King Crimson

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SPOILER WARNING: Part 5 spoiler details may follow.
Only the result! All that remains in this world is the result! Every action you take in a world where time is erased is meaningless! (『結果』だけだ!!この世には『結果』だけが残る!!時間の消し飛んだ世界では「動き」は全て無意味となるのだッ!)

King Crimson (キング・クリムゾン, Kingu Kurimuzon) is the Stand of Diavolo, featured in the fifth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Vento Aureo.

It grants Diavolo the ability to erase time for up to around ten seconds as well as see into the future using its sub-ability, Epitaph (エピタフ(墓碑銘), Epitafu). The Stand can also be used by Diavolo's second-in-command, Vinegar Doppio, should the boss allow it.


King Crimson is a humanoid Stand of a height and build similar to Diavolo's, but tends to look much bigger and taller. Its body is covered by a raised diagonal grid; save for its face, neck, shoulder guards, elbows, hands, abdomen, crotch, knees and feet.

Its eyes comprise sharp orifices of a steep inward slant; from which emerge small, round eyes without sclera, with pronounced eye sockets that have the same fragmented pupils that Diavolo himself has. Its crown is flat and from its forehead emerges a raised level that bears a smaller, oval face of the same expression. In earlier depictions, there were two raised levels. It constantly bares its teeth through a small mouth.

The aforementioned second face on King Crimson's forehead is named Epitaph, and is sometimes duplicated in the same position on Doppio's forehead. Epitaph presents itself as a bump on the forehead featuring eyes and a mouth constantly grinding its teeth, often mimicking King Crimson's current mood.

Its design is inspired by the character George/Kuato from the 1990 science fiction film Total Recall, a mutated human with a smaller twin brother conjoined in his belly.[1]

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAnimeGioGioAll-Star BattleEyes of Heaven
Body(Crimson with silver face and grid)
Armor(Silver and gun-metal gray)
Body(Crimson with white face and grid)
Epitaph(Pink with silver border)
Eyes(Lime Green)
(White and silver, with green accessories)
Body(Crimson with off-white face and grid)
Epitaph(Salmon with dark blue-gray border)
Eyes(Emerald Green)
Armor(Off-white and dark blue-gray)
Body(Magenta with yellow face and grid)
Epitaph(Red with gun-metal gray border)
(Silver and gun-metal gray, with green accessories)
Body(Crimson with yellow face and grid)
Epitaph(Crimson with gun-metal gray border)
Eyes(Light Green)
(Silver and gun-metal gray, with green accessories)


King Crimson embodies Diavolo's personality in its entirety, as he frequently speaks through his Stand. Aside from that, its face frequently possesses an angry or irritated expression, though on rare occasions, it also shows a triumphant grin when certain events fall in Diavolo's favor, such as when he gets his hands on the Arrow.


Once anyone witnesses King of that moment..they no longer exist in this world.

King Crimson is one of the most impressive Stands featured in the series. Both physically strong and possessing the ability to erase time and predict the future, King Crimson is said to be an invincible Stand.[2]

King Crimson is a powerful Close-Range Stand that primarily uses swift single attacks that are almost always fatal. It demonstrates first class power and speed, being capable of punching through people's bodies or cleaving them in a single chop with significant ease. Other examples include gripping a concrete pillar hard enough to dig its fingers into it, completely obliterating a fortune teller's upper body in a single punch, and throwing a pair of scissors with such strength that they completely severed Risotto Nero's right foot, among multiple other occasions where it effortlessly severed limbs. It also managed to destroy a large wall with a single punch.

Much like other Close-Range Stands, its weaknesses are poor effective range (about 2–3 meters[3]) and permanence, making it difficult for its user to hide their identity against multiple foes.[4]

Time Erasure

King Crimson erases time and foresees Sticky Fingers's punch
Time erasure sound effect (anime)

King Crimson's signature ability is to erase a given frame of time lasting up to around ten seconds,[5] starting from the instant the ability is activated.[4][6]

In the erased time frame, other people will be unable to experience anything that happened[6] and will retain no memories of it either.[6][7] After the allotted time frame, they will suddenly find themselves in the situation they were supposed to be afterwards.[4][6]

On the other hand, Diavolo remains fully conscious during the erased time and only he can re-adjust his actions.[7] In the manga, Diavolo sees the erased time as a void filled with juxtapositions of what would have happened during this period in a fashion akin to Nude Descending a Staircase, allowing him to think out the next best action (for instance, when Bruno Bucciarati tried to punch Diavolo during the erased time, Diavolo saw Bucciarati's superimposed positions during his punch).[7] The anime adaptation has Diavolo visualize a ghostly red image of his foe's next move instead.

Diavolo is unable to attack while King Crimson's time erasure is active,[2] instead relying on the ability to avoid attacks and move himself into advantageous positions, such as enemy blind spots. In addition, he is able to propel and adhere his own blood to an enemy, effectively preparing a blinding tactic during the time erasure.[2] Using his Stand's exceptional destructive power, Diavolo then directly attacks them the moment King Crimson's ability concludes.

The anime adaptation portrays King Crimson's time-skip ability with a glitched effect, as if the animation itself has corrupted and skipped forward.


Epitaph (エピタフ(墓碑銘), Epitafu) is a sub-Stand that assists and completes King Crimson's time erasure. Diavolo and Doppio often use its ability to predict any incoming threat, making sneak attacks ineffective against them.


Epitaph predicting an attack

Epitaph gives Diavolo and Doppio the ability to see several tens of seconds into the future by projecting it as an image,[2] usually onto their hair.[8]

The image produced includes the general area with the user as the main focus, allowing either of them to see what happens around them as well as directly at them.[8] However, the visions are incomplete and only show the final result without the steps taken to it and thus can be subject to interpretation. In one instance, Doppio could see himself on the ground with a foot flying, but initially thought that the foot was his when it ultimately turned out to be Risotto’s.[9]

While the predictions seen by Epitaph are unavoidable, they still effectively warn Diavolo and Doppio against incoming danger, allowing them to steer events to minimize the damage done to them. When Doppio realized a pair of scissors would form under the skin of his neck, he tore them out to prevent his throat from being slit.[9] King Crimson itself can prevent the predictions from being completed if it erases the right timeframe. However, Diavolo can only change his own fate with this but not others' fates, as he can't interact with them in erased time (i.e He can't prevent Risotto from getting shot by Aerosmith's bullets, but he can erase time and prevent himself from getting hit). Likewise a Stand affecting Fate like Gold Experience Requiem which returns King Crimson's power to the "zero" state, can simply make the vision false as it steers Fate itself to its advantage.[10]

Chapters / Episodes

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance
Novel Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

Creation and Development

Concept art featured in the JOJOVELLER "History" booklet includes an early design of King Crimson, which lacks Epitaph (but still has the bump on its forehead where Epitaph would normally be) and has a facial structure appearing to be based off of a human skull, as well as what appears to be a hood (possibly inspired by the classical figure of Death).

Video Games

GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (PS2)

In GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, King Crimson's time erasure ability is depicted in Chapter 7-1 and 7-2 as Diavolo teleporting, allowing him to evade the player's attacks and strike them from behind. In Chapter 11-1 and 11-3, time erasure is shown by having the opponent's actions slowed down, while Diavolo moves at normal speed.

All-Star Battle (PS3)

In All-Star Battle, King Crimson acts similarly to The World - through a number of abilities, Diavolo creates an erased time space (a special ability simply referred to as "Erasing Time") in which he is free to move about and the opponent is unable to take action. After a certain amount of time has passed, or as soon as Diavolo initiates an attack or ability, the effect is broken. King Crimson also acts as his dash and Epitaph can be activated to grant Diavolo automatic Stylish Evasion without depleting his Guard Gauge.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

In Eyes of Heaven, Diavolo becomes invincible as well as invisible to his opponents within the erased time, causing him to gradually lose stamina. Other characters can still move and act normally but are otherwise ignorant to Diavolo's location. Furthermore, the Epitaph ability Diavolo had in All-Star Battle allowing him to dodge instantly after getting attacked returns in the form of a skill.

Puzzle & Dragons (Android/iOS)

King Crimson was obtainable for a limited time as an Assist Evolution of the Vinegar Doppio unit in the mobile game Puzzle & Dragons.

King Crimson
Rarity: 7★ (Assist Evolution)
No. 9572
6,488 (Lvl.99)
3,744 (Lvl.99)
309 (Lvl.99)
Active Skill: "Epitaph" (Localized Name: "Eulogy")
Voids damage for 1 turn; 3x Orb move time for 1 turn
Leader Skill: "N/A"


  • In the French dub of GW Episode 20, when Diavolo explains his ability to Bucciarati, he incorrectly describes it as being able to stop time.


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