Wednesday, August 30, 2017

70s Denim Dress

San Francisco fashion bloggerHow to style a denim dressCeline Caty sunglasses
Azalea denim midi dress
Sculptural hoop earrings, Celine Caty sunglasses
On Mallory: Azalea Denim Dress via Crossroads, c/o Furla Mini Metropolis Crossbody Bag, Mango hoop earrings (sold out), Oak + Fort Ball Ring (sold out), Zara lace-up flats (sold out), Celine Caty Sunglasses

Photos by Rene

I was torn on getting this dress, because I was worried I would look like a farmer or an auto-mechanic.  It had a lukewarm reception from those I asked opinions from on snapchat...but I do what I want.

I had been meaning to take in the giant bag of clothing I have been accumulating into Crossroads anyway, so I made myself a deal that if I sold some items, I would use the credit to get the dress. They only bought 4 items, but it was more than enough!

On Mallory:

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

#PutaScarfOnIt with Centinelle

On Mal: c/o Centinelle Acapulco on the Roof Bandana, H&M Oversized Sweatshirt and Eye Drop Earrings (old),  Levi's 721 SkinniesAkira Bow On Me Satin Flats, Gucci GG Marmont Mini Box Bag

On Whit: c/o Circus For Tigers Silk Medium Square Scarf,  c/o Margaret O'Leary Lattice Stitch Pullover (old), Cole Haan Oxfords, Mansur Gavriel Bucket Bag

Those of you who follow us on Instagram, you might have seen that my (Mal's) apartment was burglarized. They stole my bags (including the one shown here), some sunglasses, jewelry, and electronics. They stole the Nintendo Switch when I was almost done with Zelda! I never really considered someone stealing stuff from my wardrobe...I guess the thieves had good taste. Sigh.

Mostly it's shocking to know someone was in my home.  I'm not proud of how upset I was over losing some bags. If you follow this blog, you know we don't take buying 'investment' pieces like a ChloĆ© bag lightly. I consider every purchase I make seriously, and to have someone take away everything at once made me really sad. Even more so that every single one is sold out. But, as Whitney reminded me, things can be replaced (at least eventually), and I am glad we weren't home/didn't come home during the burglary.

I also am trying to remember that I don't know why this person (or persons), decided to turn to burglary. Might be a couple of thrill-seeking teenagers, or could be someone who really needs the money. Either way, I am sure they assumed that whatever they took I could afford to replace.  Losing some bags and accessories is really a #firstworldproblem, and I am just glad we are safe.

Shop Mal's Look:
Shop Whit's Look:

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Ninja Romper

Hey guys! It's seriously been a while..posing for outfit shots now feels so foreign to me that I only know how to laugh (not that I ever really knew how to begin with..).   I've been busy planning for a huge career change and recently took the first step.  I quit my job!  It feels exciting and scary at the same time.  More on this later...

Thursday, August 10, 2017

INSPO // WTF (Why the face)

ReadyTwoWear: Body silhouette blouse
ReadyTwoWear: face earrings ReadyTwoWear: Line drawing body print blouseReadyTwoWear: wire hand earringsReadyTwoWear: line drawing top

Have been really feeling this line drawing/abstract body-inspired trend.  I have been trying to find the shirts shown here but for the life of me cannot find them using my well-honed internet research skills (i.e. reverse google image search/keyword search on "line drawing body print shirt"). Someone help me out??

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Urban Hikes in Tieks

Okay, using the term 'urban hike' loosely.  

Last week I got called to jury duty and had to go in for selection.  Because selection was all day, we got an hour and a half off for lunch. The courthouse is right next to Lake Merritt, so I decided to walk around the lake to 19th street to meet up with my friends to eat (for those who are not from the East Bay that's about a mile if you walk lakeside). After lunch, I also walked back. 

Now, in normal, broken-in shoes, this walk is NBD. But on this day I was wearing my Tieks for the very first time. I figured it would be a good test of initial comfort. 

Basic overview of Tieks before I get to my thoughts:
  • Italian leather
  • Stretch opening
  • Split sole
  • Can be folded in half to fit in a bag
At the end of day 1, here is how my feet fared:
  • NO rubbing or chafing! I was a little worried about the stretchy top rubbing, but this was not the case. I would say they rub less than a flat that has a hard back and sides.
  • The bottoms of my feet were feeling good.  Most flats are just that...flat. Tieks' cushion sole really helped during the walk. Normally the ball of my foot is a bit sore after walking around all day, but the Tieks did a pretty good job preventing that.
  • The top of my big toes were feeling constricted.  The way these are sewn, the height of the toe area is pretty small. At the end of the day, they were feeling tight on the tops of my toes. However, I am not too worried about this...the shoes are leather and will stretch as I break them in. This was the least comfortable part of wearing these for the first time.
Overall, I think these are a good option for people who do a lot of walking/standing at work, or for traveling. Tieks are advertised as super comfortable, and they are...for flats. They are obviously not going to win out over sneakers, or boots for that matter. However, I would say that I haven't worn a flat that feels as comfortable. Other flats don't stay on as well (the stretch opening really makes sure they don't slip off) and don't have as thick a sole.  If you need some shoes that look fancier than sneakers while still being comfy, I would recommend these. I don't have this shown here, but my favorite part about these is that they fold up super small so you can throw them in your bag...definitely useful for when you need to change out of your heels!