Ten Submission Opportunities for WritersAbsolute XPress is looking for "quality novel and novella length science fiction, fantasy and horror submissions. Sub-genres of these categories are also acceptable. We also occasionally publish books on self-promotion, genre history and writing technique. Submissions for genre related books on self-promotion, history and writing technique are currently not open. Please query us first. We are not interested in young adult, erotica, romance, religious fiction, mystery, short stories, self help, general non-fiction or poetry. Manuscripts should be aimed at an older (aged 20 and up), well-read, mature audience. We work with new and established authors." Payment: royalty, length 50k-100k. Reprints: query, electronic submissions only, see guidelines for more details.
eTreasures Publishing is interested in "novels, collections; all genres (fic/poem)." Payment: eBook=35%, POD=15%. Length: 80-700 pages. Reprints okay, electronic submissions only, see guidelines for more details.
Pill Hill Press has a story contest for their
Flesh & Bone: Rise of the Necromancers anthology: "Send us your darkest, fiercest, most magical DARK FANTASY short story about necromancers and the undead rising...Stories can take place any time (past, present, future, alternate) at any place (Earth, Imaginary Places, Your Grandma's Kitchen Sink, etc.). Stories can be told from the perspective of good or evil or anywhere in between. Send your best effort. Only one short story per person will be considered for this contest. Final selections will be made after the deadline. Winners will be notified by email. We prefer stories in the 3,000-6,000 word range, though we will accept stories 2,000-10,000 words. Please do not enter stories under 2,000 words or over 10,000 words. Contest entries will be accepted until 31 July 2010." No reprints, electronic submissions only, Prizes: 1st Place - $125.00 + 1 contributor's copy of the book; 2nd Place - $50.00 + 1 contributor's copy of the book; 3rd Place - $25.00 + 1 contributor's copy of the book; Runners-up - 1 contributor's copy of the book, see guidelines for more details.
The 2010 Jim Baen Memorial Writing Contest is for "a short story of no more than 8,000 words, that shows the near future (no more than about 50-60 years out) of manned space exploration." Prizes: "The GRAND PRIZE winner will be published on the Baen Books main website and paid at the normal paying rates for professional story submittals. The author will also receive a specially designed award, free entry into the 2010 International Space Development Conference, a year's membership in the National Space Society ($45 level) and a prize package containing various Baen Books, Jim Baen's Universe and National Space Society merchandise. SECOND and THIRD place winners will receive a year's membership in the National Space Society ($45 level), and a prize package containing various Baen Books, Jim Baen's Universe and National Space Society merchandise." Deadline: April 1, 2010, see contest site for more details.
Lightspeed Magazine is a new monthly webzine looking for sf (fic/nonfic). Payment: new 5¢/word, reprints 1¢/word, length: 1k-7½k (prefers less than 5k); will be open for submissions as of January 1, 2010. Reprints okay, electronic submissions preferred (online form.) See guidelines for more details.
Microcosms is a "weekly twitter poetryzine" looking for sf/f/h (poem). Pay: $1 (PayPal only). Length: about 20 (<140 characters). Reprints okay, electronic submissions only, first reading period opens January 1, 2010.
Strange Horizons is a weekly webzine looking for SpecFic (fic/nonfic/poem/art.) Payment: fic=5¢/word; nonfic=<$50; poem=$20. Length: fic=<9k (prefers <5k), nonfic=2-5k (not firm). No reprints, electronic submissions via online form only, see guidelines for more details.
Pound Lit Press has an open call for its
Terminal Earth anthology: "Our world is about to end. Tell us a story with this as the backdrop. Make it intelligent, well-written fiction for grown-ups. Wander into genres of your choice, if it’s good it has a chance. Read the do-not-want list to avoid wasting your time. Obviously the theme of the collection tilts towards sci-fi, which we love, but it doesn’t have to be and non-sci-fi stories have a great chance of getting in. Be imaginative, be daring, be smart. You can tell us how the world ends, or you can just allude to it. What we're really interested in is what ordinary and extraordinary people will be doing as the last grains of sand run out." Length 3-6K. Payment: "The best story as judged by the editors will receive $25 and a copy of the paperback book. Two runners up will receive $10 and a copy of the paperback book. Everyone else accepted will receive $5 and a .pdf version of the book." No reprints, electronic submissions only, see guidelines for more details. Deadline: March 15, 2010.
Wily Writers needs stories for its biweekly webzine/audio; looking for sf/f/h/paranorm rom/adv (fic), current themes reading periods: Dec 20, 2009 - Jan 31, 2010 for Paranormal Romance (R rating limit); Jan 1, 2010 - Jan 31, 2010 for Twins! (any spec fic genre.) Payment: $50.00, length: 1-4k. Reprints okay, electronic submissions only, see guidelines for more details.
Writing Shift is a quarterly webzine looking for SpecFic/sf/h/f (fic/nonfic). Payment: $20.00, length: 1k-4k. Reprints okay, electronic subs only, see guidelines for more details. Deadline for submissions for April 2010 issue: March 1, 2010.
All of the above listings were found while sorting through the fabulous market listings at
Ralan's place.