Tag Archives: washington

Fifi Ramp Tour

While Fifi, the B-29 Superfortress, was in Seattle, they opened her up for ramp tours. Since they didn’t get to run their normal rides, this was one of the few opportunities to get some revenue while in town. I had not done a ramp tour with her before (putting aside the time I met with the crew in DuPage for an article I was writing. It isn’t a speedy process to get through her and so a good amount of time was spent in line under the wing while we waited for our turn but that was fine.

We started out going underneath into the bomb bay where there was a guide to explain about the plane. Then we climbed up into the cockpit and spent some time looking around and hearing more of the stories of the team. Then it was back outside and time to wander around and see the aircraft up close. She is a lovingly maintained aircraft and I was glad I finally bothered to do the tour.

The New Jamming Pods Make an Appearance

When the EA-18G Growler came into service, it made use of the same pods that had been fitted to the EA-6B Prowler. The Navy has had a long running plan to replace the different pod types over time and this is a slow process. The first of the new pods to arrive is the Next Generation Jammer Mid-Band which is built by Raytheon. These have gradually been delivered to fleet squadrons and, while I had seen images of them that local photographers had taken, I hadn’t seen one.

Then, one afternoon, while sitting up at Paine Field, a Growler rolled out after landing and came all the way to the north end of the runway. I had no idea it was coming in and missed the landing completely. It taxied off and I grabbed some shots because it was a color bird. Then I realized it had the new pods fitted. The light was so nice, and I was hoping they would just gas a go but sadly they didn’t and I didn’t get to see them depart. At least I have seen the pods fitted before I left.

Robin in the Winter Catches Me Out

I don’t know whether robins are in our area year-round but there is a feeling that they show up in spring so would have migrated somewhere else for the winter. Maybe that is true, maybe it applies to other locations. I don’t know. All I do know is that I was surprised to see one in December in Kenmore. So much so, I decided to get some images of it. How many times of the year would I completely ignore a robin?

Sunrise Skies Over Seattle

One morning, as I left home it was still dark, but it was just getting to the time when the sun was due to creep above the horizon. As I headed south, I got treated to a wonderful red glow in the sky. Even better, there was a nice lenticular cloud sitting over the summit of Mt Rainier which was catching the morning light very nicely. There was no way that I was going to miss out on this unless the light changed so quickly that I could get somewhere to take the shot. Fortunately, that was not a problem, and the sky stayed looking great for quite some time. Mornings like this are rather special and are something to appreciate here.

Icelandair’s Newer Jets Aren’t As Fun

The introduction of the Max 8 jets to Icelandair’s fleet has brought their new livery to Seattle. However, the 757s are both a nicer looking jet and sometimes come with better paint jobs. The 757s will be going away so it might be time to get used to the Max fleet. Then again, Icelandair has also made the switch to the A321neo for some operations so, maybe they will paint some of them in schemes a bit like the 757s carried. In the meantime, it is something like this that we need to get used to.

What is This Max Testing?

This 737 Max 8 was flying a few missions from BFI shortly before I left the region. At first I figured it was just another jet that, while in Ural’s colors, was likely going to another airline and needed to be repainted. However, when it taxied by me, I noticed it had an “experimental” marking on the fuselage. Then I saw that it had some instrumentation mounted in one of the windows. Apparently, it is doing something different. No idea what it is and I probably will never know.

Is This ROV on My Wishlist?

I was walking through the marina at Kenmore after a visit to Log Boom Park and then an abortive hope that a floatplane was coming out of Kenmore Air’s base. A couple of chaps were working on the aft deck of a boat that was used for survey activities. Their work was focused on a remotely operated vehicle, and they were popping the casing off it to adjust whatever needed adjusting. I have regularly pondered whether to get a drone for aerial photography and videography but, seeing this device, I got quite into the idea of underwater work too. Maybe I can get one for Christmas??

Royal Air Maroc 787 Delivery

After some time in Seattle with Nancy, I persuaded her to allow a brief detour to Paine Field. Royal Air Maroc was taking delivery of a 787-9 and I wanted to see it go. That assumed it was on time which is never guaranteed with delivery flights. Two of their jets were parked up at the delivery center although I was only hoping to get one moving. I don’t think the other was leaving but, if it was, I didn’t want to test patience by finding out. The conditions were a bit gloomy and the jet would be airborne a long way from me so I decided to go with video instead. The results are below.

Owls Out in the Rain

While mum was visiting us for Christmas, we made a trip to Skagit to see if we could see some snow geese. We did but that element of the story will be another post. We also wanted to see whether we could see any of the short-eared owls up there. The weather was not great with plenty of rain sweeping across the flats, but the owls don’t get to stay at home when the weather is bad, so we tried our luck. We got there and no one was around which is not common for Skagit. Despite this, we parked up alongside the marshes to see if anything moved.

A few minutes of nothing much and then a northern harrier appeared so things weren’t a total loss. However, we didn’t need to wait long and soon the owls were on the prowl. As is normally the case, they were keeping themselves a little away from where we were, but we had a good view of them. Then, one of them flew in close by and landed on a post in the ground directly across from the car. It really couldn’t have done a better job. I was able to get some shots of it sitting there in the rain with its wings slightly out – presumably because of the wet.

It sat there for a while and then it fluffed up the feathers to shake off the water before taking flight. This couldn’t have been better set up for mum to get her owl experience. We continued to have them flying around near us as they hunted but we never got so close again. Indeed, one of them repeated the post trick further down the road but I didn’t feel the need to dash down there. Besides, the rain was coming and going and, by jumping out to take pictures, I had got a little damp. At least I had a warm car to retreat to, unlike the damp owls!

Lovely Light if Only for One Day

I think it is safe to say that we have had a pretty gloomy winter in the Puget Sound region. The grey and damp conditions have predominated, which shouldn’t come as a great surprise since the area is rather known for that sort of thing. However, there are occasional days when the sun has shown itself and they are all the more special when they arrive as a result of their rarity. Even better, I was able to spend some time at Boeing Field on one day when the sun appeared. It was later in the day which, of course, is beneficial from the point of view of getting the better light. The flow was southerly, which is not the best since it is only sky-based shots rather than something with a background but, in the middle of winter, beggars can’t be choosers. Whether it was a Boeing Max on test of a Cirrus Vision, they looked great in the soft winter light.