JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's 30th Anniversary is culminated in this exhibition, a historical festival for the fans of the series. 30 years of adventure, what effect did it have on the personality and lives of the fans? What Ripples did it cause?
The Stand user of JoJosapiens is called the "Ultimate JoJo Human" (究極のジョジョ人間, Kyūkyoku no JoJo Ningen), created based on over 17,000 responses to a fan participation project also named JoJosapiens, which was a survey conducted to reveal the demographics of JoJo fans.[2]
JoJosapiens is a mechanical humanoid Stand. It adorns a blue dome-shaped full helmet with eye holes and a bird crest on the forehead. The Stand also has a fur collar with feathers, balls of fur on the top of its hands and fur leg warmers.
JoJosapiens has a rectangular-shaped blue body with thin, gray limbs resembling bones equipped with strings to mimic tendons. Its hands, boots and bottom part of the torso are primarily yellow, while its fur is pink.
JoJosapiens' user designed through fan data
Its user appears tall and androgynous. They have a hairstyle resembling Jolyne Cujoh's with buns on each side. They have two braids; a thin, black one near the top of their head and a thick, blonde one by the bottom. They wear dark eye shadow and lipstick, a gold chain necklace, and a thin beaded necklace. The User's attire consists of a navy blue collared jacket, on top of a navy blue sweater that has red, white, and blue stripes on it. They wear two leather belts around their stomach and a snakeskin belt around their waist. Their pants have visible strings hanging down and they wear bright red boots. Both their jacket and pants are adorned with several jewelry and chains of varying symbols such as hearts. Their pants also has a cluster of buttons hooked onto it.
Color Schemes
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
(Cyan head and body, yellow bird on head, waist, back, hands, and feet)
Limbs(Gray limbs)
Fur(Pink fur)
Feathers(Purple feathers)
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
(Fair with dark purple eye shadow and lipstick)
Hair(Black and blonde)
Upper clothes
(Dark navy blue jacket with navy blue sweater that has red, white, and blue stripes)
Belts and accessories(Black and brown belts, gold jewelry)
Lower clothes
(Dark navy blue pants with bright red boots and black heels)
JoJosapiens Generation
JoJosapiens gives a survey to fans composed of 42 questions pertaining to a number of topics about the recipients. The questions are based on the following 10 categories: Body, Love, Soul, Favorite, Mind, Fetishism, Money, Speed, Past, and JoJo. All questions are optional.
After collecting large amounts of data from the JoJo fans who responded to the survey, it creates the "Ultimate JoJo Human" (究極のジョジョ人間, Kyūkyoku no JoJo Ningen) based on the survey's results. The completed human will then become the user and assume control of the Stand (both the user and the Stand together take on the name "JoJosapiens").[3]
The goal of the JoJosapiens project was to design the ultimate JoJo human by taking the average value of a large data collection of JoJo fans. The process involved conducting a survey where fans would input information about themselves. This information would go into a website’s database (visualized as a Stand). The survey was open from July 6 to July 27, 2018, with results revealed on August 14, 2018.[4][5]
The survey involved 42 questions, consisting of queries about physical attributes, morality, relationship status, annual salary, and personal taste like favorite JoJo. As the survey was available online, any fan around the world was able to participate. Compiling all of this information answered by over 17 thousand people, the user of JoJosapiens was created.[6]
Survey Questions
SPOILER WARNING: Part 1-7 spoiler details may follow.
01-01: Please tell me your birthday. (あなたの生年月をおしえてください。)
01-02: Please tell me your gender. (あなたの性別を教えてください。)
Undefined (未選択)
Male (男性)
Female (女性)
Other (その他)
01-03: Please tell me where you are from. (あなたの出身地を教えてください。)
A list of the prefectures of Japan
Other (その他)
01-04: Please tell me your height. (あなたの身長を教えてください。)
01-05: Please tell me your weight. (あなたの体重を教えてください。)
01-06: Please tell me your your body fat percentage. (あなたの体脂肪を教えてください。)
02-01: Do you currently have a lover? (現在、恋人がいますか?)
Undefined (未選択)
Yes (はい, Hai)
No (いいえ, Iie)
02-02: How many people have you ever met (dated)? (今までお付合いした人数は?)
02-03: Have you ever cheated on someone? (浮気したことがありますか?)
Undefined (未選択)
I have (いる)
I haven't (いない)
02-04: Do you actively pursue sex or "relationships in flesh" (Carnivorous)? Do you not actively pursue sex or any physical relationships (Herbivorous)? (肉食系ですか?草食系ですか?)
Undefined (未選択)
Carnivorous (肉食系)
Herbivorous (草食系)
02-05: Would you die for your lover? (愛する人のためなら死ねますか?)
Undefined (未選択)
Yes (はい)
No (いいえ)
02-06: Please tell me your fetish. (Maximum 100 characters) (あなたのフェチを1つ教えてください(全角100文字以内))
03-01: A trolley that runs on a railroad track becomes uncontrollable and travels at a tremendous speed. At this rate, the five workers located at the end of the track will be run over and all will die. At this time, you are located at a lever that can direct that trolley to another track. Five people will be saved if you switch tracks. However, there is one worker at the end of the other track. Do you pull the lever? (線路を走るトロッコが制御不能となり猛スピードで走っている。このままでは線路の先にいる5人の作業員が轢かれて全員死んでしまう。この時、あなたはそのトロッコを別の線路に向かわせることができる分岐器がある場所にいる。分岐器を、切り替えれば5人は助かる。しかし、切り替えた線路の先にも作業員がいる。ただし1人だけ。あなたは分岐器を切り替えるか?)
Undefined (未選択)
Do not switch (切り替えない)
Switch (切り替える)
04-01: Please inform me of your favorite food (Maximum 30 characters). (好きな食べ物を1つ教えてください。(全角30文字以内))
04-02: Please choose one of your favorite music genres. (好きな音楽ジャンルを1つ選んでください。)
Undefined (未選択)
Classic (クラシック)
Rock (ロック)
R&B/Soul (ソウル)
Hip-Hop/Rap (ヒップホップラップ)
Dance (ダンス)
Jazz (ジャズ)
Metal (メタル)
Reggae (レゲエ)
Pop (ポップ)
Alternative (オルタナティブ)
Anime (アニメ)
Kayōkyoku (歌謡曲, form of Japanese pop music)
Other (その他)
04-03: Please tell me which is your favorite movie (Maximum 30 characters). (好きな映画を1つ教えてください。(全角30文字以内))
04-04: Please tell me one of your favorite comics (except for Hirohiko Araki's work) (Maximum 30 characters). (好きなマンガ(荒木飛呂彦作品以外)を1つ教えてください。(全角30文字以内))
04-05: Please choose one subject you like. (好きな科目を1つ選んでください。)
Undefined (未選択)
Math (数学)
Japanese Language (国語)
English (英語)
Physical (物理)
Chemistry (化学)
Biology (生物)
Earth Science (地学)
World History (世界史)
Japanese History (日本史)
Geography (地理)
Modern Society (現代社会)
Ethics (倫理)
Political / Economics (政治 経済)
Information (News) (情報)
Other (その他)
04-06: Please tell me one number you like (Half-width input). (好きな数字を1つ教えてください。(半角))
04-07: Please choose one of your favorite alcohol. An underage person does not have to answer. (好きなお酒を1つ選んでください。未成年の方は答える必要はありません。)
Undefined (未選択)
Beer (ビール)
Craft Beer (クラフトビール)
Wine (ワイン)
Natural Wine (自然派ワイン)
Sparkling Wine (スパークリングワイン)
Sake (日本酒)
Whiskey (ウィスキー)
Gin (ジン)
Vodka (ウォッカ)
Rum (ラム)
Tequila (テキーラ)
Shochu (Japanese spirit) (焼酎)
Makgeolli (Korean Wine) (マクゴリ)
Shaoxing (Chinese Wine) (紹興酒)
I can't/don't drink alcohol (お酒は飲めない飲まない)
Other (その他)
04-08: Please choose one of your favorite colors. (好きな色を1つ選んでください。)
Undefined (未選択)
Red (赤)
Pink (ピンク)
Orange (オレンジ)
Yellow (黄)
Green (緑)
Light Blue (水色)
Blue (青)
Indigo (藍)
Purple (紫)
Brown (茶)
Black (黒)
White (白)
Gray (グレー)
Gold (金)
Other (その他)
04-09: Do you prefer dogs? Do you prefer cats? (犬派ですか?猫派ですか?)
Undefined (未選択)
Dog (犬派)
Cat (猫派)
Neither (どちらでもない)
04-10: Do you smoke? An underage person does not have to answer. (タバコを吸いますか?未成年の方は答える必要はありません。)
Undefined (未選択)
Smoke (吸う)
Do Not Smoke (吸わない)
Smoke Cigars (葉巻なら吸う)
05-01: Please tell me your IQ. (あなたのIQを教えてください?)
05-02: Do you believe in the existence of aliens? (宇宙人の存在を信じますか?)
Undefined (未選択)
I do believe (信じる)
I don't believe (信じない)
05-03: Please tell me something that scares you (Maximum 200 characters). (「怖いと感じるもの」を1つ教えてください。(全角200文字以内))
05-04: Please let me know one thing you want to do before you die (Maximum 200 characters). (「死ぬまでにしたいこと」を1つ教えてください。(全角200文字以内))
06-01: Please tell me your annual income. Please answer only those who are working (Half-width input). (あなたの年収を教えてください。働いている方のみお答えください。(半角))
07-01: Please tell me your best time at the 50 meters dash (Half-width input). (50m走のベストタイムを教えてください。(半角))
08-01: What is the greatest crime you have committed in the past? (Maximum 200 characters) (過去に自分が犯した最大の罪は?(全角200文字以内))
09-01: Please choose the part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure you like the most. (『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』の中で1番好きな「部」を選んでください。)
Undefined (未選択)
Part 1: Phantom Blood
Part 2: Battle Tendency
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable
Part 5: Vento Aureo
Part 6: Stone Ocean
Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Part 8: JoJolion
09-02: Please tell me who is your favorite Stand (Maximum 40 characters). (1番好きなスタンドを教えてください。(全角40文字以内))
09-03: Please choose the best battle, which you think is #1 in JoJo. (『ジョジョ』の中で1番だと思う名勝負、「ベストバウト」を選んでください。)
Jonathan vs Dio (Joestar Mansion) (ジョナサン・ジョースター VS ディオ・ブランドー(ジョースター邸)/1部)
Jonathan vs Bruford (ジョナサン・ジョースター VS ブラフォード/1部)
Jonathan vs Dio (Windknight's Lot) (ジョナサン・ジョースター VS ディオ・ブランドー(ウィンドナイツ・ロット)/1部)
Caesar vs Wamuu (シーザー・A・ツェペリ VS ワムウ/2部)
Joseph vs Wamuu (ジョセフ・ジョースター VS ワムウ/2部)
Joseph vs Kars (ジョセフ・ジョースター VS カーズ/2部)
Joseph & Jotaro vs Daniel J. D'Arby (ジョセフ・ジョースター&空条承太郎 VS ダニエル・J・ダービー/3部)
Polnareff & Iggy vs Vanilla Ice (ジャン=ピエール・ポルナレフ&イギー VS ヴァニラ・アイス/3部)
Jotaro vs DIO (空条承太郎 VS DIO/3部)
Rohan vs Ken Oyanagi (岸辺露伴 VS ジャンケン小僧/4部)
Koichi vs Yoshikage Kira (広瀬康一 VS 吉良吉影/4部)
Josuke vs Yoshikage Kira (東方仗助 VS 吉良吉影(川尻浩作)/4部)
Bruno vs Prosciutto & Pesci (ブローノ・ブチャラティ VS プロシュート&ペッシ/5部)
Giorno & Mista vs Ghiaccio (ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ&グイード・ミスタ VS ギアッチョ/5部)
Risotto Nero vs Vinegar Doppio (リゾット・ネエロ VS ヴィネガー・ドッピオ/5部)
Jolyne vs Viviano Westwood (空条徐倫 VS ヴィヴァーノ・ウエストウッド/6部)
Jolyne vs Rikiel (空条徐倫 VS リキエル/6部)
Jolyne vs Pucci (空条徐倫 VS エンリコ・プッチ/6部)
Gyro vs Ringo Roadagain (ジャイロ・ツェペリ VS リンゴォ・ロードアゲイン/7部)
Diego & Hot Pants vs Funny Valentine (ディエゴ・ブランドー&ホットパンツ VS ファニー・ヴァレンタイン/7部)
Johnny vs Funny Valentine (ジョニィ・ジョースター VS ファニー・ヴァレンタイン/7部)
Josuke vs Jobin (Beetle Fight) (東方定助 VS 東方常敏(クワガタ対決)/8部)
Josuke vs Damo (東方定助 VS 田最環/8部)
Other (その他)
09-04: Please tell me about one character whose death you cried over. (死んだ時、1番泣いたキャラクターを教えてください。)
04-03: What is your favorite manga (not written by Hirohiko Araki)?
RANK 1One Piece
RANK 2Hunter × Hunter
RANK 3Dragon Ball
04-04: What is your favorite music genre?
RANK 1Rock
RANK 2Anime themes
RANK 3J-pop
04-05: What is your favorite school subject?
RANK 1Japanese Language
RANK 2Mathematics
RANK 3Biology
04-06: What is your favorite number?
04-07: What is your favorite color?
RANK 1Blue
RANK 2Green
04-08: Are you a dog person or a cat person?
Dog (39.3%)
Cat (44.9%)
Neither (15.8%)
04-09: Do you smoke cigarettes?
Yes (16.6%)
No (82.2%)
Prefer cigars (1.2%)
05-01: What is your IQ?
0 - 79 (3.6%)
80 - 89 (7.1%)
90 - 99 (8.0%)
100 - 109 (23.6%)
110 - 119 (19.0%)
120 - 129 (18.3%)
130 - 139 (7.7%)
140+ (12.7%)
Average IQ: 112.5
05-02: Do you believe aliens exist?
Yes (83.6%)
No (16.4%)
05-03: What do you fear?
RANK 1People
RANK 2Ghosts
RANK 3Death
Other Answers
Arthropods with more than 8 legs
Bottomless hole
Figuring out too late that you're missing toilet paper
Being forgotten.
The shadow of something emerging from under water
Dying without doing anything
My carelessness
The "Ecce Homo" fresco after its restoration attempt in Borja, Spain
When I began to wonder if I was getting stupider and stupider without realizing it.
Pork that is hard to tell whether it is cooked or not.
Audio signal for VHS quality control
Golden fish without water
Mad man that can't control Themselves.
Women in stilettos riding a train
A person who writes meaningful paragraphs in LINE status messages
The words "I will protect you even if the law and the world is against you"
Befriending women
Big tanks in aquariums
G-creatures. It's those things!
The girl in my class who always comes in first in every test even though she says in a loud voice, "I can't do it - I haven't studied at all this time"
Frogs. That's why I really respect Jolyne.
Closet gaps
I've been learning to drive recently and what scares me more than crashing the car is my mother lecturing me from the passenger seat.
For my daughter to introduce me to her boyfriend when she is old enough, and to bully him to no end (and then bow down and ask him to take care of my daughter)
I want to know how serious my car is. I want to see how far the needle on the meter, which goes up to 260km, can swing.
I want to see my long lost mother
I want to draw and finish a comic. I'd like it to have an impact on others.
Giving my spouse the best life they can have
Live a quiet life
Read all the books I want to read
Play catch with children
Touch a baby seal
To become the champion and the master of sports on boxing.
See the northern lights (aurora borealis)
Swim with blue whales
Get off at an unknown station in an unknown town and go to the sea
Fireworks that I paid for myself
Build a custom-designed house
Eat an entire cake in one gulp
Eating a bellyful of cartilage
Fight to death
Attend my daughter's wedding
A 24-hour horror movie viewing party with friends
Crack my abs
Defuse a bomb
Having a drink with my children when they're grown up
When I met my grandfather for the last time, just before he passed away, I thought I was putting my heart into it, but in reality I held his hand lightly
Squeezing out body soap in my uncle's bathtub
I let my pet die
I ate a whole watermelon
I made a girl cry
Not memorizing things. I've never been so shocked. The biggest crime is not studying.
Being indifferent
One-night stand
Being transported by the ambulance for overdrinking tequila
Stealing another person's partner
There was an incident where I ate sweets but said I didn't
When I was a kid, I was given more change than I should have gotten and just silently accepted it
I really can't tell you what I did
I ate dried radishes
I spit on a friend while jumping on a trampoline and pretended not to know
My feet smell too bad
I told my mother that her rice didn't taste good
I put the sauce into my cup yakisoba at the same time as the hot water. I'm repenting now.
I wasn't committed
I was so irritated that I kicked my brother. I'm sorry.
I chased after a stray cat in an apartment and the cat fell between the railings
I betrayed a friend who promised to run with me in a marathon by shaking her off before the finish line
A timely error to win the finals of a baseball tournament
Just reading it makes me feel positive. It's like I can become invincible even if I have no strengths. Even if my confidence is lacking, I think that reading JoJo can make me change my mind and willpower, so it's very important to me.
I'm proud to be born in Sendai
JoJo made me change my view concept of "fate".
I started going to museums and such
I learned to have a good sense of color
I learned the greatness and importance of how humans feel to have "pride".
I learned to think of ways to turn a situation around
It helped me stop distrusting people and saved my life because I felt affirmed that it was okay to do what I thought was right
I learned to avoid the number "4"
I want to be a gentleman
I learned what a real man looks like
My excitement for the story kept growing a lot
I've come to put "resolve" before everything else
JoJo was the kick that got me pregnant
It gave me strength to live. It gave me energy. It makes me want to do my best today and tomorrow!
I started counting the number of loaves of bread
I became interested in fashion
I no longer deny that I'm trash
It's motivated me to draw again.
When I'm having a hard time, I remember JoJo's words and do my best
I passed my exams by reading JoJo
I learned a novel solution: to stop thinking
I learned to run away
I changed my makeup because I wanted a JoJo-like face
I got into the habit of thinking outside the box
I decided not to lie to myself. I hate crookedness more now.
I now react whenever I see a tanker truck
I now understand the difference between "seeing" and "watching"
When I feel like I'm about to leak on the train and just barely make it in time, I believe it's thanks to the Ripple breathing technique
I made up my mind to change my job
I came to have my own unique view of life
I started thinking about the connection between human generations
I roll cherries on my tongue
I learned the meaning of courage
Reading JoJo made me aspire to become a manga artist
JoJo taught me everything that's important
Original Illustration
JoJosapiens Site Logo
JoJosapiens base form
JoJosapiens first evolution
JoJosapiens second evolution
JoJosapiens third evolution
After Hirohiko Araki JoJo Exhibition: Ripples of Adventure opened, the official Twitter account began posting more details on the "JoJo" portion of the survey, revealing the 11-20th ranked favorite Stands[7] and then the 11-15th[8] and 16-20th ranked favorite fights.[9] Further posts on the account listed randomly placed other favorites in the survey.