Showing posts with label Paul Cooper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Cooper. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Date with Death! / Man Who Was Afraid!

The final two stories from the April 1952 issue of Astonishing #12 that I could've sworn I'd already posted here at THOIA (my records say I did, but neither are to be found in the archive?!) Sorry for the confusion. Anyway, this completes this issue, check the archive for Gene Colan's Torture Chamber, Horror Show, and Bill Everett's "A Playmate for Susan." Paul Cooper pencils with a question mark are credited to Man Who Was Afraid --I think that's a goddamn good guess, certainly looks like it to me. Anyone have any thoughts about the art on Date with Death?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Specters of the Dam

One more ACG tale from the brief, but very cool Skeleton Hand series, and this story, despite a few kookball moments, has some really slick, moody art from the boldly dynamic Paul Cooper (Lambiek has brief, but interesting notes on him HERE.) From the May-June 1953 issue of Skeleton Hand #5.

Vintage AD

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Murderous Mimics!

If it suddenly feels like the temperature just dropped below freezing around here it's because THOIA is taking you for a little wintery slayride into the most frigid, blue lipped, teeth chattering corners of frost bitten fear! Yes, for the next few posts you are going to feel the cold claws of Death chilling your spine and... oh whatever, you get the seasonal theme. And if todays story from the August 1952 issue of Beware #11 reminds you of John W. Campbell's awesome sci-fi horror classic "Who Goes There?" then you my friend win a snowcone from outer space.

PS: I really like Paul Cooper's work on this story, and hope you do too. I have a half dozen other stories by him in my collection and would love to do a Coop feature maybe later next month. In the meantime, read another great variation on John W. Campbell's "Who Goes There?" in the THOIA Archive, it's---
The Beast From Beyond!

Christmas came a few days late this year, but by the eternal powers of darkness was it ever worth it! Find out what it is, and how it came to be, this gorgeously rendered art addition now gracing the shadowy, weird walls within creepy Karswell Manor! Click HERE!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Down in the Cellar

No doubt today’s tale is by Paul Cooper, there’s his signature right in the splash. But the Atlas Tales page lists Matt Fox with a question mark so can someone explain this (Ger?) Maybe Cooper penciled and Fox inked? [That's the guess. -- Nequam] There is a definite Fox vibe here in places, most notably the creepy shrunken head and other random detail. Okay whatever, time to read a classic tale of terror, and for those still in the game its Lyric Challenge, Day Four! Begin!

From the Sept 1952 issue of Adventures into Weird Worlds #10