzai attack, barbarize, batter, battering, battery, bear, bear upon, beat up, beating, berating, beset, bitter words, blackening, blitz, blitzkrieg, boost, breakthrough, bruise, brutalize, buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, burn, bushwhack, butcher, butchery, butt, butt against, carry on, censure, charge, citation, come at, come down on, contumely, counterattack, counteroffensive, coup de main, crack down on, cram, crippling attack, crowd, dead set at, descend on, descend upon, descent on, destroy, diatribe, dig, disorderliness, diversion, diversionary attack, drive, elbow, execration, fall on, fall upon, flank attack, force, forcible seizure, frontal attack, gang up on, gas attack, go at, go for, go on, goad, hammer, hard words, harm, harry, have at, head-on attack, hit, hit like lightning, hold-up, hurtle, hustle, implication, impugnment, incrimination, inculpation, incursion, infiltration, invasion, invective, involvement, jab, jam, jawing, jeremiad, jog, joggle, jolt, jostle, jump, killing, land on, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, lay waste, laying waste, light into, lightning attack, lightning war, loot, looting, mass attack, massacre, maul, megadeath, molest, molestation, mug, mugging, nudge, obstreperousness, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, overkill, panzer warfare, philippic, pile drive, pillage, pillaging, pitch into, poke, pounce upon, pound, press, prod, punch, push, rage, raid, ram, ram down, ramp, rampage, rant, rape, rating, rattle, rave, revilement, riot, rioting, roar, ruin, run, run against, run at, rush, sack, sacking, sail into, sally, savage, screed, set on, set upon, shake, shock tactics, shoulder, shove, slaughter, smite, sortie, sow chaos, sowing with salt, storm, stress, strike, surprise, swoop down on, take the offensive, tamp, tear, tear around, terrorize, thrust, tirade, tongue-lashing, unprovoked assault, unruliness, vandalize, vilification, violate, violation, vituperation, wade into, wreck
[edit]- assay, acid test, analysis, analyzation, analyze, anatomize, anatomizing, anatomy, appraise, appreciate, approach, assaying, assess, attempt, bid, blank determination, break down, break up, breakdown, breaking down, breaking up, breakup, bring to test, brouillon, calculate, calibrate, caliper, chance, check a parameter, compute, confirm, crack, criterion, crucial test, crucible, cut and try, determination, dial, dissect, dissection, divide, division, docimasy, effort, endeavor, engage, essay, estimate, evaluate, experiment, fathom, feeling out, first draft, fling, gambit, gauge, give a try, give a tryout, go, graduate, gravimetric analysis, have a go, kiteflying, lick, lift a finger, make an attempt, make an effort, measure, mensurate, mete, meter, move, offer, ordeal, pace, play around with, plumb, practice upon, prize, probation, probe, proof, prove, proximate analysis, put to trial, quantify, quantitative analysis, quantize, rate, reduce, reduce to elements, reduction to elements, research, resolution, resolve, road-test, rough draft, rough sketch, run a sample, sample, segment, segmentation, semimicroanalysis, separate, separation, shake down, shot, size, size up, sound, sounding out, span, stab, standard, step, stroke, strong bid, subdivide, subdivision, substantiate, survey, take a reading, taste, tentative, test, test case, touchstone, trial, trial and error, triangulate, try, try it on, try out, undertake, undertaking, validate, valuate, value, venture, venture on, venture upon, verification, verify, weigh, whack
[edit]- assemblage, A to Z, A to izzard, Bund, Rochdale cooperative, aggregate, all, all and sundry, all sorts, alliance, alpha and omega, assembly, assembly line, assembly-line production, association, assortment, axis, band, be-all, be-all and end-all, beginning and end, bloc, body, broad spectrum, building, buildup, coalition, college, combination, combine, common market, complement, composition, compound, confederacy, confederation, conglomeration, constitution, construction, consumer cooperative, cooperative, cooperative society, corps, council, credit union, customs union, each and every, economic community, embodiment, everything, fabrication, fashioning, federation, formation, free trade area, gallimaufry, gang, getup, group, grouping, hash, hodgepodge, hotchpot, hotchpotch, incorporation, jumble, junction, league, length and breadth, machine, magpie, make, makeup, mash, medley, melange, mess, mingle-mangle, miscellany, mishmash, mix, mixed bag, mixture, mob, odds and ends, olio, olla podrida, omnium-gatherum, one and all, organization, package, package deal, partnership, pasticcio, pastiche, patchwork, piecing together, political machine, potpourri, production line, putting together, ring, salad, salmagundi, sauce, scramble, set, setup, shaping, society, stew, structure, structuring, syneresis, synthesis, the corpus, the ensemble, the entirety, the lot, the whole, the whole range, union, what you will
[edit]- assemble, accouple, accumulate, agglomerate, agglutinate, aggregate, aggroup, amass, articulate, associate, band, batch, bond, bracket, bridge, bridge over, bring together, build, build up, bulk, bunch, bunch together, bunch up, carve, cast, cement, chain, chase, chisel, clap together, clot, clump, cluster, collect, colligate, collocate, combine, come together, compare, compile, compose, compound, comprise, concatenate, concoct, conglobulate, conglomerate, congregate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, consist of, constitute, construct, convene, converge, convoke, copulate, corral, couple, cover, create, crowd, cull, cumulate, cut, date, devise, dig up, draw together, dredge up, drive together, elaborate, embody, embrace, encompass, engrave, enter into, erect, evolve, extrude, fabricate, fashion, flock together, flow together, forgather, form, formulate, found, frame, fudge together, fuse, gang around, gang up, gather, gather around, gather in, gather together, get in, get together, get up, glean, glue, go into, grave, group, grub, grub up, herd together, hive, horde, huddle, include, incorporate, indite, insculpture, join, join together, juxtapose, knot, lay together, league, levy, link, lump together, make, make up, manufacture, marry, marshal, mass, match, mature, meet, merge, merge in, mill, mix, mobilize, model, mold, muster, organize, pair, partner, patch together, pick, pick up, piece together, pluck, prefabricate, prepare, produce, put together, put up, raise, rake up, rally, rally around, rear, rendezvous, roll into one, round up, run up, scare up, scrape together, scrape up, sculp, sculpt, sculpture, seethe, set up, shape, solder, span, splice, stick together, stream, structure, summon, surge, swarm, synthesize, take in, take up, tape, throng, tie, unify, unite, unite in, weld, whip in, whomp up, write, yoke
[edit]- assembled, accumulated, agglomerate, aggregate, allied, amassed, associated, banded together, bound, bracketed, built, bunched, bundled, cast, clumped, clustered, collected, combined, conglomerate, congregate, congregated, conjoined, connected, constructed, copulate, coupled, crafted, created, cumulate, custom, custom-built, custom-made, extracted, fabricated, fascicled, fasciculated, fashioned, forged, formed, gathered, glomerate, grown, hand-in-glove, hand-in-hand, handcrafted, handmade, harvested, heaped, homemade, homespun, in session, incorporated, integrated, intimate, joined, joint, knotted, leagued, linked, lumped, machine-made, machined, made, made to order, man-made, manufactured, massed, matched, mated, meeting, merged, milled, mined, molded, packaged, paired, piled, prefab, prefabricated, processed, put together, raised, ready-for-wear, ready-formed, ready-made, ready-prepared, ready-to-wear, refined, shaped, smelted, spliced, stacked, tied, undivided, united, unseparated, wedded, well-built, well-constructed, well-made, wrapped up, yoked
assembly line
[edit]- assembly line, armory, arsenal, assemblage, assembly, assembly plant, assembly-line production, atomic energy plant, bindery, boatyard, boilery, bookbindery, brewery, brickyard, cannery, creamery, dairy, defense plant, distillery, division of labor, dockyard, factory, factory belt, factory district, feeder plant, flour mill, industrial park, industrial zone, industrialization, main plant, manufactory, manufacturing plant, manufacturing quarter, mass production, mill, mint, modular production, munitions plant, oil refinery, packing house, plant, pottery, power plant, production line, push-button plant, refinery, sawmill, shipyard, standardization, subassembly plant, sugar refinery, tannery, volume production, winery, yard, yards
[edit]- assembly, British Cabinet, Sanhedrin, US Cabinet, advisory body, architecture, assemblage, assemblee, assembly line, assembly-line production, assignation, association, at home, ball, bench, bicameral legislature, board, board of aldermen, body, body of advisers, borough council, brain trust, brawl, brethren, building, buildup, cabinet, call-up, camarilla, canvass, casting, caucus, census, chamber, chamber of deputies, churchgoers, circle, city board, city council, class, collection, colligation, collocation, colloquium, combination, commission, committee, common council, company, comparison, composition, compound, conclave, concourse, concurrence, conference, confluence, conflux, congregation, congress, connection, constitution, construction, consultative assembly, conventicle, convention, convergence, conversion, convocation, corralling, council, council fire, council of ministers, council of state, council of war, county council, court, crafting, craftsmanship, creation, crowd, cultivation, dance, data-gathering, date, deliberative assembly, devising, diet, directory, divan, eisteddfod, elaboration, embodiment, erection, extraction, fabrication, fashioning, federal assembly, festivity, fete, flock, fold, forgathering, formation, forming, formulation, forum, framing, gathering, general assembly, get-together, getup, group, growing, handicraft, handiwork, harvesting, horde, host, house of assembly, housewarming, incorporation, ingathering, inventory, junction, junta, juxtaposition, kitchen cabinet, laity, laymen, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislative chamber, legislature, levee, lower chamber, lower house, machining, make, makeup, making, manufacture, manufacturing, meet, meeting, milling, mining, minyan, mixture, mobilization, molding, multitude, muster, national assembly, nonclerics, nonordained persons, organization, panel, parish, parish council, parishioners, parliament, party, people, piecing together, plenum, prefabrication, preparation, privy council, processing, producing, production line, prom, provincial legislature, provincial parliament, putting together, quorum, raising, rally, reception, refining, rendezvous, representative town meeting, rodeo, roundup, seance, seculars, session, set-up, setup, shaping, sheep, shindig, sit-in, sitting, smelting, society, soiree, soviet, staff, state assembly, state legislature, structure, structuring, survey, symposium, syndicate, syneresis, synod, synthesis, throng, town meeting, tribunal, turnout, unicameral legislature, upper chamber, upper house, workmanship
[edit]- assemblyman, MP, Member of Congress, Member of Parliament, alderman, chosen freeholder, city father, congressman, congresswoman, councilman, floor leader, lawgiver, lawmaker, legislator, majority leader, minority leader, party whip, representative, senator, solon, state senator, whip
[edit]- assent, OK, abide by, accede, accede to, accept, acceptance, acclaim, accord, accord to, accordance, acquiesce, acquiesce in, acquiescence, affinity, affirmation, affirmative, affirmative voice, agree, agree to, agree with, agreement, answer to, applaud, approbation, approval, approve, approve of, assort with, aye, be agreeable, be consistent, be of one, be uniform with, be willing, blessing, buy, check, cheer, chime, chorus, cohere, coherence, coincide, coincidence, compatibility, complaisance, compliance, comply, concert, concord, concordance, concur, condescend, conform, conform with, conformance, conformation, conformity, congeniality, congruence, congruency, congruity, connivance, connive at, consent, consent to silently, consist with, consistency, consonance, consort, cooperate, cooperation, correspond, correspondence, deference, deign, dovetail, eagerness, endorse, endorsement, equivalence, face the music, fall in together, fit together, give consent, give the nod, go along with, go together, go with, grant, hail, hang together, harmonize, harmony, have no objection, hit, hold together, hold with, homage, in toto, interlock, intersect, intersection, jibe, kneeling, knock under, knuckle down, knuckle under, live with it, lock, match, nod, nod assent, nonopposal, nonopposition, nonresistance, not refuse, not resist, obedience, obeisance, obey, okay, oneness, overlap, parallel, parallelism, passiveness, passivity, peace, permission, permit, promptitude, promptness, rapport, ratification, ratify, readiness, receive, register, register with, relent, resign, resignation, resignedness, respond to, sanction, say aye, say yes, self-consistency, sing in chorus, sort with, square, square with, stand together, subjection, submission, submit, submittal, subscribe to, succumb, supineness, swallow it, swallow the pill, symmetry, sync, synchronism, take, take it, take kindly to, tally, timing, ungrudgingness, uniformity, union, unison, unisonance, unloathness, unreluctance, vote affirmatively, vote aye, vote for, welcome, willingness, wink at, yes, yield assent, yielding
[edit]- assenting, abject, accepting, accordant, acquiescent, acquiescing, affirmative, agreeable, agreed, agreeing, approving, assentatious, complaisant, compliable, compliant, complying, conceding, concessive, consentient, consenting, content, eager, endorsing, favorable, nondissenting, nonresistant, nonresisting, nonresistive, nothing loath, obedient, passive, permissive, prompt, ratifying, ready, resigned, sanctioning, servile, submissive, subservient, supine, unassertive, uncomplaining, ungrudging, unloath, unrefusing, unreluctant, unresistant, unresisting, willing
[edit]- assert, advance, advocate, affirm, allege, allege in support, announce, annunciate, answer, argue, argue for, assever, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, brook no denial, champion, confess, contend, contend for, counter, declare, defend, enunciate, espouse, express, express the belief, have, hold, insist, insist on, insist upon, issue a manifesto, lay down, maintain, make a plea, manifesto, nuncupate, persist, plead for, pose, posit, postulate, predicate, press, proclaim, profess, pronounce, propose, propound, protest, put, put it, quote, rebut, recite, refute, relate, reply, respond, riposte, say, say in defense, set down, set forth, speak, speak for, speak out, speak up, speak up for, stand for, stand on, stand up for, state, stick to, stick up for, submit, support, sustain, swear, take no denial, uphold, urge, urge reasons for, vow, warrant
[edit]- assertion, Parthian shot, a priori principle, address, admission, affidavit, affirmance, affirmation, allegation, announcement, annunciation, answer, apostrophe, apriorism, asseveration, assumed position, assumption, attest, attestation, averment, avouchment, avowal, axiom, basis, categorical proposition, comment, compurgation, conclusion, confirmation, contention, crack, creed, data, declaration, deposition, dictum, disclosure, enunciation, exclamation, expression, first principles, foundation, greeting, ground, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, insistence, instrument in proof, interjection, ipse dixit, legal evidence, lemma, major premise, manifesto, mention, minor premise, note, observation, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, phrase, position, position paper, positive declaration, postulate, postulation, postulatum, predicate, predication, premise, presupposition, proclamation, profession, pronouncement, proposition, propositional function, protest, protestation, question, reflection, remark, representation, say, say-so, saying, sentence, stance, stand, statement, subjoinder, sumption, supposal, sworn evidence, sworn statement, sworn testimony, testimonial, testimonium, testimony, theorem, thesis, thought, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, utterance, vouch, witness, word
[edit]- assertive, absolute, affirmative, affirmatory, aggressive, assertative, assertional, bold, bossy, certain, confident, decided, declarative, declaratory, definite, doctrinaire, dogmatic, domineering, emphatic, firm, insistent, opinionated, peremptory, positive, predicational, predicative, pushy, sure
[edit]- assess, account, appraise, appreciate, ask, assay, calculate, calibrate, caliper, call, catalog, categorize, charge, charge for, check a parameter, class, classify, compute, consider, deem, demand, dial, divide, estimate, evaluate, exact, factor, fair-trade, fathom, figure, form an estimate, gauge, give an appreciation, graduate, group, guess, identify, impose, levy, make an estimation, make dutiable, mark, measure, mensurate, mete, meter, pace, plumb, price, prize, pro rata, probe, prorate, put, quantify, quantize, quote a price, rank, rate, reckon, require, set at, sift, size, size up, sort, sort out, sound, span, step, stick for, survey, take a reading, tax, thrash out, tithe, triangulate, valorize, valuate, value, weigh, winnow
[edit]- assessed, ad valorem, admeasured, appraised, evaluated, gauged, good for, known by measurement, mapped, measured, metered, plotted, priced, prized, pro rata, quantified, quantized, rated, surveyed, triangulated, valuated, valued, valued at, worth
[edit]- assessment, Irish dividend, account, allowance, analyzing, appraisal, appraisement, appraising, appreciation, apprizal, approximation, assessing, assize, assizement, bill, blackmail, blood money, calculation, categorization, cess, classification, computation, conscience money, contribution, correction, determination, direct tax, dual pricing, duty, emolument, estimate, estimation, evaluating, evaluation, evaluative criticism, factoring, fee, footing, gauging, graduated taxation, grouping, hush money, identification, imposition, impost, indirect tax, initiation fee, instrumentation, joint return, judgment, levy, measure, measurement, measuring, mensuration, metric system, mileage, opinion, price determination, pricing, progressive tax, quantification, quantization, ranking, rating, reckoning, retainer, retaining fee, scot, separate returns, sifting, sifting out, single tax, sorting, sorting out, stipend, stock, supertax, surtax, survey, surveying, tariff, tax, tax base, tax dodging, tax evasion, tax exemption, tax return, tax structure, tax withholding, tax-exempt status, taxable income, taxation, telemetering, telemetry, tithe, toll, triangulation, tribute, unit pricing, valuation, valuing, view, weighing, winnowing, withholding tax
[edit]- assessor, Internal Revenue Service, JA, amicus curiae, appraiser, assayer, barmaster, cartographer, chancellor, chorographer, circuit judge, customhouse, customs, estimator, evaluator, exciseman, farmer, gauger, geodesist, judge advocate, judge ordinary, jurat, justice in eyre, justice of assize, land surveyor, lay judge, legal assessor, master, measurer, meter, military judge, oceanographer, ombudsman, ordinary, police judge, presiding judge, probate judge, publican, puisne judge, recorder, revenuer, surveyor, tax assessor, tax collector, tax farmer, taxer, taxman, topographer, valuator, valuer, vice-chancellor
[edit]- asset, advantage, assets, bankroll, benefit, capital, distinction, effects, equity, glory, holdings, honor, means, money, ornament, possessions, principal, property, resource, resources, strength, talent, valuables, wealth
[edit]- assets, Swiss bank account, accounts, accounts payable, accounts receivable, affluence, assessed valuation, assets and liabilities, available means, balance, bank account, bottom dollar, bottomless purse, budget, budgeting, bulging purse, capital, capital goods, capitalization, cash reserves, checking account, circumstances, command of money, costing-out, current assets, deferred assets, easy circumstances, embarras de richesses, exchequer, expenditures, finances, fixed assets, fortune, frozen assets, fund, funds, gold, grist, handsome fortune, high income, high tax bracket, holdings, independence, intangible assets, intangibles, kitty, liabilities, life savings, liquid assets, lucre, luxuriousness, mammon, material assets, material wealth, means, money, money to burn, moneybags, moneys, nest egg, net assets, net worth, opulence, opulency, outstanding accounts, pecuniary resources, pelf, pocket, pool, possessions, property, prosperity, prosperousness, purse, quick assets, receipts, reserves, resource, resources, riches, richness, savings, savings account, six-figure income, stock, stock-in-trade, substance, supply, tangible assets, tangibles, treasure, unpaid accounts, unregistered bank account, upper bracket, wealth, wealthiness, wherewithal
[edit]- asseverate, acknowledge, affirm, allege, announce, annunciate, argue, assert, assever, attest, aver, avouch, avow, bear witness, certify, confess, contend, declare, depone, depose, disclose, enunciate, express, express the belief, give evidence, have, hold, insist, issue a manifesto, lay down, maintain, manifesto, nuncupate, predicate, proclaim, profess, pronounce, protest, put, put it, quote, recite, relate, say, set down, speak, speak out, speak up, stand for, stand on, state, submit, swear, testify, vouch, vow, warrant, witness
[edit]- asshole, anus, boob, booby, bung, bunghole, chump, ding-a-ling, dingbat, dingdong, galoot, goof, jerk, jerk-off, klutz, mutt, prize sap, sap, saphead, sawney, schlemiel
[edit]- assiduity, advertence, advertency, alertness, application, ardor, assiduousness, attention, attention span, attentiveness, awareness, bulldog tenacity, care, concentration, consciousness, consideration, constancy, diligence, dogged perseverance, doggedness, ear, earnestness, endurance, energeticalness, energy, engrossment, fervor, fidelity, heed, heedfulness, indefatigability, industriousness, industry, insistence, insistency, intentiveness, intentness, laboriousness, loyalty, mindfulness, note, notice, observance, observation, obstinacy, pains, painstaking, painstakingness, patience, patience of Job, permanence, perseverance, persistence, persistency, pertinaciousness, pertinacity, plodding, plugging, preoccupation, regard, regardfulness, relentlessness, remark, resolution, respect, sedulity, sedulousness, single-mindedness, singleness of purpose, slogging, stability, stamina, staying power, steadfastness, steadiness, stick-to-itiveness, strenuousness, stubbornness, tenaciousness, tenacity, thoroughgoingness, thoroughness, thought, tirelessness, unremittingness, unsparingness, unswerving attention, vehemence, zealousness
[edit]- assiduous, advertent, agog, alert, all ears, all eyes, ardent, attentive, aware, careful, concentrated, conscious, constant, continuing, diligent, dogged, earnest, elaborate, enduring, energetic, faithful, fervent, finical, finicking, finicky, hard, hardworking, heedful, immutable, inalterable, indefatigable, indomitable, industrious, insistent, intense, intent, intentive, invincible, laborious, lasting, loyal, meticulous, mindful, never idle, never-tiring, nice, niggling, observant, observing, obstinate, on the ball, on the job, open-eared, open-eyed, openmouthed, operose, painstaking, patient, patient as Job, permanent, perseverant, persevering, persistent, persisting, pertinacious, plodding, plugging, preoccupied, rapt, regardful, relentless, resolute, sedulous, single-minded, sleepless, slogging, stable, steadfast, steady, strenuous, stubborn, tenacious, thorough, thoroughgoing, tireless, unabating, unconquerable, undaunted, undiscouraged, undrooping, unfailing, unfaltering, unflagging, unflinching, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unnodding, unrelaxing, unrelenting, unremitting, unsleeping, unsparing, unswerving, untiring, unwavering, unwearied, unwearying, unwinking, utterly attentive, vehement, watchful, weariless, zealous
[edit]- assign, abalienate, accredit, alien, alienate, allocate, allot, allow, amortize, apply, appoint, apportion, appropriate, appropriate to, ascribe, assign to, associate, attach, attribute, authorize, barter, bequeath, carry over, cede, charge, charter, choose, classify, collocate, commend, commission, commit, communicate, confer, confide, consign, convey, credit, decide, deed, deed over, define, delegate, deliver, demise, denominate, deploy, deport, depute, deputize, designate, destine, detach, detail, determine, devolute, devolve, devolve upon, diffuse, dispose, disseminate, distribute, earmark, emplace, empower, enfeoff, entrust, establish, exchange, expel, export, extradite, fate, fix, get a fix, give, give homework, give in charge, give in trust, give out, give title to, grant, hand, hand down, hand forward, hand on, hand over, home in on, impart, import, impute, indicate, infeudate, install, lay, lay down, license, link, localize, locate, lot, make a syllabus, make an assignment, make assignments, make over, mark, mark off, mark out for, mention, metastasize, metathesize, mete out, mission, name, navigate, negotiate, nominate, ordain, order, ordinate, pass, pass on, pass over, pass the buck, perfuse, pick out, pigeonhole, pin down, pinpoint, place, point out, portion off, position, post, prescribe, put, put down, put in place, refer, relate, relay, relegate, remand, remise, remit, reserve, restrict, restrict to, schedule, second, select, sell, send out, set, set a task, set apart, set aside, set hurdles, set off, settle, settle on, sign away, sign over, signify, situate, specialize, specify, spot, spread, state, stipulate, surrender, switch, tab, tag, trade, transfer, transfer property, transfuse, translate, translocate, transmit, transplace, transplant, transpose, triangulate, trust, turn over, warrant, zero in on
[edit]- assignation, abalienation, accounting for, agreement, alienation, amortization, amortizement, answerability, application, appointment, arrangement, arrogation, ascription, assemblee, assembly, assignation house, assignment, at home, attachment, attribution, ball, bargain and sale, barter, bequeathal, blame, brawl, caucus, cession, charge, colloquium, commission, committee, conclave, concourse, conferment, conferral, congregation, congress, connection with, consignation, consignment, conventicle, convention, conveyance, conveyancing, convocation, council, credit, dance, date, deeding, deliverance, delivery, demise, derivation from, diet, disposal, disposition, eisteddfod, enfeoffment, etiology, exchange, festivity, fete, forgathering, forum, gathering, get-together, giving, honor, housewarming, imputation, lease and release, levee, love nest, meet, meeting, meeting place, palaetiology, panel, party, place of assignation, placement, plenum, prom, quorum, rally, reception, reference to, rendezvous, responsibility, saddling, sale, seance, session, settlement, settling, shindig, sit-in, sitting, soiree, surrender, symposium, synod, trading, transfer, transference, transmission, transmittal, tryst, turnout, understanding, vesting
[edit]- assignee, agent, allottee, almsman, almswoman, annuitant, appointee, assign, attorney, beneficiary, candidate, deputy, devisee, donee, factor, feoffee, grantee, legatary, legatee, licensee, nominee, patentee, pensionary, pensioner, proxy, selectee, stipendiary
[edit]- assignment, abalienation, accession, accounting for, agency, agentship, alienation, allocation, allotment, amortization, amortizement, anointing, anointment, answerability, application, appointment, apportionment, appropriation, arrogation, ascription, assignation, assumption, attachment, attribution, authority, authorization, bargain and sale, barter, bequeathal, blame, brevet, busywork, care, cession, chalk talk, chare, charge, chore, collocation, commendation, commission, commissioning, commitment, conferment, conferral, connection with, consecration, consignation, consignment, conveyance, conveyancing, coronation, credit, cure, deeding, delegated authority, delegation, deliverance, delivery, demise, denomination, deployment, deposit, deposition, deputation, derivation from, designation, determination, devoir, devolution, devolvement, discourse, disposal, disposition, disquisition, distribution, duty, earmarking, election, embassy, emplacement, empowerment, enfeoffment, entrusting, entrustment, errand, etiology, exchange, executorship, exequatur, exercise, exposition, factorship, fish to fry, fixing, full power, giving, giving out, harangue, homework, homily, honor, imputation, incumbency, infeodation, infeudation, instruction, job, job of work, jurisdiction, labor, lading, lease and release, lecture, lecture-demonstration, legation, legitimate succession, lesson, liability, license, lieutenancy, loading, localization, locating, location, make-work, mandate, matters in hand, mission, moral, moral lesson, morality, moralization, naming, nomination, object lesson, obligation, odd job, office, ordainment, ordination, packing, palaetiology, piece of work, pinning down, pinpointing, placement, placing, plenipotentiary power, position, positioning, post, posting, power of attorney, power to act, preachment, precision, procuration, project, proxy, purview, putting, recital, recitation, reference to, regency, regentship, relegation, remanding, reposition, responsibility, saddling, sale, seizure, selection, sermon, service, set task, setting aside, settlement, settling, signification, situation, skull session, specification, spotting, stationing, stint, stipulation, storage, stowage, succession, surrender, tabbing, tagging, taking over, talk, task, teaching, things to do, trading, transfer, transference, transferral, transmission, transmittal, trust, trusteeship, usurpation, vesting, vicarious authority, warrant, work
[edit]- assimilate, Americanize, Anglicize, ablate, absorb, accommodate, accommodate with, accord, acculturate, acculturize, adapt, adapt to, add, adjust, adjust to, admit, adopt, adsorb, affiliate, agree with, amalgamate, analogize, appreciate, apprehend, appropriate, approximate, assimilate, assimilate to, attune, balance, be guided by, be with one, become, bend, bleed white, blend, blot, blot up, bring into analogy, bring into comparison, bring near, bring to, burn up, catch, catch on, change, change into, change over, chemisorb, chemosorb, chime in with, coalesce, combine, come together, compare, compare and contrast, compare with, complete, comply, comply with, compose, compound, comprehend, comprise, conceive, confer citizenship, conform, confront, connaturalize, connect, consolidate, consume, contain, contrast, convert, coordinate, corner, correct, correspond, count in, counterpose, cover, cut to, damp, deplete, dig, digest, discipline, do over, drain, drain of resources, draw a comparison, draw a parallel, drink, drink in, drink up, eat, eat up, embody, embrace, encircle, enclose, encompass, engross, envisage, equalize, equilibrize, erode, espouse, even, exhaust, expend, fall in with, fathom, fill, fill in, fill out, filter in, finish, finish off, fit, fix, flatten, flux, follow, fuse, gear to, get, get hold of, get the drift, get the idea, get the picture, go by, go native, gobble, gobble up, grasp, harmonize, have, have it taped, hold, homogenize, homologate, homologize, imbibe, imbue, impoverish, include, incorporate, infiltrate, infuse, ingest, ingrain, inoculate, integrate, interblend, interfuse, join, ken, key to, know, learn, leaven, level, liken, liken to, lump together, make, make conform, make one, make over, make plumb, make uniform, master, match, measure, measure against, meet, meld, melt into one, merge, metabolize, metaphorize, mix, mold, monopolize, naturalize, normalize, number among, observe, occupy, oppose, osmose, paragon, parallel, percolate in, place against, predigest, proportion, put in tune, put together, read, realize, receive, reckon among, reckon in, reckon with, reconcile, reconvert, rectify, reduce to, reembody, regularize, regulate, relate, render, resolve into, reverse, right, roll into one, rub off corners, run a comparison, savvy, seep in, seize, seize the meaning, sense, set, set in contrast, set in opposition, set off against, set over against, set right, settle, shade into, shape, shift, similarize, similize, slurp up, smooth, soak in, soak up, solidify, sorb, spend, sponge, squander, stabilize, standardize, stereotype, straighten, suck dry, suffuse, suit, swallow, swallow up, swill up, switch, switch over, symmetrize, sync, synchronize, syncretize, syndicate, synthesize, tailor, take, take in, take into account, take into consideration, take up, tally with, transform, trim to, true, true up, tune, turn back, turn into, understand, uniformize, unify, unite, use up, view together, waste away, wear away, weigh, weigh against, yield
[edit]- assimilated, Americanized, Anglicized, accented, acculturated, acculturized, adopted, alveolar, amalgamated, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulated, back, barytone, bilabial, blended, broad, cacuminal, central, cerebral, changed, checked, close, combinative, combinatory, combined, conjoint, conjugate, conjunctive, connective, consolidated, consonant, consonantal, continuant, converted, dental, dissimilated, dorsal, eclectic, flat, front, fused, glide, glossal, glottal, guttural, hard, heavy, high, incorporated, indoctrinated, integrated, intonated, joined, joint, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, lateral, lax, light, lingual, liquid, low, merged, mid, mixed, monophthongal, muted, narrow, nasal, nasalized, naturalized, occlusive, one, open, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pitch, pitched, posttonic, reborn, redeemed, reformed, regenerated, renewed, retroflex, rounded, semivowel, soft, sonant, stopped, stressed, strong, surd, syllabic, syncretistic, syncretized, synthesized, tense, thick, throaty, tonal, tonic, transformed, twangy, unaccented, united, unrounded, unstressed, velar, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, weak, wide
[edit]- assimilation, Americanization, Anschluss, ablation, about-face, absorbency, absorbent, absorption, accommodation, accordance, acculturation, adaptation, addition, adjustment, admissibility, admission, adoption, adsorbent, adsorption, affiliation, agglomeration, aggregation, agreement, alchemy, alikeness, alliance, allophone, alveolar, amalgamation, analogy, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, aping, apperception, approach, approximation, articulation, aspiration, assimilation, association, assumption, attrition, attunement, awareness, basal metabolism, becoming, bilabial, bile, blend, blending, blotter, blotting, blotting paper, burning up, cabal, cacuminal, cartel, catabolism, centralization, cerebral, change, change-over, check, chemisorption, chemosorption, citizenship by naturalization, citizenship papers, closeness, coalescence, coalition, coaptation, combination, combine, combo, community, comparability, comparison, completeness, composition, comprehension, comprehensiveness, comprisal, confederacy, confederation, conformity, congeries, conglomeration, conjugation, conjunction, consciousness, consolidation, consonant, conspiracy, consumption, continuant, conversion, coordination, copying, correspondence, coverage, culture shock, dental, depletion, digestion, digestive system, diphthong, dissimilation, drain, eating up, ecumenism, eligibility, embodiment, embracement, encompassment, endosmosis, engrossment, enosis, envisagement, epenthetic vowel, erosion, exhaustion, exhaustiveness, exosmosis, expending, expenditure, explosive, federalization, federation, finishing, flip-flop, fusion, gastric juice, gastrointestinal tract, glide, glottal, glottalization, growth, guttural, harmonization, hookup, identification, identity, imbibing, imitation, impoverishment, inclusion, inclusiveness, incorporation, infiltration, ingestion, integration, intestinal juice, junction, junta, labial, labialization, labiodental, labiovelar, lapse, laryngeal, lateral, league, likeness, likening, lingual, liquid, liver, manner of articulation, marriage, meld, melding, membership, merger, metabolism, metaphor, mimicking, mindfulness, modification, monophthong, morphophoneme, mute, nasal, nationalization, naturalization, naturalized citizenship, nearness, occlusive, openness, osmosis, package, package deal, palatal, pancreas, pancreatic digestion, pancreatic juice, papers, parallelism, parasitic vowel, parity, participation, passage, peak, percolation, pharyngeal, pharyngealization, phone, phoneme, plosive, predigestion, progress, prothetic vowel, re-formation, reception, reconcilement, reconciliation, reconversion, reduction, regulation, resemblance, resolution, retroflex, reversal, saliva, salivary digestion, salivary glands, sameness, secondary digestion, seepage, segmental phoneme, semblance, semivowel, shift, similarity, simile, similitude, simulation, soaking-up, solidification, sonant, sonority, sorption, speech sound, spending, sponge, sponging, squandering, squaring, stop, surd, switch, switch-over, syllabic nucleus, syllabic peak, syllable, synchronization, syncretism, syndication, syneresis, synthesis, taking-in, tie-up, timing, tolerance, toleration, transformation, transit, transition, transition sound, triphthong, turning into, unification, union, using up, velar, vocable, vocalic, vocoid, voice, voiced sound, voiceless sound, voicing, volte-face, vowel, wastage, waste, wastefulness, wasting away, wearing away, wearing down, wedding, whole
[edit]- assist, abet, accompany, act for, advance, aid, assistance, attend, avail, bail out, be instrumental, bear a hand, befriend, benefit, boost, comfort, concur, cooperate, do for, do good, doctor, ease, escort, facilitate, favor, finance, forward, fund, further, give a boost, give a hand, give a lift, give help, go between, hand, help, help out, helping hand, leg, leg up, lend a hand, lend one aid, lift, mediate, minister to, pay the bills, pension, pension off, proffer aid, promote, protect, rally, reclaim, redeem, relief, relieve, remedy, render assistance, rescue, restore, resuscitate, revive, save, second, serve, set up, stead, subserve, subsidize, succor, support, take in tow, work for
[edit]- assistance, advantage, aid, alimony, allotment, allowance, alterative, analeptic, annuity, appropriation, assist, avail, backing, balm, balsam, benefit, bounty, comfort, corrective, cure, depletion allowance, dole, ease, fellowship, financial assistance, good offices, grant, grant-in-aid, guaranteed annual income, hand, healing agent, healing quality, help, lift, ministration, ministry, office, offices, old-age insurance, pecuniary aid, pension, prescription, price support, profit, protection, public assistance, public welfare, receipt, recipe, reinforcement, relief, remedial measure, remedy, rescue, restorative, retirement benefits, scholarship, service, sovereign remedy, specific, specific remedy, stipend, subsidization, subsidy, subvention, succor, support, supporting, tax benefit, therapy, upholding, use, welfare, welfare aid, welfare payments
[edit]- assistant, acolyte, adjutant, agent, aid, aide, aide-de-camp, aider, ancilla, assistant professor, associate, associate professor, attendant, attorney, auxiliary, benefactor, best man, co-worker, coadjutant, coadjutor, coadjutress, coadjutrix, deputy, emeritus, employee, executive officer, factor, fall guy, flunky, girl Friday, help, helper, helpmate, helpmeet, henchman, hired hand, hired man, hireling, inferior, instructor, junior, lecturer, lieutenant, man Friday, mercenary, minion, myrmidon, paranymph, paraprofessional, patsy, pensioner, professor, professor emeritus, proxy, reader, retired professor, right-hand man, second, secondary, servant, sideman, stooge, striker, subordinate, subsidiary, supporting actor, supporting instrumentalist, tutor, underling, understrapper, visiting professor, worker, workfellow, yokemate
[edit]- assizes, appellate court, chancery, chancery court, circuit court, civil court, common-law court, conciliation court, county court, court of appeals, court of assize, court of chancery, court of claims, court of conscience, court of equity, court of errors, court of honor, court of inquiry, court of probate, court of record, court of requests, court of review, court of sessions, court of wards, criminal court, district court, divorce court, equity court, family court, juvenile court, kangaroo court, mock court, moot court, night court, police court, prize court, probate court, sessions, superior court, traffic court
[edit]- associate, Greek, abettor, accessory, accompany, accomplice, accord, accouple, accumulate, ace, acquaintance, act in concert, act together, affiliate, affiliate with, affiliated, affiliation, agglutinate, agree, alliance, allied, ally, alter ego, amalgamate, amass, amigo, analogon, analogue, appearance, apply, articulate, assemble, assistant, assistant professor, associate, associate professor, associate with, associated, association, assort with, attend, axis, band, band together, be acquainted with, be friends, be in cahoots, be in league, be inseparable, bedfellow, bedmate, belonger, bind, blend, bloc, bond, bosom buddy, bracket, bridge, bridge over, brother, brother-in-arms, brotherhood, buddy, bunch, bunch up, bunkie, bunkmate, butty, cabal, cahoots, camarade, card-carrier, card-carrying member, cardholder, cement, cement a union, centralize, chain, chamberfellow, charter member, chum, chum together, chum with, circuit, clap together, classmate, clique, clique with, close copy, close match, club, club together, clubber, clubman, clubwoman, coact, coaction, coadunate, coalesce, coalition, cognate, cohort, coincide, collaborate, collaboration, collaborator, colleague, collect, collude, comate, combination, combine, come into, come together, committeeman, companion, company, compatriot, compeer, complement, comprise, comrade, concatenate, concert, concomitant, concord, concur, confederate, conference, confidant, confidante, confrere, congenator, congener, conglobulate, congress, conjoin, conjugate, conjunction, connect, connect with, connection, connive, connotation, consociate, consolidate, consort, consort with, conspire, conventioneer, conventioner, conventionist, conviviality, cooperate, cooperation, coordinate, copartner, copulate, correlate, correlative, correspond, correspondent, cotton to, counterpart, couple, couple with, cover, creep in, crony, do business with, draw a parallel, dues-paying member, embrace, emeritus, encompass, enlist, enlistee, enroll, enrollee, enter, equate, equivalent, faction, familiar, fantasy, federalize, federate, federation, fellow, fellow student, fellowship, flock together, fraternity, fraternity man, fraternize, fraternize with, friend, fuse, gaiety, gang, gang up, gather, get heads together, get into, get together, girl friend, glue, go along with, go in partners, go in partnership, go into, go partners, go with, gossip, guild, guildsman, hang around with, hang out with, hang together, happen together, harmonize, herd together, hint, hit it off, hobnob with, hold together, honorary member, hook up, hook up with, hookup, identify, illusion, image, implication, include, initiate, insider, instructor, interest, interrelate, intimate, join, join forces, join fortunes with, join in, join in fellowship, join together, join up, join up with, join with, joiner, joviality, keep company with, keep together, kindred spirit, knot, know, lay together, league, league together, league with, leaguer, lecturer, life member, like, likeness, link, loop, lump together, machine, make common cause, marry, marshal, mass, match, mate, member, merge, messmate, mingle, mingle with, mirage, mix, mix with, mobilize, near duplicate, obverse, old crony, one of us, order, organization, organize, overtone, pair, pair off, pal, pal up with, pal with, parallel, parallelize, pard, pardner, partner, partnership, pendant, picture, piece together, play ball, playfellow, playmate, pledge, professor, professor emeritus, pull together, put heads together, put together, reader, reciprocal, reciprocate, relate, relativize, retired professor, ring, roll into one, roommate, run in couples, run with, schoolfellow, schoolmate, second self, secondary, sect, see, shipmate, side partner, sidekick, sign on, sign up, similitude, simulacrum, sister, sneak in, sociability, society, socius, sodality, solder, sorority girl, sorority woman, sort with, soul mate, span, splice, stand together, stand up with, stick together, subsidiary, such, suchlike, suggestion, sympathizer, synchronize, synergize, take in, take out membership, take up membership, take up with, tally, tape, team up, team up with, team with, teammate, teamwork, the like of, the likes of, throw in together, throw in with, tie, tie in, tie in with, tie up, tie up with, tie-up, togetherness, tutor, twin, undertone, unify, union, unionize, unite, unite efforts, unite with, vision, visiting professor, wait on, wed, weld, wheel, wing, work together, workfellow, yoke, yokefellow, yokemate
[edit]- associated, accessory, accompanying, accordant, affiliate, affiliated, agreeing, allied, assembled, associate, at one with, attendant, attending, banded together, bound, bracketed, cabalistic, coacting, coactive, coadunate, coincident, collaborative, collateral, collected, collective, collectivistic, collusive, combined, combining, common, communal, communistic, commutual, concerted, concomitant, concordant, concurrent, concurring, confederate, confederated, conjoined, conjoint, conjugate, connected, consilient, conspiratorial, cooperant, cooperative, coordinate, copulate, corporate, correlated, correlative, coupled, coworking, enleagued, federate, federated, fellow, gathered, general, hand-in-glove, hand-in-hand, harmonious, implicated, in cahoots, in common, in league, in partnership, in with, incorporated, integrated, interlinked, interlocked, interrelated, intimate, involved, joined, joint, knotted, leagued, linked, married, matched, mated, meeting, merged, mutual, of that ilk, of that kind, paired, parallel, parasitic, partners with, popular, public, reciprocal, related, saprophytic, simultaneous, social, socialistic, societal, spliced, symbiotic, synchronous, synergetic, synergic, synergistic, teamed, tied, twin, twinned, undivided, united, uniting, unseparated, wed, wedded, yoked
[edit]- association, Anschluss, British Cabinet, Sanhedrin, US Cabinet, accompaniment, accord, accordance, addition, adjunct, advisory body, affairs, affiliation, affinity, agglomeration, aggregation, agreement, alignment, alliance, amalgamation, approximation, assemblage, assembly, assimilation, association by contiguity, association of ideas, bench, blend, blending, board, body of advisers, bond, bonding, borough council, brain trust, cabal, cabinet, cahoots, camaraderie, camarilla, cartel, centralization, chain of thought, chamber, city council, clang association, closeness, co-working, coaction, coadunation, coalescence, coalition, cochairmanship, coincidence, collaboration, colleagueship, collectivity, collegialism, collegiality, collusion, combination, combine, combined effort, combo, common council, community, companionship, company, complicity, composition, comradeship, concert, concerted action, concomitance, concordance, concourse, concurrence, condominium, confederacy, confederation, conference, confluence, confraternity, congeries, conglomeration, congress, conjugation, conjunction, connectedness, connection, consilience, consociation, consolidation, consortium, consortship, conspiracy, consultative assembly, contiguity, contrariety, contribution, controlled association, cooperation, cooperative, copartnership, copartnery, correspondence, cotenancy, council, council fire, council of ministers, council of state, council of war, county council, court, current of thought, dealings, deduction, deliberative assembly, diet, directory, disjunction, divan, ecumenism, embodiment, encompassment, engagement, enosis, federalization, federation, fellowship, filiation, flow of thought, fraternalism, fraternity, fraternization, free association, freemasonry, friendship, fusion, group, guild, having a part, homology, hookup, identification, inclusion, incorporation, inmost thoughts, integration, intercourse, intimacy, involvement, joining, joint chairmanship, joint control, joint ownership, joint tenancy, junction, junta, kitchen cabinet, league, legislature, liaison, link, linkage, linking, marriage, meld, melding, membership, mental linking, merger, mutual attraction, nearness, negative transference, organization, package, package deal, pairing, parasitism, parish council, partaking, participation, partnership, positive transference, privy council, propinquity, proximity, rapport, relatedness, relation, relations, relationship, saprophytism, secret thoughts, sharing, similarity, simultaneity, social circle, social class, society, sodality, solidification, sorority, soviet, staff, stream of consciousness, suffrage, symbiosis, sympathy, synchronism, syncretism, syndicate, syndication, syneresis, synergy, synesthesia, synod, synthesis, thoughts, tie, tie-in, tie-up, train of thought, transference, tribunal, unification, union, united action, voting, wedding
[edit]- assonance, alliteration, blank verse, chime, clink, consonance, crambo, dingdong, double rhyme, drone, eye rhyme, harping, humdrum, jingle, jingle-jangle, monotone, monotony, near rhyme, paronomasia, pitter-patter, pun, repeated sounds, repetitiousness, repetitiveness, rhyme, rhyme royal, rhyme scheme, rhyming dictionary, single rhyme, singsong, slant rhyme, stale repetition, tail rhyme, tedium, trot, unnecessary repetition, unrhymed poetry
[edit]- assonant, accordant, according, alliteral, alliterating, alliterative, assonantal, attuned, belabored, blended, blending, chanting, chiming, cliche-ridden, concordant, consonant, dingdong, harmonic, harmonious, harmonizing, harping, homophonic, humdrum, in accord, in chorus, in concert, in concord, in sync, in tune, in unison, jingle-jangle, jingling, jog-trot, labored, monodic, monophonic, monotone, monotonous, punning, rhymed, rhyming, singsong, symphonious, synchronized, synchronous, tedious, tuned, unisonant, unisonous
[edit]- assort, alphabetize, analyze, arrange, bolt, break down, catalog, categorize, class, classify, codify, collate, digest, distribute, divide, file, gradate, grade, group, index, list, methodize, order, pigeonhole, place, range, rank, rate, riddle, screen, separate, sieve, sift, size, sort, sort out, stratify, subdivide, subordinate, systematize, tabulate, type
[edit]- assorted, adapted, aligned, arranged, arrayed, associated, at odds, at variance, bracketed, cataloged, categorized, chosen, classified, composed, conformable, conglomerate, constituted, contrary, contrasted, contrasting, coupled, departing, deviating, deviative, different, differentiated, differing, disaccordant, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, discrete, discriminated, disjoined, disparate, disposed, dissimilar, dissonant, distinct, distinguished, divergent, diverging, divers, diverse, diversified, filed, fitted, fixed, graded, grouped, harmonized, heterogeneous, hierarchic, in disagreement, inaccordant, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inconsonant, indexed, indiscriminate, inharmonious, irreconcilable, linked, many, many and various, marshaled, matched, methodized, mixed, motley, multifarious, normalized, of all sorts, on file, ordered, orderly, organized, picked, pigeonholed, placed, poles apart, poles asunder, preferred, promiscuous, pyramidal, ranged, ranked, rated, regularized, regulated, routinized, selected, separate, separated, several, sorted, standardized, stratified, suited, sundry, synchronized, systematized, tabular, unconformable, unequal, unlike, variant, varied, variegated, various, varying, widely apart, worlds apart
[edit]- assortment, agglomeration, all sorts, allay, alleviate, appease, array, assemblage, assuage, batch, broad spectrum, calm, categorization, category, class, classification, collectanea, collection, conciliate, conglomerate, conglomeration, culling, ease, farrago, gallimaufry, gradation, group, grouping, hash, hodgepodge, hotchpot, hotchpotch, jumble, lighten, lot, magpie, mash, medley, melange, mess, mingle-mangle, miscellanea, miscellany, mishmash, mitigate, mix, mixed bag, mixture, mollify, oddments, odds and ends, olio, olla podrida, omnium-gatherum, pasticcio, pastiche, patchwork, placate, placement, potpourri, propitiate, ranking, relax, salad, salmagundi, sauce, scramble, screening, selection, set, sifting, slack, slacken, soothe, sorting, sorting out, stew, subordination, sundries, sweeten, taxonomy, triage, variety, what you will
[edit]- assuage, abate, adjust to, allay, alleviate, alter, anesthetize, appease, attemper, bank the fire, benumb, blunt, box in, chasten, circumscribe, condition, constrain, control, cushion, damp, dampen, de-emphasize, deaden, deaden the pain, diminish, downplay, dull, ease, ease matters, extenuate, feast, feed, foment, give relief, gratify, hedge, hedge about, keep within bounds, lay, leaven, lenify, lessen, lighten, limit, lull, mitigate, moderate, modify, modulate, mollify, narrow, numb, obtund, pad, palliate, play down, poultice, pour balm into, pour oil on, qualify, quench, reduce, reduce the temperature, regale, regulate by, relieve, restrain, restrict, salve, sate, satiate, satisfy, season, set conditions, set limits, slacken, slake, slow down, smother, sober, sober down, soften, soothe, stifle, stupe, subdue, suppress, tame, temper, tone down, tune down, underplay, weaken
[edit]- assuasive, alleviating, alleviative, altering, analgesic, anesthetic, anodyne, balmy, balsamic, benumbing, bounding, calmant, calmative, cathartic, cleansing, deadening, demulcent, dulling, easing, emollient, extenuating, extenuatory, lenitive, limitative, limiting, mitigating, mitigative, mitigatory, modificatory, modifying, modulatory, numbing, pain-killing, palliative, purgative, qualificative, qualificatory, qualifying, relieving, remedial, restricting, restrictive, sedative, softening, soothing, subduing
[edit]- assume, accept, account as, accroach, acquire, act, act a part, act like, admit, adopt, affect, affirm, allegorize, allow, allude to, appropriate, arrogate, assert, assume, assume command, attack, attempt, aver, be afraid, believe, bluff, borrow, bring, bring to mind, buckle to, call for, camouflage, change, chorus, cloak, colonize, come by, come in for, commandeer, comprise, conceal, concede, conceive, conclude, connote, conquer, consider, contain, copy, counterfeit, cover up, crib, dare, daresay, deduce, deem, derive, derive from, disguise, dissemble, dissimulate, ditto, divine, do, do a bit, do like, don, drag down, dramatize, draw, draw from, draw on, dream, dress in, echo, embark in, embark upon, employ, encroach, endeavor, engage in, enslave, entail, enter on, enter upon, esteem, estimate, expect, fake, fall into, fall to, fancy, feel, feign, forge, four-flush, gain, gammon, gather, get, get into, get on, get under way, go about, go at, go in for, go into, go like, go upon, grab, grant, guess, have, have a hunch, have an idea, have an impression, have an inkling, have at, have coming in, have the idea, hazard, hide, hint, histrionize, hog, hoke, hoke up, hold, hold as, imagine, imitate, implicate, imply, import, indent, infer, infringe, insinuate, intimate, invade, involve, judge, jump a claim, launch forth, launch into, lay about, lead to, let, let be, let on, let on like, look upon as, maintain, make a pretense, make as if, make believe, make bold, make free, make free with, make like, make out like, make use of, mask, mean, mean to say, mirror, mock, monopolize, mount the throne, move into, obtain, occupy, opine, overact, overrun, pirate, pitch into, plagiarize, play, play God, play a part, play a scene, play possum, playact, plunge into, point indirectly to, posit, postulate, predicate, preempt, prefigure, premise, preoccupy, prepossess, presume, presuppose, presurmise, pretend, pretend to, proceed to, profess, provisionally accept, pull, pull down, put on, put on airs, receive, reckon, reecho, reflect, regard, repeat, repute, require, requisition, say, secure, seize, seize power, seize the throne, set about, set at, set down as, set forward, set going, set to, sham, simulate, sit on, slip on, snatch, squat on, steal, strike, subjugate, subsume, suggest, suppose, surmise, suspect, tackle, take, take all of, take charge, take command, take for, take for granted, take in, take it, take it all, take on, take over, take possession, take possession of, take the helm, take the lead, take the liberty, take to be, take up, think, throw, trespass, trow, tug the heartstrings, turn to, understand, undertake, use, usurp, venture, venture upon, view as, wear, ween
[edit]- assumed, accepted, accounted as, affected, alleged, apocryphal, artificial, assumptive, bastard, bogus, brummagem, chanced, colorable, colored, conjectured, counterfeit, counterfeited, deceptive, deemed, delusory, distorted, dressed up, dummy, embellished, embroidered, ersatz, expected, expropriated, factitious, fake, faked, false, falsified, feigned, fictitious, fictive, garbled, given, granted, hinted, hypocritical, hypothetical, illegitimate, illusory, imitation, implicated, implied, in hand, in process, in progress, in the works, indicated, inferred, insubstantial, intimated, involved, junky, made-up, make-believe, man-made, meant, mock, on the anvil, perverted, phony, pinchbeck, postulated, postulational, premised, presumed, presumptive, presupposed, pretended, pseudo, put on, put-on, putative, quasi, queer, reputed, seized, self-styled, sham, shoddy, simulated, so-called, soi-disant, spurious, suggested, supposed, suppositional, supposititious, suppositive, synthetic, taken, taken for granted, theoretical, tin, tinsel, titivated, twisted, unauthentic, under way, understood, undertaken, ungenuine, unnatural, unreal, warped
[edit]- assumption, a priori principle, about-face, acceptance, accession, acquisition, admission, admittance, adoption, affirmation, alchemy, allegory, allusion, anointing, anointment, apotheosis, appointment, appropriation, apriorism, arcane meaning, arrogation, ascension, ascent, aspiration, assertion, assignment, assimilation, assumed position, assumption, assurance, assured faith, attitude, authorization, axiom, basis, beatification, becoming, borrowed plumes, canonization, categorical proposition, change, change-over, cheerful expectation, climate of opinion, colonization, coloration, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, confidence, conjecture, connotation, conquest, consecration, consensus gentium, consideration, conversion, conviction, copying, coronation, data, deification, delegation, dependence, deputation, derivation, deriving, desire, doomed hope, election, elevation, empowerment, encroachment, enshrinement, enslavement, entailment, erection, escalation, estimate, estimation, ethos, exaltation, expectation, eye, fair prospect, faith, familiarity, feeling, fervent hope, first principles, flip-flop, foundation, fundamental, gathering, general belief, getting, good cheer, good hope, great expectations, ground, growth, guess, guesswork, height, high hopes, hint, hope, hopeful prognosis, hopefulness, hopes, hoping, hoping against hope, hubris, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, idea, imitation, implication, implied meaning, import, imposition, impression, indent, inference, infringement, innuendo, insolence, intimation, invasion, involvement, ironic suggestion, judgment, lapse, law, lawlessness, legitimate succession, lemma, liberties, liberty abused, license, licentiousness, lifting, lights, major premise, meaning, metaphorical sense, mind, minor premise, mocking, mystique, naturalization, notion, nuance, observation, occult meaning, occupation, opinion, overtone, overweening, overweeningness, passage, pasticcio, pastiche, personal judgment, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, pirating, plagiarism, plagiary, playing God, point of view, popular belief, posit, position, postulate, postulation, postulatum, posture, prayerful hope, preemption, premise, preoccupation, prepossession, presumption, presumptuousness, presupposal, presupposition, prevailing belief, principle, progress, promise, proposition, propositional function, prospect, prospects, public belief, public opinion, raising, re-formation, reaction, rearing, receipt, receival, receiving, reception, reconversion, reduction, reliance, requisition, resolution, resurrection, reversal, sanguine expectation, security, seizure, sentiment, set of postulates, shift, sight, simulation, stance, statement, subjugation, subsense, subsidiary sense, subsumption, succession, suggestion, sumption, supposal, supposing, supposition, surmise, sursum corda, switch, switch-over, symbolism, takeover, taking, taking over, the Ascension, the Assumption, theorem, theory, thesis, thinking, thought, tinge, touch, transformation, transit, transition, translation, trespass, trespassing, trust, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, turning into, undercurrent, undermeaning, undertone, undue liberty, upbuoying, upcast, upheaval, uplift, uplifting, upping, uprearing, upthrow, upthrust, usurpation, view, volte-face, way of thinking, well-grounded hope, working hypothesis
[edit]- assurance, Bible oath, absolute certainty, absoluteness, acceptation, acception, accident insurance, acquiescence, actuary, agreement, aid and comfort, annuity, aplomb, arrogance, ascertainment, aspiration, assumption, assured faith, assuredness, audacity, aviation insurance, avouch, avouchment, avow, bail bond, balance, belief, boldness, bond, brashness, brass, brazenness, bumptiousness, business life insurance, casualty insurance, certain knowledge, certainness, certainty, certificate of insurance, certification, certitude, check, checking, cheek, cheerful expectation, chutzpah, clear sailing, cockiness, cocksureness, collation, comfort, commitment, compact, composure, conceit, condolence, confidence, confidentness, confirmation, consolation, control, contumely, conviction, coolness, courage, court bond, covenant, credence, credit, credit insurance, credit life insurance, credulity, dead certainty, deductible, definiteness, dependence, desire, determinacy, determinateness, determination, doomed hope, easement, effrontery, emboldening, encouragement, endowment insurance, ensuring, equability, equanimity, equilibrium, establishment, expectation, extrajudicial oath, fair prospect, faith, family maintenance policy, fervent hope, fidelity bond, fidelity insurance, flood insurance, fraternal insurance, gall, good cheer, good hope, government insurance, great expectations, guarantee, guaranty, gumption, guts, gutsiness, hardihood, hardiness, harmlessness, health insurance, heartening, high hopes, hope, hopeful prognosis, hopefulness, hopes, hoping, hoping against hope, hubris, immunity, impudence, indemnity, industrial life insurance, ineluctability, inerrability, inerrancy, inevitability, infallibilism, infallibility, insolence, inspiration, inspiriting, inspiritment, insurance, insurance agent, insurance broker, insurance company, insurance man, insurance policy, interinsurance, intrepidity, invulnerability, ironclad oath, judicial oath, level head, levelheadedness, liability insurance, license bond, limited payment insurance, loyalty oath, major medical insurance, malpractice insurance, marine insurance, mutual company, necessity, nerve, nonambiguity, noncontingency, oath, oath of allegiance, oath of office, obtrusiveness, ocean marine insurance, official oath, overconfidence, oversureness, overweening, overweeningness, pact, parole, permit bond, pledge, plight, poise, policy, pomposity, positiveness, possession, prayerful hope, predestination, predetermination, presence of mind, presumption, presumptuousness, pride, probatum, procacity, promise, prospect, prospects, protection, proved fact, pushiness, reassurance, reassurement, reception, reliance, reliance on, relief, resolve, restraint, risklessness, robbery insurance, safeguard, safeness, safety, sangfroid, sanguine expectation, security, self-assurance, self-command, self-conceit, self-confidence, self-control, self-importance, self-possession, self-reliance, self-restraint, settled belief, shred of comfort, social security, solace, solacement, solemn declaration, solemn oath, steadiness, stock, stock company, stocks and bonds, store, subjective certainty, substantiation, support, sureness, surety, suspension of disbelief, sympathy, term insurance, test oath, theft insurance, tie, troth, trust, truth, unambiguity, understanding, underwriter, unequivocalness, univocity, unmistakableness, uppishness, uppityness, validation, vanity, verification, vow, warrant, warranty, well-grounded hope, well-regulated mind, word, word of honor
[edit]- assure, afford hope, and candle, ascertain, assert, assert under oath, asseverate, attest, augur well, avouch, back, be convincing, be sponsor for, bear up, bid fair, bolster, bond, book, brace up, bring home to, bring over, bring round, bring to reason, buck up, carry conviction, certify, cheer, cinch, clear up, clinch, comfort, condole with, confirm, console, convert, convict, convince, countersecure, countersign, decide, depone, depose, determine, dismiss all doubt, drive home to, ease, embolden, encourage, endorse, ensure, establish, find out, fix, get at, give comfort, give hope, guarantee, guaranty, have good prospects, hearten, hold out hope, hold out promise, inspire, inspire belief, inspire hope, inspirit, insure, justify hope, kiss the book, lead to believe, make a promise, make certain, make fair promise, make no doubt, make no mistake, make sure, make sure of, nail down, nerve, persuade, pledge, plight, promise, put at ease, raise expectations, raise hope, reassure, relieve, remove all doubt, satisfy, secure, see that, see to it, sell, sell one on, set at ease, set at rest, settle, sign, sign for, solace, sort out, sponsor, stabilize, stand behind, stand up for, state, subscribe to, support, swear, swear by bell, swear the truth, swear to, swear to God, swear to goodness, sympathize with, talk over, testify, troth, undersign, underwrite, vouch, vow, warrant, win over
[edit]- assured, affianced, arrogant, ascertained, aspiring, assurance, assuredness, attested, balanced, believing, betrothed, bound, certain, certified, certitude, clear-cut, cocksure, collected, committed, composed, compromised, confidence, confident, contracted, conviction, convinced, cool, covered, decided, definite, determinate, determined, devout, dogmatic, doubtless, engaged, ensured, equanimous, equilibrious, established, expectant, faithful, fideistic, fixed, fond, full of hope, game, guaranteed, hopeful, hoping, hubristic, imperturbable, impressed with, in good heart, in hopes, in the bag, insured, intended, levelheaded, made sure, nailed down, obligated, of good cheer, of good hope, on ice, open-and-shut, overconfident, oversure, overweening, persuaded, pietistic, pious, pistic, pledged, plighted, plucky, poised, pompous, positive, promised, pronounced, proud, proved, reassured, recollected, resolute, sanguine, satisfied, secure, secured, self-assured, self-confident, self-controlled, self-important, self-possessed, self-reliant, self-restrained, set, settled, sold on, spunky, stated, sure, sureness, surety, sworn, tested, together, tried, unafraid, under the impression, underwritten, undespairing, undoubtful, undoubting, unfaltering, unflappable, unhesitating, unruffled, unwavering, warranted, well-balanced
[edit]- assuredly, OK, Roger, absolutely, actually, all right, alright, alrighty, amen, and no mistake, as you say, at all events, at any rate, aye, by all means, certainly, clearly, da, decidedly, decisively, definitely, demonstrably, distinctly, exactly, fine, for a certainty, for a fact, for certain, for real, for sure, forsooth, good, good enough, hear, in all conscience, in truth, indeed, indeedy, indubitably, ja, just so, mais oui, manifestly, most assuredly, most certainly, naturally, naturellement, nothing else but, noticeably, observably, obviously, of course, okay, oui, patently, positively, precisely, quite, rather, really, right, righto, sensibly, seriously, sure, sure thing, surely, to a certainty, to be sure, truly, unambiguously, undeniably, unequivocally, unmistakably, verily, very well, visibly, well and good, why yes, without doubt, yea, yeah, yep, yes, yes indeed, yes indeedy, yes sir, yes sirree
[edit]- Astarte, Adonis, Amor, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apollo Belvedere, Artemis, Ashtoreth, Baal, Balder, Ceres, Cleopatra, Cupid, Cynthia, Demeter, Diana, Dionysus, Eros, Frey, Freya, Hebe, Hecate, Hekate, Hyperion, Isis, Kama, Love, Luna, Narcissus, Pan, Phoebe, Priapus, Selene, Venus, Venus de Milo, houri, peri, the Graces
[edit]- astern, a rebours, a reculons, abaft, aft, after, against the grain, anticlockwise, arear, ass-backwards, away, back, backward, backwards, baft, counterclockwise, fore and aft, fro, hindward, hindwards, in reverse, rear, rearward, rearwards, retrad, widdershins
[edit]- asteroid, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, asteroids, aurora particles, blackout, cosmic particles, cosmic ray bombardment, inferior planet, intergalactic matter, major planet, meteor dust impacts, meteors, minor planet, planet, planetoid, radiation, secondary planet, solar system, space bullets, superior planet, terrestrial planet, the bends, wanderer, weightlessness
[edit]- asthma, Asiatic flu, Hong Kong flu, abscess, acute bronchitis, adenoiditis, ague, allergen, allergic disorder, allergy, aluminosis, amygdalitis, anemia, ankylosis, anoxia, anthracosilicosis, anthracosis, apnea, asbestosis, asphyxiation, ataxia, atrophy, atypical pneumonia, backache, bituminosis, black lung, bleeding, blennorhea, bronchial pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, cachexia, cachexy, catarrh, chalicosis, chill, chills, chronic bronchitis, cold, colic, collapsed lung, common cold, coniosis, conjunctivitis, constipation, convulsion, coryza, cosmetic dermatitis, coughing, croup, croupous pneumonia, cyanosis, diarrhea, dizziness, double pneumonia, dropsy, dry pleurisy, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspnea, eczema, edema, emaciation, emphysema, empyema, epidemic pleurodynia, fainting, fatigue, fever, fibrillation, fibrinous pneumonia, flu, flux, grippe, growth, hay fever, hemorrhage, high blood pressure, hives, hydrops, hypertension, hypotension, icterus, indigestion, inflammation, influenza, insomnia, itching, jaundice, la grippe, labored breathing, laryngitis, lipoid pneumonia, lobar pneumonia, low blood pressure, lumbago, lung cancer, lung fever, marasmus, nasal discharge, nausea, necrosis, pain, paralysis, pharyngitis, pleurisy, pleuritis, pneumococcal pneumonia, pneumoconiosis, pneumonia, pneumonic fever, pneumothorax, pollinosis, pruritus, quinsy, rash, rheum, rose cold, sclerosis, seizure, shock, siderosis, silicosis, skin eruption, sneezing, sore, sore throat, spasm, swine flu, tabes, tachycardia, the sniffles, the snuffles, tonsilitis, tumor, upset stomach, urticaria, vertigo, virus pneumonia, vomiting, wasting, wet pleurisy, whooping cough
[edit]- asthmatic, breathing, errhine, expiratory, heaving, huffing, inspiratory, nasal, panting, pneumonic, puffing, pulmonary, pulmonic, respiratory, rhinal, sneezy, sniffling, sniffly, sniffy, snoring, snorting, snuffling, snuffly, snuffy, sternutatory, stertorous, wheezing, wheezy
[edit]- astonish, affright, alarm, amaze, ambush, astound, awe, awestrike, bedaze, bedazzle, bewilder, boggle, bowl down, bowl over, bushwhack, catch off-guard, catch unawares, come from behind, come upon unexpectedly, confound, daze, dazzle, do the unexpected, drop in on, dumbfound, dumbfounder, flabbergast, floor, overwhelm, paralyze, perplex, petrify, pounce upon, pull up short, shock, spring a surprise, spring upon, stagger, startle, strike dead, strike dumb, strike with wonder, stun, stupefy, surprise, take by surprise, take short, take unawares, terrify
[edit]- astonishing, amazing, appalling, astounding, breathtaking, confounding, conspicuous, egregious, electrifying, exceptional, extraordinary, eye-opening, fabulous, fantastic, formidable, incredible, jarring, jolting, marked, marvelous, mind-boggling, miraculous, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, of mark, outstanding, overwhelming, prodigious, remarkable, shocking, signal, spectacular, staggering, startling, striking, stunning, stupendous, superior, surprising, uncommon, wonderful, wondrous
[edit]- astound, abash, amaze, appall, astonish, awe, awestrike, bedaze, bedazzle, bewilder, boggle, bowl down, bowl over, confound, daze, dazzle, discomfit, disconcert, dismay, dumbfound, dumbfounder, flabbergast, floor, overwhelm, paralyze, perplex, petrify, put out, shock, stagger, startle, strike dead, strike dumb, strike with wonder, stun, stupefy, surprise, take aback
[edit]- astounded, agape, aghast, agog, all agog, amazed, appalled, ashen, astonished, at gaze, awed, awestricken, awestruck, beguiled, bewildered, bewitched, blanched, breathless, captivated, confounded, cowed, deadly pale, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, enchanted, enraptured, enravished, enthralled, entranced, fascinated, flabbergasted, frozen, gaping, gauping, gazing, gray with fear, horrified, horror-struck, hypnotized, in awe, in awe of, intimidated, lost in wonder, marveling, mesmerized, open-eyed, openmouthed, overwhelmed, pale as death, pallid, paralyzed, petrified, popeyed, puzzled, rapt in wonder, scared stiff, scared to death, spellbound, staggered, staring, stunned, stupefied, surprised, terrified, terror-crazed, terror-haunted, terror-ridden, terror-riven, terror-shaken, terror-smitten, terror-struck, terror-troubled, thunderstruck, under a charm, undone, unmanned, unnerved, unstrung, wide-eyed, wonder-struck, wondering
[edit]- astounding, amazing, appalling, astonishing, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, breathtaking, confounding, dire, direful, dread, dreaded, fell, formidable, ghastly, ghoulish, grim, grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, macabre, mind-boggling, miraculous, morbid, overwhelming, prodigious, redoubtable, schrecklich, shocking, spectacular, staggering, startling, stunning, stupendous, surprising, terrible, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous
[edit]- astral, Buddhic body, Cynthian, Masan, airy, anagalactic, apparition, appearance, asomatous, asteroidal, astral body, astral spirit, astrologic, astrologistic, astrologous, astronomic, astrophysical, banshee, bliss body, bodiless, causal body, celestial, circumplanetary, cislunar, control, daydreaming, daydreamy, decarnate, decarnated, departed spirit, design body, discarnate, disembodied, disembodied spirit, duppy, dybbuk, ectoplasmic, eidolon, empyreal, empyrean, equinoctial, ethereal, etheric, etheric body, extragalactic, extramundane, form, galactic, ghost, ghostish, ghostlike, ghostly, ghosty, grateful dead, guide, hant, haunt, heavenly, heliacal, highest, highest-ranking, idolum, immaterial, immateriality, impalpable, imponderable, incorporate, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, insubstantial, intangible, intercosmic, interplanetary, intersidereal, interstellar, kamarupa, kamic body, larva, lemures, linga sharira, lunar, lunary, lunate, lunular, lunulate, manes, materialization, meteoric, meteoritic, mind body, nebular, nebulose, nebulous, nonmaterial, nonphysical, occult, oni, otherworldly, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmal, phantasmic, phantom, phantomic, phantomlike, planetal, planetarian, planetary, planetesimal, poltergeist, presence, psychic, revenant, semilunar, shade, shadow, shadowy, shape, shrouded spirit, sidereal, solar, soul body, specter, specterlike, spectral, spectral ghost, sphery, spirit, spiritual, spiritual body, spook, sprite, star-spangled, star-studded, starry, stellar, stellary, subtle body, supernatural, terrestrial, theophany, top-drawer, transmundane, unearthly, unembodied, unextended, unfleshly, unphysical, unsubstantial, unsubstantiality, unworldly, uranic, vision, visionary, vital body, walking dead man, wandering soul, wraith, wraithlike, wraithy, zodiacal, zombie
[edit]- astray, abashed, aberrant, abroad, adrift, afield, all abroad, all off, all wrong, amiss, askew, at fault, at sea, awry, badly, below the mark, beside the mark, beside the point, bewildered, bootlessly, bothered, clear, clueless, confused, corrupt, deceptive, defective, delusive, deviant, deviational, deviative, discomposed, disconcerted, dismayed, disoriented, distorted, distracted, distraught, disturbed, embarrassed, errant, erring, erroneous, erroneously, fallacious, fallaciously, false, falsely, far afield, far from it, faultful, faultfully, faultily, faulty, flawed, fruitlessly, guessing, heretical, heterodox, illogical, illusory, in a fix, in a maze, in a pickle, in a scrape, in a stew, in vain, lost, mazed, mistakenly, not right, not true, off, off the track, out, peccant, perturbed, perverse, perverted, put-out, self-contradictory, straying, to no purpose, turned around, unfactual, unfavorably, unorthodox, unproved, untrue, untruly, upset, vainly, wide, without a clue, wrong, wrongly
[edit]- astringency, Spartanism, abbreviation, acerbity, acidity, acidulousness, acridity, acridness, acrimony, asperity, astriction, astringence, austerity, authoritarianism, bite, bitingness, bitter pill, bitterness, bottleneck, causticity, cervix, circumscription, coarctation, compactedness, compaction, compression, compressure, concentration, condensation, consolidation, constriction, constringency, contraction, contracture, curtailment, cuttingness, decrease, demandingness, diminuendo, discipline, edge, exactingness, fierceness, gall, gall and wormwood, grimness, grip, hardness, harshness, hourglass, hourglass figure, inclemency, isthmus, keenness, knitting, meticulousness, mordacity, mordancy, narrow place, narrowing, neck, piquancy, poignancy, point, puckering, pungency, pursing, reduction, regimentation, rigid discipline, rigor, roughness, ruggedness, severity, sharpness, shortening, solidification, sourness, sternness, sting, stranglement, strangulation, striction, strictness, stricture, stridency, stringency, systole, tartness, teeth, toughness, trenchancy, ungentleness, vehemence, violence, virulence, wasp waist, wrinkling
[edit]- astringent, Spartan, Spartanic, acerb, acerbic, acid, acidulous, acrid, acrimonious, alum, amaroidal, ascetic, asperous, austere, authoritarian, biting, bitter, bitter as gall, brisk, caustic, clamp, coarse, collapsible, compactable, compressible, compressor, constrictor, constringent, consumptive, contractible, contractile, contractional, contractive, contractor, cutting, deflationary, demanding, double-edged, dour, edged, escharotic, exacting, exigent, fierce, foldable, grim, hard, harsh, incisive, inclement, irritating, keen, meticulous, mordacious, mordant, mortified, nose-tickling, penetrating, piercing, pincer, piquant, poignant, puckery, pungent, restorative, rigorous, roborant, rough, rugged, scathing, severe, sharp, sour, stabbing, stern, stinging, strict, strident, stringent, styptic, styptic pencil, tart, tough, trenchant, ungentle, unsparing, vehement, violent, virulent, vise, vitriolic
[edit]- astrologer, Cassandra, Chaldean, Druid, astroalchemist, astrologian, astromancer, augur, calamity howler, crystal gazer, divinator, diviner, divineress, forecaster, foreknower, foreseer, foreshower, foreteller, fortuneteller, genethliac, geomancer, haruspex, horoscoper, horoscopist, palmist, predictor, prefigurer, presager, prognosticator, prophesier, prophet, prophet of doom, prophetess, psychic, pythoness, religious prophets, seer, seeress, soothsayer, stargazer, vates, weather prophet
[edit]- astrology, Friday, Friday the thirteenth, appointed lot, aspect, astral influences, astrodiagnosis, astromancy, augury, book of fate, clairvoyance, constellation, crystal ball, crystal gazing, cup, destination, destiny, dies funestis, divination, divining, doom, end, fatality, fate, foredoom, fortune, fortunetelling, future, genethliac astrology, genethliacism, genethliacs, genethlialogy, haruspication, haruspicy, horoscope, horoscopy, house, ides of March, inevitability, kismet, lot, mansion, mantic, mantology, moira, mundane astrology, mundane house, nativity, natural astrology, palm-reading, palmistry, planetary house, planets, portion, pythonism, sorcery, stargazing, stars, unlucky day, weird, wheel of fortune, will of Heaven, zodiac
[edit]- astronaut, Martian, adventurer, aeronaut, aeroplaner, aeroplanist, air pilot, airplanist, alien, alpinist, aviator, barnstormer, birdman, camper, captain, climber, cloud seeder, comers and goers, commercial pilot, commuter, copilot, cosmonaut, cosmopolite, crop-duster, cruiser, excursionist, explorer, fare, flier, globe-girdler, globe-trotter, goer, hajji, instructor, jet jockey, jet set, jet-setter, journeyer, licensed pilot, man from Mars, mariner, mountaineer, palmer, passenger, passerby, pathfinder, pilgrim, pilot, pioneer, planetary colony, rainmaker, rocket man, rocketeer, rubberneck, rubbernecker, sailor, sightseer, space crew, space traveler, spaceman, straphanger, stunt flier, stunt man, test pilot, tourer, tourist, trailblazer, trailbreaker, transient, traveler, trekker, tripper, viator, visiting fireman, voortrekker, voyager, voyageur, wayfarer, wingman, world-traveler
[edit]- astronautics, aeronautics, aerospace medicine, aerospace research, aerospace science, aerospace technology, air service, airline, aviation, ballooning, bioastronautics, blind flying, cloud-seeding, commercial aviation, contact flying, cruising, escape velocity, flight, flying, general aviation, gliding, grand tour, interplanetary travel, pilotage, rocketry, sailing, sailplaning, science fiction, soaring, space flight, space medicine, space travel, space walk, step flight, trip to Mars, winging
[edit]- astronomic, Atlantean, Brobdingnagian, Cyclopean, Cynthian, Gargantuan, Herculean, Homeric, abysmal, amplitudinous, anagalactic, asteroidal, astral, astrologic, astrologistic, astrologous, astronomical, astrophysical, awesome, boundless, bulky, celestial, circumplanetary, cislunar, colossal, cosmic, elephantine, empyreal, empyrean, enormous, epic, equinoctial, extensive, extragalactic, galactic, giant, giantlike, gigantic, heavenly, heliacal, heroic, huge, immeasurable, immense, infinite, intercosmic, interplanetary, intersidereal, interstellar, jumbo, king-size, large, lunar, lunary, lunate, lunular, lunulate, mammoth, massive, massy, meteoric, meteoritic, mighty, monster, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, nebular, nebulose, nebulous, outsize, overgrown, planetal, planetarian, planetary, planetesimal, prodigious, profound, semilunar, sidereal, sizable, solar, spacious, sphery, star-spangled, star-studded, starry, stellar, stellary, stupendous, terrestrial, titanic, towering, tremendous, uranic, vast, voluminous, weighty, zodiacal
[edit]- astronomical, Atlantean, Brobdingnagian, Cyclopean, Cynthian, Gargantuan, Herculean, Homeric, abysmal, amplitudinous, anagalactic, asteroidal, astral, astrologic, astrologistic, astrologous, astronomic, astrophysical, awesome, boundless, bulky, celestial, circumplanetary, cislunar, colossal, cosmic, elephantine, empyreal, empyrean, enormous, epic, equinoctial, extensive, extragalactic, galactic, giant, giantlike, gigantic, heavenly, heliacal, heroic, huge, immeasurable, immense, infinite, intercosmic, interplanetary, intersidereal, interstellar, jumbo, king-size, large, lunar, lunary, lunate, lunular, lunulate, mammoth, massive, massy, meteoric, meteoritic, mighty, monster, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, nebular, nebulose, nebulous, outsize, overgrown, planetal, planetarian, planetary, planetesimal, prodigious, profound, semilunar, sidereal, sizable, solar, spacious, sphery, star-spangled, star-studded, starry, stellar, stellary, stupendous, terrestrial, titanic, towering, tremendous, uranic, vast, voluminous, weighty, zodiacal
[edit]- astronomy, astrogeology, astrognosy, astrography, astrolithology, astrophotography, astrophysics, celestial mechanics, gravitational astronomy, meteoritics, radar astronomy, radio astronomy, solar physics, spectrography, spectroscopy, stargazing, stellar photometry, uranography, uranology, uranometry
[edit]- astrophysical, Cynthian, aerophysical, anagalactic, asteroidal, astral, astrologic, astrologistic, astrologous, astronomic, celestial, circumplanetary, cislunar, empyreal, empyrean, equinoctial, extragalactic, galactic, heavenly, heliacal, intercosmic, interplanetary, intersidereal, interstellar, lunar, lunary, lunate, lunular, lunulate, meteoric, meteoritic, nebular, nebulose, nebulous, physical, planetal, planetarian, planetary, planetesimal, semilunar, sidereal, solar, sphery, star-spangled, star-studded, starry, stellar, stellary, terrestrial, uranic, zodiacal
[edit]- astrophysics, Newtonian physics, acoustics, aerophysics, applied physics, astrogeology, astrognosy, astrography, astrolithology, astronomy, astrophotography, basic conductor physics, biophysics, celestial mechanics, chemical physics, cryogenics, crystallography, cytophysics, electron physics, electronics, electrophysics, geophysics, gravitational astronomy, macrophysics, mathematical physics, mechanics, medicophysics, meteoritics, microphysics, natural philosophy, natural science, nuclear physics, optics, philosophy, physic, physical chemistry, physical science, physicochemistry, physicomathematics, physics, psychophysics, radar astronomy, radiation physics, radio astronomy, radionics, solar physics, solid-state physics, spectrography, spectroscopy, stargazing, statics, stellar photometry, stereophysics, theoretical physics, thermodynamics, uranography, uranology, uranometry, zoophysics
[edit]- astute, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, acute, adroit, alert, apperceptive, appercipient, arch, argute, artful, cagey, calculating, canny, clever, cogent, crafty, cunning, cute, deceitful, deep, deep-laid, designing, diplomatic, discerning, discreet, farseeing, farsighted, feline, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, foxy, guileful, heady, incisive, ingenious, insidious, insightful, intelligent, inventive, judicious, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, longheaded, longsighted, observant, pawky, penetrating, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, perspicuous, piercing, politic, provident, prudent, quick, quick-witted, ready, resourceful, sagacious, sage, savvy, scheming, serpentine, sharp, shifty, shrewd, slick, slippery, sly, smooth, snaky, sneaky, sophistical, stealthy, strategic, subtile, subtle, supple, tactical, trenchant, trickish, tricksy, tricky, underhand, underhanded, understanding, vulpine, wary, wily, wise
[edit]- asunder, adrift, all to pieces, apart, apart from, aside from, at a distance, away, away from, bipartite, by two, dichotomous, discontinuous, discrete, distal, distant, distinct, divergent, exotic, far, far off, faraway, fifty-fifty, half-and-half, in half, in halves, in the abstract, in twain, in two, incoherent, insular, long-distance, long-range, noncohesive, one by one, partitioned, piecemeal, remote, removed, separate, separated, separately, severally, sky-high, to shreds, unassociated, unattached, unattended, unconnected, unjoined
[edit]- asylum, VA hospital, almshouse, base hospital, bedlam, bird sanctuary, bolt-hole, bughouse, cache, clinic, community hospital, concealment, convalescent home, convalescent hospital, corner, cover, covert, coverture, cranny, crazy house, cubby, cubbyhole, dark corner, den, dugout, evacuation hospital, farm, field hospital, forest preserve, foster home, foxhole, funk hole, game preserve, game sanctuary, general hospital, halfway house, harbor, harbor of refuge, harborage, haven, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hole, home, hospice, hospital, hospitium, infirmary, inpatient clinic, insane asylum, institution, inviolability, lair, lunatic asylum, madhouse, maison de sante, mental home, mental hospital, mental institution, niche, nook, nursing home, nuthouse, orphanage, osteopathic hospital, outpatient clinic, padded cell, policlinic, polyclinic, poor farm, poorhouse, port, preserve, private hospital, proprietary hospital, psychiatric ward, psychopathic hospital, public hospital, recess, refuge, rest home, retreat, safe haven, safehold, sanatorium, sanctuary, secret place, security, shelter, sick bay, sickbed, sickroom, snug harbor, special hospital, stash, state hospital, station hospital, stronghold, surgical hospital, teaching hospital, undercovert, veterans hospital, voluntary hospital, ward, well-baby clinic, workhouse
[edit]- asymmetric, anamorphous, askew, bent, bowed, cockeyed, contorted, crazy, crooked, crumpled, crunched, deviative, disparate, disproportionate, distorted, ill-matched, ill-proportioned, ill-sorted, inadequate, insufficient, irregular, labyrinthine, lopsided, mismatched, nonsymmetric, odd, one-sided, out of proportion, skew, skewed, sprung, tortuous, twisted, unequal, uneven, unsymmetric, warped
[edit]- asymmetrical, anamorphous, askew, asymmetric, bent, bowed, cockeyed, contorted, crazy, crooked, crumpled, crunched, deviative, disparate, disproportionate, distorted, ill-matched, ill-sorted, inadequate, insufficient, irregular, labyrinthine, lopsided, mismatched, nonsymmetric, odd, one-sided, out of proportion, skew, skewed, sprung, tortuous, twisted, unequal, uneven, unsymmetric, warped
[edit]- asymmetry, ambiguity, ambivalence, anamorphism, anamorphosis, antinomy, buckle, contortion, contrariety, crookedness, detorsion, deviation, difference, disequilibrium, disparity, disproportion, disproportionateness, distortion, equivocality, gnarl, heresy, heterodoxy, heterogeneity, imbalance, inadequacy, incoherence, incommensurability, incompatibility, incongruity, inconsistency, inconsonance, inequality, inequity, injustice, insufficiency, irreconcilability, irregularity, knot, lopsidedness, nonconformability, nonconformity, nonuniformity, odds, overbalance, oxymoron, paradox, quirk, screw, self-contradiction, shortcoming, torsion, tortuosity, turn, twist, unbalance, unconformability, unconformity, unevenness, unfair discrimination, unorthodoxy, unsymmetry, warp, wrench, wrest, wring
[edit]- asymptote, approach, bottleneck, collision course, concentralization, concentration, concourse, concurrence, confluence, conflux, congress, convergence, converging, crossing, focalization, focus, funnel, hub, meeting, mutual approach, narrowing gap, radius, spokes, tangent
at a loss
[edit]- at a loss, addled, at a nonplus, at a stand, at a standstill, at an impasse, baffled, bamboozled, beat, bewildered, buffaloed, confounded, dazed, floored, fuddled, in a dilemma, in suspense, in the red, licked, muddled, mystified, nonplussed, on tenterhooks, out, out of pocket, perplexed, puzzled, stuck, stumped, thrown, to the bad, unprofitably
at a standstill
[edit]- at a standstill, adamant, adamantine, as is, as per usual, as things are, as usual, at a halt, at a loss, at a nonplus, at a stand, at an impasse, at anchor, baffled, bewildered, dead-still, firm, fixed, frozen, idle, immobile, immotile, immotive, immovable, inactive, inflexible, irremovable, motionless, moveless, mystified, nonplussed, out of commission, pat, perplexed, quiescent, riding at anchor, rigid, sedentary, standpat, static, stationary, statuelike, still, stock-still, stuck, stumped, unactive, unemployed, unmovable, unmoved, unmoving, unyielding
at all
[edit]- at all, anyhow, anyway, anywise, at any cost, at any rate, by any chance, by any means, by merest chance, ever, however, if at all, in any case, in any event, in any way, irregardless, nevertheless, nohow, nonetheless, of any description, of any kind, regardless, soever, whatever, whatsoever
at any cost
[edit]- at any cost, at all, at all costs, at all events, at all risks, at any price, by any chance, by any means, by merest chance, come what may, despite, even with, ever, if at all, in any way, in despite of, in spite of, irregardless, irrespective of, live or die, rain or shine, regardless, regardless of, regardless of cost, ruat caelum, sink or swim, spite of, whatever may happen, whatever the cost, with
at any rate
[edit]- at any rate, absolutely, after a fashion, after all, again, albeit, all the same, although, and no mistake, anyhow, anyway, anywise, appreciably, assuredly, at all, at all events, at best, at least, at most, at the least, at the most, at the outside, at worst, but, by all means, by any means, certainly, clearly, comparatively, decidedly, decisively, definitely, detectably, distinctly, even, even so, fairly, for a certainty, for a fact, for all that, for certain, for sure, forsooth, howbeit, however, in a manner, in a way, in any case, in any event, in any way, in part, in some measure, in truth, incompletely, indeed, indeedy, irregardless, just the same, leastwise, merely, mildly, moderately, modestly, most assuredly, most certainly, nevertheless, nohow, nonetheless, not comprehensively, not exhaustively, nothing else but, notwithstanding, of course, only, part, partially, partly, positively, pro tanto, purely, rather, regardless, relatively, simply, so far, somewhat, still, surely, though, thus far, to a certainty, to a degree, to some degree, tolerably, truly, unequivocally, unmistakably, visibly, when, yet
at cross purposes
[edit]- at cross purposes, adversative, adverse, adverse to, adversive, against, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, antonymous, at cross-purposes with, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at enmity, at feud, at issue, at loggerheads, at odds, at outs, at square, at strife, at variance, at war, at war with, athwart, balancing, clashing, compensating, con, conflicting, confronting, contra, contradictory, contradistinct, contrapositive, contrarious, contrariwise, contrary, contrasted, converse, counter, counter to, counterbalancing, counterpoised, countervailing, cranky, cross, dead against, differing, disaccordant, disagreeable, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, disharmonious, disproportionate, dissident, dissonant, divergent, eyeball to eyeball, eyeball-to-eyeball, grating, hostile, immiscible, in conflict with, in confrontation, in hostile array, in opposition, in opposition to, inaccordant, incompatible, inconsistent, inharmonious, inimical, inverse, jangling, jarring, negative, obverse, on the outs, opposed, opposed to, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, out of accord, out of whack, perverse, repugnant, reverse, squared off, uncongenial, unharmonious, up in arms, variant, versus, vis-a-vis, with crossed bayonets
at ease
[edit]- at ease, abed, accepting, at home, at rest, comfortable, composed, content, contented, easy, easygoing, eupeptic, euphoric, happy, in bed, of good comfort, pleased, reconciled, relaxed, resigned, sans souci, satisfied, uncomplaining, unrepining, without care
at fault
[edit]- at fault, aberrant, abroad, adrift, all abroad, all off, all wrong, amiss, arraignable, askew, astray, awry, beside the mark, censurable, corrupt, criminal, culpable, deceptive, defective, delusive, deviant, deviational, deviative, distorted, errant, erring, erroneous, fallacious, false, faultful, faulty, flawed, guilty, heretical, heterodox, illogical, illusory, impeachable, implicated, inculpated, indictable, involved, not right, not true, off, off the track, out, peccant, perverse, perverted, reprehensible, reproachable, reprovable, self-contradictory, straying, to blame, unfactual, unorthodox, unproved, untrue, wide, wrong
at hand
[edit]- at hand, about, about to be, accessible, adaptable, all-around, along toward, already in sight, approaching, around, at close quarters, attendant, available, brewing, close, close about, close at hand, close by, coming, convenient, convenient to, easily reached, fast by, forthcoming, future, gathering, going to happen, handy, hard, hard by, hereabout, hereabouts, immanent, immediate, imminent, impendent, impending, in danger imminent, in prospect, in reserve, in spitting distance, in store, in the cards, in the offing, in the wind, in view, indwelling, inherent, instant, looming, lowering, lurking, menacing, near, near at hand, nearabout, nearabouts, nearby, nearing, nigh, nigh about, not far, of all work, on board, on call, on deck, on hand, on tap, on the horizon, only a step, overhanging, preparing, present, propinquant, propinquous, ready, ready at hand, that will be, thereabout, thereabouts, threatening, to come, to hand, upcoming, versatile, waiting, within call, within earshot, within hearing, within reach, within sight
at home
[edit]- at home, affair, assemblee, assembly, assignation, at ease, at rest, back home, ball, brawl, caucus, chez soi, colloquium, commission, committee, conclave, concourse, congregation, congress, conventicle, convention, convocation, council, dance, date, diet, down home, easy, eisteddfod, festivity, fete, forgathering, forum, gathering, get-together, housewarming, levee, matinee, meet, meeting, panel, party, plenum, prom, quorum, rally, reception, relaxed, rendezvous, reunion, salon, seance, session, shindig, sit-in, sitting, sociable, social, social affair, social gathering, soiree, symposium, synod, turnout, wake
at issue
[edit]- at issue, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, arguable, at cross-purposes, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at odds, at variance, at war with, athwart, before the house, conditional, conditioned, confutable, conjectural, contestable, contingent, contra, contrariwise, controversial, controvertible, counter, cross, debatable, deniable, dependent, depending, disputable, doubtable, doubtful, dubious, dubitable, eyeball-to-eyeball, iffy, in confrontation, in debate, in dispute, in doubt, in dubio, in hostile array, in opposition, in question, in suspense, in the balance, mistakable, moot, on the agenda, on the docket, on the floor, on the table, open, open for discussion, open to doubt, open to question, pendent, pending, problematic, questionable, refutable, speculative, sub judice, suppositional, suspect, suspenseful, suspicious, uncounted, undecided, under active consideration, under advisement, under consideration, under examination, under investigation, under surveillance, undetermined, unestablished, unfixed, unsettled, untold, up for grabs, up in arms, with crossed bayonets
at large
[edit]- at large, across the board, afoot and lighthearted, all, all in all, all put together, all things considered, altogether, as a body, as a rule, as a whole, as an approximation, at length, at liberty, bodily, broadly, broadly speaking, by and large, chiefly, clear, collectively, commonly, corporately, detached, diffusely, disengaged, dispersedly, easygoing, emancipated, en bloc, en masse, entirely, escaped, everywhere, fled, flown, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, free, free and easy, free as air, freeborn, freed, fugitive, generally, generally speaking, go-as-you-please, here and there, in a body, in all, in all quarters, in all respects, in bulk, in detail, in extenso, in full, in general, in its entirety, in places, in spots, in the aggregate, in the clear, in the gross, in the lump, in the mass, in toto, liberated, loose, mainly, mostly, normally, on all counts, on balance, on the loose, on the whole, ordinarily, out of, overall, passim, predominantly, prevailingly, released, roughly, roughly speaking, routinely, runaway, scot-free, sparsely, sparsim, speaking generally, sporadically, throughout, totally, tout ensemble, unattached, uncommitted, unengaged, uninvolved, usually, well out of, wherever you look, wholly
at length
[edit]- at length, ad infinitum, along, at large, at last, at long last, at the end, at the last, completely, conclusively, endlong, endways, endwise, eventually, extensively, finally, fully, in conclusion, in detail, in extenso, in fine, in full, in length, in particular, in toto, last, lastly, lengthily, lengthways, lengthwise, longitudinally, longways, longwise, minutely, once for all, particularly, specifically, ultimately, wholly
at liberty
[edit]- at liberty, afoot and lighthearted, at large, available, clear, detached, disengaged, easygoing, emancipated, fallow, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, free, free and easy, free as air, freeborn, freed, go-as-you-please, idle, in the clear, jobless, leisure, leisured, liberated, loose, lumpen, off, off duty, off work, on the loose, otiose, out of employ, out of harness, out of work, released, scot-free, unattached, uncommitted, unemployable, unemployed, unengaged, uninvolved, unoccupied
at most
[edit]- at most, after a fashion, appreciably, at any rate, at best, at least, at the least, at the most, at the outside, at worst, comparatively, detectably, fairly, in a manner, in a way, in part, in some measure, incompletely, leastwise, merely, mildly, moderately, modestly, not comprehensively, not exhaustively, only, part, partially, partly, pro tanto, purely, relatively, simply, so far, somewhat, thus far, to a degree, to some degree, tolerably, visibly
at odds
[edit]- at odds, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, alienated, antagonistic, antiestablishment, antipathetic, assorted, at cross-purposes, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at enmity, at feud, at issue, at loggerheads, at odds with, at outs, at square, at strife, at variance, at variance with, at war, at war with, athwart, averse, breakaway, clashing, contra, contradictory, contrariwise, contrary, contrasted, contrasting, counter, counter-culture, cranky, cross, cursory, departing, deviating, deviative, different, differentiated, differing, disaccordant, disagreeable, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, discrete, discriminated, disharmonious, disinclined, disjoined, disobedient, disparate, disproportionate, dissentient, dissenting, dissident, dissimilar, dissonant, distinct, distinguished, divergent, diverging, divers, diverse, diversified, eyeball-to-eyeball, forced, fractious, grating, heterogeneous, hostile, immiscible, in confrontation, in disagreement, in hostile array, in opposition, inaccordant, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inconsonant, indisposed, indocile, inharmonious, involuntary, irreconcilable, jangling, jarring, many, motley, multifarious, mutinous, negative, nonconforming, on the outs, opposed, opposing, out of accord, out of whack, perfunctory, poles apart, poles asunder, recalcitrant, recusant, refractory, repugnant, resistant, sectarian, sectary, separate, separated, several, sulky, sullen, unconformable, uncongenial, unconsenting, underground, unequal, unharmonious, unlike, unwilling, up in arms, variant, varied, variegated, various, varying, widely apart, with crossed bayonets, worlds apart
at once
[edit]- at once, PDQ, all at once, all together, amain, apace, as one, at a blow, at a stroke, at one blow, at one jump, at one stroke, at one swoop, at one time, by forced marches, coincidentally, coinstantaneously, concurrently, conjointly, corporately, cursorily, decisively, directly, expeditiously, feverishly, forthwith, furiously, hand over fist, hastily, helter-skelter, hotfoot, hurriedly, hurry-scurry, immediately, in a hurry, in agreement, in common, in concord, in no time, in partnership, in passing, in unison, inharmony, instanter, instantly, jointly, mutually, now, on the instant, on the run, on the spot, pell-mell, per saltum, pretty damned quick, promptly, pronto, quickly, right away, right now, right off, simultaneously, slapdash, smartly, speedily, straightaway, straightway, subito, summarily, superficially, swiftly, then and there, this minute, this very minute, together, uno saltu, with a rush, with all haste, with all speed, with dispatch, with haste, without delay, without further delay
at one
[edit]- at one, accordant, affirmative, agreeable, agreeing, akin, amicable, answerable, at one with, attuned, carried by acclamation, coexistent, coexisting, coherent, coincident, coinciding, commensurate, compatible, concordant, concurrent, concurring, conformable, congenial, congruent, congruous, consentaneous, consentient, consistent, consonant, cooperating, cooperative, correspondent, corresponding, empathetic, empathic, en rapport, equivalent, frictionless, harmonious, in accord, in agreement, in concert, in rapport, in sync, in synchronization, in tune, inaccordance, inharmony, like-minded, of a piece, of like mind, of one accord, of one mind, on all fours, peaceful, positive, proportionate, reconcilable, self-consistent, solid, symbiotic, sympathetic, synchronized, synchronous, together, unanimous, unchallenged, uncontested, uncontradicted, uncontroverted, understanding, uniform, unisonant, unisonous, united, unopposed, with one consent, with one voice
at random
[edit]- at random, aimlessly, any which way, anyhow, anywise, around, at haphazard, at hazard, at intervals, at irregular intervals, brokenly, by catches, by chance, by fits, by jerks, by snatches, capriciously, carelessly, casually, desultorily, disconnectedly, discontinuously, dysteleologically, eccentrically, erratically, fitfully, haltingly, haphazard, haphazardly, helter-skelter, hit or miss, in snatches, in spots, inconstantly, indiscriminately, inexplicably, intermittently, irregularly, jerkily, lurchingly, nonuniformly, off and on, patchily, promiscuously, purposelessly, random, randomly, roughly, sloppily, spasmodically, sporadically, spottily, stochastically, unaccountably, uncertainly, unevenly, unmethodically, unpredictably, unrhythmically, unsteadily, unsystematically, variably, whimsically, wobblingly
at rest
[edit]- at rest, abed, asleep, asleep in Jesus, at ease, at home, bereft of life, breathless, called home, calm, carrion, cloistered, cool, croaked, dead, dead and gone, death-struck, deceased, defunct, demised, departed, departed this life, destitute of life, done for, dwindling, easy, ebbing, even-tenored, exanimate, fallen, finished, food for worms, gone, gone to glory, gone west, halcyon, hushed, impassive, in bed, inanimate, isolated, late, late lamented, launched into eternity, lifeless, martyred, moldering, no more, pacific, passed on, peaceable, peaceful, placid, pushing up daisies, quiescent, quiet, relaxed, released, reposeful, reposing, restful, resting, resting easy, resting in peace, sainted, secluded, sequestered, sequestrated, sheltered, sleeping, smitten with death, smooth, still, still as death, stillborn, stillish, stilly, stoic, stolid, subsiding, taken away, taken off, tranquil, unagitated, underground, undisturbed, unmoved, unperturbed, unruffled, unstirring, untroubled, waning, with the Lord, with the saints, without life, without vital functions
at sea
[edit]- at sea, abashed, abroad, adrift, afloat, astray, bewildered, bothered, by sea, by water, clueless, confused, discomposed, disconcerted, dismayed, disoriented, distracted, distraught, disturbed, embarrassed, guessing, homeward bound, in a fix, in a maze, in a pickle, in a scrape, in a stew, in blue water, in soundings, lost, making way, mazed, off soundings, off the course, off the heading, off the track, perturbed, put-out, turned around, under bare poles, under sail, under way, upset, with sails spread, with way on, without a clue
at the same time
[edit]- at the same time, above, ad interim, additionally, after all, again, albeit, all included, all the same, all together, also, although, altogether, among other things, and all, and also, and so, as far as, as long as, as one, as one man, as well, at a clip, at all events, at any rate, at one time, at that time, at which time, au reste, beside, besides, between acts, betweentimes, betweenwhiles, beyond, but, coinstantaneously, concurrently, contemporaneously, during the interval, during which time, else, en attendant, en plus, even, even so, extra, farther, for a time, for all that, for lagniappe, for the meantime, for the nonce, further, furthermore, howbeit, however, in a chorus, in addition, in any case, in any event, in chorus, in concert with, in phase, in sync, in the interim, in the meanwhile, in unison, inter alia, into the bargain, isochronously, item, just the same, likewise, meantime, meanwhile, more, moreover, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, on that occasion, on the beat, on the side, on top of, over, pendente lite, plus, rather, similarly, simultaneously, still, synchronously, the while, then, therewith, though, to boot, together, too, until then, when, whereas, while, whilst, with one voice, yet
at variance
[edit]- at variance, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, alienated, antagonistic, antiestablishment, antipathetic, assorted, at cross-purposes, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at enmity, at feud, at issue, at loggerheads, at odds, at odds with, at outs, at square, at strife, at variance with, at war, at war with, athwart, breakaway, clashing, contra, contradictory, contrariwise, contrary, contrasted, contrasting, counter, counter-culture, cranky, cross, departing, deviating, deviative, different, differentiated, differing, disaccordant, disagreeable, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, discrete, discriminated, disharmonious, disjoined, disparate, disproportionate, dissentient, dissenting, dissident, dissimilar, dissonant, distinct, distinguished, divergent, diverging, divers, diverse, diversified, eyeball-to-eyeball, grating, heterogeneous, hostile, immiscible, in confrontation, in disagreement, in hostile array, in opposition, inaccordant, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, inconsonant, inharmonious, irreconcilable, jangling, jarring, many, motley, multifarious, negative, nonconforming, on the outs, opposing, out of accord, out of whack, poles apart, poles asunder, recusant, repugnant, sectarian, sectary, separate, separated, several, unconformable, uncongenial, underground, unequal, unharmonious, unlike, up in arms, variant, varied, variegated, various, varying, widely apart, with crossed bayonets, worlds apart
at war
[edit]- at war, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, antagonistic, antipathetic, at cross-purposes, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at feud, at issue, at loggerheads, at odds, at square, at strife, at variance, at war with, athwart, clashing, contra, contradictory, contrariwise, contrary, counter, cranky, cross, differing, disaccordant, disagreeable, disagreeing, discordant, discrepant, disharmonious, disproportionate, dissident, dissonant, divergent, eyeball-to-eyeball, grating, hostile, immiscible, in confrontation, in hostile array, in opposition, inaccordant, incompatible, inharmonious, jangling, jarring, negative, out of accord, out of whack, repugnant, uncongenial, unharmonious, up in arms, variant, with crossed bayonets
[edit]- ataraxy, accidia, acedia, aloofness, apathy, ataraxia, benumbedness, blah, blahs, bovinity, calmness, carelessness, casualness, comatoseness, composure, contemplation, coolness, detachment, disinterest, dispassion, dispassionateness, disregard, disregardfulness, dullness, easy temper, easygoingness, even temper, good temper, heartlessness, hebetude, heedlessness, hopelessness, impassiveness, impassivity, imperturbability, imperturbableness, inappetence, inattention, incuriosity, indifference, indiscrimination, inexcitability, inexcitableness, inirritability, insouciance, lack of affect, lack of appetite, lackadaisicalness, languidness, lethargicalness, lethargy, listlessness, lucid stillness, marmoreal repose, mindlessness, negligence, nirvana, nonchalance, numbness, passiveness, passivity, patience, peace, peacefulness, phlegm, phlegmaticalness, phlegmaticness, placidity, placidness, plucklessness, pococurantism, quiescence, quiescency, quiet, quietism, quietness, quietude, recklessness, regardlessness, repose, resignation, resignedness, rest, restfulness, sangfroid, satori, serenity, silence, silken repose, sleep, sloth, sluggishness, slumber, smooth temper, sopor, soporifousness, spiritlessness, spunklessness, steadiness, stillness, stoicism, stolidity, stupefaction, stupor, supineness, torpidity, torpidness, torpor, tranquillity, unanxiousness, unconcern, unirritableness, unmindfulness, unnervousness, unpassionateness, unsolicitousness, wise passiveness, withdrawnness
[edit]- atavism, Mnemosyne, aboriginality, affect memory, age, ancien regime, ancientness, anterograde memory, antiquity, backset, backward deviation, cobwebs of antiquity, collective memory, computer memory, disk memory, drum memory, dust of ages, eld, elderliness, eldership, emotional response, engram, falling back, great age, hoary age, hoary eld, information storage, inveteracy, kinesthetic memory, lapse, memory, memory bank, memory circuit, memory trace, mind, mneme, old age, old order, old style, oldness, primitiveness, primogeniture, primordialism, primordiality, race memory, recollection, recrudescence, recurrence, regression, relapse, remembrance, renewal, return, reversal, reverse, reversion, screen memory, senility, seniority, setback, skill, souvenir, tape memory, throwback, venerableness, verbal response, visual memory
[edit]- atavistic, aboriginal, ancestral, antepatriarchal, autochthonous, bodily, born, coeval, congenital, connatal, connate, connatural, constitutional, genetic, hereditary, humanoid, in the blood, inborn, inbred, incarnate, indigenous, inherited, innate, instinctive, instinctual, native, native to, natural, natural to, organic, patriarchal, physical, preadamite, preglacial, prehistoric, prehuman, primal, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, primoprimitive, primordial, pristine, protohistoric, protohuman, reactionary, recessive, recidivist, recidivous, regressive, retrograde, retrogressive, retrorse, retroverse, returnable, reversible, reversional, reversionary, revertible, revulsionary, temperamental
[edit]- atelier, agency, barbershop, beauty parlor, beauty shop, bench, butcher shop, company, concern, corporation, desk, establishment, facility, firm, gallery, house, installation, institution, library, loft, office, organization, parlor, sail loft, shop, stacks, studio, study, sweatshop, work site, work space, workbench, workhouse, working space, workplace, workroom, workshop, worktable
[edit]- atheism, agnosticism, apostasy, backsliding, denial, desertion, disbelief, discredit, faithlessness, fall from grace, gentilism, heresy, impiety, impiousness, inability to believe, incredulity, infidelity, irreligion, irreverence, lapse, lapse from grace, minimifidianism, misbelief, nonbelief, nullifidianism, recidivism, recreancy, rejection, secularism, unbelief, unbelievingness, undutifulness
[edit]- atheist, Sabbath-breaker, apostate, backslider, blasphemer, deserter, disbeliever, gentile, heathen, infidel, minimifidian, nonbeliever, nullifidian, pagan, recidivist, recreant, renegade, sacrilegist, secularist, unbeliever
[edit]- atheistic, apostate, atheist, backsliding, blasphemous, disbelieving, faithless, fallen, fallen from grace, gentile, goyish, heathen, impious, infidel, infidelic, irreligious, irreverent, lapsed, minimifidian, misbelieving, non-Christian, non-Jewish, non-Mohammedan, non-Mormon, non-Moslem, non-Muhammadan, non-Muslim, nullifidian, pagan, profanatory, profane, recidivist, recidivistic, recreant, renegade, sacrilegious, unbelieving, unchristian, uncircumcised, undutiful
[edit]- Athena, Agdistis, Amor, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apollon, Ares, Artemis, Ate, Bacchus, Bellona, Ceres, Cora, Cronus, Cupid, Cybele, Demeter, Despoina, Diana, Dionysus, Dis, Enyo, Eros, Gaea, Gaia, Ge, Great Mother, Hades, Helios, Hephaestus, Hera, Here, Hermes, Hestia, Hymen, Hyperion, Jove, Juno, Jupiter, Jupiter Fidius, Jupiter Fulgur, Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Jupiter Pluvius, Jupiter Tonans, Kore, Kronos, Magna Mater, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Mithras, Momus, Neptune, Nike, Odin, Olympians, Olympic gods, Ops, Orcus, Persephassa, Persephone, Phoebus, Phoebus Apollo, Pluto, Poseidon, Proserpina, Proserpine, Rhea, Saturn, Tellus, Tiu, Tyr, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan, Woden, Wotan, Zeus
[edit]- atherosclerosis, angina, angina pectoris, aortic insufficiency, aortic stenosis, apoplectic stroke, apoplexy, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, auricular fibrillation, beriberi heart, calcification, callusing, cardiac arrest, cardiac insufficiency, cardiac shock, cardiac stenosis, cardiac thrombosis, carditis, case hardening, concretion, congenital heart disease, cor biloculare, cor juvenum, cor triatriatum, cornification, coronary, coronary insufficiency, coronary thrombosis, crystallization, diastolic hypertension, encased heart, endocarditis, extrasystole, fatty heart, fibroid heart, firming, flask-shaped heart, fossilization, frosted heart, granulation, hairy heart, hardening, heart attack, heart block, heart condition, heart disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, hornification, hypertension, hypertensive heart disease, induration, ischemic heart disease, lapidification, lithification, mitral insufficiency, mitral stenosis, myocardial infarction, myocardial insufficiency, myocarditis, myovascular insufficiency, ossification, ox heart, palpitation, paralytic stroke, paroxysmal tachycardia, pericarditis, petrifaction, petrification, pile, premature beat, pseudoaortic insufficiency, pulmonary insufficiency, pulmonary stenosis, rheumatic heart disease, round heart, sclerosis, setting, solidification, steeling, stiffening, stony heart, stroke, tachycardia, tempering, thrombosis, toughening, tricuspid insufficiency, tricuspid stenosis, turtle heart, varicose veins, varix, ventricular fibrillation, vitrifaction, vitrification
[edit]- athlete, amateur athlete, archer, ballplayer, baseballer, baseman, batter, battery, blocking back, bowman, catcher, center, coach, competitor, cricketer, defensive lineman, end, footballer, games-player, gamester, guard, infielder, jock, jumper, lineman, offensive lineman, outfield, outfielder, player, poloist, professional athlete, pugilist, quarterback, racer, skater, sport, sportsman, tackle, tailback, toxophilite, wingback, wrestler
[edit]- athletic, able-bodied, acrobatic, active, agonistic, brawny, broad-shouldered, burly, energetic, gymnastic, muscle-bound, muscular, palaestral, sinewy, sporting, sports, strenuous, thewy, thickset, vigorous, well-built, well-knit, well-set, well-set-up, wiry
[edit]- athletics, Rugby, acrobatics, agonistics, amusement, association football, bathing, breather, calisthenics, diversion, drill, entertainment, exercise, exercising, games, gymnastic exercises, gymnastics, isometrics, natation, palaestra, pastime, physical education, physical jerks, practice, recreation, rugger, setting-up exercises, soccer, sports, stretch, swimming, track, track and field, tumbling, workout, yoga
[edit]- athwart, across, across the grain, adverse to, against, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, at cross-purposes, at cross-purposes with, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at issue, at odds, at variance, at war with, athwartships, bendwise, beyond, bias, biased, biaswise, catercorner, catercornered, con, contra, contrariwise, contrawise, counter, counter to, crisscross, cross, cross-grained, crossway, crossways, crosswise, dead against, diagonal, eyeball-to-eyeball, in conflict with, in confrontation, in hostile array, in opposition, in opposition to, kittycorner, oblique, obliquely, opposed to, over, overthwart, sideways, sidewise, slant, thwart, thwartly, thwartways, transversal, transverse, transversely, traverse, up in arms, versus, vis-a-vis, with crossed bayonets
[edit]- Atlas, Antaeus, Asp, Asroc, Atlas-Agena, Atlas-Centaur, Briareus, Brobdingnagian, Bullpup, Cajun, Charles Atlas, Corporal, Corvus, Crossbow, Cyclops, Dart, Deacon, Delta, Diamant, Dove, Falcon, Firebee, Gargantua, Genie, Goliath, Hawk, Hercules, Holy Moses, Hound Dog, Jupiter, Lacrosse, Lark, Loki, Loon, Mace, Matador, Navaho, Nike, Nike Ajax, Orion, Pershing, Petrel, Polaris, Polyphemus, Poseidon, Quail, Ram, Rascal, Redeye, Redstone, Regulus I, SLAM, Samson, Saturn, Scout, Sentinel, Sergeant, Shillelagh, Sidewinder, Skybolt, Snark, Spaerobee, Sparrow, Subroc, Super Talos, Superman, Talos, Tartar, Tarzan, Telamon, Terrier, Thor, Thor Able Star, Thor-Agena, Thor-Delta, Tiny Tim, Titan, V-2, Viking, WAC-Corporal, Wagtail, Zuni, bully, bullyboy, colossus, giant, gorilla, muscle man, powerhouse, stalwart, strong man, strong-arm man, the mighty, the strong, tough, tough guy, tower of strength
[edit]- atlas, Lambert conformal projection, Mercator projection, Miller projection, aeronautical chart, arcade, astronomical chart, azimuthal equidistant projection, azimuthal projection, calendar, cartographer, cartography, caryatid, casebook, catalog, catalogue raisonne, celestial chart, celestial globe, chart, chorographer, chorography, city directory, classified catalog, climatic chart, colonnade, colonnette, column, concordance, conic projection, contour line, contour map, cyclopedia, cylindrical projection, diatesseron, dictionary catalog, directory, encyclopedia, gazetteer, general reference map, globe, gnomonic projection, graphic scale, grid line, hachure, harmony, heliographic chart, hydrographic chart, index, isoline, latitude, layer tint, legend, longitude, map, map maker, map projection, mapper, meridian, parallel, peristyle, phone book, photogrammetrist, photogrammetry, photomap, phototopography, physical map, pier, pilaster, pillar, political map, polyconic projection, polyglot, portico, post, projection, record book, reference book, relief map, representative fraction, road map, scale, sinusoidal projection, source book, special map, studbook, telamon, telephone book, telephone directory, terrain map, terrestrial globe, thematic map, topographer, topographic chart, topography, transportation map, weather chart, weather map, work of reference
[edit]- atman, anima, anima humana, animating force, astral body, ba, bathmism, beating heart, biological clock, biorhythm, blood, breath, breath of life, buddhi, divine breath, divine spark, ego, elan vital, essence of life, force of life, gross body, growth force, heart, heartbeat, heartblood, impulse of life, inner man, inspiriting force, jiva, jivatma, kama, khu, life breath, life cycle, life essence, life force, life principle, life process, lifeblood, linga sharira, living force, manas, manes, mind, nephesh, physical body, pneuma, prana, principle of desire, psyche, purusha, ruach, seat of life, shade, shadow, soul, spark of life, spirit, spiritual being, spiritus, sthula sharira, the self, vis vitae, vis vitalis, vital energy, vital flame, vital fluid, vital force, vital principle, vital spark, vital spirit
[edit]- atmosphere, action, aerial, aerodynamics, aerosphere, air, ambience, ambient, anagnorisis, angle, architectonics, architecture, argument, arrangement, atmospheric, aura, background, balance, biosphere, brushwork, catastrophe, character, characteristic, characterization, climate, color, complication, composition, continuity, contrivance, denouement, design, development, device, draftsmanship, ecosphere, episode, fable, falling action, feel, feeling, flavor, fluid, gas, gaseous envelope, gimmick, grouping, halogen gas, impression, incident, individuality, inert gas, lift, line, local color, medium, milieu, mise-en-scene, mood, motif, movement, mythos, noosphere, note, overtone, painterliness, peculiarity, peripeteia, perspective, plan, plot, pneumatic, pneumatics, property, quality, recognition, rising action, scheme, secondary plot, semblance, sense, shading, shadow, slant, spirit, story, structure, subject, subplot, suggestion, surroundings, switch, technique, thematic development, theme, tone, topic, treatment, twist, undertone, values, welkin
[edit]- atoll, ait, archipelago, bar, cay, continental island, coral head, coral island, coral reef, holm, insularity, island, island group, islandology, isle, islet, key, oceanic island, reef, sandbank, sandbar
atom smashing
[edit]- atom smashing, alpha decay, atom-chipping, atomic disintegration, atomic reaction, atomization, beta decay, bombardment, breeding, bullet, chain reaction, cleavage, disintegration series, dissociation, exchange reaction, fission, fission reaction, gamma decay, ionization, neutron reaction, nonreversible reaction, nuclear fission, nucleization, photodisintegration, proton gun, proton reaction, reversible reaction, splitting the atom, stimulation, target, thermonuclear reaction
[edit]- atom, Bohr atom, Dirac atom, I, Lewis-Langmuir atom, Thomson atom, ace, acid, acidity, agent, air, alkali, alkalinity, alloisomer, anion, antacid, atomic model, atomic particles, atoms, base, biochemical, bit, brute matter, building block, cation, chemical, chemical element, chromoisomer, component, compound, constituent, copolymer, cubical atom, dab, dash, dimer, dole, dot, dram, dribble, driblet, dwarf, dyad, earth, electron, element, elementary particle, elementary unit, fabric, farthing, fire, fleck, flyspeck, fragment, fundamental particle, gobbet, grain, granule, groat, hair, handful, heavy chemicals, heptad, hexad, high polymer, homopolymer, hydracid, hyle, hypostasis, inorganic chemical, ion, iota, isobar, isomer, isotopic isobar, jot, labeled atom, little, little bit, lota, macromolecule, material, material world, materiality, matter, medium, meson, metamer, minim, minimum, minutiae, mite, modicum, molecule, monad, monomer, mote, natural world, nature, neutral atom, neutralizer, no other, nonacid, none else, normal atom, nothing else, nought beside, nuclear atom, nuclear isomer, nuclear particle, nuclide, nutshell, octad, one, one and only, organic chemical, ounce, oxyacid, particle, pebble, pentad, physical world, pinch, pittance, planetary shell, plenum, point, polymer, proton, pseudoisomer, quark, radiation atom, radical, reagent, recoil atom, scruple, shade, shell, smack, smidgen, smitch, soupcon, speck, spice, spoonful, spot, stripped atom, stuff, subshell, substance, substratum, suggestion, sulfacid, suspicion, tagged atom, tangible, tetrad, the four elements, thimbleful, tincture, tinge, tiny bit, tittle, touch, trace, tracer, tracer atom, triad, trifling amount, trimer, trivia, unit, unit of being, valence shell, water, whit
[edit]- atomic, a certain, an, any, any one, atomatic, atomiferous, atomistic, corpuscular, cyclic, diatomic, dibasic, either, embryonic, evanescent, exclusive, germinal, granular, heteroatomic, heterocyclic, hexatomic, homocyclic, impalpable, imperceptible, imponderable, inappreciable, indiscernible, individual, indivisible, infinitesimal, intangible, integral, invisible, irreducible, isobaric, isocyclic, isoteric, isotopic, lone, microcosmic, microscopic, molecular, monadic, monatomic, monistic, one, pentatomic, simple, single, singular, sole, solid, solitary, subatomic, tenuous, tetratomic, thin, triatomic, tribasic, ultramicroscopic, unanalyzable, undivided, uniform, unique, unitary, unseeable, whole
[edit]- atomism, Aristotelianism, Berkeleianism, Bohr theory, Bradleianism, Cynicism, Cyrenaic hedonism, Cyrenaicism, Dirac theory, Epicureanism, Fichteanism, Hegelianism, Heideggerianism, Heracliteanism, Herbartianism, Humism, Kantianism, Leibnizianism, Marxism, Mimamsa, Neo-Hegelianism, Neo-Pythagoreanism, Neoplatonism, Peripateticism, Platonism, Purva Mimamsa, Pyrrhonism, Pythagoreanism, Sankhya, Schellingism, Scotism, Socratism, Sophism, Sophistry, Spencerianism, Stoicism, Thomism, acosmism, agnosticism, animalism, animatism, animism, behaviorism, commonsense realism, correspondence principle, cosmotheism, criticism, deism, dialectical materialism, dualism, earthliness, eclecticism, egoism, empiricism, epiphenomenalism, ethics, eudaemonism, existentialism, hedonism, historical materialism, humanism, hylomorphism, hylotheism, hylozoism, idealism, immaterialism, individualism, intuitionism, law of parity, materialism, mechanism, mentalism, monism, mysticism, natural realism, naturalism, neocriticism, new realism, nominalism, octet theory, ontologism, ontology, optimism, organic mechanism, organicism, panpsychism, pantheism, pessimism, physicalism, physicism, pluralism, positive philosophy, positivism, pragmaticism, pragmatism, psychism, psychological hedonism, quantum theory, rationalism, realism, representative realism, secular humanism, secularism, semiotic, semiotics, sensationalism, skepticism, substantialism, syncretism, temporality, theism, transcendentalism, utilitarianism, voluntarism, worldliness
[edit]- atomization, ablation, abrasion, aeration, aerification, alpha decay, alteration, analysis, anatomization, atom-chipping, atom-smashing, atomic disintegration, atomic reaction, attrition, beating, beta decay, bombardment, breakup, brecciation, breeding, bullet, chain reaction, change, circumstantiation, cleavage, comminution, corrosion, crumbling, crushing, decay, decomposition, degradation, demarcation, desynonymization, detrition, differencing, differentiation, dilapidation, discrimination, disequalization, disintegration, disintegration series, disjunction, disorganization, dissociation, dissolution, distillation, distinction, distinguishment, diversification, division, erosion, etherealization, etherification, evaporation, exchange reaction, exhalation, fission, fission reaction, fluidization, fractionation, fragmentation, fumigation, gamma decay, gasification, granulation, granulization, grating, grinding, incoherence, individualization, individuation, ionization, itemization, levigation, mashing, modification, neutron reaction, nonreversible reaction, nuclear fission, nucleization, particularization, personalization, photodisintegration, pounding, powdering, proton gun, proton reaction, ravages of time, resolution, reversible reaction, segregation, separation, severalization, severance, shredding, smashing, smoking, specialization, specification, splitting the atom, steaming, stimulation, sublimation, target, thermonuclear reaction, trituration, vaporization, variation, volatilization, wear, wear and tear
[edit]- atomize, ablate, abrade, accelerate, activate, adduce, aerate, aerify, analyze, anatomize, beat, bombard, bray, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, brecciate, carbonate, change, chlorinate, chop logic, circumstantiate, cite, cleave, come apart, comminute, consume, contriturate, corrode, crack up, crash, cross-bombard, crumb, crumble, crumble into dust, crunch, crush, cut to pieces, decay, decompose, demolish, descend to particulars, desynonymize, detail, difference, differentiate, diffuse, disassemble, discriminate, disequalize, disintegrate, disjoin, dismantle, disorganize, disperse, disrupt, dissolve, distill, distinguish, diversify, divide, document, dynamite, emit, enter into detail, erode, etherify, etherize, evaporate, exhale, fall to pieces, fission, flour, fluidize, fractionate, fragment, fume, fumigate, gasify, give full particulars, give off, grain, granulate, granulize, grate, grind, grind to powder, hydrogenate, individualize, individuate, instance, itemize, levigate, make a distinction, make mincemeat of, mark, mark off, mark out, mash, mill, mince, modify, molder, nucleize, oxygenate, particularize, perfume, personalize, pestle, pick to pieces, pound, powder, pull in pieces, pull to pieces, pulverize, reduce to powder, reduce to rubble, reek, refine a distinction, rend, rub out, ruin, scatter, scrunch, segregate, send out, separate, set apart, set off, sever, severalize, shard, shatter, shiver, shred, smash, smash the atom, smash up, smoke, specialize, specify, spell out, splinter, split, split hairs, spray, squash, squish, steam, sublimate, sublime, substantiate, sunder, take apart, tear apart, tear down, tear to pieces, tear to shreds, tear to tatters, total, triturate, unbuild, undo, unmake, vaporize, vary, volatilize, waste away, wear away, wrack up, wreck
[edit]- atomizer, aerosol, aspergil, aspergillum, censer, clyster, concentrate sprayer, douche, enema, evaporator, fountain syringe, fumigator, incense burner, incensory, mist concentrate sprayer, needle bath, nozzle, odorator, odorizer, parfumoir, perfumer, pomander, potpourri, pouncet-box, purse atomizer, retort, sachet, scent bag, scent ball, scent bottle, scent box, scenter, shower, shower bath, shower head, smelling bottle, sparge, sparger, spray, spray can, sprayer, sprinkler, sprinkler head, sprinkling system, still, syringe, thurible, vaporizer, vinaigrette, watercart, watering can, watering pot
[edit]- atonal, absonant, cacophonous, cracked, diaphonic, disconsonant, discordant, disharmonic, disharmonious, dissonant, flat, grating, harsh, immelodious, inharmonic, inharmonious, musicless, nonmelodious, off, off-key, off-tone, out of pitch, out of tone, out of tune, raucous, sharp, shrill, sour, strident, tuneless, unharmonious, unmelodious, unmusical, untunable, untuned, untuneful
[edit]- atone, accord, answer, appease, assonate, atone for, attune, be harmonious, be in tune, blend, chime, chord, compensate, conciliate, cover, do penance, expiate, fill up, give and take, give satisfaction, harmonize, indemnify, kick back, live down, make amends, make compensation, make good, make matters up, make reparation, make restitution, make right, make up for, make up to, melodize, musicalize, pay, pay back, pay damages, pay in kind, pay the forfeit, pay the penalty, propitiate, put in tune, quit, recompense, recoup, rectify, redeem, redress, refund, reimburse, remedy, repair, repay, requite, retaliate, satisfy, set right, sound in tune, sound together, square, square it, square things, string, symphonize, synchronize, tone down, tone up, tune, tune up, voice
[edit]- atonement, amends, appeasement, balancing, blood money, commutation, compensation, consideration, counteraction, counterbalancing, damages, expiation, guerdon, honorarium, indemnification, indemnity, lex talionis, making good, meed, offsetting, paying back, payment, penance, price, propitiation, quittance, recompense, rectification, redress, refund, reimbursement, remuneration, reparation, repayment, requital, requitement, restitution, retaliation, retribution, return, revenge, reward, salvage, satisfaction, smart money, solatium, squaring, substitution, wergild
[edit]- atony, adynamia, anemia, blah feeling, bloodlessness, cachexia, cachexy, cowardice, debilitation, debility, dullness, etiolation, faintness, fatigue, feebleness, flabbiness, flaccidity, impotence, languishment, languor, lassitude, listlessness, prostration, sluggishness, softness, strengthlessness, weakliness, weakness, weariness
[edit]- atrocious, Draconian, Tartarean, aberrant, abject, abnormal, abominable, abusive, acute, afflictive, agonizing, animal, anthropophagous, appalling, arrant, atrocious, awful, backhand, backhanded, bad, baneful, barbaric, barbarous, base, beastly, beggarly, beneath contempt, bestial, biting, black, blamable, blameworthy, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, brutal, brutalized, brute, brutish, calumnious, cannibalistic, cheesy, contemptible, contumelious, cramping, criminal, cruel, cruel-hearted, crummy, crying, damnable, dark, debased, degraded, degrading, delinquent, demoniac, demoniacal, deplorable, depraved, desperate, despicable, detestable, deviant, devilish, diabolic, dire, dirty, disgraceful, disgusting, displeasing, distasteful, distressing, dreadful, egregious, enormous, evil, excruciating, execrable, fell, feral, ferine, ferocious, fetid, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, filthy, flagitious, flagrant, foul, frightful, fulsome, ghastly, glaring, gnawing, grave, grievous, grim, griping, grisly, gross, gruesome, hard, hardly the thing, harrowing, harsh, hateful, heinous, hellish, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, humiliating, hurtful, hurting, icky, ignominious, illegal, improper, inappropriate, incorrect, indecorous, infamous, infernal, inhuman, inhumane, iniquitous, insolent, insulting, kill-crazy, knavish, lamentable, left-handed, little, loathsome, lousy, low, low-down, lumpen, malign, malignant, mangy, mean, measly, merciless, miserable, monstrous, murderous, nasty, naughty, nefarious, noisome, noncivilized, not done, not the thing, notorious, obnoxious, obscene, odious, off-base, off-color, offensive, out-of-line, outrageous, painful, paltry, paroxysmal, peccant, petty, piercing, pitiable, pitiful, pitiless, poignant, poky, poor, pungent, racking, rank, regrettable, reprehensible, reprobate, rotten, ruthless, sacrilegious, sad, sadistic, sanguinary, sanguineous, satanic, savage, scabby, scandalous, schlock, scrubby, scruffy, scummy, scurrile, scurrilous, scurvy, severe, shabby, shameful, shameless, sharkish, sharp, shocking, shoddy, shooting, sickening, sinful, slavering, small, sordid, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, squalid, stabbing, stinging, subhuman, tameless, terrible, too bad, tormenting, torturous, tragic, truculent, unchristian, uncivilized, unclean, undue, unfit, unfitting, unforgivable, ungentle, unhuman, unlawful, unmentionable, unpardonable, unrighteous, unseemly, unspeakable, unsuitable, untamed, unworthy, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, wild, woeful, wolfish, worst, worthless, wretched, wrong, wrongful
[edit]- atrociously, abjectly, abominably, arrantly, awfully, barbarously, basely, bec et ongles, bestially, brutally, brutishly, contemptibly, cruelly, despicably, detestably, devilishly, diabolically, disgustingly, dreadful, dreadfully, egregiously, execrably, ferally, ferociously, fiendishly, fiercely, flagrantly, foully, fulsomely, grossly, heinously, horribly, horridly, infamously, inhumanely, inhumanly, loathsomely, meanly, mercilessly, miserably, monstrously, nastily, nauseatingly, nefariously, notoriously, obnoxiously, odiously, offensively, outrageously, pettily, pitilessly, poorly, ruthlessly, savagely, scandalously, scurvily, shabbily, shamefully, sharkishly, shockingly, shoddily, slaveringly, something fierce, sordidly, terribly, tooth and nail, truculently, unhumanly, viciously, vilely, wolfishly, wretchedly
[edit]- atrocity, abomination, abuse, acuteness, affront, animality, aspersion, atrociousness, awfulness, bad, bane, banefulness, barbarity, befoulment, blight, bloodlust, breach, brickbat, brutality, contempt, contumely, corruption, crime, crime against humanity, cruelty, crying evil, cut, damage, deadly sin, defilement, delinquency, dereliction, desecration, despite, despoliation, destruction, destructiveness, detriment, direness, disgrace, disservice, dreadfulness, dump, enormity, error, evil, extremity, failure, fault, felony, ferociousness, fierceness, flagitiousness, flout, flouting, force, furiousness, genocide, gibe, great wrong, grievance, grimness, gross injustice, guilty act, harm, harshness, havoc, heavy sin, heinousness, hideousness, horribleness, horridness, horror, humiliation, hurt, ignominy, ill, ill-treatment, ill-usage, ill-use, impetuosity, imposition, impropriety, inclemency, indignity, indiscretion, inexpiable sin, infamy, infection, inhumanity, iniquity, injury, injustice, insult, intensity, jeer, jeering, knavery, lapse, malefaction, malfeasance, malignity, maltreatment, malum, mercilessness, mindlessness, minor wrong, miscarriage of justice, mischief, misdeed, misdemeanor, misfeasance, mistreatment, mock, mockery, molestation, monstrousness, mortal sin, murderousness, nonfeasance, obliquity, offense, omission, outrage, peccadillo, peccancy, pitilessness, pity, poison, pollution, profanation, put-down, raw deal, reprobacy, rigor, roughness, sacrilege, savagery, scandal, scoff, scurrility, severity, shame, sharpness, sin, sin of commission, sin of omission, sinful act, slip, taunt, terrible thing, terribleness, terrorism, the worst, tort, toxin, transgression, trespass, trip, uncomplimentary remark, ungentleness, unutterable sin, vandalism, vehemence, venial sin, venom, vexation, viciousness, villainy, violation, violence, virulence, wickedness, woe, wrong
[edit]- atrophy, Sanforizing, abnormality, abscess, acute disease, affection, affliction, ague, ailment, allergic disease, allergy, anemia, ankylosis, anoxia, apnea, asphyxiation, asthma, ataxia, attenuation, backache, bacterial disease, birth defect, bleeding, blennorhea, blight, cachexia, cachexy, cardiovascular disease, chill, chills, chronic disease, circulatory disease, colic, complaint, complication, condition, congenital defect, constipation, consume, consume away, consumption, convulsion, coughing, cyanosis, decadence, declension, declination, decline, defect, deficiency disease, deformity, degeneracy, degeneration, degenerative disease, devolution, diarrhea, disability, disease, disorder, distemper, dizziness, downfall, downgrade, dribble away, dropsy, drying, drying up, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspnea, edema, emaceration, emaciate, emaciation, endemic, endemic disease, endocrine disease, epidemic disease, fainting, fatigue, fever, fibrillation, flux, functional disease, fungus disease, gastrointestinal disease, genetic disease, growth, handicap, hemorrhage, hereditary disease, high blood pressure, hydrops, hypertension, hypotension, iatrogenic disease, icterus, illness, indigestion, indisposition, infectious disease, infirmity, inflammation, insomnia, itching, jaundice, labored breathing, low blood pressure, lumbago, malady, malaise, marasmus, marcescence, morbidity, morbus, muscular disease, nasal discharge, nausea, necrosis, neurological disease, nutritional disease, occupational disease, organic disease, pain, pandemic disease, paralysis, parching, pathological condition, pathology, pine away, plant disease, preshrinkage, protozoan disease, pruritus, psychosomatic disease, rash, respiratory disease, rheum, rockiness, run to seed, run to waste, sclerosis, searing, secondary disease, seediness, seizure, shock, shrinkage, shrinking, shriveling, sickishness, sickness, signs, skin eruption, sneezing, sore, spasm, symptomatology, symptomology, symptoms, syndrome, tabes, tachycardia, the pip, thinning, tumor, upset stomach, urogenital disease, vertigo, virus disease, vomiting, wastage, waste, waste away, wasting, wasting disease, wilting, wither away, withering, worm disease
[edit]- attach, add, adhere, adjoin, affiliate, affix, agglutinate, anchor, annex, append, apply, appropriate, ascribe, assign, associate, attract, attribute, belay, bend, bind, bond, braze, burden, cement, cinch, clamp, cleave, clinch, collectivize, commandeer, communalize, communize, complicate, confiscate, conjoin, connect, cramp, decorate, distrain, encumber, endear, engraft, enlist, expropriate, fasten, fix, garnish, give, glue, glue on, graft, grapple, hitch on, impound, impress, impute, infix, join, join with, knit, lay hold of, levy, make fast, moor, nationalize, ornament, paste on, pin, place, plus, postfix, prefix, press, put, put to, put with, refer, replevin, replevy, rivet, saddle with, screw up, second, secure, seize, sequester, sequestrate, set, set to, slap on, socialize, solder, stick, subjoin, suffix, superadd, superpose, tack on, tag, tag on, tie, tighten, trice up, trim, unite, unite with, weld
[edit]- attache, Admirable Crichton, adept, ambassador, ambassadress, apostolic delegate, artisan, artist, authority, career diplomat, chancellor, charge, commercial attache, connaisseur, connoisseur, consul, consul general, consular agent, consultant, cordon bleu, crack shot, craftsman, dead shot, diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatic agent, diplomatist, elder statesman, emissary, envoy, envoy extraordinary, experienced hand, expert, expert consultant, foreign service officer, graduate, handy man, internuncio, journeyman, legate, marksman, military attache, minister, minister plenipotentiary, minister resident, no slouch, nuncio, plenipotentiary, politician, pro, professional, professor, proficient, resident, savant, secretary of legation, shark, sharp, statesman, technical adviser, technician, vice-consul, vice-legate
attached to
[edit]- attached to, crazy about, devoted to, enamored of, far gone on, fond of, gone on, hipped on, in love with, mad about, nuts about, partial to, smitten with, struck with, stuck on, sweet on, taken with, wedded to, wild about, wrapped up in
[edit]- attachment, Amor, Christian love, Eros, Platonic love, accession, accessory, accompaniment, accounting for, addenda, addendum, additament, addition, additive, additory, additum, adherence, adhesion, adhesive, adjunct, adjunction, adjuvant, admiration, adoration, affection, affinity, affixation, affixing, agape, agglutination, allegiance, angary, annex, annexation, annexure, answerability, appanage, appendage, appendant, appliance, application, appurtenance, appurtenant, ardency, ardor, arrogation, ascription, assignation, assignment, attaching, attribution, augment, augmentation, binding, blame, bodily love, bona fides, bond, bonne foi, brotherly love, caritas, charge, charity, clasping, coda, collectivization, commandeering, communalization, communization, complement, concomitant, confiscation, conjugal love, connection, connection with, constancy, continuation, corollary, credit, decoration, derivation from, desire, device, devotedness, devotion, distraint, distress, eminent domain, etiology, execution, expropriation, extension, extra, extrapolation, faith, faithful love, faithfulness, fancy, fastener, fastening, fealty, fervor, fidelity, firmness, fixing, fixture, flame, fondness, free love, free-lovism, friendliness, friendship, gadget, garnishment, girding, good faith, heart, hero worship, homage, honor, hooking, idolatry, idolism, idolization, impoundment, impressment, imputation, increase, increment, joining, junction, juxtaposition, knot, lasciviousness, lashing, levy, libido, ligation, like, liking, link, linking, love, lovemaking, loyalty, married love, nationalization, offshoot, ornament, palaetiology, part, partiality, passion, pendant, physical love, piety, placement, popular regard, popularity, prefixation, reference to, regard, reinforcement, responsibility, right of angary, saddling, sentiment, sequestration, sex, sexual love, shine, side effect, side issue, socialization, spiritual love, splice, staunchness, steadfastness, sticking, suffixation, superaddition, superfetation, superjunction, superposition, supplement, supplementation, tailpiece, tender feeling, tender passion, tenderness, tie, tieing, troth, true blue, truelove, trueness, undergirding, uniting, uxoriousness, weakness, worship, yearning, zipping
[edit]- attack, Jacksonian epilepsy, MO, Rolandic epilepsy, abdominal epilepsy, abuse, accept, access, acquired epilepsy, action, activated epilepsy, activation, affect, affect epilepsy, affection, aggression, aggressiveness, ailment, akinetic epilepsy, algorithm, all-out war, ambush, amok, apoplexy, appeal to arms, approach, armed combat, armed conflict, arrangement, arrest, articulation, assail, assailing, assailment, assault, assume, attack, attempt, autonomic epilepsy, barbarize, batter, battering, battle, begin, beleaguer, bellicosity, belligerence, belligerency, berate, berating, beset, besiege, bitter words, blackening, blister, blitz, blockade, blockage, bloodshed, blueprint, blueprinting, bout, brutalize, buckle down, buckle to, burn, bushwhack, butcher, butchery, calculation, cardiac epilepsy, carry on, castigate, censure, challenge, charge, charting, chauvinism, citation, clonic spasm, clonus, combat, combativeness, come at, come down on, complaint, conception, condemn, contrivance, contumely, convulsion, corrode, corrosion, cortical epilepsy, course, crack down on, cramp, criminate, criticism, criticize, cry out against, cry out on, cry shame upon, cursive epilepsy, declare war, decompose, decrial, decry, defy, delivery, denigrate, denigration, denounce, denunciation, deprecate, deprecation, descend on, descend upon, descent, design, destroy, destruction, device, devour, diatribe, disease, disorder, disorderliness, disparage, disparagement, disposition, dissolve, diurnal epilepsy, dive into, draw first blood, drive, eat, eclampsia, embark in, embark upon, encompass, endeavor, engage in, engage in battle, enter on, enter upon, enterprise, enunciation, envisagement, epilepsia, epilepsia gravior, epilepsia major, epilepsia minor, epilepsia mitior, epilepsia nutans, epilepsia tarda, epilepsy, epitasis, erode, erosion, excoriate, execration, fall, fall into, fall on, fall to, fall upon, falling sickness, fashion, fay, fever, fight, fighting, figuring, fit, focal epilepsy, foray, forcible seizure, foresight, forethought, form, frenzy, furor, fury, fustigate, game, gang up on, get busy, get cracking, get going, get under way, get with it, go about, go at, go for, go in for, go into, go on, go to it, go upon, grand mal, graphing, grip, ground plan, guidelines, guise, hammer, harass, hard words, harry, haute mal, have at, hit, hit like lightning, hop to it, hostilities, hot war, hysterical epilepsy, ictus, idea, implicate, implication, impugn, impugnment, incriminate, incrimination, inculpate, inculpation, incursion, infect, inroad, intention, invade, invasion, invective, inveigh against, invest, involve, involvement, irrupt, jawing, jeremiad, jingoism, jump, jump to it, killing, la guerre, land on, larval epilepsy, laryngeal epilepsy, laryngospasm, lash, latent epilepsy, launch forth, launch into, lay about, lay about one, lay at, lay hands on, lay into, lay on, lay waste, laying waste, layout, levy war on, light into, line, line of action, lines, lineup, lockjaw, long-range plan, loot, looting, make war on, malign, manner, manner of working, mapping, massacre, master plan, matutinal epilepsy, maul, means, menstrual epilepsy, method, methodology, might of arms, militarization, military operations, mobilization, mode, mode of operation, mode of procedure, modus operandi, move into, mug, murderous insanity, musicogenic epilepsy, muster, myoclonous epilepsy, nocturnal epilepsy, obstreperousness, occlusion, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught, open hostilities, open war, operations research, order, organization, orgasm, outbreak, paroxysm, petit mal, philippic, phonation, physiologic epilepsy, pillage, pillaging, pitch in, pitch into, plan, planning, planning function, plunge into, pounce upon, pound, practice, prearrangement, press, procedure, proceed to, proceeding, process, program, program of action, pronunciation, psychic epilepsy, psychokinesia, psychomotor epilepsy, pugnacity, push, rage, raid, ramp, rampage, rant, rape, rating, rationalization, rave, reflex epilepsy, resort to arms, revile, revilement, riot, rioting, roar, roast, rotatoria, routine, ruin, rush, sack, sacking, sail into, sally, savage, scarify, scathe, schedule, schema, schematism, schematization, scheme, scheme of arrangement, scorch, screed, seize, seizure, sensory epilepsy, serial epilepsy, set about, set at, set forward, set going, set on, set to, set to work, set upon, setup, sexual climax, shooting war, siege, skin alive, slash, slaughter, sortie, sow chaos, sowing with salt, spasm, spell, square up, start, start in, state of war, stoppage, storm, strategic plan, strategy, strike, strike at, stroke, style, surprise, swoop down on, system, systematization, tack, tackle, tactical plan, tactics, take on, take the offensive, take up, tardy epilepsy, tear, tear around, technique, terrorize, tetanus, tetany, the big picture, the drill, the how, the picture, the sword, the way of, throes, thromboembolism, thrombosis, tirade, tone, tongue-lashing, tonic epilepsy, tonic spasm, torsion spasm, total war, traumatic epilepsy, trismus, trounce, turn, turn on, turn to, ucinate epilepsy, undertake, unruliness, utterance, vandalize, venture upon, vilification, vilify, violate, violation, visitation, vituperation, vocalization, voicing, wade into, war, warfare, warmaking, warmongering, warring, wartime, waste, wasting, way, wise, working plan, wreck
[edit]- attain, accede, accomplish, achieve, approach, arrive, arrive at, arrive in, attain to, be instated, be received, blow in, bob up, check in, clock in, come, come in, come to, come to hand, compass, consummate, deal with, discharge, dispatch, dispose of, do, do the job, do the trick, effect, effectuate, enact, execute, fetch, fetch up at, find, fulfill, gain, get in, get there, get to, hit, hit town, knock off, make, make good, make it, manage, mount the throne, perform, polish off, pop up, produce, pull in, punch in, put away, reach, realize, ring in, roll in, score, show up, sign in, succeed, take care of, take office, time in, turn the trick, turn up, win, work, work out
[edit]- attainable, accessible, achievable, actable, approachable, available, come-at-able, compassable, doable, feasible, findable, getatable, gettable, negotiable, obtainable, open, open to, operable, overcomable, penetrable, performable, pervious, practicable, practical, procurable, reachable, realizable, securable, superable, surmountable, to be had, viable, within reach, workable
[edit]- attainment, accession, accomplished fact, accomplishment, accomplishments, achievement, acquirement, acquisition, acquisition of knowledge, acquisitions, addition, advent, appearance, approach, arrival, attainments, carrying out, coming, coming by, consummation, discharge, dispatch, dragging down, earnings, edification, education, effectuation, enlightenment, execution, fait accompli, finish, fruition, fulfillment, gaining, getting, getting hold of, illumination, implementation, instruction, learning, liberal education, making, mission accomplished, moneygetting, moneygrubbing, moneymaking, obtainment, obtention, performance, procural, procurance, procuration, procurement, production, reaching, realization, securement, sophistication, store of knowledge, success, trover, winning
[edit]- attar, ambergris, ambrosia, aromatic, aromatic gum, aromatic water, attar of roses, balm, balm of Gilead, balsam, bay oil, bergamot oil, champaca oil, civet, essence, essential oil, extract, fixative, heliotrope, jasmine oil, lavender oil, musk, myrcia oil, myrrh, parfum, perfume, perfumery, rose oil, scent, volatile oil
[edit]- attempt, accept, affair, aim to, approach, assault, assay, assume, attack, attempt to, begin, beginning, bid, buckle to, business, care, chance, commence, commencement, commitment, contract, crack, dare, dare to, deal, effort, embark in, embark upon, endeavor, engage, engage in, engagement, enter on, enter upon, enterprise, essay, experiment, fall into, fall to, fling, gambit, get under way, go, go about, go at, go in for, go into, go upon, hassle, have at, hazard, inaugurate, initiate, initiation, launch forth, launch into, lay about, lick, lift a finger, make an attempt, make an effort, make bold, make free, move, move into, obligation, offer, operation, pains, pitch into, plan, plunge into, presume, pretend, pretend to, proceed to, program, project, proposition, seek, seek to, set about, set at, set forward, set going, set to, shot, shy, stab, start, step, strive, strive to, striving, stroke, strong bid, struggle, study to, tackle, take on, take the liberty, take up, task, tentative, trial, trial and error, trouble, try, try and, try to, turn to, undertake, undertaking, venture, venture on, venture to, venture upon, whack, work
attend to
[edit]- attend to, abide by, act up to, adhere to, advert to, attend, auscultate, baby-sit, be all ears, be aware of, be engrossed in, be faithful to, bend an ear, bug, care for, chaperon, cherish, cock the ears, come down on, comply with, conform to, conserve, do for, do justice to, drink in, eavesdrop, examine by ear, fill, fix, follow, foster, fulfill, give attention, give audience to, give ear, give heed to, give it to, give mind to, give thought to, hark, hear, hear out, hearken, heed, hold by, intercept, keep, keep faith with, keep watch over, lend an ear, listen, listen at, listen in, listen to, live up to, look after, look out for, look to, make good, matronize, meet, mind, minister to, mother, not forget, nurse, nurture, observe, pay, pay attention to, pay out, pay regard to, preserve, protege, provide for, regard, respect, ride herd on, satisfy, see after, see to, serve one out, settle, settle the score, shepherd, sit in on, support, take care of, take charge of, tap, tend, turn to, watch, watch out for, watch over, wiretap
[edit]- attend, accompany, administer to, aid, animadvert, appear, assist, assister, associate, associate with, assort with, attend on, attend to, audit, auscultate, band together, be all ears, be at, be present at, bear, become of, bend an ear, bug, care for, carry, catch, cater to, chaperon, chaperone, chore, cock the ears, combine, come about, come after, come of, come out, come to, companion, company, conduct, confederate, consociate, consort with, convoy, couple with, dance attendance upon, deal with, develop, direct, displace, do, do for, do service to, drudge, eavesdrop, emanate, end, ensue, escort, esquire, eventuate, examine by ear, eye, fall out, fare, flock together, follow, follow after, follow up, fraternize, frequent, gape, give attention, give audience to, give ear, give heed to, give rise to, go after, go along with, go to, go with, govern, guard, guide, handle, hang around with, hark, haunt, hear, hear out, hearken, heed, help, herd together, intercept, issue, join, keep company with, lackey, lead, lend an ear, listen, listen at, listen in, listen to, look, look after, look at, look on, look out for, maid, manage, mark, marshal, mind, mingle, minister to, mix, note, notice, observe, ogle, oversee, overtake, pan out, pander to, pay attention to, prove, prove to be, regard, regulate, remark, replace, result, run, run with, see, serve, shepherd, show up, sit in, sit in on, squire, succeed, supervene, supervise, take care of, take in, take note, take notice, take out, tap, tend, tend to, terminate, track, trail, turn out, turn to, turn up, unfold, upon, usher, valet, view, visit, wait, wait on, watch, watch over, wiretap, witness, work for, work out
[edit]- attendance, appearance, assemblage, assembly, attendant, attending, audience, being, body of retainers, box office, cohort, cortege, court, crowd, draw, employ, employment, entourage, follower, following, frequence, frequenting, gate, gathering, house, ministration, ministry, number present, parasite, peonage, presence, retinue, rout, satellite, serfdom, serving, servitium, servitorship, servitude, slavery, suite, tendance, train, turnout
[edit]- attendant, Ganymede, Hebe, X-ray technician, accessible, accessory, accompanier, accompanist, accompanying, accompanyist, acolyte, adherent, adjunct, adjutant, after, agent, aid, aide, aide-de-camp, aider, air warden, airline hostess, airline stewardess, ancilla, ancillary, anesthetist, appendage, assistant, associated, at hand, attendance, attending, auxiliary, available, batman, bellboy, bellhop, bellman, best man, body of retainers, bootblack, boots, buff, cabin boy, caddie, cadet, caretaker, castellan, cavaliere servente, chaperon, chaperone, chore boy, coadjutant, coadjutor, coadjutress, coadjutrix, cohort, coincident, collateral, comate, combined, companion, companion piece, concomitant, concurrent, conjoint, consecutive, consequent, conservator, consort, copyboy, corollary, correlative, cortege, coupled, court, courtier, cupbearer, curator, custodian, dangler, dependent, depending, deputy, dietitian, disciple, dresser, ensuing, entourage, errand boy, errand girl, escort, executive officer, fan, fellow, flunky, follower, following, footboy, forest ranger, game warden, gamekeeper, gofer, governor, guardian, guardian angel, hanger-on, help, helper, helping, helpmate, helpmeet, henchman, homme de cour, hospital administrator, hostess, immanent, immediate, in view, incident, indwelling, inherent, janitor, joined, joint, junior, keeper, laboratory technician, lackey, later, lieutenant, lifeguard, lifesaver, lineal, mate, menial, ministering, mutual, next friend, office boy, office girl, on board, on deck, on hand, orderly, page, paired, parallel, paranymph, paraprofessional, parasite, partisan, partner, physical therapist, physiotherapist, posterior, present, prochein ami, public, puisne, pursuer, pursuivant, radiographer, radiotherapist, ranger, related, resultant, resulting, retinue, rout, satellite, second, sectary, sequent, servant, servile, serving, servitorial, shadow, shepherd, sideman, simultaneous, slave, squire, steward, stewardess, stooge, striker, subordinate, subsequent, succeeding, successive, successor, suite, supporter, supporting actor, supporting instrumentalist, tagtail, tail, tender, train, trainbearer, twin, underling, usher, usherette, votary, waiting, ward heeler, warden, warder, within call, within reach, within sight, yeoman, younger
[edit]- attending, accessory, accompanying, ancillary, associated, attendant, coincident, collateral, combined, concomitant, concurrent, conjoint, correlative, coupled, fellow, helping, incident, joined, joint, menial, ministering, mutual, paired, parallel, satellite, servile, serving, servitorial, simultaneous, twin, waiting
[edit]- attention, NB, TLC, absorption, acclaim, act of courtesy, acuity, acuteness, agility, alertness, amenity, anticipation, application, assiduity, attentions, attentiveness, audibility, audience, audition, aural examination, aural sense, auscultation, awareness, benignity, brightness, bugging, care, carefulness, caution, circumspection, circumspectness, civility, cognizance, concentration, concern, conference, consciousness, considerateness, consideration, courtesy, debate, deference, deliberation, devoirs, diligence, distinction, duties, eager attention, ear, eavesdropping, egards, electronic surveillance, engrossment, examination by ear, favor, favorable attention, forethought, gallantry, graceful gesture, hearing, heed, heedfulness, heeding, homage, honor, hushed attention, immersion, industry, intentness, interview, keenness, kindliness, limelight, listening, listening in, loving care, mark, mind, mindfulness, nimbleness, note, notice, notoriety, observance, observation, polite act, preparedness, prominence, promptitude, promptness, publicity, punctuality, quickness, rapt attention, readiness, regard, regardfulness, regards, remark, respects, reverence, sedulity, sedulousness, sense of hearing, sensibility, sharpness, sleeplessness, smartness, solicitude, study, tender loving care, thoughtfulness, tryout, urbanity, wakefulness, wiretapping
[edit]- attentive, accommodating, accommodative, accurate, advertent, affable, agile, agog, agreeable, alert, alive, all ears, all eyes, assiduous, attenuate, awake, aware, bright, cap in hand, careful, cautious, ceremonious, circumspect, civil, close, complaisant, concentrated, concentrating, conscientious, conscious, considerate, correct, courteous, courtly, critical, curious, deferential, delicate, demanding, detailed, diligent, dutiful, eager, earnest, exact, exacting, exigent, exquisite, fair, fine, finical, finicking, finicky, fussy, gallant, graceful, gracious, heedful, helpful, honorific, indulgent, intense, intent, intentive, interested, keen, lenient, listening, loving, meticulous, mindful, mindful of others, minute, narrow, nice, niggling, nimble, obliging, observant, observing, on the, on the alert, on the ball, on the job, open-eared, open-eyed, openmouthed, particular, polite, precise, precisianistic, precisionistic, prompt, punctilious, punctual, qui vive, quick, ready, reedy, refined, regardful, religious, respectful, rigid, rigorous, scrupulous, scrutinizing, sharp, sleepless, slender, slight, slim, smart, solicitous, strict, subtle, tactful, tender, tenuous, thoughtful, tolerant, twiggy, unblinking, unnodding, unsleeping, unwinking, urbane, wakeful, watchful, wide-awake
[edit]- attenuate, Sanforize, abate, adulterate, alleviate, attenuated, baptize, bate, blow off, blunt, cast forth, clear away, constrict, consume, contract, cramp, cripple, cut, damp, dampen, deaden, debilitate, deflate, dematerialize, devitalize, dilute, disable, disembody, dispel, dissipate, dissolve, drive away, dry up, dull, ease, emacerate, emaciate, enervate, enfeeble, etherealize, evaporate, eviscerate, exhaust, expand, extenuate, gruel, irrigate, lay low, lessen, macerate, mitigate, parch, preshrink, rare, rarefied, rarefy, rattle, reduce, reedy, remit, sap, sear, shake, shake up, shrink, shrivel, slacken, slender, slight, slim, soften up, spiritualize, subtile, subtilize, subtle, tenuous, thin, thin away, thin down, thin out, twiggy, unbrace, undermine, unman, unnerve, unstrengthen, unstring, volatilize, waste, waste away, water, water down, weaken, weazen, wither, wizen
[edit]- attenuated, Sanforized, abated, ablated, adulterated, airy, attenuate, bated, belittled, boyish, cadaverous, consumed, contracted, corky, corpselike, curtailed, cut, dainty, decreased, deflated, delicate, diaphanous, dilute, diluted, diminished, dissipated, downy, dried-up, dropped, emacerated, emaciate, emaciated, eroded, ethereal, fallen, filmy, fine, fine-drawn, fine-grained, finespun, flimsy, fluffy, frail, fuzzy, gaseous, gauzy, girlish, gossamer, gossamery, gracile, haggard, hollow-eyed, insubstantial, jejune, lacy, less, lesser, light, lower, lowered, marantic, marasmic, miniaturized, misty, papery, parched, peaked, peaky, pinched, poor, preshrunk, pubescent, puny, rare, rarefied, reduced, refined, retrenched, satin, satiny, scaled-down, sear, shorn, shorter, shriveled, shriveled up, shrunk, shrunken, silky, skeletal, slender, slenderish, slight, slight-made, slim, slimmish, slinky, small, smaller, smooth, starved, starveling, subtile, subtle, svelte, sylphlike, tabetic, tabid, tenuous, thin, thin-bodied, thin-set, thin-spun, thinned, thinned-out, thinnish, threadlike, uncompact, uncompressed, underfed, undernourished, unsubstantial, vague, vaporous, velutinous, velvety, wasp-waisted, wasted, wasted away, watered, watered-down, watery, weak, weakened, weazened, weazeny, willowy, windy, wiredrawn, wispy, withered, wizen, wizen-faced, wizened, worn, wraithlike
[edit]- attest, acknowledge, affirm, allege, and candle, announce, approve, argue, assert, assert under oath, asseverate, assure, authenticate, aver, avouch, avow, back, back up, be sponsor for, bear out, bear witness, bespeak, betoken, bolster, bond, book, breathe, buttress, certify, circumstantiate, confirm, connote, corroborate, countersecure, declare, demonstrate, denote, depone, depose, disclose, display, document, endorse, ensure, evidence, evince, exhibit, express, fortify, furnish evidence, give evidence, give indication of, go to show, guarantee, guaranty, illustrate, imply, indicate, insure, involve, kiss the book, manifest, mark, point to, probate, prove, ratify, reinforce, secure, set forth, show, show signs of, sign, sign for, signalize, signify, speak for itself, speak volumes, sponsor, stand behind, stand up for, strengthen, subscribe to, substantiate, suggest, support, sustain, swear, swear by bell, swear the truth, swear to, swear to God, swear to goodness, symptomatize, tell, tend to show, testify, undergird, undersign, underwrite, uphold, validate, verify, vouch, vouch for, vouchsafe, vow, warrant, witness
[edit]- attestation, admission, affidavit, affirmation, allegation, assertion, asseveration, attest, authentication, authority, authorization, averment, avouchment, avowal, backing, backing up, bearing out, bill of health, bolstering, buttressing, certificate, certificate of proficiency, certification, circumstantiation, compurgation, confirmation, corroboration, corroboratory evidence, credential, declaration, deposition, diploma, disclosure, documentation, evidence, fortification, instrument in proof, legal evidence, navicert, notarized statement, note, profession, proof, proving, proving out, ratification, reinforcement, sheepskin, statement, statement under oath, strengthening, substantiation, support, supporting evidence, swearing, sworn evidence, sworn statement, sworn testimony, testament, testamur, testimonial, testimonium, testimony, ticket, undergirding, validation, verification, visa, vise, voucher, vouching, warrant, warranty, witness, word
[edit]- attested, actual, affirmed, alleged, announced, ascertained, asserted, asseverated, assured, authenticated, averred, avouched, avowed, borne out, categorically true, certain, certified, circumstantiated, confirmed, corroborated, decided, declared, demonstrated, deposed, determinate, determined, documentary, effectual, enunciated, established, factual, fixed, guaranteed, historical, in the bag, made sure, manifestoed, nailed down, not in error, objectively true, on ice, open-and-shut, pledged, predicated, professed, pronounced, proved, proven, real, secure, set, settled, shown, stated, substantiated, sure-enough, sworn, sworn to, tested, tried, true, true as gospel, truthful, unconfuted, undenied, undoubted, unerroneous, unfallacious, unfalse, unmistaken, unquestionable, unrefuted, validated, veracious, verified, veritable, vouched, vouched for, vowed, warranted
[edit]- attic, archives, armory, arsenal, attic room, bank, basement, bay, bin, bonded warehouse, bookcase, box, bunker, buttery, cargo dock, cellar, chest, closet, cockloft, conservatory, crate, crib, cupboard, depository, depot, dock, drawer, dump, exchequer, garret, glory hole, godown, hayloft, hold, hutch, junk room, library, locker, loft, lumber room, lumberyard, magasin, magazine, rack, repertory, repository, reservoir, rick, shelf, sky parlor, stack, stack room, stock room, storage, store, storehouse, storeroom, supply base, supply depot, tank, treasure house, treasure room, treasury, vat, vault, warehouse, wine cellar
[edit]- Attic, Ciceronian, aesthetic, artistic, biting, brilliant, chaste, choice, classic, classical, clear, clever, common, commonplace, direct, droll, easy, elegant, everyday, excellent, facetious, finished, funny, garden, garden-variety, graceful, gracile, homely, homespun, household, humorous, humorsome, in good taste, jesting, jocose, jocular, joking, joky, joshing, keen, keen-witted, limpid, lucid, matter-of-fact, mordant, natural, neat, nimble-witted, nondescript, of choice, of quality, ordinary, pellucid, perspicuous, plain, pleasing, pointed, polished, prosaic, prosy, pungent, pure, pure and simple, quick-witted, quiet, rapier-like, refined, restrained, round, salt, salty, scintillating, sharp, simple, smart, sparkling, sprightly, straightforward, subdued, tasteful, terse, trim, unaffected, understated, unlabored, unobtrusive, well-chosen, whimsical, witty, workaday, workday
[edit]- attire, accouter, apparel, appoint, arm, array, bedeck, bedizenment, bedrape, bundle up, clad, clothe, clothes, clothing, costume, deck, dight, drape, drapery, dress, dressing, dud, duds, enclothe, endue, enrobe, enshroud, envelop, enwrap, equip, fashion, fatigues, feathers, fig, garb, garment, garments, gear, guise, habiliment, habiliments, habilitate, habit, invest, investiture, investment, lap, linen, muffle up, outfit, rag out, rags, raiment, robe, robes, sheathe, shroud, sportswear, style, swaddle, swathe, things, threads, tire, togs, toilette, trim, vestment, vesture, wear, wearing apparel, wrap, wrap up
[edit]- attitude, air, approach, aspect, assumption, azimuth, bearing, bearings, bent, bias, carriage, celestial navigation, climate of opinion, color, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, consensus gentium, consideration, dead reckoning, demeanor, disposition, estimate, estimation, ethos, exposure, eye, feeling, fix, frontage, general belief, idea, impression, inclination, judgment, lay, leaning, lie, lights, line of position, mind, mystique, notion, observation, opinion, orientation, personal judgment, pilotage, point of view, popular belief, port, pose, position, position line, posture, predilection, prejudice, prepossession, presence, presumption, prevailing belief, public belief, public opinion, radio bearing, reaction, sentiment, set, sight, stance, stand, tendency, theory, thinking, thought, view, viewpoint, way of thinking
[edit]- attorney, MC, advocate, agent, alter ego, alternate, amicus curiae, assignee, attorney-at-law, backup, backup man, bailiff, barrister, barrister-at-law, butler, champion, counsel, counselor, counselor-at-law, croupier, curator, custodian, deputy, dummy, emcee, executive officer, exponent, factor, figurehead, friend at court, guardian, housekeeper, intercessor, landreeve, lawyer, legal adviser, legal counselor, legal expert, legal practitioner, legalist, librarian, lieutenant, locum, locum tenens, majordomo, master of ceremonies, mouthpiece, paranymph, pinch hitter, pleader, proctor, procurator, proxy, representative, sea lawyer, second in command, secondary, self-styled lawyer, seneschal, solicitor, stand-in, steward, substitute, supply, surrogate, understudy, utility man, vicar, vicar general, vice, vicegerent
[edit]- attract, adduct, affect the interest, allure, appeal, appeal to, be attractive, be magnetic, becharm, beckon, beguile, bewitch, captivate, carry away, charm, concern, court, drag, draw, draw in, draw on, draw towards, enamor, enchant, endear, engage, enrapture, entice, entrance, excite, excite interest, fascinate, fetch, have an attraction, hold in thrall, infatuate, inflame with love, interest, intrigue, inveigle, invite, involve in, lure, magnet, magnetize, pique, provoke, pull, pull towards, seduce, solicit, stimulate, suck in, summon, take, tantalize, tease, tempt, tickle, titillate, tug, vamp, whet the appetite, wile
[edit]- attracted, advancing, approaching, approximate, approximative, attracted to, cathectic, coming, concerned, curious, drawn to, enthusiastic, excited, fascinated, forthcoming, imminent, interested, keen on, near, nearing, oncoming, passionate, piqued, proximate, tantalized, tickled, titillated, to come, turned-on, upcoming
[edit]- attraction, Circean, acceptability, accord, affinity, agacerie, agreeability, agreeable, allure, allurement, alluring, appeal, appealing, attractant, attracting, attractive, attractiveness, bait, beauteous, beautiful, beckoning, beguilement, beguiling, bewitchery, bewitching, bewitchment, blandishment, bonny, cajolery, call, captivating, captivation, charisma, charm, charming, charmingness, come-hither, come-on, comely, concord, delight, desirability, draft, draw, drawing, drawing power, drayage, enchanting, enchantment, engaging, entertainment, enthrallment, enticement, enticing, entrapment, extraction, fair, fascinating, fascination, fetching, flirtation, forbidden fruit, glamorous, glamour, good-looking, goodly, gravitation, handsome, harmony, haulage, hauling, heaving, hook, inducement, interest, interesting, inveiglement, invitation, inviting, likability, likable, likely, lovability, lovely, lure, magnetic, magnetism, mesmeric, performance, pleasing, pleasure, prepossessing, presentation, pretty, provocative, provocativeness, pulchritudinous, pull, pulling, pulling power, seducement, seduction, seductive, seductiveness, sex appeal, show, sightly, simpatico, siren, snare, snaring, sympathy, taking, tantalization, tantalizing, teasing, temptation, tempting, towage, towing, traction, tractive power, tug-of-war, tugging, unobjectionableness, winning, winning ways, winsomeness, witchery, wooing
[edit]- attractive, absorbing, acceptable, adductive, adorable, aesthetic, aesthetically appealing, agreeable, alluring, appealing, appetizing, arresting, attracting, attrahent, beauteous, beautiful, beguiling, bewitching, blandishing, bonny, cajoling, captivating, catching, charismatic, charming, coaxing, come-hither, comely, consuming, coquettish, delightful, desirable, dragging, drawing, elegant, enchanting, endowed with beauty, engaging, engrossing, enravishing, enthralling, enticing, entrancing, enviable, exciting, exotic, exquisite, eye-filling, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, flirtatious, flowerlike, glamorous, good-looking, graceful, gracile, gripping, handsome, heart-robbing, heavy, holding, hypnotic, interesting, intriguing, inviting, irresistible, likable, lovable, lovely, luring, luxurious, magnetic, magnetized, mesmeric, mesmerizing, mouth-watering, obsessing, obsessive, piquant, pleasing, prepossessing, pretty, provocative, provoquant, pulchritudinous, pulling, ravishing, seducing, seductive, sensuous, siren, sirenic, spellbinding, spellful, sympathetic, taking, tantalizing, teasing, tempting, thrilling, tickling, titillating, titillative, to be desired, toothsome, tugging, unobjectionable, voluptuous, winning, winsome, witching, worth having
[edit]- attributable, accountable, alleged, arising from, ascribable, assignable, attributable to, attributed, caused by, charged, coming from, contingent on, credited, dependent on, derivable from, derivational, derivative, deserving, due, due to, entitled to, explicable, imputable, imputed, meriting, meritorious, occasioned by, owing, owing to, putative, referable, referred to, resulting from, traceable, worthy of
[edit]- attribute, IC analysis, account for, accredit, accredit with, accrete to, acknowledge, affection, apply, apply to, appositive, aroma, ascribe, ascribe to, assign, assign to, attach, attach to, attribute to, attributive, badge, blame, blame for, blame on, brand, bring home to, cachet, calendar, cast, character, characteristic, charge, charge on, charge to, chronologize, complement, confess, configuration, connect with, construction modifier, credit, credit with, cut, cutting, date, deep structure, differentia, differential, direct object, distinctive feature, earmark, emblem, fasten upon, father upon, feature, figure, filler, fix on, fix upon, flavor, form-function unit, function, give, gust, hallmark, hang on, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, immediate constituent analysis, impress, impression, impute, impute to, index, indirect object, individualism, keynote, lay, lay to, levels, lineaments, mannerism, mark, marking, modifier, mold, nature, object, odor, particularity, peculiarity, phrase structure, pin on, pinpoint, place, place upon, point to, predicate, property, put, qualifier, quality, quirk, ranks, refer, refer to, saddle on, saddle with, savor, seal, set down to, settle upon, shallow structure, shape, singularity, slot, slot and filler, smack, specialty, stamp, strata, structure, subject, surface structure, syntactic analysis, syntactic structure, syntactics, syntax, tagmeme, taint, tang, taste, token, trace to, trait, trick, underlying structure, virtue, word arrangement, word order
[edit]- attrition, abatement, ablation, abrasion, abrasive, absorption, apologies, assimilation, atomization, attenuation, ayenbite of inwit, beating, bitterness, blunting, brecciation, buffing, burning up, burnishing, chafe, chafing, comminution, consumption, contriteness, contrition, corrosion, crumbling, crushing, curtailment, cut, cutting, damping, deadening, debilitation, decrease, decrement, deliquescence, depletion, depreciation, derogation, detraction, detrition, devitalization, digestion, dilution, diminution, dip, disintegration, disparagement, dissipation, dissolution, drain, dressing, dulling, eating up, effemination, enervation, enfeeblement, erasure, erosion, evisceration, exhaustion, expending, expenditure, extenuation, extraction, fatigue, filing, finishing, fragmentation, fretting, galling, granulation, granulization, grating, grazing, grief, grinding, impairment, impoverishment, inanition, ingestion, languishment, lessening, levigation, limation, loss, mashing, mitigation, penance, penitently, polishing, pounding, powdering, rasping, reduction, regret, regretfulness, regrets, regretting, relaxation, remission, remorse, remorse of conscience, remorsefulness, repentance, repining, retraction, retrenchment, rubbing away, rue, ruth, sandblasting, sanding, scouring, scrape, scraping, scratch, scratching, scrub, scrubbing, scuff, shame, shamefacedness, shamefastness, shamefulness, shining, shortening, shredding, shrinkage, slackening, smashing, smoothing, softening, sorriness, sorrow, spending, squandering, thinning, trituration, truncation, using up, wastage, waste, wastefulness, wasting away, weakening, wear, wear and tear, wearing away, wearing down, wistfulness
[edit]- attune, accommodate, accord, adapt, adjust, adjust to, agree, assimilate, assonate, atone, balance, be harmonious, be in tune, blend, capacitate, chime, chord, compensate, condition, conform, coordinate, counterbalance, cut to, enable, equalize, equip, fit, fix, furnish, gear to, harmonize, homologate, homologize, integrate, key to, make plumb, make uniform, measure, melodize, musicalize, proportion, put in trim, put in tune, qualify, reconcile, rectify, regulate, right, set, set right, set to rights, similarize, sound in tune, sound together, string, suit, symphonize, sync, synchronize, tailor, tone down, tone up, trim to, true, true up, tune, tune up, voice
[edit]- attuned, accordant, according, agreeable, agreeing, akin, amicable, assonant, assonantal, at one, blended, blending, chiming, compatible, concordant, congenial, consonant, corresponding, empathetic, empathic, en rapport, frictionless, harmonic, harmonious, harmonizing, homophonic, in accord, in chorus, in concert, in concord, in rapport, in sync, in tune, in unison, inharmony, like-minded, monodic, monophonic, of one mind, peaceful, sympathetic, symphonious, synchronized, synchronous, together, tuned, understanding, unisonant, unisonous, united
au fait
[edit]- au fait, able, abreast, acquainted, au courant, au fond, basically, becoming, befitting, capable, comme il faut, competent, conforming, conversant, correct, decent, fundamentally, good, in essence, informed, nice, proper, qualified, right, up, versed, wicked
au pair girl
[edit]- au pair girl, abigail, amah, ayah, betweenmaid, biddy, chambermaid, chaperon, companion, cook, duenna, femme de chambre, fille de chambre, gentlewoman, girl, handmaid, handmaiden, hired girl, housemaid, kitchenmaid, lady-help, lady-in-waiting, live-in maid, live-out maid, maid, maidservant, nursemaid, parlormaid, scullery maid, servant girl, servitress, soubrette, tweeny, upstairs maid, waiting maid, wench
[edit]- auburn, Titian, adust, bay, bay-colored, bayard, brazen, bronze, bronze-colored, bronzed, brownish-red, carroty, castaneous, chestnut, chestnut-brown, copper, copper-colored, coppery, cupreous, erythristic, ferruginous, foxy, henna, liver-brown, liver-colored, livid-brown, mahogany, red-crested, red-haired, red-polled, red-tufted, reddish-brown, roan, rubiginous, rufous, russet, russety, rust, rust-colored, rusty, sunburned, terra-cotta, xanthous
[edit]- audacious, adventuresome, adventurous, arrogant, bold, brash, brassy, brave, brazen, bumptious, careless, challenging, cheeky, cocky, cold, confident, contemptuous, contumelious, cool, courageous, daredevil, daring, dauntless, death-defying, defiant, defying, derisive, devil-may-care, disdainful, disregardful, disrespectful, doughty, easy, emancipated, enterprising, familiar, fearless, fire-eating, foolhardy, forward, free, greatly daring, harebrained, heedless, hubristic, impertinent, impudent, independent, insolent, insulting, intrepid, madbrain, madbrained, madcap, mettlesome, obtrusive, overbold, overpresumptuous, overweening, pert, presuming, presumptuous, procacious, pushy, rash, reckless, regardless of consequences, relaxed, rude, saucy, self-absorbed, self-centered, selfish, shameless, temerarious, thoughtless, unabashed, unafraid, uncurbed, undaunted, ungoverned, unhampered, uninhibited, unrestrained, untrammeled, uppish, uppity, valiant, valorous, venturesome, venturous, wild, wild-ass
[edit]- audacity, adventuresomeness, adventurousness, arrogance, assurance, audaciousness, balls, bold front, boldness, brash bearing, brashness, brass, brassiness, bravado, bravura, brazenness, brinkmanship, bumptiousness, cheek, cheekiness, cockiness, contempt, contemptuousness, contumely, courage, courage fou, courting disaster, daredevilry, daredeviltry, daring, daringness, defial, defiance, defying, derision, derring-do, despite, disdain, disregard, effrontery, enterprise, face, fire-eating, flirting with death, foolhardiness, forwardness, gall, going for broke, hardihood, hardiness, harebrainedness, hubris, impertinence, impudence, insolence, mettle, nerve, obtrusiveness, overboldness, overweening, overweeningness, pertness, playing with fire, presumption, presumptuousness, procacity, pushiness, resolution, sauciness, spirit, uppishness, uppityness, venturesomeness, venturousness
[edit]- audible, acoustic, articulate, audile, audio, auditory, aural, auricular, clear, contrastive, definite, distinct, distinctive, hearable, hearing, hi-fi, high-fidelity, otic, otological, otopathic, otoscopic, phonic, plain
[edit]- audience, accepter, acquirer, addressee, aficionado, attender, attention, audition, auditor, auditory, bargaining, bargaining session, beholder, buff, bugging, claqueur, clientage, clientele, conclave, confab, confabulation, conference, confrontation, congregation, congress, consideration, consignee, consultation, convention, council, council fire, council of war, deadhead, discussion, ear, eavesdropping, electronic surveillance, exchange of views, eyeball-to-eyeball encounter, fan, favorable attention, frequenter, gallery, getter, groundling, habitue, haunter, hearer, hearing, high-level talk, hired applauder, holder, house, huddle, interchange of views, interview, listener, listening, listening in, looker, meeting, moviegoer, negotiations, news conference, obtainer, orchestra, palaver, parley, pass holder, patron, payee, pit, playgoer, pourparler, powwow, press conference, procurer, public, receiver, recipient, seance, session, sitting, spectator, standee, summit, summit conference, summitry, taker, theater, theatergoer, trustee, tryout, viewer, visitor, wiretapping
audio frequency
[edit]- audio frequency, AF, CPS, EHF, HF, Hz, MF, RF, SHF, UHF, VHF, VLF, carrier frequency, cycles, extremely high frequency, frequency, frequency spectrum, fundamental, fundamental tone, harmonic, hertz, high frequency, intermediate frequency, intonation, kilocycles, kilohertz, low frequency, lower frequencies, medium frequency, megacycles, megahertz, monotone, monotony, overtone, partial, partial tone, pitch, radio frequency, spark frequency, spectrum, superhigh frequency, tone, tonelessness, ultrahigh frequency, upper frequencies, very high frequency, very low frequency
[edit]- audit, accountancy, accounting, analysis, auditing, balance, balance the books, bookkeeping, check, check and doublecheck, check out, check over, checkup, collate, confirm, control, corrective, cost accounting, cost system, cost-accounting system, cross-check, demonstrate, double-check, double-entry bookkeeping, inspect the books, inspection, inventory, investigation, monetary arithmetic, overhaul, perlustration, probe, prove, recheck, review, scan, scrutiny, single-entry bookkeeping, survey, take account of, take stock, test, triple-check, validate, verify, view
[edit]- audition, Gedankenexperiment, attention, audibility, audience, aural examination, aural sense, auscultation, bench test, blue book, bugging, conference, dry run, eager attention, ear, eavesdropping, electronic surveillance, exam, examen, examination, examination by ear, favorable attention, final, final examination, flight test, great go, hearing, heeding, honors, hushed attention, interview, listening, listening in, midsemester, midterm, oral, oral examination, pilot plan, practical test, practice, prelim, quiz, rapt attention, rehearsal, road test, sense of hearing, shakedown, shakedown cruise, take-home examination, test, test flight, test run, trial, trial run, tripos, tryout, viva, wiretapping, workout, written, written examination
[edit]- auditor, Big Brother, CA, CPA, accepter, accountant, accountant general, acquirer, actuary, addressee, audience, audient, autodidact, bank accountant, bank examiner, beholder, boatswain, bookkeeper, boss, bursar, calculator, cashier, cashkeeper, certified public accountant, chamberlain, chartered accountant, chief, clerk, comptroller, consignee, controller, cost accountant, cost keeper, curator, depositary, depository, eavesdropper, educatee, financial officer, floor manager, floorman, floorwalker, foreman, gaffer, ganger, getter, head, headman, hearer, hearkener, holder, inquirer, inspector, journalizer, learner, liquidator, listener, looker, monitor, noncommissioned officer, obtainer, overhearer, overman, overseer, payee, paymaster, praepostor, prefect, proctor, procurer, pupil, purse bearer, purser, receiver, recipient, reckoner, recorder, registrar, scholar, self-taught person, sirdar, slave driver, snoop, spectator, steward, straw boss, student, studier, subforeman, super, superintendent, supervisor, surveyor, taker, taskmaster, trainee, treasurer, trustee, viewer, visitor
[edit]- auditorium, Elizabethan theater, Globe Theatre, Greek theater, agora, amphitheater, arena, arena theater, assembly hall, athletic field, background, balcony, bear garden, bowl, box, box seat, boxing ring, bull ring, cabaret, campus, canvas, chapel, circle theater, circus, classroom, club, cockpit, coliseum, colosseum, concert hall, convention hall, course, dance hall, dress circle, exhibition hall, fauteuil, field, floor, forum, gallery, ground, gym, gymnasium, hall, hippodrome, house, lecture hall, lecture room, lists, little theater, locale, loge, marketplace, mat, meetinghouse, milieu, music hall, nigger heaven, night spot, nightclub, open forum, opera, opera house, orchestra, orchestra circle, outdoor theater, palaestra, parade ground, paradise, parquet, parquet circle, parterre, peanut gallery, pit, place, platform, playhouse, precinct, prize ring, proscenium boxes, public square, purlieu, range, recitation room, ring, scene, scene of action, scenery, schoolroom, setting, showboat, site, sphere, squared circle, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, stall, standing room, terrain, theater, theater-in-the-round, theatre stall, theatron, tilting ground, tiltyard, walk, wrestling ring
[edit]- auger, aculeus, acumination, bit, bore, bore bit, borer, brace and bit, breast auger, breast drill, broach, burr, chamfer bit, corkscrew, cross bit, cusp, diamond drill, drill, drill press, gimlet, hand drill, keyway drill, mucro, neb, needle, nib, point, portable drill, posthole auger, power drill, prick, prickle, pump drill, ratchet drill, reamer, rotary drill, star drill, sting, strap drill, tap, tip, trepan, trephine, twist bit, twist drill, wimble
[edit]- aught, aggrandize, any, any one, anybody, anyone, anything, augment, beef up, boost, cipher, either, enlarge, exalt, expand, extend, goose egg, heighten, hike, magnify, multiply, nada, naught, nichts, nihil, nil, nix, no such thing, nothing, nothing at all, nothing on earth, nothing whatever, raise, some, something, somewhat, thing of naught, zero, zilch
[edit]- augment, add to, agent provocateur, aggrandize, aggravate, amplify, annoy, bloat, blow up, boost, broaden, build, build up, bulk, bulk out, compound, crescendo, deepen, deteriorate, develop, dilate, distend, embitter, enhance, enlarge, exacerbate, exalt, exasperate, expand, extend, fatten, fill out, fortify, heat up, heighten, hike, hike up, hot up, huff, increase, inflate, intensify, irritate, jack up, jump up, lengthen, magnify, make acute, make worse, manifold, maximize, mount, multiply, parlay, provoke, puff, puff up, pump, pump up, put up, pyramid, raise, rarefy, recruit, reinforce, rise, sharpen, sour, strengthen, stretch, sufflate, supplement, swell, thicken, up, upsurge, wax, widen, worsen
[edit]- augmentation, accession, accretion, adjunct, annex, attachment, bonus, boot, complement, enhancement, enrichment, extra, fixture, increase, increment, plus, raise, reinforcement, rise
augur well
[edit]- augur well, afford hope, assure, bid fair, cheer, give hope, have good prospects, hold out hope, hold out promise, inspire, inspire hope, inspirit, justify hope, make fair promise, promise, raise expectations, raise hope, reassure, support
[edit]- augur, Cassandra, Druid, adumbrate, argue, astrologer, bespeak, betoken, bid fair to, bode, calamity howler, crystal gazer, divinator, divine, diviner, divineress, forebode, forecast, forecaster, foreknower, foreseer, foreshadow, foreshow, foreshower, foreteller, foretoken, fortuneteller, geomancer, haruspex, hint, imply, indicate, intimate, mean, omen, palmist, point to, portend, predict, predictor, prefigure, prefigurer, preindicate, presage, presager, presign, presignal, presignify, pretypify, prognosticate, prognosticator, promise, prophesier, prophesy, prophet, prophet of doom, prophetess, psychic, pythoness, religious prophets, seer, seeress, shadow forth, signify, soothsay, soothsayer, spell, suggest, token, typify, vates, vaticinate, weather prophet
[edit]- augury, adumbration, anticipation, astrology, auspice, betokening, betokenment, boding, clairvoyance, crystal ball, crystal gazing, divination, divining, foreshadow, foreshadowing, foreshowing, foretoken, foretokening, fortunetelling, haruspication, haruspicy, horoscopy, indicant, indication, mantic, mantology, omen, palm-reading, palmistry, portent, prefiguration, preindication, premonition, premonitory shiver, premonitory sign, premonitory symptom, presage, presentiment, presignifying, prognostic, prognostication, promise, pythonism, shadow, sign, soothsay, sorcery, token, tokening, type
[edit]- august, aristocratic, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, baronial, courtly, dignified, distinguished, dreadful, elevated, eminent, estimable, exalted, famous, fearful, glorious, godlike, grand, grandiose, grave, heroic, high, honorable, imposing, impressive, kingly, lauded, lofty, lordly, magisterial, magnanimous, magnificent, majestic, moving, noble, overwhelming, princely, prominent, queenly, regal, renowned, reverend, royal, sedate, soaring, sober, solemn, splendid, stately, statuesque, striking, sublime, superb, time-honored, towering, venerable, worshipful, worthy
[edit]- aunt, auntie, blood brother, brethren, brother, bub, bubba, bud, buddy, country cousin, cousin, cousin once removed, cousin twice removed, daughter, father, first cousin, foster brother, frater, grandnephew, grandniece, granduncle, great-aunt, great-uncle, half brother, kid brother, mother, nephew, niece, nuncle, nunks, nunky, second cousin, sis, sissy, sister, sister-german, sistern, son, stepbrother, stepsister, unc, uncle, uncs, uterine brother
[edit]- aura, air, ambiance, ambience, anthelion, antisun, appearance, aroma, aspect, atmosphere, aureole, blaze of glory, brilliance, brilliancy, character, charisma, circle, climate, corona, countersun, ectoplasm, ectoplasy, effluvium, emanation, envelope, exteriorized protoplasm, feel, feeling, glamour, glory, halo, illustriousness, lunar corona, lunar halo, luster, magic, milieu, mock moon, mock sun, mood, moon dog, mystique, nimbus, note, numinousness, odor, overtone, paraselene, parhelic circle, parhelion, quality, radiance, rainbow, resplendence, resplendency, ring, semblance, sense, solar corona, solar halo, spirit, splendor, suggestion, sun dog, tone, undertone
[edit]- aureole, O, annular muscle, annulus, anthelion, antisun, areola, aura, chaplet, circle, circuit, circumference, circus, closed circle, corona, coronet, countersun, crown, cycle, diadem, discus, disk, eternal return, fairy ring, garland, glory, halo, lasso, logical circle, loop, looplet, lunar corona, lunar halo, magic circle, mock moon, mock sun, moon dog, nimbus, noose, orbit, paraselene, parhelic circle, parhelion, radius, rainbow, ring, rondelle, round, roundel, saucer, solar corona, solar halo, sphincter, sun dog, vicious circle, wheel, wreath
[edit]- auricular, acoustic, audible, audile, audio, auditory, aural, between us, confidential, esoteric, hearing, in petto, inside, not for publication, off the record, otic, otological, otopathic, otoscopic, phonic, privileged, sealed, under privilege, unpublishable
[edit]- aurora, alpenglow, arch aurora, aurora australis, aurora borealis, aurora glory, aurora polaris, break of day, brightening, chanticleer, cockcrow, cocklight, crack of dawn, crepuscule, dawn, dawning, dawnlight, day-peep, daybreak, daylight, dayspring, first brightening, first light, foredawn, glow, half-light, light, merry dancers, morn, morning, morning twilight, northern lights, peep of day, polar lights, polar ray, prime, southern lights, sunrise, sunup, the small hours, twilight, vestibule of Day
[edit]- ausgespielt, bankrupt, blasted, blighted, broken, burned-out, desolated, destroyed, devastated, devitalized, disabled, done, done for, done in, done up, down-and-out, drained, effete, emptied, enervated, enfeebled, eviscerated, exhausted, fallen, far-gone, fatigued, finished, frazzled, gone to pot, in ruins, incapacitated, irremediable, jaded, kaput, laid low, overthrown, played out, pooped, ravaged, ruined, ruinous, run-down, sapped, shotten, spent, spoiled, tired, undone, used up, wasted, weakened, worn, worn-out, wrecked
[edit]- auspices, abetment, accountability, administration, advocacy, aegis, approval, authority, backing, bossing, care, championship, charge, charity, control, countenance, cure, custodianship, custody, encouragement, eye, favor, fosterage, goodwill, governance, government, guardianship, guidance, hands, influence, intendance, interest, jurisdiction, keeping, management, ministry, oversight, pastorage, pastorate, pastorship, patronage, protection, protectorship, responsibility, safe hands, sanction, seconding, sponsorship, stewardship, superintendence, supervision, support, surveillance, sympathy, tutelage, ward, wardenship, wardship, watch and ward, wing
[edit]- auspicious, advantageous, appropriate, befitting, beneficial, benevolent, benign, benignant, blessed, blessed with luck, bon, bonny, braw, bright, bright with promise, bueno, capital, cheering, cogent, commendable, convenient, dexter, elegant, encouraging, estimable, excellent, expedient, fair, famous, favorable, favored, favoring, felicitous, fine, fit, fitting, fortunate, full of promise, golden, good, goodly, grand, halcyon, happy, healthy, helpful, hopeful, in luck, inspiring, inspiriting, kind, laudable, looking up, lucky, meet, nice, noble, of good omen, of happy portent, of promise, opportune, pleasant, pregnant of good, profitable, promising, propitious, prosperous, providential, reassuring, regal, ripe, roseate, rosy, royal, seasonable, skillful, sortable, sound, splendid, suitable, supportive, timely, useful, valid, very good, virtuous, well-timed, white
[edit]- austere, Albigensian, Catharist, Franciscan, Lenten, Sabbatarian, Spartan, Spartanic, Trappist, Waldensian, abstemious, abstinent, amaroidal, anchoritic, ascetic, astringent, authoritarian, bald, bare, basic, biting, bitter, bleak, candid, chaste, common, commonplace, demanding, direct, dour, dry, dull, dwarfed, dwarfish, earnest, elementary, eremitic, essential, exacting, exigent, exiguous, flagellant, frank, frugal, fundamental, grave, grim, hard, harsh, homely, homespun, homogeneous, impoverished, inclement, indivisible, inornate, irreducible, jejune, keen, lean, limited, matter-of-fact, meager, mean, mendicant, mere, meticulous, miserly, monolithic, mortified, narrow, natural, neat, niggardly, of a piece, open, paltry, parsimonious, plain, plain-speaking, plain-spoken, poor, primal, primary, prosaic, prosing, prosy, puny, pure, pure and simple, puritanical, rigoristic, rough, rugged, rustic, scant, scanty, scrawny, scrimp, scrimpy, self-denying, serious, severe, sharp, simon-pure, simple, simple-speaking, single, skimp, skimpy, slender, slight, slim, small, sober, somber, spare, sparing, stark, starvation, stern, stingy, stinted, straightforward, straitened, strict, stringent, stunted, subsistence, thin, tough, unadorned, unaffected, uncluttered, undecorated, undifferenced, undifferentiated, unelaborate, unembellished, unfancy, unfussy, ungentle, uniform, unimaginative, unnourishing, unnutritious, unornamented, unornate, unpoetical, unsparing, unvarnished, watered, watery, wedded to poverty
[edit]- austerity, Albigensianism, Catharism, Franciscanism, Lenten fare, Sabbatarianism, Spartan simplicity, Spartanism, Trappism, Waldensianism, Yoga, abstinence, anchoritic monasticism, anchoritism, asceticism, astringency, austerity program, authoritarianism, baldness, bareness, candor, canniness, care, carefulness, chariness, common speech, demandingness, directness, discipline, economic planning, economicalness, economy, economy of means, eremitism, exactingness, exiguity, exiguousness, false economy, fasting, flagellation, forehandedness, frankness, frugality, frugalness, good management, grimness, hardness, harshness, homespun, household words, husbandry, inclemency, inornateness, jejuneness, jejunity, leanness, maceration, management, matter-of-factness, meagerness, meanness, mendicantism, meticulousness, miserliness, monachism, monasticism, mortification, narrowness, naturalness, niggardliness, openness, paltriness, parsimoniousness, parsimony, plain English, plain speaking, plain speech, plain style, plain words, plainness, prosaicness, prosiness, providence, prudence, prudential administration, puniness, puritanism, regimentation, restrainedness, rigid discipline, rigor, roughness, ruggedness, rustic style, scantiness, scantness, scrawniness, scrimpiness, self-denial, self-mortification, severity, simpleness, simplicity, skimpiness, slenderness, slightness, slim pickings, slimness, smallness, soberness, spareness, sparingness, starkness, sternness, stinginess, straightforwardness, strictness, stringency, thinness, thrift, thriftiness, tight purse strings, toughness, unadorned style, unadornedness, unaffectedness, unelaborateness, unfanciness, unfussiness, ungentleness, unimaginativeness, unpoeticalness, unwastefulness, vernacular, voluntary poverty
[edit]- autarchic, arbitrary, autarkic, autocratic, autonomous, commanding, despotic, dogmatic, imperious, independent, monocratic, nonconstitutional, self-dependent, self-reliant, self-sufficient, separate, sovereign, tyrannical, tyrannous, undemocratic
[edit]- autarchy, Caesarism, Declaration of Independence, Stalinism, absolute monarchy, absolutism, aristocracy, autarky, authoritarianism, autocracy, autonomy, benevolent despotism, coalition government, colonialism, commonwealth, constitutional government, constitutional monarchy, czarism, democracy, despotism, dictatorship, dominion rule, duarchy, duumvirate, dyarchy, federal government, federation, feudal system, garrison state, gerontocracy, heteronomy, hierarchy, hierocracy, home rule, independence, individualism, inner-direction, kaiserism, limited monarchy, martial law, meritocracy, militarism, military government, mob rule, mobocracy, monarchy, neocolonialism, ochlocracy, oligarchy, one-man rule, one-party rule, pantisocracy, paternalism, patriarchate, patriarchy, police state, pure democracy, regency, representative democracy, representative government, republic, rugged individualism, self-containment, self-determination, self-direction, self-government, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, social democracy, stratocracy, technocracy, thearchy, theocracy, totalitarian government, totalitarian regime, totalitarianism, triarchy, triumvirate, tyranny, welfare state
[edit]- auteur, MC, ballyhoo man, barker, callboy, costume designer, costumer, costumier, director, emcee, equestrian director, exhibitor, impresario, makeup man, master of ceremonies, playreader, producer, prompter, ringmaster, scenewright, set designer, showman, spieler, stage director, stage manager, theater man, theatrician, ticket collector, usher, usherer, usherette
[edit]- authentic, Christian, aboveboard, absolute, accepted, accurate, actual, adducible, admissible, approved, attestative, attestive, authoritative, avant-garde, based on, bona fide, candid, canonical, card-carrying, cathedral, certain, circumstantial, cognizable, conclusive, conventional, convincing, correct, creative, credible, cumulative, customary, damning, de facto, decisive, dependable, determinative, dinkum, documentary, documented, evangelical, evidential, evidentiary, ex cathedra, ex parte, eye-witness, factual, fair and square, faithful, final, firm, firsthand, following the letter, for real, founded on, foursquare, fresh, genuine, good, good-faith, grounded on, hearsay, historical, honest, honest-to-God, imaginative, implicit, inartificial, incontrovertible, indicative, indisputable, indubitable, irrefutable, irresistible, knowable, lawful, legitimate, lifelike, literal, magisterial, material, natural, naturalistic, new, novel, nuncupative, of the faith, official, on the level, on the square, on the up-and-up, open, open and aboveboard, original, orthodox, orthodoxical, overwhelming, positive, presumptive, probative, proper, pukka, pure, questionless, real, realistic, received, recognizable, reliable, revolutionary, right, rightful, scriptural, significant, simon-pure, simple, sincere, single-hearted, solid, sound, square, square-dealing, square-shooting, standard, sterling, straight, straight-shooting, substantial, suggestive, sure, sure-enough, symptomatic, telling, textual, traditional, traditionalistic, true, true to life, true to nature, true to reality, true-blue, trustworthy, trusty, unadulterated, unaffected, unalloyed, unassumed, unassuming, uncolored, unconcocted, uncopied, uncounterfeited, undeniable, underived, undisguised, undisguising, undisputed, undistorted, undoubted, unexaggerated, unfabricated, unfanciful, unfeigned, unfeigning, unfictitious, unflattering, unimagined, unimitated, uninvented, unique, unpretended, unpretending, unqualified, unquestionable, unromantic, unsimulated, unspecious, unsynthetic, unvarnished, up-and-up, valid, verbal, verbatim, veridical, verisimilar, veritable, very, weighty, word-for-word
[edit]- authenticate, OK, accept, accredit, affirm, amen, approve, attest, authorize, autograph, avouch, back, back up, bear out, bolster, buttress, certify, circumstantiate, confirm, corroborate, cosign, countersign, demonstrate, document, endorse, fortify, give permission, give the go-ahead, give the imprimatur, give thumbs up, initial, justify, notarize, pass, pass on, pass upon, permit, probate, prove, ratify, reinforce, rubber stamp, sanction, say amen to, seal, second, sign, sign and seal, strengthen, subscribe to, substantiate, support, sustain, swear and affirm, swear to, test, try, undergird, undersign, underwrite, uphold, validate, verify, visa, vise, vouch for, warrant
[edit]- authenticated, accepted, acknowledged, actual, admitted, affirmed, allowed, approved, ascertained, attested, avowed, borne out, categorically true, certain, certified, circumstantiated, conceded, confessed, confirmed, corroborated, countersigned, demonstrated, determined, documentary, effectual, endorsed, established, factual, fixed, granted, historical, not in error, notarized, objectively true, professed, proved, proven, ratified, real, received, recognized, sealed, settled, shown, signed, stamped, substantiated, sure-enough, sworn and affirmed, sworn to, true, true as gospel, truthful, unconfuted, undenied, underwritten, undoubted, unerroneous, unfallacious, unfalse, unmistaken, unquestionable, unrefuted, validated, veracious, verified, veritable, warranted
[edit]- authenticity, absolute realism, accomplished fact, actuality, artlessness, authoritativeness, bona fideness, calculability, canonicalness, canonicity, creativeness, creativity, dependability, factuality, fait accompli, faithworthiness, firmness, freshness, genuineness, gospel truth, grim reality, historicity, honesty, inartificiality, innovation, inventiveness, invincibility, legitimacy, lifelikeness, literalism, literality, literalness, naturalism, naturalness, newness, nonimitation, not a dream, novelty, objective existence, originality, orthodoxicalness, orthodoxism, orthodoxness, orthodoxy, photographic realism, predictability, realism, reality, realness, reliability, religious truth, right belief, rightness, secureness, security, sincerity, solidity, soundness, stability, staunchness, steadfastness, steadiness, substantiality, the truth, traditionalism, true-to-lifeness, trustworthiness, truth, truth to nature, unadulteration, unaffectedness, unerringness, unfictitiousness, uniqueness, unspeciousness, unspuriousness, unsyntheticness, validity, verisimilitude
[edit]- author, actor, advertising writer, agent, ancestor, ancestors, annalist, apprentice, architect, art critic, artificer, artist, authoress, bear, beget, begetter, beginner, belletrist, bibliographer, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring to effect, bring to pass, builder, catalyst, cause, causer, coauthor, collaborate, collaborator, columnist, compiler, compose, composer, conceive, conceiver, constructor, copywriter, craftsman, create, creative writer, creator, critic, dance critic, dash off, descanter, designer, deviser, diarist, discourser, discoverer, disquisitor, do, doer, drama critic, dramatist, editorialize, effect, effector, effectuate, encyclopedist, engender, engenderer, engineer, essayist, establish, executant, executor, executrix, expositor, fabricator, father, formulate, found, founder, framer, free lance, free-lance, free-lance writer, generate, generator, gestate, ghost, ghostwrite, ghostwriter, give birth to, give occasion to, give origin to, give rise to, grower, humorist, inaugurate, inaugurator, indite, inditer, industrialist, initiator, inspirer, instigator, institute, institutor, introducer, inventor, journeyman, knock off, knock out, literary artist, literary craftsman, literary critic, literary man, litterateur, logographer, magazine writer, make, maker, man of letters, manufacturer, master, master craftsman, medium, monographer, monographist, mother, mover, music critic, newspaperman, novelettist, novelist, novelize, occasion, operant, operative, operator, organizer, origin, originate, originator, pamphleteer, parent, past master, patriarch, penwoman, performer, perpetrator, planner, poet, practitioner, precursor, prepare, prime mover, primum mobile, procreator, produce, producer, prose writer, raiser, realize, realizer, reviewer, scenario writer, scenarist, scenarize, scribe, scriptwriter, set afloat, set on foot, set up, shaper, short-story writer, sire, smith, source, storyteller, subject, technical writer, throw on paper, tractation, word painter, wordsmith, work, worker, wright, write, writer
[edit]- authoritarian, Spartan, Spartanic, absolute, absolutist, absolutistic, arbitrary, aristocratic, arrogant, ascendant, astringent, austere, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, autonomous, bigot, bigoted, borne, bossy, bureaucratic, civic, civil, closed, clothed with authority, commanding, competent, consequential, considerable, constitutional, constricted, controlling, cramped, creedbound, deaf, deaf to reason, demanding, democratic, despotic, dictatorial, doctrinaire, dogmatic, dominant, domineering, dour, duly constituted, eminent, empowered, ex officio, exacting, exigent, fanatical, fascist, fascistic, federal, federalist, federalistic, feudal, governing, governmental, great, grim, grinding, gubernatorial, harsh, heavy-handed, hegemonic, hegemonistic, heteronomous, hidebound, high-handed, illiberal, imperative, imperial, imperious, important, influential, insular, leading, little, little-minded, lordly, magisterial, magistral, masterful, matriarchal, matriarchic, mean, mean-minded, mean-spirited, meticulous, mighty, momentous, monarchal, monarchial, monarchic, monocratic, narrow, narrow-hearted, narrow-minded, narrow-souled, narrow-spirited, nearsighted, official, oligarchal, oligarchic, oppressive, overbearing, overruling, parliamentarian, parliamentary, parochial, patriarchal, patriarchic, peremptory, petty, pluralistic, political, potent, powerful, preeminent, prestigious, prominent, provincial, puissant, purblind, ranking, repressive, republican, rugged, ruling, self-governing, senior, severe, shortsighted, small, small-minded, stern, straitlaced, strict, stringent, stuffy, substantial, superior, suppressive, supreme, theocratic, total, totalitarian, tough, tyrannical, tyrannous, uncatholic, uncharitable, ungenerous, unliberal, unsparing, unyielding, weighty
[edit]- authoritative, Christian, Daedalian, absolute, absolutist, absolutistic, accepted, accurate, acquainted with, adept, adroit, approved, apt, arbitrary, aristocratic, armipotent, arrogant, artistic, ascendant, assuring, at home in, at home with, attested, authentic, authenticated, authoritarian, authorized, autocratic, binding, bossy, bravura, brilliant, canonical, cathedral, certified, charismatic, charming, circumstantiated, clean, clever, clothed with authority, cogent, commanding, competent, conclusive, confined, confirmed, consequential, considerable, consistent, controlling, conventional, conversant with, convictional, convincing, coordinated, correct, crack, crackerjack, cunning, customary, cute, daedal, decisive, deft, dependable, despotic, determinative, dexterous, dextrous, dictated, dictatorial, didactic, diplomatic, doctrinaire, documented, dogmatic, dominant, domineering, duly constituted, dynamic, effective, effectual, efficacious, eminent, empowered, enchanting, energetic, estimable, evangelical, ex cathedra, ex officio, excellent, expert, factual, faithful, familiar with, fancy, feature, featured, feudal, firm, forceful, forcible, formulary, good, goodish, governing, graceful, great, grinding, handy, hard and fast, hegemonic, hegemonistic, high-handed, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, imperative, imperial, imperious, important, impressive, in force, in power, indisputable, influential, informed in, ingenious, instructive, intimate with, irrefutable, irresistible, just, knowledgeable, lawful, leading, learned, legal, legitimate, limited, literal, logical, lordly, magisterial, magistral, magnetic, mandatory, master of, masterful, masterly, mighty, mighty in battle, momentous, monocratic, neat, no mean, of the faith, official, operative, oppressive, orthodox, orthodoxical, overbearing, overruling, peremptory, personable, persuasive, politic, potent, powerful, preceptive, preeminent, prepotent, prescribed, prescript, prescriptive, prestigious, professional, proficient, proficient in, prominent, proper, proven, puissant, quick, quite some, ranking, ready, received, regulation, reliable, repressive, reputable, resourceful, restricted, right, rubric, ruling, sanctioned, satisfactory, satisfying, scholarly, scriptural, self-consistent, senior, severe, skillful, slick, solid, some, sound, specialist, specialistic, specialized, standard, statesmanlike, statutory, strict, striking, strong, strong in, stylish, suasive, substantial, sufficient, superior, suppressive, supreme, sure, tactful, technical, telling, textual, the compleat, the complete, totalitarian, traditional, traditionalistic, true, true-blue, trustable, trustworthy, truthful, tyrannical, tyrannous, unrefutable, up on, valid, validated, verifiable, verified, veritable, versed in, vigorous, virtuoso, vital, weighty, well-done, well-founded, well-grounded, well-read in, winning, workmanlike
[edit]- authorities, John Bull, Uncle Sam, Washington, Whitehall, bureaucracy, directorate, hierarchy, higher echelons, higher-ups, management, ministry, officialdom, prelacy, ruling class, ruling classes, the Crown, the Establishment, the administration, the authorities, the government, the ingroup, the interests, the people upstairs, the power elite, the power structure, the top, them, they, top brass
[edit]- authority, Admirable Crichton, acme, adept, administration, adviser, affidavit, aficionado, agency, agentship, amateur, amperage, announcer, annunciator, appurtenance, arbiter, arbiter elegantiarum, arbiter of taste, armipotence, artisan, artist, artiste, ascendancy, assignment, attache, attestation, authoritativeness, authorities, authority, authorization, be-all and end-all, beef, bill of health, birthright, black power, blue ribbon, bon vivant, brevet, brute force, buff, care, certificate, certificate of proficiency, certification, championship, channel, charge, charisma, charm, claim, claws, clearance, clout, clutches, cogence, cogency, cognoscente, collector, command, commission, commissioning, commitment, communicant, communicator, compulsion, conduct, conjugal right, connaisseur, connoisseur, consequence, consignment, consultant, control, cordon bleu, countenance, crack shot, craftsman, credential, credit, critic, cure, dead shot, delegated authority, delegation, demand, deposition, deputation, devolution, devolvement, dilettante, dint, diploma, diplomat, diplomatist, direction, directorship, disposition, divine right, doctor, dominance, domination, dominion, drive, droit, due, duress, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, elder, elder statesman, embassy, eminence, empery, empire, empowerment, enabling, enchantment, energy, enfranchisement, enlightener, entitlement, entrusting, entrustment, epicure, epicurean, errand, establishment, esteem, evidence, example, executorship, exemplar, exequatur, experienced hand, experimental scientist, expert, expert consultant, expert witness, factorship, faculty, fan, favor, fiat, first place, first prize, flower power, force, force majeure, forcefulness, freak, full blast, full force, full power, good feeling, good judge, gossipmonger, gourmand, gourmet, governance, government, graduate, grapevine, great soul, greatness, grip, guidance, guru, hand, handling, hands, handy man, headship, hegemony, height, highest, hold, husbandry, ideal, illuminate, imperium, importance, inalienable right, incidental power, influence, influentiality, influentialness, informant, information center, information medium, informer, insinuation, intellect, intellectual, interest, interviewee, iron hand, journeyman, judge, jurisdiction, justness, kingship, lead, leadership, leading, legation, leverage, license, lieutenancy, lordship, lover of wisdom, magisterialness, magnetism, mahatma, main force, main strength, man of intellect, man of science, man of wisdom, mana, management, managery, managing, mandarin, mandate, manipulation, marksman, master, mastermind, mastership, mastery, maven, maximum, mentor, might, might and main, mightiness, mission, model, moment, monitor, most, mouthpiece, moxie, muscle power, navicert, ne plus ultra, new high, newsmonger, no slouch, notarized statement, note, notifier, nut, office, officialdom, officials, oracle, ordering, palms, paramountcy, past master, pattern, personality, persuasion, philosopher, pilotage, pizzazz, plenipotentiary power, police, politician, poop, potence, potency, potentiality, power, power of attorney, power pack, power structure, power struggle, power to act, powerfulness, powers that be, practical scientist, precedence, predominance, preponderance, prepotency, prerogative, prescription, presidency, press, pressure, prestige, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, primacy, priority, pro, procuration, productiveness, productivity, professional, professor, proficient, prominence, proper claim, property right, proxy, public relations officer, publisher, puissance, pull, punch, pundit, purchase, purview, push, rabbi, radio, raj, rank, ratification, record, refined palate, regency, regentship, regnancy, regulation, reign, reporter, repute, responsibility, right, rishi, rule, running, sage, sanction, sapient, savant, say, say-so, scholar, scientist, seer, seniority, shark, sharp, sheepskin, sinew, solidity, soundness, source, sovereignty, specialist, spokesman, standard, starets, statesman, stature, steam, steerage, steering, strength, strings, strong arm, suasion, substantiality, subtle influence, suggestion, superiority, superpower, supremacy, sway, sworn statement, talons, task, technical adviser, technical expert, technician, technologist, television, teller, testamur, testimonial, testimony, the conn, the helm, the wheel, thinker, ticket, tipster, title, top spot, tout, trust, trusteeship, upper hand, validity, vehemence, vested interest, vested right, vicarious authority, vigor, vim, virility, virtue, virtuoso, virulence, visa, vise, vitality, voucher, warrant, warranty, wattage, weight, weightiness, whip hand, wise man, wise old man, witness, wizard, word, zenith
[edit]- authorization, John Hancock, OK, acceptance, accession, accredit, acme, advance, affidavit, affirmance, affirmation, agency, agentship, aid, allow, allowance, anointing, anointment, appointment, approbation, approval, approve, arrogation, assignment, assist, assumption, attestation, authentication, authority, be-all and end-all, bill of health, blue ribbon, brevet, care, certificate, certificate of proficiency, certification, championship, charge, clearance, command, commission, commissioning, commitment, confirmation, consecration, consent, consignment, control, coronation, countenance, countersignature, credential, cure, delegated authority, delegation, deposition, deputation, devolution, devolvement, diploma, directorship, dominion, effectiveness, election, embassy, empower, empowerment, enable, enabling, enactment, endorse, endorsement, enfranchisement, entitlement, entrusting, entrustment, errand, executorship, exequatur, facilitate, factorship, fiat, first place, first prize, forward, full power, further, go-ahead, green light, headship, hegemony, height, help, highest, imperium, imprimatur, influence, jurisdiction, kingship, leadership, leave, legalization, legation, legislation, legitimate succession, legitimatization, let, license, lieutenancy, lordship, management, mandate, mastership, mastery, maximum, mission, most, navicert, ne plus ultra, new high, nod, notarization, notarized statement, note, office, okay, palms, paramountcy, permission, permit, plenipotentiary power, power, power of attorney, power to act, presidency, primacy, procuration, promote, proxy, purview, qualify, ratification, record, regency, regentship, responsibility, rubber stamp, rule, sanction, say, seal, seizure, sheepskin, sigil, signature, signet, sovereignty, stamp, stamp of approval, subscription, subserve, succession, sufferance, support, supremacy, sway, sworn statement, taking over, task, testamur, testimonial, the nod, ticket, top spot, trust, trusteeship, usurpation, validation, vest, vicarious authority, visa, vise, voucher, warrant, warranty, witness, zenith
[edit]- authorize, OK, accept, accredit, affirm, allow, amen, appoint, approve, arm, assign, authenticate, autograph, certificate, certify, charge, charter, clothe, clothe with power, commission, commit, confirm, consent to, consign, constitute, cosign, countenance, countersign, declare lawful, decree, delegate, demand, depute, deputize, detach, detail, devolute, devolve, devolve upon, dictate, empower, enable, enact, endorse, endow, endue, enfranchise, entitle, entrust, establish, formulate, franchise, give in charge, give leave, give official sanction, give permission, give power, give the go-ahead, give the imprimatur, give thumbs up, impose, initial, invest, lay down, legalize, legislate, legitimate, legitimatize, legitimize, license, make a regulation, make legal, make obligatory, mission, notarize, okay, ordain, pass, pass on, pass upon, patent, permit, post, prescribe, privilege, put in force, ratify, regulate, require, rubber stamp, sanction, say amen to, seal, second, send out, set, sign, sign and seal, subscribe to, support, swear and affirm, swear to, transfer, undersign, underwrite, validate, visa, vise, warrant
[edit]- authorized, absolute, accredited, actionable, applicable, appointed, ascendant, authoritarian, authoritative, autocratic, chartered, clothed with authority, commanding, commissioned, competent, consequential, considerable, constitutional, controlling, delegated, deputized, dominant, duly constituted, eminent, empowered, enfranchised, entitled, ex officio, franchised, governing, great, hegemonic, hegemonistic, imperative, important, influential, judicial, juridical, just, justiciable, kosher, lawful, lawmaking, leading, legal, legislative, legit, legitimate, licensed, licit, mighty, momentous, monocratic, official, patented, potent, powerful, preeminent, prestigious, privileged, prominent, puissant, ranking, rightful, ruling, sanctioned, senior, statutory, substantial, superior, supreme, totalitarian, valid, warranted, weighty, within the law
[edit]- authorship, artistry, authorcraft, automatic writing, beginning, cacoethes scribendi, coinage, composition, conception, concoction, contrivance, contriving, creation, creative effort, creative writing, devising, drama-writing, editorial-writing, essay-writing, expository writing, fabrication, facility in writing, feature-writing, generation, graphomania, graphorrhea, graphospasm, hatching, improvisation, inditement, invention, journalism, libretto-writing, literary artistry, literary composition, literary power, literary production, literary talent, making do, mintage, novel-writing, origination, pen, pencraft, playwriting, ready pen, rewriting, short-story writing, skill with words, technical writing, verse-writing, writing
[edit]- autism, acquisitiveness, airy nothing, alienation, anesthesia, autistic thinking, avoidance mechanism, bashfulness, blame-shifting, bubble, careerism, catatonia, chill, chilliness, chimera, cold blood, cold heart, coldheartedness, coldness, compensation, coolness, daydream, deadpan, deception, decompensation, defense mechanism, deluded belief, delusion, dereism, dereistic thinking, dispassion, dispassionateness, displacement, dissociability, dissociation, dream, dream vision, dreamery, dreamland, dreamworld, dullness, ego trip, egotism, emotional deadness, emotional insulation, emotionlessness, escape, escape into fantasy, escape mechanism, escapism, false belief, fantasizing, fantasy, flight, flight of fancy, frigidity, frostiness, graspingness, greed, heartlessness, iciness, ideal, idealism, ideality, idealization, ignis fatuus, illusion, imaginative exercise, immovability, impassibility, impassiveness, impassivity, impracticality, incompatibility, individualism, inexcitability, insociability, interest, isolation, lack of affect, lack of feeling, lack of touch, misbelief, misconception, mopishness, moroseness, narcissism, negativism, objectivity, obtuseness, overcompensation, passionlessness, personal aims, personal ambition, personal desires, personalism, pipe dream, play of fancy, poker face, possessiveness, privatism, projection, psychotaxis, quixotism, quixotry, rationalization, remoteness, resistance, romance, romanticism, self-absorption, self-admiration, self-advancement, self-centeredness, self-consideration, self-containment, self-deceit, self-deception, self-delusion, self-devotion, self-esteem, self-indulgence, self-interest, self-interestedness, self-jealousy, self-occupation, self-pleasing, self-seeking, self-serving, self-solicitude, self-sufficiency, selfishness, selfism, social incompatibility, sociological adjustive reactions, soullessness, spiritlessness, straight face, sublimation, substitution, sullenness, trick, trip, uncommunicativeness, uncompanionability, uncongeniality, unemotionalism, unexcitability, unfeeling, unfeelingness, unfriendliness, ungeniality, ungregariousness, unimpressibility, unimpressionableness, unpassionateness, unpracticalness, unrealism, unreality, unresponsiveness, unsociability, unsociableness, unsusceptibility, unsympatheticness, untouchability, utopianism, vapor, visionariness, wish fulfillment, wish-fulfillment fantasy, wishful thinking, withdrawal, wrong impression
[edit]- autistic, Barmecidal, Barmecide, acquisitive, affectless, airy, ambitious for self, anesthetized, apparent, apparitional, arctic, bashful, blunt, careerist, catatonic, chill, chilly, chimeric, close, cold, cold as charity, cold-blooded, coldhearted, cool, deceptive, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, dispassionate, dissociable, dreamlike, dreamy, drugged, dull, egotistical, emotionally dead, emotionless, erroneous, fallacious, false, fantastic, frigid, frosted, frosty, frozen, grasping, greedy, heartless, icy, idealistic, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginary, immovable, impassible, impassive, impractical, in the clouds, incompatible, individualistic, inexcitable, insociable, insusceptible, misleading, mopey, mopish, morose, narcissistic, nonemotional, nongregarious, objective, obtuse, ostensible, otherworldly, out of touch, passionless, personalistic, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantom, poetic, possessive, privatistic, quixotic, remote, romancing, romantic, romanticized, seeming, self-absorbed, self-admiring, self-advancing, self-besot, self-centered, self-considerative, self-contained, self-deceptive, self-deluding, self-devoted, self-esteeming, self-indulgent, self-interested, self-jealous, self-occupied, self-pleasing, self-seeking, self-serving, self-sufficient, selfish, snug, socially incompatible, soulless, specious, spectral, spiritless, starry-eyed, storybook, sullen, supposititious, transcendental, transmundane, unactual, unaffectionate, unclubbable, uncommunicative, uncompanionable, uncongenial, unemotional, unfeeling, unfounded, unfriendly, ungenial, unimpassioned, unimpressionable, unloving, unpassionate, unpractical, unreal, unrealistic, unresponding, unresponsive, unsociable, unsocial, unsubstantial, unsusceptible, unsympathetic, untouchable, visionary, wish-fulfilling
[edit]- auto, PCV valve, accelerator, alternator, ammeter, autocar, automobile, bearings, boat, bonnet, boot, brake, bucket seat, buggy, bumper, bus, camshaft, car, carburetor, charioteer, chassis, choke, clutch, connecting rod, convertible top, cowl, crank, crankcase, crankshaft, crate, cutout, cylinder, cylinder head, dash, dashboard, differential, distributor, exhaust, exhaust pipe, fan, fender, flywheel, gear, gearbox, gearshift, generator, headlight, headrest, heap, hood, horn, ignition, intake, jalopy, machine, manifold, motor, motor vehicle, motorcar, motorized vehicle, muffler, parking light, pilot, piston, power brakes, power steering, radiator, rear-view mirror, ride, seat belt, shock absorber, spark plug, speedometer, springs, starter, steering wheel, tool, top, transmission, tub, universal, valve, voiture, wheel, wheels, windscreen, windshield, wreck
[edit]- autobiography, Clio, Muse of history, adventures, annals, biographical sketch, biography, case history, chronicle, chronicles, chronology, confessions, curriculum vitae, diary, experiences, fortunes, hagiography, hagiology, historiography, history, journal, legend, letters, life, life and letters, life story, martyrology, memoir, memoirs, memorabilia, memorial, memorials, necrology, obituary, photobiography, profile, record, resume, story, theory of history
[edit]- autochthonous, abecedarian, aboriginal, ancestral, antenatal, antepatriarchal, atavistic, beginning, budding, creative, elemental, elementary, embryonic, endemic, fetal, formative, foundational, fundamental, gestatory, homebred, homegrown, humanoid, in embryo, in its infancy, in the bud, inaugural, inceptive, inchoate, inchoative, incipient, incunabular, indigenous, infant, infantile, initial, initiative, initiatory, introductory, inventive, nascent, natal, native, native-born, original, parturient, patriarchal, postnatal, preadamite, preglacial, pregnant, prehistoric, prehuman, prenatal, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive, primogenial, primoprimitive, primordial, pristine, procreative, protohistoric, protohuman, rudimental, rudimentary, ur, vernacular
[edit]- autocrat, Simon Legree, absolute monarch, absolute ruler, all-powerful ruler, arrogator, autarch, caesar, commissar, czar, despot, dictator, disciplinarian, driver, duce, hard master, martinet, oligarch, oppressor, pharaoh, slave driver, stickler, tyrant, usurper, warlord
[edit]- autocratic, absolute, absolutist, absolutistic, arbitrary, aristocratic, arrogant, ascendant, autarchic, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autonomous, bossy, bureaucratic, civic, civil, clothed with authority, commanding, competent, consequential, considerable, constitutional, controlling, democratic, despotic, dictatorial, dominant, domineering, duly constituted, eminent, empowered, ex officio, fascist, federal, federalist, federalistic, feudal, governing, governmental, great, grinding, gubernatorial, haughty, hegemonic, hegemonistic, heteronomous, high-handed, imperative, imperial, imperious, important, influential, leading, lordly, magisterial, magistral, masterful, matriarchal, matriarchic, mighty, momentous, monarchal, monarchial, monarchic, monocratic, official, oligarchal, oligarchic, oppressive, overbearing, overruling, overweening, parliamentarian, parliamentary, patriarchal, patriarchic, peremptory, pluralistic, political, potent, powerful, preeminent, prestigious, prominent, puissant, ranking, repressive, republican, ruling, self-governing, senior, severe, strict, substantial, superior, suppressive, supreme, theocratic, totalitarian, tyrannical, tyrannous, weighty
[edit]- autodidactic, bookish, coeducational, college-bred, collegiate, cultural, didactic, disciplinary, edifying, educated, educating, educational, educative, enlightening, exhortatory, graduate, homiletic, hortatory, illuminating, informative, initiatory, instructive, introductory, learned, lecturing, postgraduate, preaching, preceptive, propaedeutic, schoolboyish, schoolgirlish, self-educated, self-instructed, self-teaching, sophomoric, studentlike, studious, teaching, tuitionary, undergraduate
[edit]- autoeroticism, active algolagnia, algolagnia, algolagny, amour-propre, amphierotism, anal intercourse, bestiality, bisexuality, buggery, complacency, consequentiality, coprophilia, cunnilingus, ego trip, exhibitionism, fellatio, fellation, fetishism, hand job, heterosexuality, homoeroticism, homosexualism, homosexuality, incest, incestuousness, irrumation, lesbianism, manipulation, masochism, masturbation, narcism, narcissism, necrophilia, onanism, oral-genital stimulation, overproudness, overweening pride, paraphilia, passive algolagnia, pederasty, pedophilia, sadism, sadomasochism, sapphism, scotophilia, self-abuse, self-admiration, self-approbation, self-complacency, self-congratulation, self-content, self-delight, self-endearment, self-esteem, self-gratulation, self-importance, self-infatuation, self-love, self-respect, self-satisfaction, self-sufficiency, self-worship, sexual inversion, sexual normality, sexual preference, smugness, sodomy, swinging both ways, transvestitism, tribadism, tribady, vaingloriousness, vainglory, vainness, vanity, voyeurism, zooerastia, zoophilia
[edit]- autograph, John Hancock, X, article, brainchild, christcross, cipher, composition, computer printout, copy, countermark, countersign, countersignature, counterstamp, cross, device, document, draft, edited version, endorsement, engrossment, essay, fair copy, fiction, final draft, finished version, first draft, first edition, flimsy, hand, holograph, initials, ink, letter, literae scriptae, literary artefact, literary production, literature, lucubration, manuscript, mark, mark of signature, matter, monogram, nonfiction, opus, original, paper, parchment, penscript, piece, piece of writing, play, poem, printed matter, printout, production, reading matter, recension, screed, scrip, script, scrive, scroll, seal, second draft, sigil, sign manual, signature, signet, subscribe, subscription, the written word, transcript, transcription, typescript, version, visa, vise, work, writing
[edit]- automat, beanery, bistro, buffet, buvette, cafe, cafeteria, canteen, cantina, chophouse, chuck wagon, coffee shop, coffeehouse, coffeeroom, coin machine, coin-operated machine, cookhouse, cookshack, cookshop, diner, dining hall, dining room, dog wagon, drive-in, drive-in restaurant, eatery, eating house, fast-food chain, grill, grillroom, hamburger stand, hash house, hashery, hot-dog stand, kitchen, lunch counter, lunch wagon, luncheonette, lunchroom, mess hall, pizzeria, quick-lunch counter, restaurant, slot machine, smorgasbord, snack bar, tavern, tearoom, trattoria, vending machine, vendor
[edit]- automated, automatic, automatous, cybernated, self-acting, self-active, self-adjusting, self-closing, self-controlled, self-cooking, self-directed, self-directing, self-dumping, self-governed, self-governing, self-lighting, self-operative, self-regulative, self-starting, self-winding, self-working, semiautomatic, spontaneous
automatic writing
[edit]- automatic writing, Ouija, artistry, authorcraft, authorship, automatism, blind impulse, cacoethes scribendi, composition, compulsiveness, conditioning, creative writing, drama-writing, echolalia, echopraxia, editorial-writing, essay-writing, expository writing, facility in writing, feature-writing, graphomania, graphorrhea, graphospasm, impulse, inditement, instinct, instinctiveness, involuntariness, journalism, levitation, libretto-writing, literary artistry, literary composition, literary power, literary production, literary talent, materialization, novel-writing, pen, pencraft, planchette, playwriting, poltergeist, poltergeistism, psychography, psychorrhagy, ready pen, reflex action, rewriting, sheer chemistry, short-story writing, skill with words, spirit manifestation, spirit rapping, table tipping, technical writing, telekinesis, teleportation, telesthesia, trance speaking, unwilledness, verse-writing, writing
[edit]- automatic, accordant, accustomed, alike, automated, automatic device, automaton, automatous, balanced, beaten, blind, blowgun, blowpipe, casual, compulsive, conditioned, confirmed, consistent, consonant, constant, continuous, correspondent, cybernated, cyborg, equable, equal, even, firearm, flamethrower, flat, forced, frequent, gat, gun, gut, habitual, habituated, hackneyed, handgun, heater, homogeneous, ill-advised, ill-considered, ill-devised, immutable, impulsive, inadvertent, indeliberate, ineluctable, inescapable, inevitable, inherent, innate, instinctive, instinctual, invariable, involuntary, level, libidinal, measured, mechanical, mechanical man, methodic, monolithic, musket, natural, of a piece, ordered, orderly, peashooter, persistent, piece, pistol, prompt, quick, ready, recurrent, recurring, reflex, reflexive, regular, repeater, repetitive, revolver, rifle, robot, robotlike, rod, routine, sawed-off shotgun, self-acting, self-active, self-adjusting, self-closing, self-controlled, self-cooking, self-directed, self-directing, self-dumping, self-governed, self-governing, self-lighting, self-mover, self-operative, self-regulating, self-regulative, self-starting, self-winding, self-working, semiautomatic, shooting iron, shotgun, six-gun, six-shooter, smooth, snap, spontaneous, stable, steadfast, steady, stereotyped, subliminal, systematic, trite, unadvised, unavoidable, unbroken, uncalculated, unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging, unconscious, unconsidered, undeliberate, undeliberated, undesigned, undeviating, undifferentiated, undiversified, uniform, unintended, unintentional, unlearned, unmeditated, unpremeditated, unprompted, unruffled, unstudied, unthinking, unvaried, unvarying, unwilled, unwilling, unwitting, well-trodden, well-worn
[edit]- automatism, Ouija, automatic control, automatic writing, automation, automatization, bad habit, blind impulse, characteristic, compulsiveness, conditioning, creature of habit, custom, echolalia, echopraxia, force of habit, habit, habit pattern, habitude, impulse, instinct, instinctiveness, involuntariness, levitation, materialization, pattern, peculiarity, planchette, poltergeist, poltergeistism, practice, praxis, psychography, psychorrhagy, reflex action, second nature, self-action, self-activity, self-determination, self-direction, self-government, self-motion, self-propulsion, self-regulation, sheer chemistry, spirit manifestation, spirit rapping, stereotype, stereotyped behavior, table tipping, telekinesis, teleportation, telesthesia, trance speaking, trick, unwilledness, usage, use, way, wont
[edit]- automobile, PCV valve, accelerator, alternator, ambulance, ammeter, armored car, auto, autocar, beach buggy, bearings, berlin, boat, bonnet, boot, brake, brougham, bucket seat, buggy, bumper, bus, cabriolet, camper, camshaft, car, carburetor, carryall, chassis, choke, clutch, coach, combat car, command car, connecting rod, convertible, convertible coupe, convertible sedan, convertible top, coupe, cowl, crank, crankcase, crankshaft, crate, cutout, cylinder, cylinder head, dash, dashboard, differential, distributor, double fueler, dragster, exhaust, exhaust pipe, fan, fastback, fender, fire engine, flywheel, fueler, gear, gearbox, gearshift, generator, gocart, golf cart, headlight, headrest, heap, hearse, hood, horn, hot rod, hovercar, ignition, intake, jalopy, jeep, landau, limousine, machine, manifold, motor, motor vehicle, motorcar, motorized vehicle, muffler, parking light, phaeton, piston, power brakes, power steering, race car, racer, racing car, radiator, rail, rear-view mirror, roadster, rocket car, runabout, saloon, seat belt, sedan, sedan limousine, shock absorber, spark plug, speedometer, sports car, springs, staff car, starter, station wagon, steamer, steering wheel, top, torpedo, tourer, touring coupe, tractor, transmission, tub, two-seater, universal, valve, voiture, wheels, windscreen, windshield, wreck, wrecker