Joy Division
Joy Division (ジョイ・ディヴィジョン, Joi Divijon) is the Stand of Sogliola Lopez, featured in the light novel Golden Heart, Golden Ring.
It allows Sogliola to teleport what is in one hand to the other, but can choose when the effect will occur after touching the object.
Joy Division has no appearance as it is bound to Sogliola's body. The naval mines that Sogliola teleports with Joy Division are large, spiked balls with numerous shapes on it and a speedometer-like dial in the front.
Spatial Shifting
Joy Division has the ability to swap the positions of objects that Sogliola touches with his hands. For example, if he is holding a banana in his left hand and a die in the right, Joy Division would swap the banana to be in his right hand and the die in his left, or vice versa. The objects can be switched any number of times, and there is no limit to the number of objects involved.
If one hand is empty, the object in the other hand will simply switch hands. If one hand is touching the user and the other is touching an object, the user and the object will swap places, taking the other's position. For example, when Sogliola touches a bed, the bed takes his place and stands vertically. If one hand is touching an immobile object (such as a roof rafter), the immobile object remains stationary, while the object in the other hand is moved on top of it.
With practice, Sogliola eventually learned to delay Joy Division's power activation, shown doing so for at least three hours. After touching two different objects, he can choose to activate his swap power immediately or at a specific point in the future.
Joy Division can be used for escaping or setting up traps; if Sogliola is in a building with multiple floors, he can swap his position with the ground, allowing him to escape onto the floor below. He also sets up a minefield by swapping floating polystyrene with mines at the right moment.
Chapters / Episodes
- Golden Heart, Golden Ring Chapter 4
- Golden Heart, Golden Ring Chapter 7