Showing posts with label Grand Bois. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grand Bois. Show all posts

Friday, 22 September 2017

Ginrindo, Osaka

A visit to the amazing Ginrindo store in Osaka earlier this month...

The touring and randonneuring bike specialist shop is crammed full of stock, new and old...

A huge selection of parts...

And some absolutely beautiful bikes from builders including Sun XCD, Silk and Extar Proton...

And quite possibly the neatest ever parts section of any bike shop... 

On one side of the shop are these two cabinets...

Basically treasure chests, packed with vintage parts and accessories...

A truly wonderful shop. Make an effort to go there if you can, the owner is knowledgeable and super friendly and you'll spend hours there just marveling at all the gorgeous kit on display. You can keep up with the shop via their blog.

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Alex Singer Constructeur At Grand Bois

Absolutely stunning vintage Alex Singer Constructeur shot at the wonderful Cycles Grand Bois in Kyoto last month...

The details are just beautiful, these photos do not do justice to how gorgeous this bike is...

That chrome, that blue pin striping...

The drillium hubs...

The Stronglight cranks...

All the way down to the original Cyclo derailleur...

Follow Grand Bois on Instagram and Twitter.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Vintage Grand Bois Road Bike

Absolutely stunning five speed vintage road bike shot at the wonderful Grand Bois store in Kyoto earlier this month...

One of the great things about Grand Bois is that they still ride these bikes, they're not museum pieces, they're used regularly. The one was still sporting it's number from the recent Eroica race...

Wooden rims and Campagnolo rod shifters...

Follow Grand Bois via their Instagram and Twitter for more of this kind of thing.

Monday, 1 May 2017

F-i-N's Giant TCR

A few shots of F-i-N's rarely seen custom Giant TCR roadbike...

Looking especially sweet with a new pair of Grand Bois tyres...

Rolling on a Rolf Prima Vigor wheelset...

And rocking a new Thomson stem...

One of the nicest roadbikes in town, follow F-i-N on Instagram to see the bike in action.