Vento Aureo - Chapter 105 [544]

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King Crimson vs. Metallica, Part 1 (キング・クリムゾンv.s.(バーサス)メタリカ その①, Kingu Kurimuzon Bāsasu Metarika Sono 1), originally Risotto the Assassin! (暗殺者リゾット!, Ansatsusha Rizotto!) in the WSJ release, is the 105th chapter of Vento Aureo and the 544th chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga.


Doppio charges toward Risotto to get in range of his power, but needles appearing in his mouth force Doppio to stop and get them out while Risotto disappears into the landscape. Doppio receives a phone call and desperately asks what to do.

The Boss tells him that he's granted him part of King Crimson's power; one arm and the sub-Stand Epitaph, which enables him to predict the future. Using Epitaph, Doppio foresees Risotto camouflaged among the rocks, but more importantly that a pair of scissors will appear in his throat.


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Author's Comment

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Whenever kids come by my house, they always run around, break things, don't apologize for any of it, and go home crying their eyes out...



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