Showing posts with label Ziff-Davis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ziff-Davis. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2019

Perfect Hideout! / Preview of Death

The Ziff-Davis Winter 1951 one-shot, Eerie Adventures #1 has some frightfully fun stuff in it. Most notably this 5-page tale of mad science miscalculation and murder which we also featured in Haunted Horror #18 back in 2015. Realizing that I've never posted anything from this issue here at THOIA over the years though, I thought we'd give this one another looksie, and even round it out with a one page quickie (from the same Eerie issue), with a spooky story that borrows just a wee bit from E. F. Benson's classic, The Bus Conductor. "Just room for one inside, sir..." 


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Fatal Note!

Another dreadfully drenched tale of death and drama (and sweat beads) on the high seas, from the Ziff-Davis summer 1952 issue of Nightmare #1. Real nice art by Syd Shores, with a possible sweat bead assist from Rudy Palais (just joking.) Sweat beads-- the beads of sweat!

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Tunnel of Horror

I'm always surprised that there aren't more precode horror stories about haunted dark rides or tunnels of love type spook house terror attractions. There are a few, of course, but still the subject matter alone seems like the perfect no-brainer setting for many a comic book tale or movie. Anyway, here's a somewhat short but sinisterly sweet one from the Summer 1952 debut issue of Nightmare #1.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Murderer's Mask

Getting back into the swing of 1950's precode Golden Age horror with a short but interesting one featuring some nicely detailed art by Mean Gene Colan. From the Winter 1951 issue of Weird Thrillers #2, and highlighted by a gorgeously painted cover by Allen Anderson.

Friday, December 25, 2015

The Soul of Benjamin Sprague

A chilly Christmas classic from the THOIA archive returns, originally presented in Weird Thrillers #3 from 1952, and this one highlighted by a terrific terror team-up of pencil and ink artistry-- including Howard Nostrand, Martin Epp, and clearly Bob Powell!

Happy Horrordays, everyone!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Soul of Benjamin Sprague

Happy Xmas Eve(L) everyone! To those of you still at work and pulling a half day, or those of you already at home and wrapping presents (or murdering Gingerbread men with your teeth), here’s my present to you, from the Winter/Spring 1952 issue of Weird Thrillers #3. This Trading Places-esque tale by Bob Powell was actually already featured over at The Fortress last week (the indentical St. John Nightmare #13 reprint version from ‘53), but since I already had the original Weird Thrillers version scanned I’m gonna go ahead and post it here anyway for those that missed it.

I sincerely hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday… and remember, he sees you when you're sleeping...

TOMORROW: More ghosts! More Bob Powell too (I think...)


Vintage Xmas AD


Vault of Xmas Card

THOIA reader Squa Tront (aka Paul Beatless of Eastleigh England) sends a phantasmically chilling, personalized holiday greeting to each and every Pre-Coder out there. But dare I say Old Boy; I think we’ve always known what you look like under the Santa mask--- AIEEEEE!!

Thanks again Squa, and another screaming round of good cheer to everyone! AIEEEE!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Monster and the Model

Today’s post comes from the Sept-Oct 1951 issue of Weird Thrillers #1 and features a cool ‘n creepy, and rare, photo cover of Rondo Hatton (so says Overstreet but it sure doesn’t look like Rondo to me.) If you like stories where a dill weed cop says stuff like “holy mackerel!” in the face of evil, then you’ll find this one to be a fun and mildly spooky cracker jack of a tale, playing out more like a Lance Storm or Dr. 13 horror / crime adventure. Enjoy!

PS: Has today's cover mystery "monster" indentity been solved? Read the comment from Habakkuk Zylbyrbutz in the Saturday Nov 22 comments and tell us what you think.

TOMORROW: Speaking of Lance Storm, Brian Hirsch takes the horror reins this weekend and brings you 2 days of terrorific posts, including Lance Storm in Séance of Horror! Plus, a creepy severed hand tale from an early issue of Horrific. And just cuz Karswell’s taking a mini-vacation doesn’t mean you should miss ‘em!


And head over to Chuck’s Comic Book Catacombs sometime today for Sandflower of Venus, a THOIA submitted tale featuring some gorgeous artwork and tons o'swashbuckling action and chills! It’s also from the Sept-Oct 1951 issue of Weird Thrillers #1!

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Devil from the Deep

We’re kicking things off in August with an unusual and grisly mermaid tale from the short lived Ziff-Davis Nightmare series. And please, click the GCD issue link below so you can drool over the gorgeously painted cover art by Walter Popp.

From the Fall 1952 issue of Nightmare #2


Wow! Speaking of mer-people, another THOIA shirt photo was discovered washed ashore today. Pre-code horror fans apparently come in not only all shapes, sizes and sex, but from all depths too!

Say hello to Davey Jones for us, oh kind, creepy mer-person...

And recently I noticed Halloween goodies already on the shelves in various stores around here in STL, seems kind of early but who the heck’s complaining. So to jump the gun like everyone else I’ll be posting classic Halloween mask ads for the first week of August here too, and I’ll even keep them within the theme of that day’s story post, what the heck. I guess three months ain’t that far away, and what’s good for the mer-people is good enough for us surface dwelling air breathers as well.