Writing a post about the office when it isn’t an office I work at anymore seems a little odd. Back to Kirkland for a day, I guess. I was driving to work on a chilly morning and, as I came off the freeway towards the office, it suddenly got misty and there was lots of frost on the surface of all of the trees along the road. When I got to the parking lot, the plants all had a layer of frost that had formed on them from the cold mist. It looked really pretty but trying to capture it with my phone proved a little trickier. It was still dark at that point of course. I figured I would try and a little processing at home helped bring the shots to something more like what I saw at the time.
Tag Archives: mist
Downtown LA in the Gloom
Work took me to Los Angeles a couple of times early in 2024. On neither occasion did the weather do me many favors. The second trip was very wet but the first was more gloomy than anything else. As I was walking back to the hotel one evening after we had finished our work, I was taken by the way in which the skyscrapers were disappearing into the mist. I only had my phone with me, but it does a decent job in lower light conditions.
Mist In The Distance Along The Shore
While the weather could be quite nice during our winter visit to Cannon Beach, the steady wind and the waves meant there was a lot of water in the air. With the length of the beach, this meant that things could look quite misty as you stared in to the distance. This look makes for quite an ethereal feel to the scene and it was something that I found appealing yet hard to capture in an image. I tried some wider shots and some tighter ones to emphasize the effect. Not sure what works better.
Misty Trees Out of the Office Window
On the colder mornings in Woodinville, it is not unusual for us to get mist and fog around our neighborhood. It is usually dark when I start work in my office but, as the sun comes up, it can illuminate the trees around me quite nicely. The mist must have been burning off to let the sun in but it was still shrouding the local trees and looked rather nice. I grabbed a camera near my desk and shot a couple of images of the trees behind the houses across from us and then returned to the day job.
Misty Morning In Index
During my time off, we made a trip across the Cascades. It’s not uncommon to find it misty/foggy as we drive from home towards the mountains in the morning. As you get a little higher, you come out of the mist but the clouds will still be hanging on the sides of the mountains. We stopped off in the little town of Index for a quick break. The town sits right under some large cliff faces making it a popular place to climb.
On this morning, climbing would have been a bit of a cold and damp affair but, as the day wore on, it would have been lovely I imagine. I liked the morning, though, with the clouds swirling around the hillsides. It looks at first as if the area is still with the mist hanging over everything but, if you pay attention, it is clear just how much the clouds are swirling around with ever changing areas exposed or covered. It is quite entrancing.
Ferries in the Mist
The misty mornings at Orcas were not only pretty atmospheric to wake up to but they also could make for interesting shots of the ferries. As the banks of fog rolled in and out, the boats could disappear and reappear. As they backed out and spun around, they could be right on the edge of disappearing. Since we were facing south, the whole scene was backlit which made it look even more interesting.
Sunlight Through the Mist
Moran State Park was a damp and shady place for a hike. As we got closer to Cascades Lake, we got to an area that was a bit misty. With the sun peaking through the trees, the moisture in the air picked up the shafts of sunlight picking through the branches. I had not photographed this before and I was interested how to expose to get the effect to show up properly.
I wasn’t sure whether to underexpose or go with the base settings so I played around with it a bit. Since it was the mirrorless M6 I was using, you get a bit of a preview in the viewfinder of what you will get but my experience of that camera is that the viewfinder can be a little off compared to what you get when working on the desktop. A little tweaking and I was pretty pleased with the results. I did also try some HDR just in case but I don’t think it was necessary.
Mist Over The Water at Orcas
First thing in the morning on Orcas Island made from some beautiful conditions. We were staying in a place looking out over the water towards Shaw Island but, in the morning, we got some low fog and mist that could obscure our neighbor so close by. As the sun came up, the fog would burn off and then roll back in. It was a constantly changing view with the land and smaller islands appearing and disappearing frequently. You could sit and watch it for ages. Best done from inside the house, though, since it was rather chilly.
Frosted Trees Along the River
While I didn’t get the shots of the trees over the pass on Vancouver Island and I did get some shots from Port Alberni, I did pull off the road as we descended to take some shots across a valley that we were passing through. The local fire station was on a small rise which gave an elevated view of the valley that was still covered in frost. Plenty of farm structures provided a bit of interest to the shot. The wider shot was nice but the power lines which are, no doubt, very useful to the residents were a bit more annoying to the photographer. I wonder which is more important…
Port Alberni River Mist
The drive across Vancouver Island on our way back to the ferry was exceedingly pretty. The temperature in the passes was pretty low and what I imagine happens is that the mist freezes on to the trees. The result was these beautiful white trees looking like they had been created as some Christmas decoration. We were on a main road so no chance to stop and photograph them but, as we got down to Port Alberni, the mist was still around.
As we crossed the river, we got a view along the water between the trees with the mist hanging over the surface. It looked really beautiful. I stopped further along the road where I found a gap in the trees and could get down to the bank. Once out of the car, I figured that the cold temperatures could be handled for a short while and walked back to the bridge. We had a ferry to catch so I wasn’t going to spend too long exploring but this might prove to be a very photogenic place to explore if you had the time.