Vento Aureo - Volume 15 [61]
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His Name is Diavolo (そいつの名はディアボロ, Soitsu no Na wa Diaboro) is the 15th volume of Vento Aureo and the 61st volume of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga. It covers the second half of the ""Green Day" and "Oasis"" story arc and the "His Name is Diavolo" story arc.
- 124 (563). "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 10
- 125 (564). "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 11
- 126 (565). "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 12
- 127 (566). "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 13
- 128 (567). "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 14
- 129 (568). His Name is Diavolo, Part 1
- 130 (569). A Little Story from the Past
- 131 (570). His Name is Diavolo, Part 2
- 132 (571). What Lies Beyond the Arrow
Author's Note
Author's Note
There's something I think about whenever I go to a place with old buildings, like the Roman Colosseum. I feel a robust courage emerging in me knowing that during the happy times and the sad times, during wars and recessions, during joyous weddings and the struggles of past artists, during Audrey Hepburn's time here, and during both rainy days and sunny days, this building has always, always been here. Now, if there were a building like that in Japan, where might you find it? (To be continued in Volume 62.)
ローマの「コロッセオ」とかの様な古い建築物がある所に行くと、いつも思う事があって、それは「この建物って、人が楽しい時も苦しい時も戦争の時も不況の時も新婚さんが幸せいっぱいの時も昔の芸術家が悩んでいる時もA ・ヘップバーンが来た時も雨の日も晴れの日も、ずぅーっとずぅーっと建っているのだなぁ」となんかしみじみとした勇気が涌くような感動がある。そして自分の国、「日本」にはこの様な場所があるとしたら、それはどこなのか?(62巻につづく)
Volume Differences
Magazine Differences
Chapter 132 (Page 3)
Replaced "2m" in the first text box with the full katakana word for "meter," then the second text box replaced the hiragana word for "what" to the kanji of the same word.