Begonia Fragrant Falls
The blooms are a cheery lemon yellow with just a touch of peachy pink. They are suited to container growing and for hanging-baskets. Begonia Fragrant Falls Peach White Flower Farm Begonia Fragrant The flowers are delicately fragrant. Begonia fragrant falls . Tuberous begonias are frost-tender and need to be lifted and over-wintered in a frost-free place so are often grown as annuals. Fragrant Falls Lemon Tuberous Begonia Plants bring luxurious fragrant blooms that spill over the sides of containers and hanging baskets. Begonia Fragrant Fountains is a vigorous tuberous begonia bearing masses of double flowers in warm shades of apricot yellow orange and pink on trailing stems. Begonia Fragrant Falls Lemon Trailing begonia Fragrant Falls Lemon Tuberous begonias are grown for their bright colours and long flowering season. Like all begonias Fragrant Falls has astonishing staying power flowering throughout summer and well into autumn. Just when we thought begonias couldnt get m...