Vento Aureo - Chapter 76 [515]

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White Album, Part 7 (ホワイト・アルバム その⑦, Howaito Arubamu Sono 7), originally The Outcome of Resolve!! (覚悟の行方!!, Kakugo no Yukue!!) in the WSJ release, is the 76th chapter of Vento Aureo and the 515th chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga.


Ghiaccio, initially confused, slowly realizes that he is in a weak position. Mista then tries to impale him further into the pole by pushing him with the bullets, but Ghiaccio bounces them back at him. Blood sprays from Ghiaccio's neck, but the assassin uses that opportunity to make pillars of frozen blood supporting him and declares himself the winner.

The last bullet reaches Mista's head, but Giorno, having managed to reach Mista in time, heals the wound and saves him. As the sun rises from the horizon, Gold Experience repeatedly kicks Ghiaccio into the pole, impaling his neck and killing him. Giorno then proceeds to heal Mista's less grave wounds, a painful process for him.

At the same time, Narancia sees Giorno and Mista, but mistakes Giorno's healing as something more intimate and covers his eyes, declaring to the curious Bucciarati who remained inside the turtle that he saw nothing.


(Voice only)

Author's Comment

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Lately, the area around my workplace has been full of murders of crows hunting for food scraps. At any rate, it's non-stop caws.



  • This chapter shares its original name with Chapter 497.


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